Unseen Passage for Class 7 English Solved

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Class 7 English Unseen Passage

We have provided below the largest collection of CBSE NCERT Unseen Passage for Class 7 English which can be downloaded by you for free. These Unseen Passage cover all Class 7 English important passages with questions and answers and have been designed based on the latest CBSE NCERT blueprint, books and syllabus. You can click on the links below to download the latest Unseen Passage for Class 7 English. CBSE Unseen Passage for Class 7 English will help Class 7 English students to understand the unseen passages and related pattern of questions and prepare properly for the upcoming examinations.

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CBSE Class 7 English Unseen Passage

Unseen Passage for Class 7

Read the following the Passage:-

After the emperor had left, a crowd of people came to see me. I was a novelty in that island because these people had never seen someone of my size before. Some of the tiny people aimed arrows at me. One arrow nearly shot into my eye. These people were handed over to me to punish as I pleased.

To give them a fright. I Pretended I was going to eat one of them, and I put the others in my pocket. When I took out my penknife, they were terrified but I cut the cords of each of these tiny people and put them on the ground. People went to tell the Emperor who in return of my kindness to his people decided that I would not be killed.

On the Emperor's orders, six cows and forty sheep were to be milked every day to provide me with milk. My clothes were to be made by three hundred tailors and I was to have six hundred attendants to look after me. I was to be taught the local language by six teachers.

Answer the following questions:-

1.Why did a crowd of people come to see the author?
2.Where did the arrow shoot the speakers?
3.How did the author frighten the people who were shooting arrows at h
4.How did the speaker terrify the little people?
5.What did the Emperor decide?
6.Write the word from the passage which means 'very small'
7.Write the word from the passage which means ‘give'.

Suggested Answer of the above question:-

1.A crowd of people came to see the author because he was a novelty in that island. These people had never seen someone of the author's size.
2.The arrow shot the speaker nearly into his eyes.
3.The author frightened the people who were shooting arrows at him by Pretending that he was going to eat one of them and put the others in his pocket.
4.The speaker terrified the little people by taking out his penknife.
5.The Emperor decided not to kill him.


Short Unseen Passage Class 7 with questions and answers

Read the following Passage:-

Books are the chief carriers of civilization: because of them, ideas live and spread. How important book s are, you can judge from the fact that very hot countries as it is well-known, are slow in becoming civilized in the modern sense. There are many reasons for this, but one of the most important is that the white ants which live in tropics eat up all the books. For example, in tropical South America, there are practically no books, more than forty y years or fifty years old. Where there are no books, there are no records and no literature; the ideas and knowledge of one generation can only be handed down by word of mouth, and it is much more difficult for the race to progress and become civilized. But it is not use having books unless people can read them, and learning to read is a part of what is called education.

Answer the following Questions:-

1.How are books important as chief carriers of civilization?
2.Why are very hot countries slow in becoming civilized?
3.Why are there no old books in South America?
4.How does the lack of books affect the progress of civilization?
5.Is it enough to have books for becoming civilized?
6.Find out from the passage the word which means 'pieces of writing valued as works of art’.
7.Pick out from the passage the word which is opposite of 'ignorance’.

Suggested answers of the above Questions:-

1.Books are the chief carriers of civilization because ideas live and spread because of them.
2.One of the reasons is that white ants which live in tropics eat up all the books. And books are the chief carriers of civilization.
3.There are no old books in South America because white ants have eaten them up.
4.When there are no books, there are no records and no literature and ideas, and knowledge of one generation can 5.be handed down by word of mouth. This retards growth of civilization.
6.It is not enough to have books to become civilized. Ability to read them is more important and is a part of education.


Unseen Passage for Class 7 English with Answers

Read the following Passage:-

Man is made up of many qualities, both good and bad, and among the latter is anger. The nature of every human being is such that anything that hurts his sentiments, or goes against his principles, excites his anger. The evils which result from anger are many.

Under its influence a man loses his power of reasoning and judgement. Not being able to keep control over himself when angry, he does not know what he is doing or saying. Under its influence a man so much puts off his balance that he forgets his duty towards his superiors and may even go to the extent of saying things which are extremely insulting to them.

When anger gets the better of man, he is capable of committing the worst crimes and there is nothing to be surprised if under its evil influence he commits murder.

Answer the Following Questions:-

1.What is man made up of?
2.What excites man's anger?
3.How does anger affect man?
4.What can a man do to his superiors under the influence of anger?
5.Which line of the passage shows that 'anger is the mother of evils’?
6.Find out from the passage the word which means 'the strong feeling that you have when something has appened that you do not like’.
7.Pick out from the passage the word which is opposite of inferiors’.

Suggested answers of the above passage: -

1.Man is made up of many qualities, both good and bad.
2.Anything that hurts a man's sentiments or goes against his principles, excites his anger
3.Under the influence of anger a man loses his power of reasoning and judgement.
4.He can forget his duty towards his superiors and be insulting to them.
5.The evils which result from anger are many." This line of the passage shows that 'anger is the mother of evils.


Unseen Comprehensions for Class 7 English

Read the following Passage:-

We should remember that a contented mind and healthy living can help to keep us free from many diseases. In some ways, it is easier for the people in developing nations to achieve positive health, because they have more close-knit social systems, with better communication people, than do many people in wealthy and developed nations.

With very little by way of resources or sophisticated medical facilities we can achieve positive health for the majority of individuals in our communities. This does not mean that we do not need medical care. We definitely need proper medical care under certain Circumstances. We need proper vaccination and immunisation against infectious diseases proper treatment of diseases by medical and surgical intervention required proper maternal care before and after child birth and regular medical checks after the age of forty years.

