Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Planning In Sports Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 12 Physical Education can get free printable Worksheets for Class 12 Physical Education Planning In Sports in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 12 students should practice questions and answers given here for Physical Education in Class 12 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 12 Physical Education Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Physical Education books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 12 Physical Education Planning In Sports
Class 12 Physical Education students should download to the following Planning In Sports Class 12 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 12 Physical Education Worksheet for Planning In Sports
Question. Which one of the following is not an objective of Planning in sports?
(a) Management of a tournament
(b) Finding out the causes of failure
(c) Distributing work according to the ability
(d) Achieving the target on time
Answer : C
Question. In a double league tournament such as the IPL, a total of how many matches are played during the league phase if 7 teams participate?
(a) 42
(b) 45
(c) 54
(d) 58
What is elimination tournament
(a) Knock out
(b) League cum knockout
(c) Combination
(d) League
Answer : B
Question. Extramural sports are organised by
(a) SGFI
(b) CBSE
(c) Khelo india
(d) All of these
Answer : D
Question. The formula for calculating the no. Of matches in knock out tournament
(a) N+1 / 2
(b) N-1 / 2
(c) N-1
(d) N+1
Answer : A
Question. Extramurals help in……………..
(a) Providing recreational opportunities for the campus community
(b) Selection of teams for participation in extramural tournaments
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Answer : C
Question. How many methods can be used for preparing fixtures in a league tournament?
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 5
Answer : C
Question. In which tournament , strong teams may have the possibility to be eliminated in the preliminary round?
(a) League Tournament
(b) Knock-out Tournament
(c) Challenge Tournament
(d) League cum league Tournament
Answer : B
Question. Intramurals are significant for :
(a) Physical development
(b) Mental Development
(c) Social development
(d) All the above
Answer : D
Question. How many byes will be given if 19 teams are participating in a knock- out tournament ?
(a) 12
(b) 13
(c) 14
(d) 15
Answer : B
Question. Tounament are helpful for the development of:
(a) Social Qualities
(b) Selections of players
(c) Sports skills
(d) All the above
Answer : D
Question. What is the planning ?
Answer. Planning is the primary function of management. It is essential because planning sets the basis for organizational structure and evaluation. It is important to establish a sound planning foundation. Such an approach depends on the organization’s view of sports and its role in the community. This view or philosophy can often be ascertained by examining the overall goals and purposes of the organization.
Question. Write any five objectives of planning ?
Answer. (i) Planning enables to become proactive rather than reactive to clarity in organizational purposes and direction.
(ii) It initiates and influences outcomes in favour of the organization.
(iii) It exerts more control over its destiny deciding where it wants to be in the future.
(iv) It adopts a systematic approach to change and reduce resistance to chage.
(v) It improves Financial performance and helps use resources effectively.
Question. Write down various committees responsibilities ?
Answer. (i) Publicity committee
(ii) Reception committee
(iii) Transportation Committee
(iv) Boarding and lodging committee
(v) Ceremony committee
(vi) Committee for officials
(vii) Ground equipment committee
(viii) Refreshment committee
(ix) Announcement committee
(x) Committee on entries and programmes
Question. What do you mean by tournament ?
Answer. Tournament are essential and most important part of physical education curriculum. It is the series of sports in which a team finally wins and rest of the teams lose the matches. Before orgainsing a tournament, it is very important to prepare a god plan. There are various methods to organize a tournament. To select the best method depends upon various factors such as what is the number of participating teams. Nowadays tournaments are held according to set rules and regulations.
Question. What is importance of tournament ? Explain in brief ?
Answer. Importance of Tournament: Tournaments are important in the field of sports. The tournaments are not only significant to the players but to the coaches and physical education teachers also.
(i) Development of sports skills: By participating in tournaments sportspersons do not develop only technical skills of the sports but also the tactical skills.
(ii) Helpful in selection of players: On the basis of tournaments, good players can be selected by observing their performance in a tournament.
(iii) Popularity and publicity of sports: Tournaments are helpful in publicizing the sports. It creates interest in that sport.
(iv) A source of recreation: Sports tournaments provide ample recreation to the spectators.
(v) Development of social qualities: Social traits such as tolerance, sympathy, cooperation, group cohesion etc, are developed among participants through sports tournaments.
(vi) Development of national and international integration: Sports tournaments are helpful in developing national integration as well as international unity and brotherhood.
Question. Enlist the various types of tournaments ?
Answer. There are four types of tournaments, which are mentioned below:
1.Knock-Out Tournament
2.League or Round Robin Tournament
3.Combination Tournament
4.Challenge Tournament.
Question. What is the Knock-out Tournament ?
Answer. In this tournament only the victorious team is allowed to play further matches until one team emerges as winner. In this type of tournament a team which is once defeated automatically gets eliminated from the tournament. It means that second opportunity is not given to the defeated team. Opportunities are given to the winning teams or players.
