CBSE Class 3 Social Science Worksheet Set I

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 3 Social Science Worksheet Set I. Students and teachers of Class 3 Social Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 3 Social Science All Chapters in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 3 students should practice questions and answers given here for Social Science in Class 3 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 3 Social Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Social Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 3 Social Science All Chapters

Class 3 Social Science students should download to the following All Chapters Class 3 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 3 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 3 Social Science Worksheet for All Chapters

Public Agenda
Population Related Issues
Combating HIV/AIDS
The words HIV and AIDS are names given for a virus and a disease respectively. HIV is a virus which causes a disease called AIDS. In its full name, the epidemic disease is called HIV/AIDS.
The virus (HIV) is transmitted in four major ways. These are:
→ Sexual intercourse with a person affected by HIV/AIDS.
→ Transfusion of infected blood (Transfusion means transferring the blood of one person to another for medical purpose).
→ Transmission from mother affected by HIV/AIDS to her child before or after birth.
→ Infected blood in or on needles, syringes or other skin piercing instruments.
• HIV/AIDS is the epidemic causing high deaths in Ethiopia and other countries of Eastern Africa.
• It is the causes of economic and social problems. It kills young, educated and skilled people. This affects the development of a country. The death of parents disrupts a family life. This creates many orphans or children without parents.
What Ways are Helpful to Fight against HIV/AIDS?
• There are some diseases which have no vaccine or medical treatment to cure them. Like cancer and diabetes, HIV/AIDs does not have medical treatment that reduces or slows down the growth of virus in the blood cells. But the best option is taking preventive measures against the epidemics.
The fight against HIV/AIDS must begin from individual persons. Individuals to be careful in order to protect theirself from HIV/AIDS. Care must be taken when establishing sexual relationship. One such care is
→ Avoiding unsafe sexual practices.
→ Avoid sexual relationships before marriage.
→ To be loyal to their partners.
→ Using condom is another preventive way.
• Three preventive mechanisms can be summarized. One is totally avoiding sexual practice. The second is limiting oneself to only one partner and to be loyal to that partner. The third is using condom. The three mechanisms are generally called the ABC rules. The three letters stand for the three terms that describe each of the preventive mechanisms
Table 4.1 explains the meaning of the ABC rules.

Grade 6 S.S 1

* People have to know clearly ways in which the epidemic is not transmitted.
- You cannot be infected by living or sitting together or shaking hands with people affected by the virus.
- Kissing, touching, sharing the same toilet rooms and drinking vessels and Mosquitoes do not transmit HIV/AIDS.
Lack of knowledge about the nature of the epidemic is the source of stigma and discrimination. So, raising community awareness about the epidemic is important not to stigmatize and discriminate people affected by HIV/AIDS.
As responsible citizens, you are required to provide care and support to families or peoples with HIV/AIDS. The convenient ways of doing this is through the participation in HIV/AIDS clubs. Such can give care and support in an organized and planned way based on local situations. In general, however, you can help in washing household utensils and cleaning houses. You can attend and frequently visit so as to help them fight loneliness.
Lesson 4.2
Rapid Population Growth
• It is a serious problem particularly in less developed countries of Eastern Africa.
• Population growth means increase in the number of people in a given locality, country or region. But when we add the word "rapid" means fast increase in the number of people.