Answer the following Questions:-

1.Why is it easier for the people in developing nations to achieve positive health?
2.What kind of medical care do we need?
3.What is necessary for a mother?
4.Why do we need proper vaccination?
5.What do we need after the age of forty years?
6.Find out from the passage the word which means 'the act of giving a vaccine by injection’.
7.Give from the passage the word which is opposite of paternal

Suggested answers of the given passage:-

1.People in the developing nations find it easier to achieve positive health because they have more close-knit social systems, with better communication people, than do many people in wealthy and developed nations.
2.We need proper vaccination and immunisation, treatment of diseases, proper maternal care and regular medical checks after the age of forty.
3.A proper maternal care is necessary for a mother before and after child birth.
4.We need proper vaccination against certain infectious discuses.
5.We need regular medical checks after the age of forty years


Unseen Passage for Class 7 English Solved

Read the following Passage:-

There is a great deal of violence in the world. There is physical violence and also Inward violence. Physical violence is to kill another, to hurt other people consciously, deliberately or without thought, to say cruel things, full of antagonism and hate, and inwardly, inside the skin, to dislike people, to hate people, to criticise people. Inwardly, we are always quarrelling, battling, not only with others, but with ourselves. We want people to change; we want to force them to our way of thinking.

The ultimate violence is war the killing for ideas, for so-called religious principles, for nationalities, the killing to preserve a little piece of land. To do that, man will kill, destroy, maim and also be killed himself. There is enormous violence in the world, the rich wanting to keep people poor and the poor wanting to get rich and in the process hating the rich.

Answer the following Questions:-

1.Describe the types of violence briefly.
2.Which is the ultimate violence and what is its cause?
3.What do we always do inwardly?
4.How do we want to change people?
5.What do the rich want?
6.Find out from the passage the word which means 'behaviour which damages somebody physically.’
7.Give from the passage the word which is opposite of ‘outwardly’.

Suggested answers of the above passage:-

1.There are two types of violence- physical violence and inward violence.

Physical violence is to kill or hurt another.

Inward violence is to hate people, criticise people by others cruel things.

2.The ultimate violence is war. There are wars for ideas, of land nationalities or for a piece.

3.We are always battling, quarrelling not only with

4.We want people to change by force to our way of thinking.

5.The rich want to keep people poor.




Unseen Passage for Class 7 with answers

Read the following Passage:-

Life is hard', I tell myself, as I stand before the mirror and watch acne, that dreaded scum of a disease, playing havoc with my face. I wish I could drive the pimples out with a wave of the hand. Then I tell myself that acne is a temporary ravage that makes life a little less comfortable for a teenager. But it is sure sign of a child moulting into an adult.

Life is tough, I turn away from the mirror, when it strikes me like a bolt of lightning. My voice has turned rough, almost raucous. It grates, if I may add. Where has my sweet, soft voice gone? Have I caught a cold? Such gruffness goes hand in hand with a cold. But, the common cold and I have nothing to do with each other, at least at this moment. "Is there an uncommon cold?" a light banter lifts my spirits.

Answer the following Questions:-

1.What does acne do to the writer's face? How does he reconcile himself to acne?
2.When does he find life tough?
3.What goes hand in hand with a cold?
4.Does the writer have a common cold at the moment?
5.What is the banter involved in the question, "Is there an uncommon cold?"
6.Find out from the passage the word which means 'sounding loud and rough
7.Give from the passage the word which is opposite of 'permanent`.

Suggested answer of the above passage:-

1.Acne plays havoc with the writer's face. It makes life a little less comfortable for him. The fact that it is a temporary ravage, reconciles him to it.
2.His voice has turned rough. This is in addition to the acne on his face. Both the conditions make his life tough.
3.Gruffness goes hand in hand with a cold.
4.No, He has no common cold at the moment.
5.He has no common cold at the moment. It means he must be suffering some uncommon cold. There is no such 6.cold.


Unseen Passage for Class 7 English with Answers

Read the following Passage:-

By instinct, most parents love and care for their children. Yet, very often, their expectations and ambitions put too much pressure on the children. When Children cannot reach the level of their parent’s ambition, they can suffer from tremendous frustration and stress.

This may lead to drug experimentation and other related behaviours as a way of avoiding the realities of the situation.

From the beginning, children should be allowed to develop in their own natural, happy way within the control of parental love, guidance and care and without too much pressure. A change of some conventional parental attitudes may help to prevent many cases of drug dependence and other adolescent problems.

We should also understand our parental responsibilities to the world environment. Remember that the living space of this world is limited and we must have enough space for our future generations to live happily.

Answer the following Questions:-

1.What is the basic nature of parents towards their children?
2.Why are the children under pressure due to parents?
3.What are the various problems children suffer from?
4.How should the children be developed from the beginning?
5.What should we remember as a parent?
6.Find out from the passage the word which means ‘starting’.
7.Give the word from the passage which is opposite of 'solutions'

Suggested Answers to above questions

1.The basic nature of parents is of love and care for their children.
2.The children are under pressure because of parents' expectation and ambitions. They can suffer from tremendous frustration and stress when they can't reach the level of their parents' ambition.
3.Frustration, stress, drug experimentation and other related behaviours are the various problems children suffer from.
4.From the beginning, the children should be allowed to develop in their own natural, happy way within the control of parental love, guidance and care.
5.As a parent we should remember that the living space of this world is limited and we must have enough space for our future generation to live happily.


Unseen Comprehensions for Class 7 English

Read the following Passage:-

Arnim Mondesir felt far from home as he sat in a lounge chair in Toronto's Wellesley Hospital kidney dialysis unit and watched his blood flow through a machine. In the ten months he had been in Canada waiting for a transplant, he had been coming to the hospital twice a week for the machine to perform the blood purifying function that his kidney could no longer handle. As usual the treatment took six hours. Arnim began another letter to his four children in Trindad and as he wrote, his thoughts drifted back to the beginning of the illness that had changed his life.

