CBSE Class 7 English Determiners Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 7 English Determiners Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 7 English can get free printable Worksheets for Class 7 English Determiners in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 7 students should practice questions and answers given here for English in Class 7 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 7 English Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest English books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 7 English Determiners

Class 7 English students should download to the following Determiners Class 7 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 7 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 7 English Worksheet for Determiners


- Determiners are words placed before nouns or pronouns to decide or fix their meaning.
- They tell us how many‘ or how much‘.
- Determiners are words which come before nouns.
- They contain several classes of words, including pronouns and adjectives.
- They determine or limit the noun by giving some additional information about it.
- Determiners show whether a noun refers to is a general or a specific object, person or place.
- They indicate which or how many things the noun refers to.
- Determiners define or limit a noun to the singular or plural.
- They indicate amount or quantity.
- Determiners may precede numerals too.


Question. He spent the ______ night drinking, so there was hardly ______ wine left.
A) each / every
B) all / some
C) whole / any
D) every / no
E) most / much

Answer : C

Question. _____ of the past three recessions has been successively weaker and shorter as policy missteps have lessened.
A) Every
B) One
C) Some
D) The other
E) Each

Answer : E

Question. In December last year, the health secretary and five _____ cabinet ministers signed a concordat proposing a transformation of social care.
A) the other
B) others
C) the others
D) other
E) another

Answer : D

Question. Having different types of businesses in a neighbourhood can increase _____ walking trips among residents.
A) a great amount of
B) a vast amount of
C) the number of
D) several
E) a number of

Answer : C

Question. Physical dating violence affects almost one in _____ 11 adolescents.
A) several
B) other
C) all
D) every
E) each

Answer : D

Question. The place was spacious with _____ room for relaxation surrounded by restaurants.
A) no
B) a
C) any
D) lots of
E) little

Answer : D

Question. I spend ____ my time thinking about you at nights.
A) a good deal of
B) a great many of
C) a plenty number of
D) a number of
E) almost

Answer : A

Question. _____ question in the test was checked in detail before given to the students, and _____ including mistakes or causing ambiguity were corrected by the teachers.
A) Either / none
B) Every / any
C) The whole / the ones
D) Each / no
E) All / the other

Answer : B

Question. As China and America ____ draw up military budgets with _____ in mind, there is the threat of a growing mutual suspicion that will be hard to ratchet down.
A) each / the other
B) both / themselves
C) the other / the others
D) neither / others
E) either / each other

Answer : A

Question. Istanbul is the biggest city in Turkey and one of the world's major cities, with around 6.7 million people in the city _____ and ______ four million in the area around it.
A) its own / other
B) themselves / the other
C) alone / others
D) one another / the others
E) itself / another

Answer : E

Question. ____ number has an inherent power of analysis; it has also the power of synthesis because of the inner bond that connects all _____ numbers to the unit.
A) Every / the other
B) Each / other
C) All / some
D) No / any
E) Whole / many

Answer : B

Question. The officer rode 70 km to _____ home city and then turned a gun on _____, the reporter told.
A) our / him
B) his / herself
C) my / itself
D) her / herself
E) us / ourselves

Answer : D

Question. I really want to know what kind of feeling it is to have a relative that hates you that ______.
A) most
B) much
C) a lot
D) a good many
E) a little

Answer : B

Question. Of the two churches in the town, one is a Catholic Church and _____ is Lutheran.
A) other
B) the other
C) another
D) others
E) the others

Answer : B

Question. While there are ____ formidable women on the screen today, _____ of them have involved themselves in the method school as part of their training.
A) quiet a few / many
B) many / a good many
C) the number of / few
D) lots of / a good deal
E) many / very few

Answer : E

Question. With some families displaced for more than a decade, children born or raised in camps have _____ or ______ memory of traditional farming life.
A) little / no
B) no / any
C) more / less
D) few / fewer
E) less / none

Answer : A

Question. The scientists stripped the DNA from 19 human eggs and implanted in _____ a DNA-containing nucleus from _____ person's cell.
A) both / the other
B) every / other
C) each / another
D) none / others
E) neither / the others

Answer : C

Question. We had _____ room so none of us had any problems with accommodation.
A) little
B) few
C) enough
D) the number of
E) a

Answer : C

Question. A number of different models of procurement ____ to provide access to a variety of content over the term of the contract.
A) are being considered
B) is considered
C) consider
D) was considered
E) considered

Answer : A

Question. Eating healthy tomatoes is only one small way to take care of _____, _____ community and the planet.
A) yours / mine
B) themselves / my
C) me / his
D) yourself / your
E) them / theirs