Question. Briefly explain the advantages and disadvantages of knockout tournament ?
Answer. Advantages of Knock-out Tournaments:
(1) Minimum number of officials are required in organizing such type of tournaments
(2) Owing to less number of matches, it requires less time to complete the tournament.
(3) The knock-out tournaments are less expensive because the team, which gets defeated, is eliminated from the competition.
Disadvantages of knock-out Tournament:
(1) Spectators may not have enough interest in the final match.
(2) There may be many chances of elimination of good teams in the first or second round. So, good teams may not reach into the final round.
(3) There are maximum chances of weak teams to enter into the final round.
Question. What is League or round robin tournament ?
Answer. In league tournament, each team plays with every other team atleast once if it is single league tournament but in case of double league tournament each team plays match with every other team atleast twice. In such type of tournaments, every team plays without any consideration of winning or defeat in a match.
Question. Briefly explain about types of league tournament ?
Answer. League Tournament is of two types:
(a) Single League Tournament
In single league tournament, each team plays with every other team once and number of matches is determined with the help of this formula:
n (n-1)
Here ‘n’ means the number of teams participating in a tournament, for example, if 10 teams are taking part in a tournament, the number of total matches will be held as given below:
10 (10-1) 10 (9) 90
______ = ______ = ______ = 45 matches
2 2 2
(a) Double League Tournament
In double league tournament every team plays with every other team twice.
The number of matches is determined with the help of this formula:
n (n-1)
If 9 teams are taking part in a double league tournament, the total number of matches will be held as given below:
N (n-1) = 9 (9-1) =9 (8) = 72 matches
Advantages of League tournament
(1) A team need not wait to win other for playing a match.
(2) Appropriate opportunities are available to the players to improve their performance.
(3) The spectators also get good opportunity to watch the game for many days. Only strong or deserving team gets victory in the tournament
Disadvantages of League Tournament:
(1) It is costly and requires more time.
(2) It requires more arrangements for sports officials and teams.
(3) Most of the teams become psychologically down due to their defeat again and again. In such a situation, these teams become unable to show good performance.
Question. What is Combination Tournament ?
Answer. Combination tournaments are conducted when the matches are to be
played on group basis or zonal basis. As a matter of fact, these tournaments depend on the suitability of the activity, the number of participating teams and the areas and distance from which they come to participate.
Question. Briefly explain about types of combination tournament ?
Answer. There are four type of combination tournament:
(1) Knock-out cum knock-out
(2) League cum League
(3) Knock-out cum League
(4) League cum Knock-out
(1) Knock-out cum knock-out: - In this type of tournament the total number of teams are divided in four equal zones. First of all the teams of each zone play on knock-out basis. In this way, a team becomes the winner from each zone. All the four winner teams again play their matches on knock-out basis. The team that wins in the finalbecomes the winner of inter zonal tournament.
Example Zonal Tournament on knock-out basis
2. League Cum League
In this type of tournament total number of teams are divided in four zones. All the teams play their matches in their respective zones on league basis. One team from each zone becomes the zonal winner. It is called zonal or group tournament. After that all the zonal winner teams again play the matches on league basis and one team becomes the winner of inter zonal or group tournament.
Example.Group or Zonal Tournament – On League Basis
3. Knock-out cum League
All the teams are divided in four zones. First of all the teams play their matches in their respective zones on knock-out basis and one team becomes the winner from each zone. After that the four winner teams again play their matches on league base and one team becomes the winner of inter group or zone tournament.
Example:GrouporZonal Tournament on knock-out basis
4. League cum Knock-out Tournament
All the teams are divided intofour zones. All the teams play their matches in their respective zones on league basis. One team from each zone or group becomes the winner. It is called zonal tournament. After that the four winner teams play their matches on knock-out basis and one team becomes the winner of inter group or zonal tournament.
Example: Group or Zonal Tournament on League Basis
Question. What is bye?
Answer. A bye, in sports and other competitive activities, most commonly refers to the practice of allowing a player or team to advance to the next round of playoff tournament without playing.
Question. What is seeding?
Answer. Seeding is done to overcome the drawback of single knock out tournament. Seeding is the procedure by which good teams place din fixtures in such way that stronger teams do not meet each other at very beginning of tournament. Seeding can be done only if the standards of teams are known before the tournament.
Question. What is special seeding ?
Answer. In this form of fixtures the seeded players are brought straight away to quarterfinals or semifinals. Though the method is unfair yet the outstanding players can’t stay for a longer period at a particular place. In this form of draw the other formalities of draws are not taken as seriously as in knock out tournament.
Question. What do you mean by Intramural ? Elucidate the significance of Intramural.
