CBSE Class 8 Science Coal And Petroleum Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 8 Science Coal And Petroleum Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 8 Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 8 students should practice questions and answers given here for Science in Class 8 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 8 Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum

Class 8 Science students should download to the following Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum Class 8 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 8 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 8 Science Worksheet for Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum

Question. Petrochemicals are used in the manufacture of
(a) Polythene
(b) Detergents
(c) Fibres
(d) All of these

Answer : D

Question. Hydrogen gas obtained from natural gas is used in
(a) motor fuel
(b) Fertilizers
(c) Paints
(d) stoves

Answer : B

Question. Which gas is obtained during the processing of coal?
(a) Carbon dioxide
(b) Coal gas
(c) Carbon monoxide
(d) Sulphur dioxide

Answer : B

Question. Heavy motor vehicles like trucks run on
(a) Petrol
(b) Diesel
(c) Coal
(d) Coal tar

Answer : B

Question. Petrol and diesel can be obtained from
(a) Coal tar
(b) Coal
(c) Petroleum
(d) Coal gas

Answer : C

Question. Petroleum is formed from
(a) Domestic animals
(b). Organisms in sea
(c) Wild animals
(d) Insects

Answer : B

Question. Petroleum is mixture of
(a) Petrol
(b) Diesel
(c) Petroleum gas
(d) All of these

Answer : D

Question. The layer containing petroleum oil & gas is
(a) Above that of water
(b) Below water
(c) Between water and sand
(d) Below sand

Answer : A

Question. Coal mainly contains
(a) Hydrogen
(b) Oxygen
(c) Carbon
(d) Sodium

Answer : C

Question. Carbonisation is
(a) Slow conversion of dead vegetation Into coal
(b) Deposition of soil
(c) falling of trees
(d) None of these

Answer : A

Question. When heated in air produces
(a) Carbon monoxide
(b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Nitrogen dioxide
(d) Oxygen

Answer : B

Question. Refining is
(a) Extracting petroleum gas
(b) Separation of various fractions of petroleum
(c) Heating of coal
(d) Sedimentation of fossil fuel

Answer : B

Question. LPG is used in / as
(a) Home
(b) Vehicles
(c) Aviation Fuel
(d) Road surfacing

Answer : A

Question. Natural gas can be transported through
(a) Cylinders
(b) Barriers
(c) Pipes
(d) None of these

Answer : C

Question. CNG is stored under
(a) Power generation
(b) Electric Generators
(c) Solvent
(d) none of these

Answer : B

Question. What are the advantages of using CNG and LPG as fuels?
Answer :  The advantages of using compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as fuels are: 
(i) They can be burnt directly. 
(ii) They can be transported easily through pipe lines. 
(iii) They are clean fuels and do not give smoke when burnt. 
(iv) They give a lot of heat energy when burnt. 
Question. Name the petroleum product used for surfacing of roads. 
Answer :  Bitumen. 
Question. Describe how coal is formed from dead vegetation. What is this process called? 
Answer :  Dense forests got buried under the soil due to natural processes, millions of years ago. More and more soil got deposited over them and they got compressed more. This led them to get exposed to very high temperature and pressure. They slowly got converted into coal under these extreme conditions. The whole process of formation of coal from dead vegetation is known as carbonization. 
Question. Fill in the blanks. 
(a) Fossil fuels Coal, Petroleum , and natural gas. 
(b) Process of separation of different constituents from petroleum is called refining. 
(c) Least polluting fuel for vehicle is Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). 
Question. Tick True/False against the following statements. 
(a) Fossil fuels can be made in the laboratory.
Answer : (FALSE)  
(b) CNG is more polluting fuel than petrol.
Answer : (FALSE) 
(c) Coke is almost pure form of carbon.
Answer : (TRUE) 
(d) Coal tar is a mixture of various substances.
Answer : (TRUE) 
(e) Kerosene is not a fossil fuel.
Answer : (FALSE) 
Question. Explain why fossil fuels are exhaustible natural resources. 
Answer : Because sources of fossil fuels are limited on earth, and fossil fuels take million years to replenish. 
Question. Describe characteristics and uses of coke. 
Answer : Characteristics: i) Coke is tough, porous and black in colour. 
Uses: i) In the manufacture of steel, ii) In the extraction of metals (as a reducing agent). 
Question. Explain the process of formation of petroleum. 
Answer : Dead organisms that got buried in the sea millions of years ago got covered with layers of sand and clay. Due to lack of air, high temperature, and high pressure, these dead organisms got transformed into petroleum and natural gas. 
Question. The following Table shows the total power shortage in India from 1991–1997. Show the data in the form of a graph. Plot shortage percentage for the years on the Y-axis and the year on the X-axis.