A sturdy 1.75 metres and 90 kilos, Police Inspector Mondesir had always enjoyed robust health. When a routine medical check-up in 1973 showed him to be suffering from high blood pressure, he didn't worry. "I thought it could be controlled", he said.

Answer the following Questions:

1.Why was Arnim Monde sir in Canada?
2.How often did he have to come in hospital for dialysis?
3.What did the first medical check-up reveal?
4.What did he think about high blood pressure?
5.Whom did he write another letter to?
6.Find out from the passage the word which means 'strong and healthy’.
7.Give the word from the passage which is opposite of 'ending’.

Suggested answers of the above:-

1.Arnim Monde sir was in Canada for a kidney transplant.
2.He had to come in hospital twice a week for dialysis.
3.The first medical check-up revealed that Arnim was suffering from high blood pressure.
4.He didn't worry about it. He thought it could be controlled.
5.He wrote another letter to his four children in Trindad.


Unseen Passage for Class 7 English Solved

Read the following Passage:-

Man is the wisest of all animals by virtue of only one thing -his extraordinary power of thinking and emoting. Stripped of this power, he will be no better species than other multitude animals. Except knowledge, all other animals have the same basic necessities as man has -food, shelter and clothing. The third, of course, is naturally provided to animals in the form of long hair and fur to enable them to face adverse weather conditions.

Man's basic necessities are four in number - food, shelter, clothing and education. As the modern world is completely propelled by knowledge acquired by all means, education to all has become the focus of attention all over the world. Those countries which cannot provide it equitably, to all their citizens, are considered backward however affluent and resourceful they may be materially. Illiteracy is identified as the root cause of most number of social evils.

Answer the following Questions:

1.What protects the animals from the adverse weather conditions?
2.Mention the basic necessities of man?
3.How is man different from other animals?
4.What is the root cause of all social evils?
5.Which countries are considered backward?
6.Find out from the passage the word which means 'great in number’.
7.Pick out from the passage the word which is opposite of ‘Favourable’.

Suggested Answers of the above Questions:-

1.Long hair and fur protect the animals from the adverse weather conditions.
2.Food, shelter, clothing and education are the basic necessities of man.
3.Man is different from other animals by his extraordinary power of thinking and emoting.
4.Illiteracy is the root cause of all social evils.
5.Countries who are unable to provide education equitably to all their citizens are considered backward.


Unseen Passage for Class 7 with questions and answers

Read the following Passage:-

Old Philemon and his wife Baucus lived in a little cottage on the slope of a hill in Greece. Their Cottage was a short distance from a village which lay in the hollow at the foot of the hill. They were quite poor and had to work hard for their living, but they had enough to supply their own needs and also to help others.

Philemon cultivated a strip of land and grew vegetables and fruit, and corn which Baucis made into bread. They had a cow, which supplied them with milk and butter, a few fowls to provide eggs and bees to give honey. Neighbours often called to ask for favour, such as 'could you let me have some fresh vegetables?" or 'could you come Baucus, and see my wife who is ill?' They never refused a request or sent a stranger away without helping him.

Answer the following Questions:

1.Where did old Philemon and his wife live?
2.How did they earn their living ?
3.Why did they have to work hard?
4.What did their cow and fowls provide them with?
5.Which line of the passage shows that Philemon and his wife were 'generous and kind hearted people?
6.Find out from the passage the word which means 'a kind and obliging act?
7.Pick out from the passage the word which is opposite of ‘Familiar’.

Suggested Answers of the above Questions:-

1.Old Philemon and his wife lived in a little cottage on the slope of a hill at a short distance from a village at that foothill in Greece.
2.They earned their living by cultivating a strip of land, growing vegetables, fruit and corn and making bread.
3.They had to work hard for their living as they were quite poor.
4.Their cow and fowls provided them with milk and butter, and eggs respectively.
5.They never refused a request or sent a stranger away without helping him.’ This line of the passage shows that 6.Philemon and his wife were 'generous and kind-hearted people’.


Class 7 Solved Unseen Passage

Read the following the Passage:-

We sometimes think that it would be very nice to have no work to do. How we envy rich people who do not have to work for their living but can do just what they please all the year round. Yet when we feel like this we make a mistake.

Sometimes rich people not as happy as we think they are, because they are tired of having nothing to do. Most of us are happy when we have regular work to do for our living, especially if the work is what we like to do. The first thing work does for us is to give us happiness. He is like a beggar in the streets who takes the monkey of others who work hard to earn it. Such people do not live independently and ought to feel ashamed of them.

But the honest worker who earns his living by useful toil can hold up his head and respect himself. Lastly regular work builds up character. It teaches us such good habits as punctuality, carefulness, thoroughness and faithfulness in work. It is the man who works, not the idler, who as a rule develops the best character.

Answer the following Question:-

1.Why do we envy rich people?
2.Why are rich people not so happy as we think?
3.What does regular work give us?
4.What kinds of people have been compared to beggars?
5.How can an honest man earn respect in society?
6.Write the word from the passage which means a person who does not work'.
7.Write the word from the passage which means 'hard unpleasant ‘work'.

Suggested Answers of the above Questions:-

1.We envy rich people because we think that they don't have to work for their living. And they can do just what they please all the year round.
2.Rich people are not as happy as we think because they are tired of having nothing to do.
3.Regular work gives us our living and happiness. It builds up character. It teaches good habits as punctuality, carefulness, thoroughness and faithfulness.
4.The people who take the money of others have been compared to beggars.
5.An honest man can earn respect in society by useful toil and good habits.


