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Worksheet for Class 12 Physical Education Yoga And Lifestyle
Class 12 Physical Education students should download to the following Yoga And Lifestyle Class 12 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 12 Physical Education Worksheet for Yoga And Lifestyle
Chapter -3
Yoga and Lifestyle
Q.1. What is Yoga ?
Ans. The word yoga is derived from Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ which means ‘to meet’. So yoga is the union of body with soul.
Q.2. Define the term Asana. Write about the categories of Asanas.
Ans. The term asana means siting in a particular posture, which is comfortable and which could be maintained steadily for long time. Asana gives stability and comfort both at physical and mental level.
Asana may broadly be classified into three categories:
(i) Cultural or corrective asana
(ii) Meditative asana
(iii) Relaxative asana
(i) Cultural asanas can further be classified into two groups, depending on the effects produced.
- asana that work through and on the spine and visceral organs.
- asanas that work through the skeleton muscus, ligaments and joints.
(ii) Meditative asana are those asanas which are aimed at quite sitting and are used for higher practices in yoga.
(iii) Relaxative asana are those which remove tension and bring about physical as well as mental relaxation.
Q.3. Write steps and benefits Vazarasan in Obesity.
Ans. Steps
- Sit on the flat floor and fold your legs. Keep the spine straight and close the eyes.
- Keep the right palm on right knee and left palm on left knee.
- Now start to inhale slowly then exhale. When you exhale try to think that your disorders are coming out from your nose.
- Repeat these steps for 5 minutes and take a rest. You can increase the time for 15 minutes.
- Calms the mind and bring stability in mind.
- Cures constipation, acidity, increases digestion process.
- Those suffering from gas problem can practise immediately after lunch or dinner.
- Helps to get rid of back pain.
- Cures stomach disorder.
- Cures urinary problems.
- Strengthens the sexual organs.
Q.4. Explain Hastasana.
Ans. Standing poses actually help in maintaining body equilibrium while developing flexibility and strength in the legs. This pose helps in keeping the legs and spine strong and flexible.
Q.5. Write the steps and benefits of Hastasana.
Ans. Steps
- Stand upright with feet about hip width apart.
- Inhale and raise hands straight above the head, with palms facing outwards.
- Exhale and bend head and trunk forward from the hip, as far as possible so that the upper arms touch the ears.
- Now exhale and continue to stand in that position and try to reach forward so as to touch the big toes with the fingers.
- Holding out the breath, hold on to the big toes and try and push the forehead into the space between the knees. During this entire process the legs and knees should be held straight.
- This asana massages and tones the digestive organs, alleviates flatulence, constipation and indigestion.
- All the spinal nerves are stimulated and tooned.
- Inverting the think increases the blood flow to the brain and improves circulation to the pituitary and thyroid glands.
- Other benefits resulting from this inversion include increased vitality, improved metabolism, increased concentration and the removal of nasal and throat diseases.
Q.6. Explain Trikonasana.
Ans. The triangle pose is consisted of two sanskrit words Trikon and Asaana. The meaning of trikon is triangle while the meaning of asana is pose. Triangle pose is very important for health and wellness, it has greater significance and relevance in the domain of sound health. Extended triangle pose yoga has the ability to bring stability, strength and stamina in one’s life. Therapeutically, it is good for strengthening for core and legs.
Q.7. Write steps and benefits of Trikonasana.
Ans. Steps
- Stand erect. Now, keep distance between your legs about 3 to 4 feet.
- Extend your arms at the shoulder level.
- Inhale and raises your right arm by the side of your head.
- Now, bend your right arms with exhaling towards the left side by keeping your body weight equally on both the feet. You should ensure that the right arm become parallel to the ground.
- Maintain the position as per your comfort with normal breathing and come to the original position by inhaling.
- This asana is good to burn fat.
- It is good for your backbone.
- Triangle pose helps to strengthen your legs, knees and ankles.
- Good for your digestion.
- It may be used for stress management.
Q.8. Explain ArdhaMatsyendrasana.
Ans. ArdhMatsyendrasana asana exercises the vertebral and bring them in good shape. It helps the bladdder, liner, intestines, spleen, pancreas and other abdominal organs and also provide strength to spinal nerves. It is helpful in treating obesity, asthma, dyspepsia and diabetes.
