CBSE Class 3 Social Science Worksheet Set D

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 3 Social Science Worksheet Set D. Students and teachers of Class 3 Social Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 3 Social Science All Chapters in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 3 students should practice questions and answers given here for Social Science in Class 3 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 3 Social Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Social Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 3 Social Science All Chapters

Class 3 Social Science students should download to the following All Chapters Class 3 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 3 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 3 Social Science Worksheet for All Chapters

Question. ------------ are teethless animals.
(a) birds
(b) reptiles
(c) amphibians
(d) all of these.
Answer: A

Question. ---------- is a bird which fly over great distances.
(a) pigeon
(b) pelican
(c) penguin
(d) sparrow
Answer: A

Question. ------- is a bird having sharp eyes to locate its prey.
(a) vulture
(b) eagle
(c) kite
(d) all of these
Answer: D

Question. -------- is a bird having short and horney beak
(a) peacock
(b) finch
(c) sparrow
(d) all of these
Answer: D

Question. Birds having hard and curved beaks eats ------------
(a) flesh
(b) fruits
(c) nuts
(d) water animals
Answer: C

Question. ---------------- is a bird having long sticky tongue.
(a) pigeon
(b) woodpecker
(c) hen
(d) eagle
Answer: B

Question. ----------------- flies with their beaks wide open.
(a) crows
(b) pigeon
(c) peacock
(d) swallow
Answer: D

Question. ------------ is a wading bird.
(a) crane
(b) heron
(c) paddy bird
(d) all of these
Answer: D

Question. The beak of ----- has tiny holes along the edge.
(a) crane
(b) sparrow
(c) parrot
(d) duck
Answer: D

Question. Woodpecker eats ------
(a) seeds
(b) nuts
(c) wood
(d) insects
Answer: D

Question. ---------- uses its beaks to climb on trees.
(a) sparrow
(b) crow
(c) owl
(d) parrot
Answer: D

Question. ------- catches hundreds of flies and insects which stick inside their mouth while flying
(a) crane
(b) sparrow
(c) swallow
(d) woodpecker
Answer: C

Question. Kite has ------- beak.
(a) strong hooked
(b) sharp pointed
(c) short pointed
(d) none of these
Answer: A

Question. --------- has soft and broad beak.
(a) eagle
(b) swallow
(c) hoope
(d) duck
Answer: B

Question. -------has long, slender beak.
(a) eagle
(b) swallow
(c) hoope
(d) sparrow
Answer: C

Question. -------has broad and flat beak.
(a) kites
(b) hen
(c) parrot
(d) duck
Answer: D

Question. ------ has short and hard beak.
(a) hoope
(b) sparrow
(c) swallow
(d) gull
Answer: B

Question. ----------- is a flightless bird.
(a) kiwi
(b) emu
(c) kassovary
(d) all of these
Answer: D

Question. ---------is a waterbird
(a) duck
(b) gull
(c) crane
(d) all of these
Answer: D

Question. ----------is known as lazybird.
(a) sparrow
(b) koel
(c) swallow
(d) duck
Answer: B

Question. The food eaten by birds having short and hard beak is ------
(a) grains
(b) insects
(c) hardfruits
(d) flesh
Answer: A

Question. The food eaten by birds with sharp strong pointed beak is -----------
(a) flesh
(b) insects
(c) water animals
(d) food grains
Answer: B

Question. -----------------is a bird having no wings.
(a) hen
(b) duck
(c) kiwi
(d) penguin
Answer: C

Question. Vultures --------------
(a) fly at great heights
(b) eat flesh
(c) have very sharp eyes
(d) all of these
Answer: D

Population Issues
HIV/AIDS and Harmful Traditional Practice
It is a fast spreading epidemic disease in the Horn of Africa. HIV/AIDS ranks among the diseases causing high deaths in the region. It is lack of vaccine or medical treatment for the epidemic. HIV/AIDS is not curable like cancer and diabetes. But it has a vaccine that prevents the prevalence of the virus in the blood. Like the aforementioned diseases, a person infected with HIV virus can prolong his/her life by using the ART vaccine.
The words HIV and AIDS are short names for a virus and a disease. HIV is the name of a virus that causes a disease called AIDS. An infected person can live for long period of time with the virus showing no outwardly visible symptom. But when symptoms begin to show up it is the stage of AIDS. That means the infected person is an AIDS patient.
Harmful Traditional Practices
Traditional practices are part of the culture of a given society. They refer to ways of doing certain things of life which are common among the society for long period of time.
For example, a traditional practice can be related to child rearing. It can be the way in which a sick child is treated or marriages are conducted.
Some practices are harmful both to the individuals who practice them and to the society at large. They may cause permanent pain or death. Harmful traditional practices are mostly based on wrong beliefs. Do you know that there are numerous harmful traditional practices in Ethiopia and the Horn? The following table gives some of the practices which are common in the region.

