Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Sports Medicine Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 12 Physical Education can get free printable Worksheets for Class 12 Physical Education Sports Medicine in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 12 students should practice questions and answers given here for Physical Education in Class 12 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 12 Physical Education Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Physical Education books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 12 Physical Education Sports Medicine
Class 12 Physical Education students should download to the following Sports Medicine Class 12 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 12 Physical Education Worksheet for Sports Medicine
Q.1 – What is sports medicine?
Ans – The concept of sports medicine has been accepted by all the world level countries including India. Sports science is related not only with the medicines in developed countries like India but also with high performance sports medicine. It has extended its scope and area in a great measure.
Q.2 – What are some aims of sports medicine.
Ans – 1. Making aware of the injuries.
2. Concentrate on the cause of the injury.
3. Provision of medical help immediately
4. Injuries the player might suffer.
Q.3 – What is contusion?
Ans – A direct hit or blow anywhere on the body, causing bleeding from ruptured small capillaries below the skin, without any breaking of skin is called contusion. In such cases, the outer skin remains unbroken and there is slight bleeding into muscular tissue. Contusion may take place in the sports like cricket, hockey, gymnastic and polo etc.
Q.4 – What is sprain?
Ans – A sprain is sudden stretching of this ligaments of a joint and is associated with pain and usually discoloration which appears early from hemorrhage into the tissues. The ligaments sometimes become tense and get injured was the weak joints and bones. Sprain may occur at joints like knee, ankle, elbow joints etc.
Q.5 – What is abrasion?
Ans – It is not a deep injury of skin or mucous membranes due to scrapping or rubbing. The cause of this injury may be due to fall on a hard rough surface. This type of injury may not be serious but can be serious if some foreign material like small stone or a stick gets struck in it. Abrasion takes place in sports like cricket, hockey, athletics and combating zanies etc.
Q.6 – What is shoulder dislocation?
Ans – Shoulder dislocation is caused by blow to shoulder often in contact sports such as karate, judo or rugby. It may also be caused by forcing arm outwards and away from the body. The shoulder is very painful at the time of dislocation, looks square and connot be moved outwards from the body. Nervous around shoulder can also be damaged in rare cases.
Q.7 – What is scope of sports medicine?
Ans – The physical performance and stamina of every sports person totally depends on the physical factors which he uses in his daily routine and during the practice and training of the sport. These factors help the athlete in achieving dexterity and skill in particular sport. The athlete face a lot many problems in his daily routine and sports practice and has to seek the help of sports medicine in order to resolve those problems. Reduction of any one of the physical efficiency and stamina factors such as muscle power, pace, coordinating energy, tolerance etc. increases the chance of the athlete’s getting injuries or falling ill, such problems are remedied by the physician with the help of sports medicine.
Q.8 – What is the impact o surface on the athlete/players?
Ans –The surfaces on which athletes run or play a large role in determining how well they perform and how likely they are to get injured. To understand why this is so, it’s important to realize that running is essentially a series of collisions between your body and the ground. There are different kinds of surfaces on which we play sports, eg. natural grass, wooden flooring, synthetic surface for sport and recreational usage. One of the important aspects of sport surfaces is to imporone athletic performance it has been suffered that the main feature of the sport surface that can affect the athletic performance is to store and return energy have argued that if some of the energy that an athlete requires far each step. Slide jump, landing etc. can be reused, through energy returns from the surface. In other works, one can achieve a given physical activity by using less energy and, there continue or activity during a longer period. The most important characteristic of a sport surface which may be related to performance is to give the maximum output by using less energy. Playing surfaces also play an important role to avoid sports injuries as when the friction is optimum and the hardness of the surface is according to the game the chances to get injured is much less. Playing surface also increase the life of ankles and knees by providing proper shock absorber between the body and surface of playing.
Q.9 – What is sprain? Write about the treatment of sprain.
Ans – A sprain is a sudden stretching of the ligaments of a joint and is associated with pain and usually discoloration, which appears early from hemorrhage into the tissue. The ligaments sometimes become tense and get injured near the weak joints and bones. Sprain may occur joints like knee, ankle, elbow joints etc. The sprain may be classified into.