Solved Unseen Passages for Class 7

Read the following passage:-

One day a rich merchant was walking through the Mahendra Nagar Street of the town where he lived; he was on his way to see his brother who lived at some distance from his house. He paused to watch a man who was badly beating his donkey. The merchant said to him, "Why are you doing that?" "To make the donkey go", replied the man. "Is it right to beat the poor animal like that?" asked the merchant.

"Certainly, it is", replied the man, "It is my donkey and I can do what I like with what is mine." The merchant advised him to be kind to the animal but in vain. The merchant thought for a minute and started beating the man with his stick. "Stop", cried the man, "What have done to deserve this?" "Oh", replied the merchant, "This is my stick and I can do what I like with what is mine."

Answer the following Questions:-

1.Where was the rich merchant going to?
2.Why did the merchant stop on his way?
3.Why was the man beating the donkey?
4.How did the man justify his act of beating the donkey?
5.Which line was spoken by both the owner of the donkey and the merchant?
6.Find out from the passage the word which means 'a person who buys and sells goods in large quantities
7.Give from the passage the word which is opposite of 'wrong`.

Suggested answers of the above passage:-

1.The rich merchant was going to his brother's house.
2.He stopped on his way to watch a man who was badly beating his donkey.
3.The man was beating the donkey to make it go.
4.The man justified his act by saying that he was free to do what he liked with what was his.
5.I can do what I like with what is mine." This line was spoken by both the owner of the donkey and the merchant.


Unseen Passage with multiple choice questions for Class 7

Read the following passage:-

My dear boy', said my companion, with a smile. Do you know that you are talking in the way in which most of the people of the world generally talk? Of course, I desire that people should be better and happier, myself among the number. But how am I to set about it? Most people's idea of being better and happier is to grow richer and make other people serve them.

They want more things to eat and drink and honour and power and position. Nothing is more unwise and laughable than ordinary people's aims and ambitions. I do not want people to be only rich and more prosperous. Wealth and the pleasures of the world and the good things of life do not make one truly happy. In the long run, they lead to moral evils. I want them to be simple and more honest and more loving and sacrificing. Then alone will they be happy and make others happy.

Answer the following Questions:-

1.What is most people's idea of being better and happier?
2.Why are people's aims and ambitions unwise and laughable?
3.Where do wealth and pleasures lead to in the long run?
4.How can people be truly happy according to the author?
5.Does the author want people to be only rich and more prosperous?
6.Find out from the passage the word which means 'not unusual in any way’.
7.Give from the passage the word which is opposite of 'poor'.

Suggested answers of the above Passage:-

1.Most people’s idea of being better and happier is to grow richer and make other people serve them. They want 2.power and position and honour and more things to eat and drink.
3.Most people want wealth and pleasures of the world which cannot give true happiness. Therefore, their aims and ambitions are laughable.
4.In the long run, they lead to moral evils.
5.People can be truly happy if they become simple and more honest and more loving and sacrificing
6.No, he does not want them to be only rich and more prosperous.


Short Unseen Passage Class 7 with questions and answers

Read the following passage:-

Your behaviour is the key to your success. Well behaved persons are always well-known in society. A polite teacher can create interest in students to learn more and more. The students also listen to him very carefully and they find his teaching very interesting and easy. The smiling face of a doctor increases the healing ability in the patients and makes a rapid recovery in them. His behaviour helps them more than medicines.

The patients feel much better in his presence. Such a doctor is always successful in h profession. A well-behaved officer is always popular among the subordinates. His soft voice inspires the clerks to work well. He always gets his work done in time.

Answer the following Questions:-

1.What is the importance of one's behaviour individually and socially?
2.What can a polite teacher achieve?
3.How do patients feel in the presence of a well-behaved doctor?
4.What inspires the clerks to work sincerely
5.How is a well behaved officer benefited in his office?
6.Find out from the passage the word which means 'personnels with less authority than somebody else in an organisation’.
7.Give from the passage the word which is opposite of failure'

Suggested Answers of the Above Questions:-

1.Good behaviour is the key to an individual's success. A well behaved person is always well-known in society.
2.A polite teacher can create interest in his students to learn more and more. His teaching becomes interesting and easy.
3.Their healing ability increases and they feel much better in his presence.
4.The soft voice of a well behaved officer inspires the clerks to work sincerely.
5.A well behaved officer always gets his work done in time.

Unseen Passage for Class 7

Read the passage given below

I. Have you seen the movie “Darkest Hour”, son? asked Mr. Brown to his son sitting despondently huddled into the plush sofa. The youngster, who failed in two subjects, shook his head and looked quizzingly at his father.

II. “Well, according to biographers, Winston Churchill did not have the happiest of childhood. He suffered a lot of setbacks in life, but he had that never-say-die attitude”. Neglected by his uninterested parents, he was sent to boarding school at a young age where he would write letter after letter pleading for his parents to visit him. Most of his requests went unanswered, and he ended up spending a succession of holidays alone at school without even the company of classmates.

III. Churchill would go on to suffer many failures both at school and in his political life, failures that would have defeated most people. But Churchill kept persevering, overcoming great odds and eventually leading his country through its most difficult times. How did a man with such a difficult upbringing and spotty professional record achieve such greatness?

IV. The answer may lie in the following story: Churchill was asked to deliver a speech at Harrow, the boarding school he attended as a boy. “Never give up! Never give up!! Never, never, never-never-never-never!” he roared.
Isn’t this a tremendous lesson in perseverance?

V. Perseverance separates the winners from the losers. Those who persevere understand that luck is something only failures believe in. Perseverance has other names — persistence, determination, a can-do attitude. Success in life depends on your willingness to never give up, even when the reward is delayed.