Answer. In simple term, Intramural means “ A game for each and each for a game”, Intramural competitions are the competitions conducted within the students of the same institution. Or in the other works, these activities are organized only for the students of a school or campus. No student of other school cantake part inthese activities. Intramural competitions are the best means to motivated all the students of an institution for participating in the games and sports.
1. Intramurals are very significant for physical, mental, emotional and social development of students.
2. These programmes also lay stress on moral and ethical values of students.
3. Intramurals are necessary for the development of health of children.
4. These programmes are also important to calm down the fighting instinct of children.
5. These programmes refresh the children and make them agile.
Question. Explain any six objectives of Intramural.
1. To provide opportunities for the students to organize and conduct competitions.
2. To provide an experience to participants in competitive soprts.
3. To provide an opportunity for leadership and fellowship.
4. To provide an opportunity to develop group spirit.
5. To provide an atmosphere for joy, fun and pleasure of playing one’s favourite game in a competitive situation.
6. To provide an opportunity to maintain better physical and mental health though recreative and competitive situation.
Question. What do you mean by extramural ? Elucidate the significance of extramural.
Answer. Extramural competitions are inter-college, inter-school, inter-institution competitions separately for each game and sport. The intramural programme takes pride in allowing its participants to take part in extramural competitions at state, regional national and international levels in various sports and games.
1.Throughextramuralcompletions,thestandardofsportsperformancecanbeenhanced. Especially the losers can make strenuous efforts to improve their sports performance in next extramural competition.
2.Extramurals are essential to provide appropriate knowledge of new techniques of sports. The teams, which do not have appropriate as well as advanced techniques of various sports and games, can get such knowledge by participating in extramurals.
3.Extramural competitions enhance the chances for the students of various schools to participate in sports. May schools, who do not take part in such competitions, are motivated and consequently such schools tend to participate in extramurals.
4.Extramurals are essential for making and implementing the programmesofphysicaleducationmore effective. Extramurals also help in broadening the base of sports.
Question. Explain any five objectives of extramural.
Answer. 1. To Develop brotherhood, fraternity and friendship among participating institutions.
2. To enhance the participation opportunity to talented students to develop and exhibit their potential fully and achieve excellence.
3. To bring laurels to the institution by registering victory in highest number of events.
4. To encourage social interaction amongst teams.
5. To provide fun, recreation and joy to the greatest possible manner.
Question. What do you mean by Specific sports programmes ? Explain any three.
Answer. Specific sports programmes are such programmes of sports which are not usually related to completions. These sports programmes have various objectives such as creating awareness among people regarding unity, health and diseases like AIDS, Swine flu, etc. and raising funds for charitable institutions or organizations. Such programmes may be organized for the promotion and maintenance of health among people.
1.Health Runs
2.Run for Fun
3.Run for Unity
Health Runs
Health runs are organized almost every part of theworld. InIndia,healthrun is organized in almost every state to make people health conscious. Health run does not require any specific preparation. Health runs are organized by health department,sports department or social organizations. Usually their purpose is to ameliorate the standard of health in a country along with the raising of funds for charity.
For health runs therequirement is only a pair of shoes and light clothes, there is no competition in it but registration of participants is performed in advance. The date and time is also fixed will in advance. There is no age limit in health runs and the distance course of running is also fixed up.
Run For Fun
These kinds of runs are organized by the various organizations for the people of all ages. Run for fun is more related to have fun and frolic during running. Run for fun is a friendly race that involves either road running or cross country running taking part for their own enjoyment and recreation rather than competition. It is organized to raise funds for a charity. The sponsors only deduct the organizational expenditure. Run for the fun can include novel categories such as wearing costumes and age categories for adults, teenagers and children.
Run For Unity
Run for fun is organized by different nations by their central governments, state governments, sports federations and institutions etc. to create a feeling of unity among the people. The purpose of run for unity may be national and international integration. It may be in the form of relay race of long distance. Every participant runs some distance. In the form or relay, they feel united. It may bein the form of marathon race as it is usually organized in Mumbai. A lot of people participate in this race from corporate world, film stars and marathon runners from other countries. The cash prize is given to the first three position holder. Such runs promote harmony, peace and solidarity among people of different religions.
Question: ……………………….is an immune system reaction that occurs soon after eating a certain food.
a) Drug Allergy
b) Pet Allergy
c) Food Allergy
d) None of these
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following is/are objective(s) of planning?
I. To reduce unnecessary pressure of immediacy
II. To Facilitate proper coordination
III. To increase efficiency
a) I and III
b) Only II
c) I, II and III
d) None of these
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following responsibilities is/are not correct about post tournament responsibilities?
I. To give away the prizes and certificates to the winners
II. To provide security refunds to the departing teams
III. To prepare proper scoresheet for record
IV. To prepare reports related to the expenditure of the tournament
a) Only III
b) I and III
c) I, II and III
d) I and II
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following can be define as “A plan is a trap laid to capture the future.”