(a) Mild Sprain: In this type of sprain there is slight tearing of some of the ligament fibres and there is no loss of function of joint.
(b) Moderate Sprain: In this type of sprain there is some rupture of ligaments and ther is some loss of function.
(c) Severe sprain: In this type of sprain there is total rapture of ligament and they are also separated from bone and total loss of any movement.
Q.10 – What is fracture? What are the type of fracture?
Ans – Bone injuries are usually caused by a direct blow to the bone either in a fall or a kick or a similar injury. There are many bones in our body. They all are attached to one or the other to make the skeletal. Each and every bone is important to our body. Each bone has its own movements and function. Some bones are smaller but some are big. Bones may be injured in one way or the other. Some of the bone injuries of the body are discussed here.
1. Fracture of a collarbone: Fractured collarbone is caused by direct blow to the collarbone or by blow to the shoulder by some external body. There are some sports where chances of bone injuries are more, i.e., rugby, karate, judo or motorcycling. There is a lot of pain felt over the bone itself and the ends of the bone may be clearly visible under the skin.
2. Fracture of a radius bone: When radius bone is fractured, it breaks one of the bones in the forearm which makes up part of the wrist joint. This is sometimes is also called colles fracture. It usually occurs in a fall on overstretched wrist eg. skating on road or ice skating. It is common in almost all sports. After a few hours of injury one feels pain on all movements of the wrist with swelling and bruising.
3. Scaphoid Fracture: Scaphoid fracture is a very similar mechanism of injury to radius fracture caused by a fall on outstretched hand. There is pain in “smuff box” depression on outer side of wrist. There may be swelling although not always. Pushing of wrist backwards is especially painful. It hurts when it moves.
Q.11 – What are the sports Injuries? What are the principles to prevent sports injuries?
Ans – Injury is very common almost in every sport. Injury occurs in sports as it does in day to day life. The only difference is that in general life the injuries are not avoidable but the sports injuries are avoidable. Injuries occur to the sports persons mostly due to lack of knowledge. It is also known that most of the sports persons are not aware how to prevent common sports injuries and what kind of first aid can be given to the sportsman and what kind of treatment can be given particular injury. Injury prevention begins with the physical evaluation of sports before taking up a sport. Much is known now about the hazards of each individual sport and physical deficiencies can be spotted at the beginning of the training season and rectified.
Prevention of Sports Injury
The risk of injury accompanies participation in almost all sporting activities. As the number of participants in both competitive and recreational sports has increased, there has been a corresponding increase in the number of injuries. Sports injuries can have profound, long lasting effects on sports person, injuries particularly those not properly cared for, may develop into conditions that can last a lifetime. Some of these conditions are chronic for example Tennis Elbow, Runner’s knee or osteoarthritis.
Most sports injuries are caused by one or more of the following factors:
1.Lack of pre-participation medical check up.
2. Poor coaching or coaching error.
3. Lack of conditioning.
4. Improper use of equipment.
5. Inadequate or poorly maintained facilities.
6. Sports person’s psychological condition.
7. Inadequate rehabilitation.
8. Inadequate first aid care.
9. Premature return to participation after injury.
Except for unforeseen circumstances such as injuries that occur from high forces generated in sports/athletics (broken bones, dislocated joints), the athlete/sports person or those responsible for the sports person’s health training can reduce the risk of injury from any of these factors.
Q.12 – What do you mean by Joint Injuries? Discuss various types of dislocations.
Ans –A joint, depending on its type, may allow for slight movement, free movement, free movement or no movement at all. Or in other words, we can say, joint injury is mainly the dislocation of joints. A joint dislocation occurs when there is an abnormal separation in the joint, where two or more boned meet. A joint is formed by the meeting of two or more bones of the skeleton.
Dislocation: is an injury to a joint in which adjoining bones are displaced from their normal position. Ligaments that bind the joints also get injured frequently in a dislocation.