Q.9. Write steps and benefits of ArdhaMatsyendrasana.
Ans. Steps
- Sit straight on the floor.
- Stretch legs in front of you.
- Under the right thigh place your left heel by keeping the right thigh in straight position.
- Gross the right leg over the left thigh carefully and place your right foot flat on the floor.
- Over the right knee pass your left arm and clasp the big toe of your right foot.
- With the help of your right hand grasp the left thigh from the rear.
- Stretches and energies the spine.
- Open the shoulders, neck and hips.
- Cleanses the internal organs.
- Increases flexibility, especially in hips and spine.
Q.10. Explain briefly Diabetes.
Ans. Yoga postures for diabetes switch back and forth between asanas (poses) that contract specific areas of the abdomen and asanas that relax those areas. This alternation between abdominal contractions and release stimulates the pancreas thus increasing the blood and oxygen supply. As a result, the pancreatic cells, hit by nutrients and fresh blood flow, undergoes a rejuvenation that improves the organ’s ability to produce insulin. Yogic breathing practices also work in a similar way to stimulate healthy pancreatic function. In addition to postures, exercising yoga reduces blood sugar levels and helps relieve one of the main symptoms of diabetes i.e. hypoglycemia. Yogic exercise also reduces LDL (”bad”) cholesterol and triglyceride levels, both of which are often accompanying symptoms for diabetes.
Q.11. Explain Bhujangasana.
Ans. Bhujangasana is also famous as a cobra pose in yoga. It is an excellent exercise for those suffering from a stomach disorder, spinal cord problem, back pain, respiratory, disorder and obesity.
Q.12. Write steps and benefits of Bhujangasana.
Ans. Steps
- Lie down on your stomach and feel relax.
- Stretch and joint the legs. So that knees of both the leg touches each other.
- Place the palm near the chest facing the ground. Keep in mind that elbow should be straight.
- In bhujangasanayour inhaling and exhaling plays on important role.
- So now try to move your head back as much as you can.
- It cures acidity, indigestion and constipation.
- Improve the function of liver, kidney, pancreas and gallbladder.
- It cures back pain, spondylitis, slip disc.
- Helps to lose weight.
- Helps to improve blood circulation.
Q.13. Define Pachimottasana.
Ans. Now-a-days many of the people have diabetes problem. Some people are in dangerous condition whenever they will be affected by the diabetes.
According to a recent studies four per cent youngsters in India affected by diabetes. Lifestyle changes are said to be a reason for this but the medical world cannot come to a proper conclusion. Diabetes is a deficiency, it is not a disease.
Q.14. Write steps and benefits of Pachimottasana.
Ans. Steps
- Lie down on your back in a mat. Your legs should be straight and stretch your hands upward straightly besides the ears. Your fingers should be straight.
- Deeply inhale now. Don’t bring your hands down, slowly raise up the body and sit.
- You should keep your hands besides the ears.
- In this stage exhale the breath and bend the body hold the first finger in your legs with index finger and middle finger by making its an anchor.
- Deeply exhale and inhale once, your elbows should besides the knee joints and it should touch the floor.
- Now your face is in between the knee joints. Be in this pose for five to ten seconds. Now sit straight and your finger should hold the big finger of your leg.
- While practicing this Paschimottanasana the intestines, gall bladder are smoothly pressed and stimulates well.
- The soul energy of the body will be strengthening by spinal cord, spinal nerves are pulled during the time of asana.
- It prevents diabetes. It increases the fertility factor of male removes the infertility.
- Stomach pain, headache, piles, hip pain, back pain and body weakness are cured by doing this asana.
- The menstrual problem will be cured for the ladies. Hip bones will become strengthen.
- For women can do this asana before marriage can give birth from normal delivery by strengthening their bones and inner reproductive organs.
- This asana helps to increase the concentration capacity.
Q.15. Explain PavanMuktasana.
Ans. This asana is also called as wind removing pose. It is a yoga pose in which the body is positioned in a supine position. Everyone regardless of whether he or she is a beginners or advanced practitioner can practice this pose. The PavanMuktasana massages the organs of the abdomen and also eases tension that occurs in the area of the belly and lower back. It is beneficial to cure gas problems and poor digestion.
