CBSE Class 8 Science Pollution Of Air And Water Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 8 Science Pollution Of Air And Water Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 8 Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 8 Science Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 8 students should practice questions and answers given here for Science in Class 8 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 8 Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 8 Science Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water

Class 8 Science students should download to the following Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water Class 8 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 8 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 8 Science Worksheet for Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water

A. Multiple Choice Questions-

Question. Which gas can kill a person, when inhaled in excess?
a. carbon dioxide
b. carbonmonoxide
c. oxygen
d. sulphur dioxide
Answers. (b) carbon monoxide

Question. The problem by the inhalation of dust particles of air is_____
a. irritation of eyes
b. Respiratory problem
c. bronchitis
d. brain damage
Answers. (c) bronchitis

Question. Ultraviolet radiation coming from the sun are stopped by an atmospheric layer rich in______
a. ozone
b. oxygen
c. nitrogen
d. hydrogen
Answers. (a) ozone

Question. Ozone hole is found right above______
a. Africa
b. Asia
c. Antarctica
d. Australia
Answers. (c) Antarctica

Question. Increasing percentage of carbon dioxide leads to_______
a. deforestation
b. global warming
c. floods
d. suffocation
Answers. (b) global warming

Question. Which of the following is not a cleaner source of energy?
a. fossil fuels
b. hydroelectricity
c. solar energy
d. wind energy
Answers. (a) fossil fuel


B.Fill in the blanks-
1. The increase in concentrate of _______causes global warming.
2. ________ used in refrigerators ,damage the ozone layer of the atmosphere.
3. Water that is suitable for drinking is called ______ water.
4. Water is allowed to stand for a day in ______ tank in water treatment plant.
5.Taj Mahal is highly affected by _____ pollution.
1.carbon dioxide
5. air


C. Very Short Question-

Question. What is the loss of dissolved oxygen from water in water bodies called?
Answers. The loss of dissolved oxygen from water in water bodies is called eutrophication.

Question. Name a cleaner source of energy for producing electricity.
Answers. Wind energy

Question. What causes acid rain?
Answers. When harmful gases like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide , react with the water vapour present in the atmosphere to form sulphuric acid and nitric acid. The acids drop down with rain, making the rain acidic.This is called acid rain.

Question. Name the compound added in loading tank to purify water.
Answers. Alum is the compound added in loading tank to purify water.

Question. When was the Ganga Action Plan launched?
Answers. The Ganga Action Plan was a programme launched by the Government of India in April ,1985, in order to reduce the pollution level in the river.

Question. Name two air pollutants and their sources.
Answers. The two air pollutants and their sources are-
1.Smoke. Incomplete combustion of fossil fuels
2. Chlorofluorocarbons. Used in refrigerators, air conditioner and sprays cans


D. Short Questions-

Question. What is global warming?
Answers. Global warming is the rise in average temperature of the atmosphere of the earth due to increase in greenhouse effect.

Question. Give any two methods to control air pollution.
Answers. The two methods to control air pollution are-
1.We can plant trees to reduce the level of carbon dioxide and air pollution.
2. By using CNG and unleaded petrol in our vehicle.

Question. Define (a) algal bloom (b) eutrophication.
Answers. (a) Washing away of fertilisers into water bodies causes increased growth of agar and other weeds in water indies. This is called algal blood.
(b). The process of nutrient enrichment of water bodies that stimulates the growth of aquatic plants like algae that may result in depletion of dissolved oxygen is called eutrophication.

Question. What are the natural sources of air pollution?
Answers. The natural sources of air pollution are forest fires, volcanic eruption, wind erosion,pollen dispersal and evaporation of organic compound.

Question. List two ways of reducing water pollution.
Answers. (a) Excessive use of fertilisers and pesticides should be discouraged.
(b) Pollution control rules enforced by the government should be followed strictly.

Question. What is biological magnification?
Answers. The increase in concentration of harmful chemicals substances like pesticides in the body of organisms at each trophic level of a food chain is called biological magnification.

Question. What are the damaging effects of ozone layer depletion?
Answers. Damaging effects of ozone layer depletion-
a. Harmful ultraviolet radiations reaching the earth cause various diseases in human such as cataract, skin cancer etc.
b. It can bring about changes in the gene structure leading to mutations.
c. It causes damage to early developmental stages of fishes,crabs and other animals.

Question. What are the two causes of water pollution?
Answers. The two cause of water pollution are-
a. Industrial sewage – Industries of paper , textile, sugar mills etc. discharge untreated industrial sewage directly into the water bodies which causes water pollution.
b. Human activities- Bathing of human beings and animals in or near lakes, rivers etc pollutes the water bodies.

Question. Discuss the damaging effects of acid rain .
Answers. Damaging effects of acid rain-
a. Acid rain increases the acidity of soil and thus ,affects the plants and animal life. It leads to the loss of soil fertility.
b. It makes lakes and rivers water acidic leading to destruction of aquatic plants and animals.
c. Acid rain destroys monuments and buildings.