Table 4.2 Ethiopia population

Grade 6 S.S 2

Source: National Population Censuses of 1984, 1994 and 2007 (G.C)
→ In a span of only 25 years, Ethiopia’s population has doubled
• Increase in the number of people raises additional demands on various means of life. But means of life does not grow in the same rate as population grows. This is particularly true in the less developed countries.
Rapid population growth is the source of several problems. These problems are
a) .Shortage of food leads to hunger and malnutrition. This in turn causes diseases to spread out.
b). It is difficult to provide fresh and clean water for rapidly growing population.
c) rapidly growing Cities and rural villages.
d) deforestation, soils to erosion, drought and famine.
* Two solutions are often suggested. One is to increase the economic capacity of a country to
enable it to support its population. The second is to limit rapid population growth. But
realizing such solutions is difficult even in well developed countries.
Lesson 4.3
Children's Rights and Their Safety
The reason is that the future of a country depends on the children of today. Every community wants to see better society and country in the future. But the prospect of having better society and country in the future depends on the possible ways you and other children are prepared for tomorrow’s responsibility. There are three important possible ways of doing this.
1. Protecting your rights
2. Ensuring your safety
3. Accomplishing your duties and responsibilities
Protecting your rights
The following are your most important basic rights.
→ The right to get name and nationality from the time of your birth.
→ You have to get opportunities and facilities that enable you to develop physically,mentally and socially.
→ You shall enjoy the benefits of social security.
→ You have to get free and compulsory primary education.
→ Children who are physically, mentally and socially handicapped are entitled to special treatment, education and care.
→ You have to get protection against all forms of neglect, cruelty and exploitation. You shall not be admitted to employment before reaching an appropriate age .
• The government of your country is responsible for protecting your rights. It may do this in many ways. The first is giving legal cover to the protection of your rights. In Ethiopia, for example, your rights are declared in the country’s constitution. Article 36 of the 1995 constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia deals with your rights.
• There are also international organizations concerned with children's rights of your age. Three of these organizations are the most important. They are called United Nations, UNICEF and UNESCO. Almost all countries of the world are members of the United Nations. This organization has issued a proclamation meant to protect your rights at international level. The proclamation was issued in 1959.
• UNICEF and UNESCO are agencies working under United Nations organization. In particular UNICEF is an international organization entirely concerned with your affairs. UNICEF means United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.
→ This organization has branches in a number of countries. It works to promote the protection of your rights.
• UNESCO is also an abbreviated word. It means United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. This organization works to ensure better education for you, children. Both UNESCO and UNICEF have declarations dealing with your rights.
• Various kinds of child abuses are committed in eastern Africa. Example
c Children trafficking in order to sale them as house servants or for sexual abuse.
→  Abduction which is common in our own country.
→  Employing children’s as soldiers
Lesson 4.4
Escaping Strategies
How to Escape from Abuses and Violations
Children are also responsible for securing their rights. Children should be alert and assertive in situations. Most violators are cheaters. Therefore children:-
→  Avoid accepting gifts from someone who is not familiar to you.
→  Inform your parents immediately when you meet strange conditions.
→  Whenever possible report to police or adults when violations occur.
→  Whenever you are asked for hard labour, tell politely that you are not mature enough to do it.
→  Say “no!” to peer pressure.
→  Getting away from risky area also helps escape violations.
Violations against Children Rights in Ethiopia
→  Most of the factors for violation of children rights in Ethiopia are related to economic and social backwardness.
→  , families want to use this child labour to increase their income. This hinders children from going to school. Even those who have already gone to school do not complete their education. They are absent from schools whenever their family requires their labour.
→  In socially backward countries most people are illiterate. Among such societies, there is a problem of harmful traditional practices. These practices can be divided into two. Those related to marriage and those related to your upbringing.
There are also other kinds of violations against children rights. One of them is child labour abuse. Both in rural and urban areas, there are wide spread child labour abuses.
→  Poor families allow their children to tend cattle for well to do families. But the payment is unfair.
→  In urban areas also child labour is exploited. Children of your age are hired to do house hold activities, for meager payment/unsatisfactory pyment.

Question. The part of the earth which faces the sun has
(a) day
(b) night
(c) day and night
(d) none of the above
Answer: A

Question. The part of the earth which does not face the sun has
(a) day
(b) night
(c) day and night
(d) none of the above
Answer: B

Question. The earth gets its light from the
(a) moon
(b) sun
(c) satellite
(d) other planets.
Answer: B

Question. Time taken by the earth to complete one revolution is
(a) 24 hours
(b) 7 days
(c) 365 ¼ days
(d) 2 years
Answer: C

Question. What helps to burn the sugar in our body ?
(a) carbon dioxide
(b) protein
(c) blood
(d) oxygen
Answer: D