 Grade 5 S.S. Social Studies 1

Grade 5 S.S. Social Studies 2

Grade 5 S.S. Social Studies 3

Transmission of HIV/AIDS Related to Harmful Traditional Practices
→ HIV/AIDS is transmitted from one person to another in four main ways; namely:
→  Unprotected sexual intercourse.
→  Blood transfusion. This means taking or giving blood for medical treatment.
From mother who lives with HIV/AIDS to her child before or after birth.
→  Sharing skin piercing tools like needle.
→  HIV/AIDS is not transmitted from one person to another by :-
→  living or sitting together
→  Shaking hands with persons affected by the virus.
→  Sharing toilets and vessels,
→  mosquito bites
So, it is necessary not to stigmatize or discriminate persons affected by the virus.
How do Harmful Traditional Practices Expose People to HIV/AIDS?
→  In both abduction and early marriage, there is high risk of exposure to HIV/AIDS.
→  The remaining harmful traditional practices share one common feature. They involve cutting or piercing human skin. So fighting against harmful traditional practices is fighting against HIV/AIDS. 
Impact of HIV/AIDS Resulting in Orphanage and Street Life 
→ HIV/AIDS mostly young people with education and skills. Loss of such people affects economic growth of a country. Persons affected by the virus need medicine which is very expensive. 
→ The death of parents is a source of different social problems. It leaves many children orphaned or with a single parent. The orphans also need a community support. This may be additional economic burden to the community. In the absence of community support, the children may turn to street life. In short, HIV/AIDS is the source of complex problems which affect the economic and social development in the Horn.
Impact of Rapid Population Growth 
What is population growth? 
→ Population growth refers to increase in the number of peoples living in a specific place or country. 
→ There was rapid population growth in Ethiopia during the last three decades. This was known from censuses conducted three times during those decades. The first was in 1984. In that year the total population was 42, 184,952. The second was made in 1994. At the time Ethiopian population grew to 53,764,421. The last census was in 2007. This time the Ethiopian population rose to 73,918,508. It is understandable from the three censuses that Ethiopia’s population has the fastest rates of increase. 
→ This is what we call rapid population growth. 
How does Population Growth Cause Scarcity of Social Services? 
Population means all people living in a country at a given time. For example, in 1984, Ethiopia's population was 42,184,952. This figure rose, in 2010, to 88,013,491. That means in a matter of 26 years, Ethiopia's population has more than doubled. In that case the country's economy has no capacity to support additional people. The result is shortage of social services.
Scarcity of Social Services 
What are social services? 
Those services which government provides to all members of its community are called social services. There are different kinds of social services. For example: - 
1, Health service. Providing health service requires building hospitals, health centers and clinics and training persons who provide the service. 
2, Education: - this service requires building schools, training teachers and preparing text books as well as related materials. 
Other social services include housing, and the provision of pure water and electricity. 
The cost of providing social services is very expensive. This problem becomes worse when there is rapid population growth. As the population doubled, the services must also be doubled. But the country's economy did not grow in the same rate as population. Therefore, it is difficult for the country to provide sufficient social services. As a result, there will be scarcity of social services. 
Shortage of Farmland 
Population growth raises many demands. One is land. People need land on of the country is the same which to live and work. In our case, the work is of two kinds, farming and livestock breeding. But population results in shortage of land for farming and grazing. 
Shortage of land causes various other problems. One is decrease in agricultural crops. 
This causes shortage of food. Shortage of land also growth causes environmental degradation. In search of land, people ruthlessly cut down trees and forests. This causes soil erosion and drought which leads to famine. Thus, we can conclude that population growth raises complex problems that affect every sector of life. 
In the case of Ethiopia, the impact of population growth is visible in two major ways. That is scarcity of social services and shortage of farmland. 
Good Governance .What institutions exist in your village? 
There are different institutions in your village. The most common are school, woreda administration and police station. 
The woreda administration provides such services as housing and land to build houses or for cultivation. 
The police station keeps peace and security of your village. 
The most important function of your school is conducting teaching learning process. This function is based on rules and regulations. 
School functions are performed by unit leaders, homeroom teachers, and subject teachers. There are also people in the administrative services. These include director/directress, deputy director/directress, cashier, record officer, unit leader, homeroom teachers and guards. 
There are rules regulations that guide students’ behavior in the school premises. The rules and regulations ensure peace and security of each student. School rules and regulations help create suitable environment for conducting the teaching-learning process in the school. 
What is good governance? 
Good governance has certain basic features. 
Director/directress, deputy directors/directress, unit leaders, homeroom teachers, subject teachers and members of school administration are responsible to low or higher authority for their decisions or actions. In case their decisions or actions are against law or rules and regulations, they are liable for punishment. The practice of accountability is one feature of good governance. 