E. Long Questions-

Question. (a) What is green house effect ? Name two greenhouse gases.
(b) Discuss the harmful effects of global warming.
Answers. (a) The phenomenon whereby the earth’s atmosphere traps solar radiation because of the presence of gases like carbon dioxide,nitrous oxide ,water vapour ,methane and CFCs is called greenhouse effect.
(b). Damaging effects of global warming –
1. Polar ice caps would melt and water would flow into the sea. If the level of water in the sea increase, low lying areas near coasts would be submerged.
2. Climate and rainfall pattern would change.
3. It would also affect agriculture and thus production of food.

Question. Briefly discuss the steps involved in purification of river or lake water.
Answers. Before water reaches our homes, it needs to be cleaned by removing the impurities and kill disease causing microorganisms. Water is cleaned in the water treatment plant consisting of different tanks. Water from river or lakes is first pumped into the sedimentation tank.
1.Sedimentation tank:- Water is allowed to stand for a day. Most of the large insoluble impurities settle down at the bottom of the tank. Some light soluble impurities remain suspended in water.
2. Loading tank:- Water is passed into loading tank. The suspended impurities are made to settle down faster by the addition of some chemicals like alum. This is called loading.
3. Filtration tank:- The water is then passed to filtration tank. Here, water passes through the layers of sand, gravel and charcoal that filter the remaining lighter suspended impurities.
4. Chlorination tank:- The water is then passed into the chlorination tank. Here, chlorine is added to the water. lt kills all the disease causing microorganisms present in the water.
5. Storage tank:- After purification, the safe drinking water is collected in big storage tanks. From these tanks, it reaches our homes through pipes.

worksheet 4 class 8


More Question

Q.1 Fill in the blanks:-

(i) By volume about _______ of air is nitrogen and about _________ is oxygen.
(ii) Incomplete burning of fuels produces ________ which is a _______ gas.
(iii) Carbon monoxide _________ the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.
(iv) Petroleum refineries are a major source of gaseous pollutants like ______ and ______.
(v) _______ used in refrigerators damages the ozone layer of the atmosphere.
(vi) Ozone layer protects us from the harmful ________ rays of the sun.
(vii) _______ of the world’s population is without safe drinking water.
(viii) We can save water by remembering the 3R’s ____, ____ and ________.
(ix) Acid rain is formed by the oxidation followed by dissolution of ________ and gases in rain water.

Q.2 MULTIPLE CHOISE QUESTIONS: (Choose the most appropriate answer.?

(A) Which of these causes water pollution?
(a) Sewage
(b) Industrial waste
(c) Fertilizers and pesticides
(d) All of these

(B) Which of these processes can not remove germs from water?
(a) boiling
(b) Filtration through Porous Pot
(c) Reverse Osmosis
(d) exposure to UV light

(C) Which of the following is not a pollutant unless present in excess?
(a) Sulpher Dioxide
(b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Nitrogen dioxide
(d) carbon monoxide

(D) Which of these can cause acid rain?
(a) Sulpher Dioxide
(b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Nitrogen
(d) carbon monoxide

Q.3 Define air pollution. What are air pollutants?

Q.4 What are the various sources of air pollutants?

Q.5 What is smog? Why is it harmful?

Q.6 What is acid rain?

Q.7 How is the Taj Mahal affected by air pollution?

Q.8 What is meant by ‘Marble Cancer’?

Q.9 Write the full forms (i) CFC (ii) CNG (iii) LPG (iv) WWF

Q.10 What is greenhouse effect? Name four greenhouse gases.

Q.11 Write a note on global warming mentioning its effects too.

Q.12 What is Van Mahotsav?

Q.13 Define water pollution. Give three examples of water pollutants.

Q.14 Why do we say that the river Ganga is dead at many places?

Q.15 What are the various sources of water pollution?

Q.16 Name three water borne diseases.

Q.17 How will one know that water has been contaminated?

Q.18 What is potable water?

Q.19 What are the various methods by which water can be made safe for drinking?

Q.20 Name three ailments caused in humans due to air pollution.

Q.21 Why is there an urgent need to minimize the use of fossil fuels and use inexhaustible sources of energy.

Q.22 List some measures that would help to prevent air and water pollution.

Q.23 Why are forests considered a very important component of environment?

Q.24 Whenever ‘RITA travels, she always insists on getting a sealed bottle of purified water (normally referred to as mineral water). Why does she do this?

Q.25 Once upon a time Meera visited a nearby farm and asked the farmers about the manures they would prefer to use – chemical fertilizer or farm manures (compost). Is there a difference in their preference, why is that so?


Q.1 Air Pollution in Delhi improved after CNG was introduced instead of diesel in public transport since CNG gives out less smoke. Introduction of the Metro in Delhi is also expected to reduce pollution. How?

Q.2 What kind of underground water is more likely to be polluted – that found near the surface of the earth or that found deeper?