VI. One of my guilty pleasures is that I occasionally stop at McDonald's for a hamburger and a caramel sundae. The phenomenal success of the Golden Arches franchise is evident throughout the world. How was such a dynasty built? Why is Ronald McDonald a household name? The answer rests in the motto adopted by its founder, Ray Kroc. It simply reads, ''Press On''.

VII. As U.S. President Calvin Coolidge said: "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."
Resolve to: Never give up so long as you know you are right. Believe all things will work out if you hang on until the end. Remain courageous and confident when the odds turn against you. Never permit anyone to intimidate you or shake your belief in yourself. Fight to overcome any physical handicaps and setbacks. Try again and again, and yet again, to reach your dreams. Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions by choosing the correct option.

Question. According to the author, what, from the following, is the greatest lesson being taught by Churchill’s life story?
(a) perseverance to move on.
(b) pessimistic approach to life.
(c) afraid of failure.
(d) indifferent attitude.
Answer. (a) 

Question. Select the option that suitably completes the dialogue with reference to paragraph II.
Jai: Winston Churchill suffered a lot of setbacks in life.
Ruhi: Yes, he did not have the happiest of childhood,but he had that ……………… .
(a) become strong despite physical malaise
(b) grit to take life head on
(c) determination to avenge people
(d) vulnerability to succumb to situations.
Answer. (b)

Question. Choose the option that best conveys the message in para V “Those who persevere understand that luck is something only failures believe in.”
(a) Winners are not lucky.
(b) Failures curse their luck.
(c) Only failures believe that life has wronged them.
(d) Winners find luck favours those who try.
Answer. (d)

Question. What qualities do the winners display when they take life head on? Choose one option from the following:
(a) Observation skills
(b) arrogance
(c) tenacity
(d) self-doubt
Answer. (c) 

Question. Select the option with the underlined words that can suitably replace spotty professional record (paragraph III).
(a) The politician had a chequered record.
(b) The animal had spots all over the body.
(c) The celebrity was spotted while taking a stroll on the beach.
(d) His attitude to his profession was ambiguous.
Answer. (a) 

Question. Consecutive multiple words are used in the following expression.
“Never give up! Never give up!! Never, never, nevernever- never-never!” he roared.
What is this type of literary device called? From the options given below, select the apt option.
(a) Enjambment
(b) Anaphora
(c) Onomatopoeia
(d) Repetition
Answer. (d) 

Question. Select the qualities from passage that the successful people advise and want us to imbibe to attain success.
(1) persistence      (2) resistant
(3) determination  (4) reluctant
(5) emotional
(a) (2) and (4)
(b) (1) and (3) and (4)
(c) (1) and (3)
(d) (3), (5) and (1)
Answer. (c)

Question. Which of the following according to the writer, are required to be all powerful (para VII)?
(a) Talent and determination.
(b) Genius and creativity.
(c) Perseverance and grit.
(d) Education and intelligence.
Answer. (c) 

Question. What does the writer advise, in paragraph III?
(a) Throwing in the towel.
(b) Being a doormat.
(c) Take the bull by its horns.
(d) Intimidate others.
Answer. (c) 

Question. Choose the rhetorical expression that best expresses the tenacity of the principal character in the passage.
(a) How was such a dynasty built?
(b) Isn’t this a tremendous lesson in perseverance?
(c) How did a man with such a difficult upbringing and spotty professional record achieve such greatness?
(d) Why is Ronald McDonald a household name?
Answer. (b)

Discursive Passage for Class 7

Read the passage carefully:

I. Think about all the factors that can interfere with a good night’s sleep — from work stress and family responsibilities to unexpected challenges, such as illnesses. It’s no wonder that quality sleep is sometimes elusive. While you might not be able to control the factors that interfere with your sleep, you can adopt habits that encourage better sleep. Set aside no more than eight hours for sleep. The recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult is at least seven hours. Most people don’t need more than eight hours in bed to achieve this goal. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Try to limit the difference in your sleep schedule on weeknights and weekends to no more than one hour. Being consistent reinforces your body’s sleep-wake cycle. If you don’t fall asleep within about 20 minutes, leave your bedroom and do something relaxing. Read or listen to soothing music. Go back to bed when you’re tired. Repeat as needed. Don’t go to bed hungry or stuffed. In particular, avoid heavy or large meals within a couple of hours to bedtime. Your discomfort might keep you up. Don’t drink caffeine before sleep. The stimulating effects of caffeine take hours to wear off and can wreak havoc on quality sleep. Create a room that’s ideal for sleeping. Often, this means cool, dark and quiet.

II. Exposure to light might make it more challenging to fall asleep. Avoid prolonged use of light-emitting screens just before bedtime. Consider using room-darkening shades, earplugs, a fan or other devices to create an environment that suits your needs. Doing calming activities before bedtime, such as taking a bath or using relaxation techniques, might promote better sleep. Long daytime naps can interfere with night-time sleep. If you choose to nap, limit yourself to up to 30 minutes and avoid doing so late in the day. If you work nights, however, you might need to nap late in the day before work to help make up your sleep debt. Regular physical activity can promote better sleep. Avoid being active too close to bedtime; however, spending time outside every day might be helpful, too.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions by choosing the correct option.