Every decision and action of directors/directress and other persons in school leadership have to be clearly known to members of school community or to the higher authority. 
Avoiding corruption 
Corruption is a harmful practice. It affects the country, the community and every individual. 
Corruption means misuse of authority or decision making position for personal benefit. 
Corruption has different forms. 
→ Bribery is the most important form of corruption.- 
→ Doing favor to ones relative or intimate friend is another form. 
→ Unfair practice of giving or taking services as well as employing ones relative by denying the opportunity to others who are even more capable or fit. 
Children’s Rights 
→ The following are your basic rights. 
→ You have the right to get name and nationality from the time of birth. 
→ You have the right to receive free and compulsory elementary education. 
→ Children of your age who are physically, mentally and socially handicapped have to receive special treatment, education and care. 
You have to get opportunities and facilities that enable you to develop physically, mentally and socially. 
√ You are protected against all forms of neglect, cruelty and exploitation. 
√  You have the right to be free from corporal or physical punishment. 
You are not admitted to employment before reaching a mature age.
Who protects Children’s right? 
There are different institutions which are concerned with the protection of children rights. 
* International organizations known as UNESCO and UNICEF are institutions that work for the protection of children rights. In Ethiopia your rights are protected by law. 
• All basic rights listed above are declared in article 36 of the 1995 Federal Constitution of Ethiopia. 
• The Ministry of Children’s, Women’s and Youth Affairs makes sure that your rights are respected 
Accident and Safety 
Accidents are preventable. 
• Wherever human activities take place, there is potential risk of accident. 
• One can meet accident in home areas, in school grounds, in the street or on the high ways. 
• Accidents are also many and diverse. 
• In our country the following are the most important sources of accidents in both urban and rural areas. 
* Vehicle * Floods 
* Fire     * Hostile animals 
Each year thousands of people are killed and wounded in automobile accidents. Parts of the victims are pedestrians or persons walking in streets. Accidents are not beyond human control. They are preventable. Accidents occur because of ignorance and lack of concern for others’ wellbeing. 
There is a popular slogan which can be taken as a safety rule where one lives. Here it is: 
Watch your step, be careful, think, then do! 
Traffic Rules 
→ Always use the pavements or sideways assigned for pedestrians. 
→ Take the extreme left side of the road. Walking in that position enables you to follow the movement of automobiles coming towards you. 
→ When crossing streets, first see carefully both the right and left sides of the road. 
→ Never cross streets behind or in front of a standing vehicle. In either direction you cannot see in distance automobiles moving towards you. 
→Always cross along the narrowest street. It is also important to use zebra crossings when these are available. 
→ Respect traffic lights for people. The red says stop and the green says go. 
→ Do not play along the road. 
→ Do not cross the road in risky places. 
Fire causes: much destruction in life and material. The accident may occur in home areas and outside home areas. Again, ignorance and lack of concern initiate most fire accidents. In home, fire is caused by mishandling of easily flammable materials. For example, petroleum products and dry woods are easily flammable materials. 
They must be kept away from where fire is used for domestic purpose. Carelessly tossed match sticks, large fire made outdoors and hot charcoals may ignite fire outside home areas.
When fire starts: - 
1, Getting out of its reach very quickly. 
2, Do not be nervous 
3, Do not try to save assets and belongings. 
4, If your cloth catches on fire never run. Running will worsen the fire. 
5, Drop to the floor and roll back and forth and cover your face with your hands 
6, Cool the burn and call for help 
Floods are a potential source of accident. In rainy seasons streams become full of floods. Gullies and low grounds can also be flooded. Floods are mostly temporary incidents. But they cause much destruction. When you see flood you have to take the following actions. 
A, first run away from the river side. 
B, never play near flood areas. 
C, never try to swim in flood water 
D, Do not cross the river before the flood goes down. 
Hostile animals: - animal such as dogs are also dangerous. If they are infected with rabies, their bite may cause infectious disease called rabies. In case such an accident occurs, one has to quickly get medical treatment. 
Wild animals can also be a source of fatal danger. In rural areas and in small rural towns, wild animals can be met moving at night. Even in the day time leopards, foxes, hyenas and monkeys can be met in forest and grassland areas. So, you have to keep away yourself from dangerous animals. One way of doing this is asking adults of your village to tell you as to how to keep yourself away from the dangers caused by wild animals.
Accident: unexpected event that results in damage, injury or upset of something. 
Accountability: the state of being responsible. 
Bully: person who uses his strength or power to frighten or hurt those who are weaker. 
Corruption: dishonesty or illegal behavior mainly of people in authority. 
Epidemic: fast spreading disease. 
Governance: the activity or manner of governing; government.
Harmful traditional practices: common practices in social life which are considered 
dangerous to the wellbeing of a given society. 
Orphan: a child who has lost his/her parents or animal kids whose parents are not with them.