Question. Total number of bones present in a human body?
(a) 206
(b) 204
(c) 202
(d) 203
Answer: A

Question. What is the skeletal system?
(a) All bones in the body
(b) All the muscles
(c) All the body’s organs
(d) All bones and tissues
Answer: A

Question. The hollow space in the middle of bones is filled with_______________________
(a) air
(b) blood
(c) bone cells
(d) bone marrow
Answer: D

Question. Where does food pass through between the mouth and the stomach?
(a) rectum
(b) small intestine
(c) large intestine
(d) oesophagus
Answer: D

Question. The blood vessels taking blood away from the heart are called
(a) veins
(b) arteries
(c) fibers
(d) nerves
Answer: B

Question. Which describe the spinal cord exactly.
(a) bone
(b) nerve
(c) muscle
(d) cells
Answer: B

Question. Skull protects the __________________________
(a) internal organs
(b) brain
(c) bones
(d) blood
Answer: B

Question. Which is not a function of sense organ
(a) seeing
(b) touching
(c) moving
(d) Hearing
Answer: C

Question. Waste removed by the circulatory system are disposed through
(a) lungs
(b) bowels
(c) kidneys
(d) liver
Answer: C

Question. Which of the following does not manufacture digestive juices?
(a) liver
(b) kidneys
(c) stomach
(d) pancreas
Answer: B

Question. ________ produce insulin, a substance that helps to regulate the level of sugar in the blood.
(a) pancreas
(b) liver
(c) kidney
(d) stomach
Answer: A

Question. Nerve impulses are carried from the eye to the brain through ______
(a) veins
(b) nerves
(c) tissues
(d) arteries
Answer: B

Question. Our taste buds taste _______________________
(a) sweet, salty, sour, and bitter foods.
(b) nothing
(c) juicy foods.
(d) dry foods
Answer: A

Question. Our _______________________gets messages from our senses to tell us what we see, smell, hear or feel
(a) stomach
(b) brain
(c) heart
(d) hair
Answer: B

Question. What happens when you breathe in
(a) diaphragm expands and ribcage contract
(b) diaphragm contract and ribcage expands
(c) no change
(d) diaphragm and ribcage relaxes
Answer: B

Question. Air enters your lungs through _____________________
(a) wind pipe
(b) esophagus
(c) alveoli
(d) mouth
Answer: A

Question. Are there muscles in your eyes?
(a) no
(b) yes
(c) only when asleep
(d) only when awake
Answer: B

Question. What makes bones so strong?
(a) silica
(b) cartilage
(c) calcium
(d) blood marrow
Answer: C

Question. When you breath out , what gas does your body get rid of?
(a) nitrogen
(b) oxygen
(c) carbon dioxide
(d) both and carbon dioxide
Answer: C

A. New words:- ( Write these words twice)
1. Continents
2. Populated
3. Bay of Bengal
4. Arabian Sea
5. Central Government
6. Election
7. Union Territories
8. President
9. Rashtrapati Bhavan
10. Governor

B. Define these terms:-
a public official with the power to govern the executive branch
Territories- an area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state.

B. Answer the following questions:-

Q1. Write the names of any five neighbouring countries of India.
Five neighbouring countries of India are- Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and China.

Q2. Which are the two types of government in our country?
There are two types of government of in India Central government and State government.

Q3. Why is our country divided into states?
India is a big country so that it is not possible for a single government and solve the problems of all the people. Therefore , after independence our country divided into states.

Q4. How are Union different from states?
Union territories are governed by the central government , where as states are governed by the state government.

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Worksheet for CBSE Social Science Class 3 All Chapters

We hope students liked the above worksheet for All Chapters designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 3 Social Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 3 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 3 Social Science on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Social Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 3 Social Science to develop the Social Science Class 3 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 3 Social Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 3 Social Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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Yes, provides all latest NCERT All Chapters Class 3 Social Science test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 3 Social Science All Chapters worksheets?

CBSE Class 3 Social Science All Chapters worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 3 Social Science scores?

Regular practice with Class 3 Social Science worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.