Q.16. Write steps and benefits of PavanMuktasana.
Ans. Steps
- Lie flat on your back and keep the legs straight and relax. Breadth deeply and rhythmically.
- Inhale slowly and lift the legs and bend the knee. Bring upwards to the chest till your thigh touches the stomach.
- Hug your knees in place and lock your fingers.
- Now try to touch the knee with the nose tip.
- This asana cures acidity problems, indigestion and constipation.
- Pavanmuktasana is very good for the abdominal organs.
- Regular practice of this asana cures gastric problems.
- This asana is very helpful for people suffering from arthritis pain, heart problems, waist pain and acidity.
Q.17. Explain ArdhaMatsyendrasana.
Ans. The yoga pose ArdhaMatsyendrasana or Half Lord of the Fish pose is consisted of four words (Ardha-Half, Matsya-Fish, Endra-King and Asana-Pose). The lord of the fish pose is a poon for the spine and spinal region and act like as rejuvenator for the spine nervous. This asana is good for spine as it helps to increase flexibility of spine, spinal nerves and the associated parts with it. This twist yoga posture expands your chest, relieves to neck and shoulders.
Q.18. Write step and benefits of ArdhaMatsyendrasana.
Ans. Steps
- First of all, sit on the ground with spreading your legs in front of you.
- Bend your left leg so that the left foot comes close to your hips while the right foot is placed outside the left knee.
- Place the left arm over the right knee and grasp the toes of the right foot with the left hand.
- Now, put your right arm behind back around the waist in order to touch the navel from behind.
- This yoga pose is extremely beneficial for burning of fat from the abdomen.
- This pose is helpful in weight loss and obesity management.
- It provides wide range of flexibility to the spine.
- It has been found beneficial in the treatment of backacke, neckache and headache.
Q.19. Explain Asthma for Sukhasana.
Ans. This yoga is extremely beneficial burning of fat from the abdomen. Thus, this pose is helpful in weight loss and obesity management. It provides wide range of flexibility to the spine. ArdhaMatsyendrasana has been found beneficial in the treatment of backache, neckache and headache. It helps to remove any tendency towards round shoulders. It is beneficial in case of sciatica and slipped disc. it gives compression and stretch to the abdominal organs, thus facilitates massage, recirculates impure blood and tones up the associated nerves. It has been found useful in treating of ailments like indigestion, rheumatism, and constipation. It is effective in the proper function of adrenal glands, kidney and liver. The yoga pose strengthens the shoulder, hips and neck. It gives relief from stress and strain that occurs in the back due to forward and backward bending yoga poses.
Q.20. Write steps and benefits of Sukhasana.
Ans. Steps
- This yoga is extremely beneficial for burning of fat from the abdomen.
- This pose is helpful in weight loss and obesity management.
- It helps to remove any tendency towards round shoulders.
- It is beneficial in case of sciatica and slipped disc.
- It provides wide range of flexibility to the spine.
- It helps to remove any tendency towards round shoulders.
- It is beneficial in case of sciatica and slipped disc.
- It gives compression and stretch to the abdominal organs, thus facilitates massage, recirculates impure blood and tones up the associated nerves.
Q.21. Explain Asthma for Chakrasana.
Ans. This asana is known as ‘ArdhaDhaurasana’ also. The name of this yoga posture is derived from an addition of two different words, ‘Chakra’ and ‘Asana’. This asana is also known as ‘Wheel Pose’ in which the word ‘Wheel present the first-half word ‘Chakra’ and ‘Pose’ can be replaced in the place of ‘asana’. In this asan you have to bend slowly backward in a perfect manner as the posture needs perfection and practice. People who daily practice this asana can gain a huge flexibility in their backbone, but it takes time to get that flexibility.
Q.22. Write steps and benefits of Asthma for Chakrasana.
Ans. Steps
- To begin this asana, you have to lie down properly on the yoga mat; your face facing upward.
- Bring your feet closer to your hips with bending your knees upward; keep a distance of about one foot between your feet.