8th.sci.eng.oct.nov.21.22 1


Question. Write various constituents of petroleum and their uses.
Answer : 

8th.sci.eng.oct.nov.21.22 2


More Question

Name the following

1. Inexhaustible natural resources.

2. Exhaustible natural resources [ Any three]

3. Remains of dead animals and plants

4. Oldest variety of coal

5. Fossil fuels

6. A foul smelling liquid mined from earth.

7. A combustibe gas which comes out along with petroleum from the oil wells.

8. A combustible gas obtained by the destructive distillation of coal.

9. A fuel for heavy vehicles.

10. The useful products obtained from the petroleum

11. Different varieties of coal.

12. Residue left after the destructive distillation of coal tar.

13. The process in which complex organic substances are heated in the absence of air to get simple volatile fractions.

14. Chemical used as moth repellent.

15. The process which is used for the manufacture of petrol from petroleum gas.

16. Alternative sources of energy (any three) Association which offers the tips to conserve petrol & diesel.

Multiple Choice questions

1. The variety of coal which has highest content of carbon
(i) Peat
(ii) Bituminous
(iii) Anthracite
(iv) Liquate

2. Fraction of petroleum which is used as aviation fuel.
(i) Asphalt
(ii) Kerosene oil
(iii) Diesel oil
(iv) Petrol

3. LPG is the mixture of
(i) Methane and Hydrogen
(ii) Ethane & Carbon monoxide
(iii) Ethane and propane
(iv) Butane, propane & ethane

4. Chemical which is used for making explosion
(i) Toluene
(ii) Phenol
(iii) Naphthalene
(iv) None of the above

5. A gas which always collects above the petroleum in an oil well.
(i) Petroleum gas
(ii) Mrthane gas
(iii) Natuarl gas
(iv) Carbon dioxide