Answer : D

Question. The artists of the Spanish Market work with many different kinds of materials. _____ weave cloth on looms. ____make their own pottery or carve objects out of bone.
A) All / None
B) Most / Half
C) Whole / Others
D) Many / The other
E) Some / Others

Answer : E

Question. Officials say _____ affected county has now been reached and rescue efforts started.
A) each other
B) both
C) all
D) either
E) every

Answer : E

Question. Not ____ of the changes observed in nature are damaging to _____ creatures.
A) every / whole
B) each / both
C) either / neither
D) none / all
E) all / all

Answer : E

Question. ______ wants to expose ______. People often hide their feelings.
A) Everybody / themselves
B) Somebody / himself
C) Anybody / themselves
D) Nobody / themselves
E) Somebody / themselves

Answer : D

Question. The wildlife of ______ region is under threat and ______ rare animal species may become extinct.
A) all / a large amount of
B) each / others
C) another / both
D) every / either
E) the whole / some

Answer : E

Question. _________ road that we took was wrong.
(a) A
(b) The
(c) That
(d) This
Answer. (b) The

Question. ________ has any clue of what you are talking.
(a) Many
(b) Nobody
(c) Everybody
(d) Somebody
Answer. (b) Nobody

Question. ___________ is known about her achievements.
(a) Few
(b) Little
(c) A little
(d) None
Answer. (c) A little

Question. He has ____________ evidence to prove his innocence.
(a) many
(b) all
(c) either
(d) enough
Answer. (d) enough

Question. Rashi was supposed to buy ___________ of the two books.
(a) many
(b) more
(c) either
(d) some
Answer. (c) either

Question. __________ those criminals were hanged.
(a) All
(b) Much
(c) Enough
(d) Some
Answer. (a) All

Question. There isn’t ___________ oxygen left within the cylinder.
(a) some
(b) many
(c) more
(d) much
Answer. (d) much

Question. Despite informing them about _________, they forgot.
(a) nothing
(b) everything
(c) something
(d) anything
Answer. (b) everything

Question. ____________ one of them has been warned.
(a) Each
(b) Every
(c) Many
(d) Much
Answer. (a) Each

Question. ___________ party is about to begin.
(a) A
(b) An
(c) The
(d) A little
Answer. (c) The

Question. ___________ of you who knew him are telling lies.
(a) Most
(b) Many
(c) Every
(d) Each
Answer. (a) Most

Question. There is ________ to be done before we leave for Mumbai.
(a) much
(b) a lot
(c) more
(d) some
Answer. (b) a lot

Question. He says that there is _______ water left in the desert.
(a) none
(b) no
(c) much
(d) little
Answer. (b) no

Question. ___________ parrots who ate the chillies are sick now.
(a) A few
(b) Few
(c) The few
(d) Many
Answer. (b) Few

Question. He knows too _________ about the mysterious jungle.
Do not trust him.
(a) little
(b) all
(c) many
(d) much
Answer. (a) little

Question. There is not _________ food left to be given now.
(a) some
(b) enough
(c) many
(d) little
Answer. (b) enough

Question. Is there ________ here who knows Mr. Patel.
(a) anyone
(b) somebody
(c) someone
(d) everybody
Answer. (a) anyone

Question. __________ Air India flight might get late today.
(a) A
(b) Any
(c) Some
(d) The
Answer. (d) The

Question. He is _________ honest person.
(a) a
(b) an
(c) some
(d) none
Answer. (b) an

Question. He said that he could get late by __________ hour.
(a) the
(b) an
(c) a
(d) two
Answer. (b) an

Question. ____________ of the money we had, has been used.
(a) Many
(b) All
(c) Enough
(d) Every
Answer. (b) All

Question. __________ is talking about the launch of the book.
(a) Somebody
(b) None
(c) Everybody
(d) Anybody
Answer. (c) Everybody

Question. He is _______ tallest boy in the class.
(a) a
(b) the
(c) much
(d) too
Answer. (b) the

Question. They are not left with ________ money.
(a) much
(b) more
(c) many
(d) all
Answer. (a) much

Question. ___________ of the switches are working.
(a) No
(b) Any
(c) Many
(d) None
Answer. (d) None

Question. The kids ate _________ the fruits from the refrigerator.
(a) each
(b) every
(c) all
(d) none
Answer. (c) all

Question. _____ of the apples are rotten in the basket.
(a) Every
(b) Some
(c) Both
(d) Little
Answer. (b) Some

Question. There is _______ wild dog that has entered the building.
(a) a
(b) the
(c) some
(d) little
Answer. (a) a

Question. There was ______ aeroplane flying over the jungle.
(a) a
(b) any
(c) an
(d) all
Answer. (c) an

Question. Can you provide me with ________ number of the department?
(a) some
(b) few
(c) a few
(d) any
Answer. (d) any

Solved Exercises

1.Fill in the blanks using suitable determiners.