- Bring up your hands near to your ear and put your palms on the ground as the fingers should facing on your shoulders.
- Now lift up your body in air by balancing on your feet and hands with rotating your head backward slowly. Warning: Do not try to push your body too much to lift your body more upward in air as it may cause to your spine. Do as much as you can. You will get improvement in your posture by practicing it daily.
- Chakrasana strengthens your hands, thighs, shoulders and legs muscles.
- This asana is good for your people facing breathing problem and diseases such like Asthma.
- This asana makes our kidney and liver stronger and strengthens our wrist, hips and spine.
- This asana is one of the yoga asanas which are helpful in increasing our height.
Q.23. Explain Asthma for Gomukhasana.
Ans. Placing both the feet on the ground by the side of the buttocks and keeping the body steady is Gomukhasana, resembling the mouth of a cow.
Q.24. Write steps and benefits of Asthma for Gomukhasana.
Ans. Steps
- Sit erect stretching both legs together in front, hands by the side, palm resting on the ground, fingers of the hands together.
- Fold right leg at the knee and place it on the ground by the side of the left buttock.
- Similarly bringing the left leg from above the right leg, place it on the ground by the side of the right buttock. Out towards left and right side.
- Place the palms on the knee one above the other and sit erect.
- It helps introduce relaxation. When you feel fixed, tense or worried, practicing.
- It will help release the tension.
- It stimulates the kidneys.
- It is helpful in relieving ailments like diabetes, high blood pressure, and sexual malfunction.
Q.25. Explain Asthma for Parvatasana.
Ans. It is one of the important seat and yoga postures. It is immense benefits and is one among the yoga postures for weight and loss. As the pose resembles a mountain, it is called parvatasana.
Q.26. Write steps and benefits of Asthma for Parvatasana.
Ans. Steps
- Sit down on the floor in a cross legged position or Sukhasana (easy pose). You can also sit down by spreading the legs a little more than the hip width or in Padmasana (lotus pose).
- Bring your hand in front of you and interlock the fingers so that your palms are facing towards you.
- Breathe out and move your hands over head. Keep your fingers interlocked and hands stretched upwards.
- Put your torso in upward direction and stretch as much as much as you could.
- It gives a full body stretch which improves the blood circulation around the body.
- It makes you alert and attentive if you are feeling bored, sleepy or losing interest in doing work.
- It improves your mental efficiency and makes you more optimistic.
- It strengthens the weak muscles of the body and thus prevents any injury.
Q.27. Explain Asthma for Bhujangasana.
Ans. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) works by toning your abdomen, improving and fixing your blood circulation and which is an effective way of reducing your stress and fatigue. According to famous yoga therapists Bhujangasana is the best and the ideal exercise for people with asthma and other respiratory problems.
Q.28. Write steps and benefits of Asthma for Gomukhasana.
Ans. Steps
- Lie flat on your stomach. Place your hands on the side and ensure that your toes touch each other.
- Then, move your hands to the front, making sure they are at the shoulder level, and place your palms on the floor.
- Now, placing your body’s weight on your palms, inhale and raise your head and trunk.
- Note that your arms should be bend at your elbows at this stage.
- It is a deep backbend that makes the spine stronger and more flexible.
- It helps regulate metabolism thus balancing and the weight.
- It gives the lungs, shoulders, chest and abdomen a good stretch.
- It also tones the organs that lie in the lower abdomen.
Q.29. Explain Asthma for Paschimottasana.
Ans. This asana is commonly known as the forward Bend Pose, involves the whole body stretches all vital parts from head to toe. This particular asana is recommended to many people who have been diagnosed with diabetes.
Q.30. Write steps and benefits of Asthma for Paschimottasana.
Ans. Steps
- Sit down on your yoga mat and keep your back straight. Place the legs in front and stretch them as well.
- Move your hands upwards and keep them straight and placed beside your ears. Remember to keep fingers straight and pointing upwards as well.
- Inhale as deeply as you can without bringing any of your hands down.
- Bend the body for· Sit down on your yoga mat and keep your back straight. Place the legs in front and stretch them as well.
- Move your hands upwards and keep them straight and placed beside your ears. Remember to keep fingers straight and pointing upwards as well.