Fractures also occur frequently with dislocation injury to the ligaments in a dislocation is called ligament sprain. Shoulder, elbow, thumb and finger joints are the joints that get dislocated frequently.
Symptoms of Dislocation
- Severe pain over the joint.
- Swelling at the joint may be visible.
- Inability to make movements of the joint easily.
- Deformity in the shape of a joint.
General Treatment of Dislocation
1. Do not try to adjust or reduce the dislocation yourself.
2. Steady and support the limb in a comfortable position by using some cushion or padding.
3. Let the injured person sit on a chair or lie on a bed in a comfortable position.
4. Keep the person warm.
5. Get proper medical aid as soon as possible. The doctor should be able to realign the dislocated bones within six hour of injury.
Q.13 – What is strain?
Ans – Strain may also be termed as an injury to muscle or tendons connected to the boned.
Application of a violent or extra force may result in such injuries. Such injures take place in track and field, gymnastics, weightlifting etc.
Mild Strain: When there is a slight muscle pull without any tearing of muscle or tendon.
Moderate Strain: When there is slight tearing of muscle or tendon and there is some loss of strength.
Severe Strain: When the muscles or tensions rupture. In such a case, loss of strength is considerable.
Q.14 – What do you mean by Laceration? How can you manage laceration?
Ans – A laceration is an irregular cut in the skin from a sharp object or sharp edged sports equipment. These wounds are more dangerous than incised wounds. Such wounds are not smooth. Bleeding occurs in less quantity in such wounds. These wounds may be very poisonous. Usually rough marks remain even after the treatment.
Management of Laceration
1. First of all you should control bleeding before anything else. To stop bleeding put pressure directly on the laceration while holding it above the level of heart for 15 minutes. If you are unable to stop bleeding try to use pressure points.
2. Once bleeding has stopped, wash the laceration with warm water and mild soap. If bleeding starts again repeat the step one.
3. Determine if the laceration requires stitches. If the affected person requires stitches go to doctor.
4. For simple lacerations which do not require stitches, use antiseptic ointment.
5. Cover the laceration with sterile gauze and warp with roller gauze. Clean the laceration whenever you change the dressing.
6. Watch the infection and change the dressing regularly.
7. Take painkiller if pain persists.
Q.15 – What is green stick fracture? Elucidate its management.
Ans – A green stick fracture is that fracture when a bone bends and cracks instead of breaking completely into separate pieces. This type of fracture usually occurs in children because their bones are soft and more flexible than the bones of adults.
Management of Green Stick Fracture
Most of these fractures involve arms and legs which require immobilization to make the bone grow back together in proper or natural position. A removable splint is the most recommended among children. The swelling that occurred on the site of the fracture may be reduced with anti-inflammatory drugs. Pain can be relieved by taking pain relievers. Generally, it takes eight weeks for complete bone healing. High impact activities should be avoided in the beginning.
Q.16 What is Transverse Fracture? How will you manage transverse fracture?
Ans – It is a break of a part of one of the bones of the spine. It is shaped like a wing. Most probably, these injuries occur in the thoracic spine (the upper and middle parts of the vertebra and lumber) region (low back area).
Management of Transverse Fracture
If the injury is limited to a break of a transverse process with no other injury, hospital care is not necessary. Medication for pain control should be given. Limit the various activities. In intricate or multiple fractures of back bone (spine) there can be damage to spinal cord and may require operation. There can be pain and stiffness in the back for some weeks after transverse fracture. Complete rest should be given to the person. After that the affected person should not join the activity. Neck and back braces may also be helpful in reducing pain and increasing mobility. Exercise should be done to improve motion and to strengthen back.
Worksheet for CBSE Physical Education Class 12 Sports Medicine
We hope students liked the above worksheet for Sports Medicine designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 12 Physical Education released by CBSE. Students of Class 12 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 12 Physical Education on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Physical Education by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 12 Physical Education to develop the Physical Education Class 12 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 12 Physical Education designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 12 Physical Education in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.
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