1. PCRA stands for:
a) Public Conservations Research Association
b) Petroleum Conservation Research Association (✓)
c) Public Council of Research Association
d) None of these
2. LPG is a colourless and odourless gas, But on leakage from cylinder we notice a pungent smell. Which chemical is responsible for this pungent smell?
a) Ethyl Alcohol
b) Sodium Hydroxide
c) Ethyl Mercaptan (✓)
d) Carbon Monoxide
3. As we know petroleum is mixture of many constituents. By which process is petroleum refined?
a) Fractional distillation (✓)
b) Destructive distillation
c) Distillation
b) All of the above
4. As we know LPG is a gas, but it is filled in the cylinder in the form of liquid. How is LPG gas converted to liquid form?
a) By increasing volume
b) By applying high pressure (✓)
c) By increasing temperature
d) By reducing pressure
5. When all coal and petroleum will get exhausted then which will be our Future fuel ?
a) wood
b) Hay and straw
c) Mustard oil
d) Hydrogen Gas (✓)
6. How is coke superior to coal as a fuel?
a) Coal is a mineral and burns releasing smoke, while coke burns without residue.
b) Coal is an impure form of carbon, while coke is a pure form of carbon.
c) Calorific value of coal is low whereas the calorific value of coke is high.
d) All of the above(✓)
7. Which of the following is in descending order of the quality of coal?
a) Peat > bituminous > lignite > anthracite
b) Bituminous > peat > lignite > anthracite
c) Anthracite > bituminous > lignite > peat (✓)
d) Lignite > anthracite > bituminous > peat
8. Millions of years ago due to natural disasters forests got buried under the soil. They got compressed due to deposition of more layers of soil and this caused rise in temperature. With the effect of temperature and compression, forests were converted into coal. The slow conversion of dead vegetation into coal is known as …
a) Photosynthesis
b) Oxidation
c) Carbonization (✓)
d) Reduction
9. In fractional distillation of petroleum, where do the vapours with highest boiling point condense?
a) In the upper-most portion (✓)
b) In the lower-most portion
c) In the middle portion
d) Cannot be said
10. Which of following is the main constituent of natural gas?
a) C2H6 ( Ethane )
b) CH4 ( Methane) (✓)
c) C3H8 ( Propane)
d) C4H10 ( Butane )
11. During fractional distillation of petroleum, the crude petroleum is heated to:
a) 600 ºC
b) 400−500 ºC (✓)
c) 200 ºC
d) 100 ºC.
12. Assertion (A): Petroleum is called Black Gold Reason (R): Due to its great commercial importance, petroleum is called Black Gold.
a) A is correct and R is the correct explanation of A. (✓)
b) A is correct and R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is correct and R is wrong.
d) A is wrong and R is correct.
13. What should be the characteristic of a rocket fuel?
a) Light and compact
b) High calorific value
c) Should burn rapidly
d) All of the above (✓)
14. Which of the following is obtained from coal tar?
a) Petrol
b) Coke
c) Natural Gas
d) Naphthalene balls (✓)
15. Assertion (A): Coal, petroleum and natural gas can be prepared in the laboratory from dead organisms. Reason (R): They cannot be prepared in laboratory as their formation is a very slow process and conditions for their formation cannot be created in the laboratory.
a) A is correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) A is correct and R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is correct and R is wrong.
d) A is wrong and R is correct. (✓)
16. A black coloured thick liquid is used in the furnaces as a fuel. Name the liquid.
a) Diesel (✓)
b) Kerosene oi
l c) Bitumen
d) Fuel oil
17. Neha was travelling with her mother in a bus. She observed a black liquid had been spread over road to construct new roads. She asked about this liquid from her science teacher in the class. Her teacher replied that black liquid is a product of Petroleum which is also used to make roofs of houses.This black liquid is ..........
a) Diesel
b) kerosene
c) Bitumen (✓)
d) Paraffin Wax
18. Manpreet went to Delhi in holidays to her grandmother’s home. She asked green auto rickshaw to go home. She also saw many black auto rickshaws which were producing large quantity of smoke. She asked to auto rickshaw driver about this. Driver of auto rickshaw replied that there are green buses too. These green color vehicles run on a gas which produces less smoke and is cheaper too. This is a step taken by government to reduce air pollution. Gas used in auto rickshaw will be --------.
a) Hydrogen
b) CNG (✓)
c) LPG
d) Nitrogen
19. Shingara read in Newspaper that some people were sleeping in closed room with burning charcoal fire. In the morning all were dead. Shingara got astonished and asked from his science teacher that how can charcoal fire cause death. Teacher explained that when charcoal is burned in limited supply of air a colorless and odorless gas is produced, which causes death. Name of gas is ....
a) Carbon monoxide (✓)
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Hydrogen gas
d) Nitrogen gas
20. Delhi is one of the most polluted cities of the world. Due to petrol and diesel vehicles, air of Delhi is polluted to dangerous level. So government has suggested to use........ as alternate of petrol and diesel to control pollution.
a) L.P.G
b) C.N.G (✓)
c) Coke
d) None of these
21. The Taj Mahal is an historical monuments of our country, which is made of white marble. Air pollution in that area cause acid rain due to which white marble of Tajmahal turns yellowish. Which of the following chemical reaction represents Acid Rain.
a) O + O2 → O3
b) SO2 + H2O → H2SO3 (✓)
c) 2H2 +O2 →2H2O
d) C6H12O6 (s)+6O2 (g)→6CO2 (g)+6H2O(l)


More Question

1) Which resource is inexhaustible by human activities.

a) Coal b) Petrol

c) Air d) Minerals

2) Which fuel does not leave residue.

a) Coal b) Wood

c) Kerosene oil d) Cow dung cakes

3) Which fuel produce less pollution.

a) Petrol b) Coal

c) CNG d) Wood.

4) When coal is burnt, which gas is produced.

a) Oxygen b) Carbon dioxide

c) Nitrogen d) Hydrogen

5) Which is pure form of carbon.

a) Coke b) Coal

c) Coal Tar d) Coal Gas.

6) Write one word for the following sentences.

a) Resources are present in unlimited quantity in nature ___________.

b) Fuels which are formed from dead remains of living organismn (fossils) ____________.

c) The process of separating various constituents of petroleum._________

d) A slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal ___________.

7) Petroleum and natural gas deposits are shown in figure. Where will be oil, gas and water present


8) Constituents of petroleum are shown in figure below. Write one use of each constituent.


Q.1 Fill in the blanks:-

(i) On heating in air, coal mainly produces ________ gas.