Q.3 Afforestation leads to both air and water conservation as well as soil conservation. How?

Q.4 Does Potable water mean pure water without any impurities?

Question. Clear, transparent water is always fit for drinking. Comment.
Answer: No, this is not true that clean, transparent water is always fit for drinking. It is possible that they may carry disease-causing microorganisms and other transparent impurities.

Question. Why does the increased level of nutrients in the water affect the survival of aquatic organisms?
Answer: Increased level of nutrients in the water affect the survival of aquatic organisms as these act as nutrients for algae to flourish and once these algae die, they serve as food for decomposers like bacteria and a huge amount of oxygen in water body gets used up. This results in decrease in the oxygen level, which may kill aquatic organisms.

Question. At an individual level, how can you help to reduce air pollution?
Answer: The following are the steps we can take for reduction of air pollution:
i) We should use public transport.
ii) We should properly dispose of the garbage and not burn it.
iii) For shorter distances, avoid vehicles.
iv) We should plant more trees.
v) We should replace our vehicle fuel, diesel and petrol by LPG and CNG.

Question. Explain circumstances leading to acid rain. How does acid rain affect us?
Answer: Gases like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide react with water vapour present in atmosphere to form Sulphuric acid and nitric acid. These acids come down with rain water, making the rain acidic. This is known as acid rain.
Acid rain corrodes the marbles of the monuments. It also kills the useful organism in agricultural soil.

Question. You are a member of the municipal body of your town. Make a list of measures that would help your town to ensure the supply of clean water to all its residents.
Answer: The following steps could be taken:
(a) First of all, procurement of required amount of water for all residents should be ensured.
(b) Wastage of water by leakage at various places should be taken into account.
(c) Water treatment should be ensured.
(d) Must have sufficient water tanker to meet emergency situations.

Question. What are the different ways in which water gets contaminated?
Answer: Following are the ways by which water gets contaminated:
♦ People dispose of garbage in the water.
♦ Many industries discharge their harmful chemicals directly into rivers and streams.
♦ Chemical fertilizers, pesticides and weedicides used in agricultural practices get dissolve in water and are washed away into water bodies from the fields.
♦ Untreated sewage is directly discharged into water from household activities.

Question. Prepare a brief speech on global warming. You have to deliver the speech in your class.
Answer: Good Morning,
Respected teacher and my dear friends,
As we all know the continuous increase in the temperature of earth is called global warming. Global warming is basically caused by pollution of air, excessive heat which is trapped by the greenhouse gases.
Global warming is a threat to life as it causes a lot of problems like droughts and fire. So we should plant more trees and should avoid air pollution.

Question. Explain the differences between pure air and polluted air.
Answer: Pure air is free from any pollutant, has no smell, is soothing and not irritating to eyes. Whereas polluted air gives a filthy smell and people cannot breathe in it. If people inhale such air, they may suffer from various breathing, heart and lung problems. Even sometimes people die inhaling polluted air.

Question. Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?
(a) Carbon dioxide
(b) Sulphur dioxide
(c) Methane
(d) Nitrogen 
Answer: Nitrogen

Question. Describe the threat to the beauty of the Taj Mahal.
Answer: The major threat to the Taj Mahal is the acid rain. Acid rain corrodes the marble of Taj Mahal and makes it yellowish. This is a matter of great concern that world famous monument like Taj Mahal may get damaged due to the pollutants emitted by factories around it.

Question. Describe the ‘Greenhouse Effect’ in your own words.
Answer: Gases like carbon dioxide and methane trap Sun’s radiation reflected from earth’s surface. This causes warming of atmosphere. This effect is called greenhouse effect.


1. Write full form for the following.

a) CNG ..........................

b) CFC ..........................

c) LPG ..........................

d) RRR ..........................

2. Name two gases responsible for acid rain.

1 ..................................... 2 ......................................

3. Mention any two causes of Air - Pollution

1) ...................................................................................................................

2) ...................................................................................................................

4. Name any two causes of water - Pollution

1) ...................................................................................................................

2) ...................................................................................................................

5) Make a poster on Air - Pollution and color it

1) ......................................................

2) .......................................................

6. Name any two causes of water - Pollution

1) ..................................................................

2) ..................................................................

7) Make a poster on Air - Pollution and color it.

1. Name two pollutants.

2. Name two diseases caused by drinking polluted water.

3. Name the poisonous gas which was leaked from the factory in Bhopal.

4. Name three methods of making water safe for drinking.

5. Name some gases other then carbon dioxide which contribute to green house effect.

6. What is smog?

7. Define the following

a) Pollution

b) Global warming

c) Potable water

8. State three characteristics of drinking water.

9. What are the two main reasons for increase in earth temperature?

10. State three ways by which water gets polluted

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Worksheet for CBSE Science Class 8 Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 8 Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 8 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 8 Science on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 8 Science to develop the Science Class 8 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 8 Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 8 Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

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