Population: people living in given areas. Responsibility: the sate of being answerable to somebody. Rule of law: law by which every decision and action are checked and controlled. Safety: freedom from danger. Scarcity: shortage Social Service: Service for welfare of community Transparency: the state or quality of being transparent (clear); openness Virus: is a microscopic parasitic particle which causes disease

Q.1 Fill in the blanks. 
(1) The Amar Jawan Jyoti is at ________________ .
(2) _______________ hoists the National flag at Red fort.
(3) Delhi is situated along the bank of the river _____________ .
(4) Delhi was rebuilt by _____________ .
(5) Delhi has ______________ climate.
(6) The city of Delhi is believed to be ______________ .

Q-2 Tick ( ) the correct one. P
(1) The offices of other countries are known as (Embassies / South Black).
(2) The President's office is in (South Block / Rasthrapati Bhavan).
(3) Delhi was planned by (Shahajahan / Edward Lutyens).
(4) The hot and dry wind that blows in summer is called. (Breeze / Loo).

Q.3 Match the following. 
          (A)                               (B)                          (Ans.)
(1) Amar Jawan Jyoti  (a) South Black           (1 - ____ )
(2) Santi Van               (b) India Gate             (2 - ____ )
(3) Raj Ghat                (c) Jawaharlal Nehru (3 - ____ )
(4) Prime Minister       (d) Mahatma Gandhi  (4 - ____ )

Q.4 Who am I ?
(1) I was the first city in India to have Metro. _____________________
(2) I am made from red sandstone. ________________
(3) I have one of the most beautiful garden, the Mughal garden. ___________
(4) I am the most beautiful and attractive temple in Delhi. _____________

Q.5 Answer the following questions. 

(1) When and by whom is the National flag hoisted at Red fort ?
Ans. :

(2) Which two cities are included in Delhi ?
Ans. :

Give one word answer:-
1. This is the main festival of Kolkata . __________________
2. Many people in Kohima speaks this language. __________________
3. Bhubaneswar is the capital of this state. __________________
4. Guwahati is situated along the banks of this river. __________________
5. Mahant Ghasidas Memorial museum is in this city. _________________
6. Hundru falls are in this city. __________________

Write true/ False:-
1. Kolkata is one of the major ports of India.
2. People speak Marathi in Bhubaneswar.
3. The Kamakhya temple is in Guwahati
4. The hornbill festivals is celebrated in Nagaland.
5. Japfu peak is in Ranchi.

Match the columns:-
1. Vidyasagar setu     a. Nagaland
2. Udayagiri Caves    b. Chhattisgarh
3. Bihu                       c. Odisha
4. Mahanadi river      d. Assam
5. Angami                  e. West Bengal

Worksheet for CBSE Social Science Class 3 All Chapters

We hope students liked the above worksheet for All Chapters designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 3 Social Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 3 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 3 Social Science on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Social Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 3 Social Science to develop the Social Science Class 3 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 3 Social Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 3 Social Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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Yes, provides all latest NCERT All Chapters Class 3 Social Science test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

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CBSE Class 3 Social Science All Chapters worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 3 Social Science scores?

Regular practice with Class 3 Social Science worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.