- Inhale as deeply as you can without bringing any of your hands down.
- Bend the body forward and hold your legs respective first fingers with your hands index and middle fingers. Exhale during this step.
- It is known anxiety buster.
- Improves the spine’s ability to stretch and in the process, strengthens it.
- Toning several abdominal organs.
- Many women are recommended this asana particularly after delivery.
Q.31. Explain Asthma for Matsynasana.
Ans. It is one of the beginners yoga pose inbuilt with lot of health benefits. Another name of this yoga pose is ‘Fish Pose’. Matsyasana purifies our blood and keeps us healthy. So it called Fish Pose.
Q.32. Write steps and benefits of Asthma for Matsynasana.
Ans. Steps
- Sit on the carpet; folds the both legs together like Padmasana, ArdhaPadmasana or Sukhasana.
- Thrusting hands on the carpet and slowly lies down.
- Place the palms next to ears, towards the should blade.
- Press palms and waist, raise the trunk and head. Then place the crown of the head on the floor.
- Spinal cord and back muscle tissues gets refreshed.
- It helps to cure asthma and respiratory disorders.
- Headache caused by stiffness of neck can be curved easily.
- It helps to stop bleeding hemorrhoid
Q.31. Explain Asthma for Matsynasana.
Ans. It is one of the beginners yoga pose inbuilt with lot of health benefits. Another name of this yoga pose is ‘Fish Pose’. Matsyasana purifies our blood and keeps us healthy. So it called Fish Pose.
Q.32. Write steps and benefits of Asthma for Matsynasana.
Ans. Steps
- Sit on the carpet; folds the both legs together like Padmasana, ArdhaPadmasana or Sukhasana.
- Thrusting hands on the carpet and slowly lies down.
- Place the palms next to ears, towards the should blade.
- Press palms and waist, raise the trunk and head. Then place the crown of the head on the floor.
- Spinal cord and back muscle tissues gets refreshed.
- It helps to cure asthma and respiratory disorders.
- Headache caused by stiffness of neck can be curved easily.
- It helps to stop bleeding hemorrhoids.
Q.33. Explain Hypertension.
Ans. Yoga and meditation play on important role in lowering of high blood pressure (hypertension) thereby improve the lifestyle through mental relaxation and stress reduction. For management and control of hypertension, Yoga and Naturopath is a beneficial step.
- Katichakrasana is useful yoga pose to relieve from hypertension.
- Bhujangasana is quit useful in normalising blood pressure.
- Dhanurasaana keeps your tiredness away.
- Shavasana may be practised when blood pressure is under control and in case of tiredness.
- Chandrabhedi pranayama also lowers down blood pressure.
Q.34. Write steps and benefits of Hypertension for Tadasana.
Ans. Steps
- Stand erect, and place your legs slightly apart, with your hands handing alongside your body.
- You must make your thigh muscles firm. Lift your kneecaps while ensuring you do not harden the lower part of your belly.
- Strengthen the inner arches of your inner ankles as you lift them.
- Now, imagine a stream of white light (energy) passing through you ankles, up to your inner things, groin, spine, neck all the way up to your head. Gently turn your upper thighs inward. Elongate the tailbone such that it is towards the floor. Lift the pubis such that it is closer to the navel.
- This asana improves body posture.
- With regular practice of this asana, your knees, thighs and ankles become stronger.
- This asana reduced flat feet.
- It also make your spine more agile.
Q.35. Explain Hypertension for Vajrasana.
Ans. Vajrasana is a kneeling pose and it takes its name from the sanskrit word ‘Vajra’ which means diamond or thunderbolt. Asana means Pose. This diamond pose is also called Adamantine Pose. Usually, breathing ensure like Pranayama, Kapalabhati and AnulomVilom are done sitting in this position, and it is said that in doing so, the body becomes as strong as a diamond.
Q.36. Write steps and benefits of Hypertension for Vajrasana.
Ans. Steps
- Kneel down, stretching your lower legs backward and keeping them together. Your big toes should cross each other.
- Gently lower your such that your buttocks are resting on your heels and your things on your calf muscles.
- Place your hands on your knees, and set your gaze forward with your head absolutely straight.