(ii) ________ is an almost pure form of carbon.

(iii) Coal tar is a mixture of about ________ substance..

(iv) Now a days ________, a petroleum product is used in place of ________ for metal ling the roads.

(v) ________ is used as a fuel in light automobiles whereas heavy motor vehicles run on ________.

Q.2 Multiple choice questions (Choose the correct option)

(A) Renewable resources need to be conserved because
(a) We are using them faster than they are replenished by nature.
(b) They are slowly disappearing from the earth.
(c) If we overuse them nature will stop replacing them.
(d) All of these

(B) Coal mainly contains
(a) Carbon
(b) Carbon & Hydrogen
(c) Carbon, Hydrogen & Nitrogen
(d) Carbon, Nitrogen & Oxygen

(C) Which of these is not a natural source of energy?
(a) Coal
(b) Petroleum
(c) Electricity
(d) Sun

(D) Fossil Fuels are
(a) renewable but exhaustible
(b) renewable but inexhaustible
(c) Non renewable but can be recycled
(d) Non renewable and can not be recycled

(E) Which of these is not a fossil fuel?
(a) CNG
(b) LPG
(c) Petrol
(d) hydrogen

Q.3 What are natural resources?

Q.4 Give three examples of natural and man-made material?

Q.5 What are the two kinds of natural resources? Explain giving examples?

Q.6 What are fossil fuels? Give three examples?

Q.7 Write two uses of coke?

Q.8 Name four substances which are manufactured using products obtained from coal tar?

Q.9 How is petroleum formed?

Q.10 name three places in India where petroleum oil is found.

Q.11 (a) What is petroleum refining?
(b) What is the main purpose of petroleum refining?
(c) While refining petroleum which property is used to separate petroleum into its various fractions.

Q.12 Write two uses of petrol, kerosene, diesel, paraffin wax and bitumen?

Q.13 Why is CNG being used as a fuel for vehicles?

Q.14 Explain why should we use fossil fuels only when absolutely necessary.

Q.15 What is the full form of LPG and CNG?

Q.16 What are the tips given by PCRA to save petrol and diesel?

Q.17 Why is petroleum called black gold?

Q.18 Give two advantages of natural gas as a fuel.

Q.19 Explain why coal, petrol and diesel oil will be exhausted one day.

Q.20 Write any two ways in which we can conserve fossil fuels.

Q.21 Write three ways in which we can help to meet energy crisis.

Q.22 Why are petrol, coal called non-renewable resources?

Q.23 What are the advantages of using inexhaustible resources of energy?

Q.24 Write the composition of natural gas.


Q.1 Find out why the layer of petroleum and gas is found above that of water deep inside the earth’s crust.

Q.2 Why is burning of fossil fuels linked to global warming?

Q.3 All renewable resources are inexhaustible. Do you agree? Give reasons.

Q.4 All combustible substances are not fuels. Why?

Q.5 Why do we feel the need for conservation of resources more today than are ancestors did?

Q.6 List five things that you can do to help in preventing an energy crisis.

A. Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is not a fossil fuel ?
a. Coal
b. Petroleum
c. Natural gas
d. Wood

2. Which of the following is not a product of coal?
a. Coke
b. Coal
c. Coal Gas
d. Natural Gas

3. Which of the following is not a petroleum product?
a. Kerosene
b. Paraffin wax
c. Lubricating Oil
d. Coke

4. Which of the following is an inexhaustible natural resource?
a. Coal
b. Natural gas
c. Air
d. Petroleum

5. Which of the following is an exhaustible natural resource?
a. Natural gas
b. Sun light
c. Air
d. None of these

6. Which of the following is used in production of electricity?
a. Coal
b. Coke
c. Coal gas
d. None of above

7. In these days for metalling of roads which of the following is used in place of coal-tar?
a. Petroleum product
b. Bitumen
c. Paraffin wax
d. None of above

8. The advantages of CNG is that it is a
a. Compressed gas
b. Natural gas
c. Supplied through pipes
d. All the above

B. One word substitution :

1. The superior quality of coal having 95% carbon is called as ________________.

2. A mixture of hydrogen, methane and carbon monoxide is called as _________________.

3. A substance which produces sufficient energy on burning is called as _________________

4. A liquid called black gold in known as ______________.

5. A kind of fuel used to cook food is called _________________________.

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Worksheet for CBSE Science Class 8 Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum

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