Question. According to the passage, one must not keep aside more than how many hours to sleep?
(a) 5 hours
(b) 6 hours
(c) 8 hours
(d) 12 hours
Answer. (c) 

Question. Select the option that suitably completes the dialogue with reference to paragraph I.
Tom: Doctor, my son sleeps during day hours and then studies till late at night.
Dr. Pam: This is not a good habit Tom. For a healthy person, night sleep ___________
(a) should ideally range between 7-8 hours.
(b) wreaks havoc for quality sleep.
(c) is induced better with consumption of caffeine.
(d) get better with heavy dinner.
Answer. (a) 

Question. Choose the option that best conveys the message in – ‘Being consistent reinforces your body’s sleep-wake cycle.’
(a) We can indefinitely extend sleep hours on weekends.
(b) We should take half hour nap during day.
(c) The room should be cool and quiet.
(d) We should try to sleep and get up on same time every day.
Answer. (d) 

Question. One should ____________ heavy meals before bedtime.
(a) eat
(b) avoid
(c) start
(d) stop
Answer. (b) 

Question. Select the option with the underlined words that can suitably replace elusive (paragraph I).
(a) The answer was difficult to remember for all the students.
(b) The path to her house was hazy and littered.
(c) A sparkling clear liquid spread all over the floor.
(d) Rahul fainted as he did not have his breakfast.
Answer. (a)

Question. A negative prefix is one which gives the root word,a negative meaning - ‘opposite of’. From the options given below, select a negative prefix that appears in the para I.
(a) asleep
(b) reinforces
(c) discomfort
(d) achieve
Answer. (c) 

Question. Choose the option that CORRECTLY states the two correct aspects related to a good night’s sleep as stated in the passage.
(1) We should adopt habits that encourage better sleep.
(2) Book a room for sleeping.
(3) Eat just before going to bed for a good sleep.
(4) Go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
(5) Long day time naps are for a good night sleep.
(a) (1) and (4)
(b) (2) and (3)
(c) (3) and (5)
(d) (4) and (5)
Answer. (a) 

Question. Which of the following describes an ideal sleeping environment?
(a) A cool, dark, and quiet environment.
(b) Noisy environment.
(c) Outside area.
(d) Moving vehicle.
Answer. (a) 

Question. What does the writer advise in paragraph I?
(a) We should not go to bed feeling lazy.
(b) We should not go to bed hungry or stuffed.
(c) We should have coffee before going to bed.
(d) Eat just before going to bed for a good sleep.
Answer. (b)

Question. Choose the option that best captures the central idea of the passage from the given quotes.
(a) “Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” — Thomas Dekker
(b) “Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.” —Joseph Pilates
(c) “You can’t control what goes on outside, but you can control what goes on inside.” — Wayne Dyer
(d) “Sleep awaits those of us who dare to dream.” —Anthony T. Hincks
Answer. (a)

Unseen Passage for Class 7 with answers pdf

Read the passage given below.

I. The collapse of a great wall of garbage in east Delhi’s Ghazipur area, sweeping people and vehicles into a nearby canal, is a stark reminder that India’s neglected waste management crisis can have deadly consequences. More than a year after the notification of the much-delayed Solid Waste Management Rules, cities and towns are in no position to comply with its stipulations, beginning with the segregation of different kinds of waste at source and their scientific processing.

II. Neither are urban local governments treating the 62 million tonnes of waste generated annually in the country as a potential resource. Instead, they have left the task of value extraction primarily to the informal system of garbage collectors and recyclers. Improving the national record of collecting only 80% of waste generated and processing just 28% of that quantum requires behaviour modification among citizens and institutions. But what is more important is that the municipal bodies put an integrated system to transport and process what has been segregated at the source.

III. The Swachh Bharat programme of the Centre has focused too narrowly on individual action to keep streets clean, without concurrent pressure on State and municipal authorities to move closer to scientific management by the deadline of April 2018 set for most places, and arrest the spread of pollution from the trash.

IV. In the absence of stakeholders at the local level, recoverable resources embedded in discarded materials are lost due to dumping. Organic refuse, which forms about 50% of all garbage, readily lends itself to the generation of compost or production of methane for household use or power generation. But it is a significant opportunity lost. Organic waste that could help green cities and feed small and affordable household biogas plants is being thrown away. It is also ironic that while some countries such as Rwanda and Kenya have introduced stiff penalties for using flimsy plastic bags, India is doing little to prevent them from drifting into suburban garbage mountains, rivers, lakes and the sea and being ingested by cattle feeding on dumped refuse.

V. A new paradigm is needed, in which bulk waste generators take the lead and city managers show a demonstrable change in the way it is processed. There has to be a shift away from large budgets for collection and transport by private contractors to the processing of segregated garbage. As the nodal body for implementing the new rules, the Central Pollution Control Board should put out periodic assessments of the preparedness of urban local bodies in the run-up to the deadline. Without a rigorous approach, the national problem of merely shifting city trash to the suburbs will fester and choke the landscape out of sight of those who generate it. Considering that waste volumes are officially estimated to grow to 165 million tonnes a year by 2030, many more suburbs are bound to be threatened by collapsing or burning trash mountains. Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of eight questions by choosing the correct option.

Question. The garbage disaster in east Delhi’s Ghazipur area is a consequence of_____. Choose the correct option.
(a) neglected water management
(b) Solid Waste Management Rules
(c) neglected waste management
(d) scientific processing of waste
Answer. (c) 

Question. Select the option that is true for the two statements given below.
(1) The local governments have left the task of value extraction primarily to the informal system of garbage collectors and recyclers.
(2) India’s neglected waste management crisis can have deadly consequences.
(a) (1) is the opposite of (2)
(b) (1) is the reason for (2)
(c) (1) is independent of (2)
(d) (1) contradicts (2)
Answer. (b) 

Question. Select the option that gives the correct meaning of the following statement.
“There has to be a shift away from large budgets for collection and transport by private contractors to the processing of segregated garbage.”
(a) Private contractors are the sole reason for corrupt and ineffective way of our present waste disposal methods.
(b) Cities are expanding every day, thus it makes sense to shift the budgets for collection of waste to private contractors.
(c) Processing of segregated garbage is something that is so expansive that it requires investment from private contractors.
(d) What is required is to segregate and process the waste rather than collecting it and dumping it to the outskirts of the city.
Answer. (d) 