- Turn your attention to your breathing. Be fully aware of how you breathe and carefully observe as you inhale and exhale.
- This asana improves digestion and with regular practice, it eliminates constipation.
- Better digestion prevents ulcess and acidity.
- This asana strengthens the pelvic muscles too.
- It helps to ease out labour pains and also reduced menstrual cramps.
Q.37. Explain Hypertension for PavanMuktasana.
Ans. The wind Relieving Pose is a reclined posture that is suitable for everyone, whether they are beginners or advanced practitioners. This pose helps to releases digestive gases from the intestines and stomach with great ease. It is also called the one-legged knee-to-chest pose.
Q.38. Write steps and benefits for Hypertension for PavanMuktasana.
Ans. Steps
- Lie flat on your back on a smooth surface, ensuring that your feet are together, and your arms are placed beside your body.
- Take a deep breath. As you exhale, bring your knees towards your chest, and press your thighs on your abdomen. Clasp your hands around your legs as if you are hugging your knees.
- Hold the asana while you breathe normally. Every time you exhale, make sure you tighten the grip of the hands on the knee, and increase the pressure on your chest. Every time you inhale, ensure that you loosen the grip.
- Exhale and release the pose after you rock and roll from side to side about three to five times. Relax.
- It strengthens the back muscles and tones the muscles of the asana and the legs.
- It improves the circulation of blood in the hip area.
- It cases the tension in the lower back.
- It helps burn fat in the thighs, buttocks and abdominal area.
Q.39. Explain Hypertension for ArdhaChakrasana.
Ans. It is known as the Half Wheel Pose as it is the precursor to practicing ‘Chakrasans’ the full wheel pose. Though it does not give the impression of half a circle it prepare the body for the practice of Chakrasana.
Q.40. Write steps and benefits of Hypertension for ArdhaChakrasana.
Ans. Steps
- Bend the knees and place the feet together near the buttocks.
- Bring the arms over the head and clasp the elbows.
- Exhale and inhaling raise the hips from the ground making a straight line from the shoulders to the knees.
- Either stay in that pose or continue by shifting the weight to the right side and straightening the left leg. The knees will remain together.
- Reduce back Pain and is useful for lumbar spondylitis.
- It also strengthens the muscles around the spinal region.
- Tones the female reproductive organs and can be useful for menstrual disorders and after childbirth.
- Increase the awareness of the spinal movement especially the lower back.
Q.41. Explain Hypertension for Bhujangasana.
Ans. Cobra Pose : In this pose, one needs to lie on one’s stomach with hands under the shoulders and elbows tucked into the body. After that, a gentle arc should be created in the spine by lifting one’s head and upper body off the mat. One’s pelvis should remain on the mat to protect the lower back. One can stay in this pose for about three to five breaths.
Q.42. Write steps and benefits of Hypertension for Bhujangasana.
Ans. Steps
- Lie on your stomach with your toes flat on the floor and your forehead resting on the ground.
- Keep your legs close together, with your feet and heels lightly touching each other.
- Place your hands (palms downwards) under your shoulders, keeping your elbows parallel and close to your torso.
- Taking a deep breath in, slowly lift your head, chest and abdomen while keeping your navel touching the floor.
- This Asana helps to stretches muscles in the shoulders, chest and abdominal also. It decreased stiffness of the lower back, and it’s give strengthens the arms and shoulders.
- It increases flexibility, improves menstrual irregularities in women. Elevate mood, and this can also helps in stress, depression, anxiety keep away from our mind. It firms and tones the butt area.
- Improves the blood circulation and oxygen in body, heart and throughout the spinal and pelvic region especially, and its stimulates organs in the abdomen, like kidneys. It also opens the chest and helps to clear the passages of the heart and lungs.
- Improves digestion. Gives strengthens to the spinal cord. Help to soothes sciatica. It also helps to cure the symptoms of asthma.
Q.43. Explain Hypertension for Shavasana.
Ans. The Sanskrit word ‘Shava’ means ‘Corpse’. This pose looks like sleeping pose. It is very simple and everyone can do this asana. But friends this pose needs lots of concentration. You have to concentrate on each part of the body. Beneficial for improving concentration, curing insomnia, calming mind, releasing stress, fatigue and depression.