III. Plato
a) Only II
b) I and III
c) I, II and III
d) None of these
Answer: a
Question: Match List – I, with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a) Intramural competition I. Inter-College
b) Extramural competition II. Olympics
c) National competition III. Inter-State
d) International competitions IV. Inter-departmental
A, B, C, D
a) I, II, III, IV
b) II, III, IV, I
c) III,IV, II, I
d) IV, I, III, II
Answer: d
Question: Which of the following statement(s) is/are associated with planning?
I) Planning plays a vital role in every field of life.
II) Physical education plays a significant role in the holistic development of an individual.
III) Without effective planning we cannot derive maximum benefits from the program of physical education and sports.
a) Only III
b) Only II
c) I, II and III
d) I and III
Answer: d
Question: Which of the responsibilitie (s) is/are correct about during tournament
I. To ensure that the sports events is being organised as per schedule
II. To impart first aid to the injured athletes
a) Neither I nor II
b) Only II
c) Only I
d) Both I and II
Answer: d
Question: Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about round robin tournaments?
I . Every team plays with every other team irrespective of victory or defeat
II . Defeated team does not get a second chance
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Both I and II
d) Neither I nor II
Answer: a
Question: Which of the statements are correct about pre-game responsibilities
I. To arrange prizes and certificates for winners
II. To send the entry forms to the various institutions early and receive them on time
III. To prepare the budget of the tournament
a) Only III
b) II and III
c) I, II and III
d) I and II
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following combination (s) is/are not correct?
I. Elimination round- knockout tournament
II. Round Robin tournament – Single league Tournament
III. Combination Tournament- Challenge Tournament
a) Only III
b) I and III
c) I, II and III
d) I and II
Answer: a
Question: Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about consolation tournament?
I. It depends solely on the organisers, whether they organise it or not.
II. There are two types of consolation tournaments.
III In this tournament, the winner is declared from the defeated teams.
a) Only II
b) I and III
c) I, II and III
d) Only I
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about second type of consolation tournament?
I. The teams defeated in all the rounds are given an additional opportunity to take part in the competition.
II.The teams that are defeated in the first round get the opportunity to play only.
a) Neither i nor ii
b) Only ii
c) Only i
d) Both i and ii
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following statement(s) is/are not correct about tournaments?
I. Tournaments are held according to set rules and regulations.
II. Tournament is that series of sports in which one team finally wins and rest of the teams lose the matches.
a) Neither I nor II
b) Only II
c) Only I
d) Both I and II
Answer: a
Question: Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about tournaments?
I. Tournaments provide recreation to the spectators.
II.Tournaments are helpful in the holistic development of participants.
III. Tournaments are organised at various levels such as zonal, district, state, national and international levels.
a) Only III
b) I and III
c) I, II and III
d) I and II
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following statement(s) is/are associated with knock-out tournaments?
I . A team which is once defeated, automatically gets eliminated
II . Defeated team does not get a second chance
III . Its provide maximum number of opportunities to the teams to display their best performance.
a) Only I
b) I and III
c) I, II and III
d) I and II
Answer: d
Question: Which of the following importance are correct about tournaments?
I. By participating in tournaments sportsmen develop various skills of sports.
II. Good players can be selected easily by observing their performance
III. Tournament are helpful in developing international unity and brotherhood)
a) Only I
b) I and III
c) I, II and III
d) I and II
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following is/are the disadvantage(s) of the knock-out tournament?
I. Chances of elimination of good team in initial round
II. Spectators may lose their interest
a) Neither I nor II
b) Only II
c) Only I
D Both I and II
Answer: d
Question: Which of the following combination(s) is/are correct?
I. Single league tournament- N(N-1)
II. Double league tournament- N(N-1)/2
a) Neither I nor II
b) Only II
c) Only I
D Both I and II
Answer: a
Question: Which of the following is/are not the advantage(s) of the knock-out tournament?
I. Minimum number of officials are required
II. There are more chances of weak teams to enter the final round
III. Tournament gets completed in less time.
IV. Less expensive
a) Only II
b) I and III
c) I, II and III
d) I and II
Answer: a
Question: Which of the following tournament is a form of combination tournament?
I. Knock-out cum knock-out
II. League cum league
III. League cum challenge
a) Only III
b) I, II and III
c) I and II
d) I and III
Answer: c
Worksheet for CBSE Physical Education Class 12 Planning In Sports
We hope students liked the above worksheet for Planning In Sports designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 12 Physical Education released by CBSE. Students of Class 12 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 12 Physical Education on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Physical Education by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 12 Physical Education to develop the Physical Education Class 12 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 12 Physical Education designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 12 Physical Education in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.
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