Question. The Swachh Bharat programme of the Centre haven’t had any substantial success in waste segregation because______
(a) State and municipal authorities were not pressurised to move closer to scientific management.
(b) the deadline of April 2018 set for most places was too short to make any visible impact.
(c) it focussed only on individual action to keep streets clean.
(d) people were not arrested for the spread of pollution from the trash.
Answer. (a) 

Question. Select the option listing what the given sentence refers to.
‘Improving the national record of collecting only 80% of waste generated and processing just 28% of that quantum requires behaviour modification among citizens and institutions.’
(1) India processes all of the 80% of its waste generated.
(2) India collects only 80% of its waste generated.
(3) India processes just 28% of its waste generated.
(4) Citizens and institutions are insignificant to make a difference at national level.
(5) Citizens and institutions require behaviour modification to make a difference at national level.
(a) (1), (3) and (4)
(b) (2), (3) and (5)
(c) (1), (2) and (5)
(d) (1), (2) and (4)
Answer. (b) 

Question. What type of waste can be processed for the production of methane for household use?
(a) inorganic
(b) sewage sludge
(c) organic
(d) plastic bags
Answer. (c)

Question. This passage lists an example proving that many more suburbs are bound to be threatened by collapsing or burning trash mountains because_______
Select the correct option.
(a) waste volumes are officially estimated to grow to 165 billion tonnes a year by 2040.
(b) human population is increasing at an alarming rate and there is no way to control it.
(c) private contractors are dumping all the waste in landfills after its scientific processing.
(d) waste volumes are officially estimated to grow to 165 million tonnes a year by 2030.
Answer. (d)

Question. Choose the correct option to answer the following:
According to paragraph IV, ‘recoverable resources embedded in discarded materials are lost due to dumping’.
This is so because of the:
(a) requirements to dump the waste away from big cities.
(b) awareness of private contractors towards waste management.
(c) lack of proper waste segregation at the initial steps.
(d) advanced scientific processing of the waste.
Answer. (c)

Case based factual Passage for Class 7

Read the passage given below.

I. COVID-19 has hit plastic recycling, just as big oil firms are investing hundreds of billions of dollars to make new plastic. These investments massively exceed the industry’s spending to tackle plastic waste. The coronavirus pandemic has sparked a rush for plastic.

II. From Wuhan to New York, demand for face shields,gloves, takeaway food containers and bubble wrap for online shopping has surged. Since most of that cannot be recycled, so has the waste.

III. But there is another consequence. The pandemic has intensified a price war between recycled and new plastic, made by the oil industry. It’s a war recyclers worldwide are losing, price data and interviews with more than two dozen businesses across five continents show.

IV. Already since 1950, the world has created 6.3 billion tonnes of plastic waste, 91% of which has never been recycled, according to a 2017 study published in the journal Science. Most is hard to recycle, and many recyclers have long depended on government support. New plastic, known to the industry as “virgin” material, can be half the price of the most common recycled plastic.

V. Since COVID-19, even drinks bottles made of recycled plastic – the most commonly recycled plastic item – have become less viable. The recycled plastic to make them is 83% to 93% more expensive than new bottlegrade plastic, according to market analysts at the Independent Commodity Intelligence Services (ICIS).

VI. Since the coronavirus struck, recyclers worldwide told Reuters, their businesses have shrunk, by more than 20% in Europe, by 50% in parts of Asia and as much as 60% for some firms in the United States.

VII. Greg Janson, whose St. Louis, Missouri, recycling company QRS has been in business for 46 years, says his position would have been unimaginable a decade ago: The United States has become one of the cheapest places to make virgin plastic, so more is coming onto the market. “The pandemic exacerbated this tsunami,” he said.

VIII. The oil and chemicals companies that Reuters surveyed said plastic can be part of the solution to global challenges related to a growing population. Six said they were also developing new technologies to reuse waste plastic. Some said other packaging products can cause more emissions than plastics; because plastic is light, it is indispensable for the world’s consumers and can help reduce emissions. A few called on governments to improve waste management infrastructure.
(Source : Reuters.com)

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of eight questions by choosing the correct option.

Question. The study published in the journal Science showed ______.
Choose the correct option.
(a) out of the 6.3 billion tonnes of e-waste, very less has been recycled.
(b) since 1950, 91% of the plastic waste generated has never been recycled.
(c) most waste is hard to recycle.
(d) plastic production boomed during the COVID period.
Answer. (b) 

Question. Consider the following statements:
(A): Plastic production has increased world-wide .
(R): People need more face shields, gloves and takeaway food containers.
Which of the following options is correct with regards to Arctic warming?
(a) (A) is correct and (R) is the appropriate explanation of (A).
(b) (A) is incorrect and (R) is not the appropriate explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect.
(d) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct.
Answer. (a)

Question. Select the option that gives the correct meaning of the following statement.
“Six said they were also developing new technologies to reuse waste plastic.”
(a) The oil and chemical companies are working on ways to reuse waste plastic.
(b) They plan to make more drink bottles of recycled plastic.
(c) The companies Reuters surveyed think plastic will help to meet demands of growing population.
(d) Some companies feel plastic use cannot be reduced.
Answer. (a)

Question. The coronavirus pandemic sparked a rush for plastic because ____
(a) face shields, gloves, takeaway containers were all to be made of plastic.
(b) plastic can later be disposed off safely, without harming the environment.
(c) sll plastic entities can be reused.
(d) plastic kills the virus.
Answer. (a)