(a) …………………………….. (a/an/the) man went for (b) …………………………….. (a/an/the) holiday to (c) …………………………….. (a/an/the) place near (d) …………………………….. (a/an/the) sea., (e) …………………………….. (every/all/some) morning he went for a swim in the sea. On (f) …………………………….. (all/most/every) days the sea was rough, but on (g) ……………………………. (every/most/some) days it was calm.
(a) a
(b) a
(c) a
(d) the
(e) every
(f) most
(g) some

2.Savita has lost the (a) …………………………. pens she had. Now she has spent the (b)…………………………. money she had on buying more. So she is giving (c) …………………………. worried look.
(a) few
(b) little
(c) a

3.There are so (a) …………………………. ways of entertainment in life. (b) …………………………. circus is one of the most entertaining media. Last Sunday (c) …………………………. of (d) …………………………. friends went to see the Diamond Circus. My uncle took us there. (e) …………………………. one paid for (f) …………………………. ticket.
(a) many
(b) The
(c) some
(d) our
(e) Every
(f) his


Exercises For Practice:

1.(a) …………………………. is one of (b) …………………………. most memorable trips. At Rameshwaram we saw (c) …………………………. ancient temples, which gave (d)…………………………. idea of our glorious past. It added (e) …………………………. to (f) …………………………. knowledge.

2. Sahil: Meet him, (a) …………………………. is (b) …………………………. brother.
Rohan: You resemble (c) …………………………. (d) ………………………….
Sahil: No, you are wrong, (e) …………………………. of us resembles.
In fact, there is hardly (f) …………………………. resemblance.

3. Mukna Kangjei is (a) …………………………. very popular game in Manipur. It enjoyed (b) …………………………. royal patronage in (c) …………………………. olden days. Manipur is known for several games that developed over (d) …………………………. period of time. It is (e) …………………………. indigenous game. In the beginning, it was very popular but now slowly (f) …………………………. game is fading away.

4. The interact club of ABC Public School recently organised (a) …………………………. voluntary blood donation …………………………. event was (c) …………………………. initiative of (d) …………………………. Rotary Club of Delhi. As (e) …………………………. part of the drive (f) …………………………. students took out a rally in the vicinity of the school.

5. Once upon (a)___ time, there lived (b)___ man named Mahesh Das. He was well known for (c)___ intelligent and witty answers. (d)____ people came from far away areas to ask advice on (e) ____ things. One day he decided to meet king Akbar, so he travelled to Agra. But while entering through (f) ___ gates of the palace, one of the guards stopped him. (g)____ guard said if Mahesh Das gave half of whatever he received from Akbar, he would be allowed to go in. Mahesh Das agreed and went inside to meet Akbar. When Akbar asked what Mahesh Das wanted, he asked for 100 lashes as his reward. Shocked to hear such (h)___ unusual request Akbar asked him why he wanted lashes. Mahesh Das said that (i)___ guard at the gate asked to give him half of whatever he would get, and that‘s the reason why he asked for 500 lashes. Akbar got very angry at (j)___ behaviour of the guard and summoned him to the court. Once the guard arrived, he was not only given (k)___ lashes but also imprisoned for five years. Impressed by the wit of Mahesh Das, Akbar gave him a new name, ‗Birbal‘ and made him a respected member of the court.

1. (i) the (ii) an (iii) a
2. (i) a (ii) the (iii) an
3. (i) his (ii) him (iii) its
4. (i) many (ii) much (iii) enough
5. (i)enough (ii)any (iii)many
6. (i) the (ii) a (iii)any
7. (i) a (ii) the (iii) an
8. (i) an (ii) a (iii) the
9. (i) a (ii) an (iii) first
10. (i) a (ii) the (iii) an
11. (i) enough (ii)much (iii) any

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Worksheet for CBSE English Class 7 Determiners

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Determiners designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 7 English released by CBSE. Students of Class 7 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 7 English on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for English by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 7 English to develop the English Class 7 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 7 English designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 7 English in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 7 English Determiners

You can download the CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 7 English Determiners for latest session from

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There is no charge for the Printable worksheets for Class 7 CBSE English Determiners you can download everything free

Are there any websites that offer free test sheets for Class 7 English Determiners

Yes, provides all latest NCERT Determiners Class 7 English test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 7 English Determiners worksheets?

CBSE Class 7 English Determiners worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 7 English scores?

Regular practice with Class 7 English worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.