Q.44. Write steps and benefits of Hypertension for Shavasana.
Ans. Steps
- Lie flat on your back, like our sleeping pose. Legs should be separated.
- Keep your arms at your side and your palms facing up. Just relax.
- Close your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly through the nostrils.
- Start concentrating from your head to your feet. This means you are consciously relaxing your each part of the body. Don’t move ahead without relaxing particular part of the body.
- It relaxes your whole body.
- Releases stress, fatigue, depression and tension.
- Improves concentration.
- Cures insomnia.
Q.45. Explain Back Pain
Ans. The back pain which is felt in the back usually originates from the bones, joints, muscles and nerves etc. It may be in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar region. It may be spontaneous or can be chronic. It can be constant, stay in one place or radiate to other parts such as arms, hips or legs. It may give a feeling or burning sensation. Sometimes numbness may be felt in the legs or arms. Infact, back pain is not only the problem of our country but it is also observed all over the world. As a matter of fat, nine of ten persons experience the back pain at least once in their life. That is why it is said that back pain is a very common complaint or problem throughout the world. Due to this problem the affected persons are not capable to their work smoothly and efficiently.
Q.46. Write prevention and Management of Back Pain.
Ans. Prevention and Management of Back Pain
1. Prevention: There are some important point which may help in preventing the back pain. These points are described below:
1. Regular Exercise: Regular exercises are helpful in enhancing strength and keeping the body weight in control. Each and every individual should perform aerobic exercises which are usually considered best exercises because these exercises do not strain or jerk the back. In these exercises, the exercises related to back muscles and abdominal muscles should be included. Along these exercises, the flexibility exercises such as bending forward, bending backward, bending sideways and sit ups should also be performed regularly.
2. Maintain Appropriate Body Weight: Overweight and obese persons are at the greater risk of developing back pain. That is why an individual should try to keep or maintain proper body weight. Infact, there are less chances of back pain who have normal or proper body weight. For maintaining proper body weight aerobic exercises and diet control can play very effective roles. Aerobic exercises should be performed for at least 60 minutes each day. Aerobic activity can be in various forms such as slow running, jogging and cycling etc. For maintaining weight or keeping the body weight under control low calorie diet should be taken.
3. Proper Sitting Postures: For the prevention of back pain one should lay stress on proper sitting posture. For proper sitting posture one should make sure that feet should be flat on the floor. The chair or seat should have good back support. When sitting in a chair, hips should be as far back in the chair as possible. Head, spinal column, shoulders and hips should be in straight line and erect. Legs should not be in hanged position. Thighs should be in horizontal position. Don’t cross your legs in sitting position. In such sitting posture there will not be undue stress on the back, which is beneficial in preventing back pain.
4.Management: The aim of management of back pain is to achieve maximum reduction in the intensity of pain as early as possible so that the affected individual may restore his strength to perform daily routine activities. Generally, the back pain can be managed with the help of various types of therapies and corrective exercises. Surgery is required in rare cases. Back pain can be managed with the help of following measures.
1.Heat Therapy: Heat therapy can reduce the symptoms of pain. Sometimes hot bath (moist heat) provides best results.
2. Cold Compression Therapy: In some cases, back pain is relieved by cold compression therapy (ice or cold pack application).
3. Massage: Massage can be very effective in relieving pain but it must be performed by an experienced individual.
4. Medications: Medications may be beneficial in reducing pain. Muscle relaxants may be effective but only for short term.
Worksheet for CBSE Physical Education Class 12 Yoga And Lifestyle
We hope students liked the above worksheet for Yoga And Lifestyle designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 12 Physical Education released by CBSE. Students of Class 12 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 12 Physical Education on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Physical Education by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 12 Physical Education to develop the Physical Education Class 12 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 12 Physical Education designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 12 Physical Education in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.
You can download the CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 12 Physical Education Yoga And Lifestyle for latest session from
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Yes, provides all latest NCERT Yoga And Lifestyle Class 12 Physical Education test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session
CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Yoga And Lifestyle worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.
Regular practice with Class 12 Physical Education worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.