Question. Select the option listing what the given sentence refers to.
“The pandemic exacerbated this tsunami,” he said.
(1) Masks were made from plastic.
(2) People preferred new plastic drink bottles rather than recycled plastic ones due to the pandemic.
(3) Face shields and gloves were mandatory during COVID.
(4) Plastic bags could be washed to kill the virus.
(5) Demands for takeaway food containers and bubble wraps surged during the pandemic.
(a) (1), (3) and (5)
(b) (2), (3) and (5)
(c) (1), (2) and (5)
(d) (1), (2) and (4)
Answer. (b)

Question. Why are the big oil firms investing in making new plastic?
(a) COVID-19 has increased the demand for plastic.
(b) This new plastic is an upgraded and eco-friendly version.
(c) The plastic production remains the same.
(d) The plastic production decreased.
Answer. (a)

Question. The recycled plastic is ____________ new bottle-grade plastic.
(a) 83% to 93% more expensive
(b) 83% to 93% cheaper
(c) same priced
(d) 85% to 88% cheaper
Answer. (a)

Question. Choose the correct option to answer the following:
According to paragraph VI, 'Since the coronavirus struck, recycler's businesses have shrunk, by more than 20% in Europe, by 50% in parts of Asia'.
This is so because:
(a) People preferred virgin plastic over recycled one during COVID.
(b) The United States has become one of the cheapest places to recycle plastic.
(c) Inadequate support from government authorities.
(d) Plastic use decreased during COVID.
Answer. (a) 

Unseen Passage for Class 7 with answers

Read the passage given below.

I. One would imagine that at the very sight of the Panther, deer, antelopes, and their other preys would just run for their lives. Nothing of the sort. They all stand their ground and make such a loud noise that the Panther is left with no other choice except to leave quietly. I have seen a tiny chital baby standing in the middle of an opening in the forest, stamping its feet on the ground and shooing away a tiger. With the white of its erect tail showing, it kept its shrill call until the tiger made itself scarce. No tiger in its senses would attempt to catch such an impertinent brat, just as you would not dream of catching an offending crow cawing away in your verandah.

II. While the Panther sticks to cover and hugs the edge of the forest, the game animals, on the other hand, like to assemble right out in open vast grazing grounds. Open spaces which the Panther carefully avoids are what the game animals deliberately seek.

III. It is difficult to describe the pandemonium kicked up by various animals when they spot or suspect a panther around. The chital strikes a shrill note, the Kakar emits a loud bark, and the sambar rings a bell. The peacock on its perch, the jungle fowl on the ground, and the monkey on treetops all join in the chorus of condemnation of the Panther. They curse the Panther in their inimitable language. The resulting confusion of sounds is so irritating to the sharp ears of the Panther that it is left with no other option except to go away.

IV. The Panther has thus to deal with its ever alert and watchful associates who show no mercy and expect none. It is a fight between finesse and flight, between clever attack and skillful defence.

V. Contrary to common belief, the Panther never springs upon its prey. Instead, it stalks as close to its victim as it can manage and then makes the final dash by rushing at it at lightning speed.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of eight questions by choosing the correct option.

Question. The purpose of the cacophony created by various animals of prey is to_____
Choose the correct option.
(a) call for help from each other.
(b) frighten and shoo away the panther.
(c) announce to beginning of their mating season.
(d) attract the panther towards themselves for an easy catch.
Answer. (b)

Question. Select the option that is true for the two statements given below.
(1) They curse the Panther in their inimitable language.
(2) The Panther has thus to deal with its ever alert and watchful associates.
(a) (2) is the result of (1).
(b) (1) is not the reason for (2).
(c) (1) contradicts (2).
(d) (1) is independent of (2).
Answer. (a) 

Question. Select the option that gives the correct meaning of the following statement.
“Contrary to common belief, the Panther never springs upon its prey.”
(a) The panther never hunts its prey.
(b) A panther is not known to kill its prey easily.
(c) The panther springs upon its prey, which is not known commonly.
(d) It is falsely believed that the panther pounces on its prey.
Answer. (d) 

Question. The game animals like to assemble right out in open vast grazing grounds because ____
(a) it is an easy target for hunters like panthers and tigers.
(b) the panther has nowhere to hide and can be easily spotted.
(c) panthers are not known to be fast runners usually.
(d) open vast grounds are abundant with vegetation for grazing.
Answer. (b)

Question. Select the option listing what the given sentence refers to.
‘No tiger in its senses would attempt to catch such an impertinent brat.’
(1) The tiger avoids hunting if its prey has already seen it.
(2) A shouting prey is likely to alert the herd.
(3) The tiger does not want to deal with its prey.
(4) The tiger hunts silently, which increases its chances of catching the prey.
(5) The prey is exhausted by making noises.
(a) (1), (2) and (3)
(b) (2), (3) and (5)
(c) (1), (4) and (5)
(d) (1), (2) and (4)
Answer. (d) 

Question. How does the Panther find collective noises by the herds of prey?
(a) soothing
(b) captivating
(c) irritating
(d) haunting
Answer. (c)

Question. This passage lists an example of defence strategies adopted by deer, fowls and other game animals proving that _______
(a) weakest of the animals can be difficult to catch sometimes.
(b) hunters like tigers and panthers are not to be afraid of.
(c) there are various other ways with which the panthers can hunt.
(d) panthers have to evolve less sharp ears to bear with the noises.
Answer. (a) 

Question. Choose the correct option to answer the following:
According to paragraph III, ‘it is left with no other option except to go away’.
This is so because both:
(a) panther feels insulted from all the curses.
(b) panthers give up easily on being discovered.
(c) panthers cannot run after its prey so it becomes a fruitless endeavour.
(d) sensitive ears of the panther cannot take the irritating noises.
Answer. (d)


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