CBSE Class 12 Economics Environment And Sustainable Development Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 12 Economics Environment And Sustainable Development Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 12 Economics can get free printable Worksheets for Class 12 Economics Environment And Sustainable Development in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 12 students should practice questions and answers given here for Economics in Class 12 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 12 Economics Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Economics books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 12 Economics Environment And Sustainable Development

Class 12 Economics students should download to the following Environment And Sustainable Development Class 12 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 12 Economics Worksheet for Environment And Sustainable Development

Question. Active factor in production is :
(a) Physical Capital
(b) Human Capital
(c) Both the above
(d) None of the above
Answer: B

Question. The difference between labour force and work force is :
(a) Total employed labour
(b) Disguised unemployed labour
(c) Unemployed labour
(d) Seasonal unemployed labour
Answer: C

Question. The measurement of real labour force :
(a) Work Force
(b) Labour Force
(c) Both the above
(d) None of the above
Answer: A

Question. In economy labour force and work force are equal in a situation, when the :
(a) Population grows at slower rate
(b) No growth in population
(c) No unemployment
(d) Growth rate of population is greater than growth rate of employment
Answer: C

Question. Human Development is :
(a) An end
(b) A mean
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Answer: A

Question. To which type of infrastructure, transport is related ?
(a) Economic
(b) Social
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Answer: A

Question. Sources of Human Capital Formation :
(a) Only internal
(b) Only external
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Answer: C

Question. Social infrastructure helps in production and distribution :
(a) In direct form
(b) In indirect form
(c) In no way
(d) In Both (a) and (b)
Answer: B

Question. Agriculture waste is the source of energy :
(a) Commercial Energy
(b) Non-Commercial Energy
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Answer: B

Question. According to nature of employment, large part of labour is type of in India :
(a) Casual worker
(b) Self-employed worker
(c) Regular wage earner
(d) None of the above
Answer: B

Question. National Rural Health Mission was established for the period of :
(a) 2005-2010
(b) 2005-2012
(c) 2005-2015
(d) 2005-2020
Answer: B

Question. Biggest source of energy in India :
(a) Coal
(b) Oil
(c) Natural Gas
(d) Water
Answer: A

Question. Main source of energy generation in India:
(a) hydro power
(b) nuclear power
(c) thermal power
(d) Solar power
Answer: A

Question. Unemployment is a situation in which labour force and opportunities to work is :
(a) Equal
(b) Different
(c) Both of (A) and (B)
(d) None of the above
Answer: B

Question. Human Capital Formation includes :
(a) Expenditure on education
(b) Expenditure on health
(c) Expenditure on training
(d) All of the above
Answer: D

Question. A man remains absent from work due to illness. It will affect :
(a) Safety of work
(b) Salary/Income
(c) Productivity
(d) All of the above
Answer: D

Question. A kind of unemployment in which workers seems to be working but its contribution to production is negligible is called :
(a) Seasonal Unemployment
(b) Disguised Unemployment
(c) Industrial Unemployment
(d) Educated Unemployment
Answer: B

Question. Education increases peoples :
(a) Productivity
(b) Skill
(c) Income
(d) All of the above
Answer: D

Question. In disguised unemployment, marginal productivity of labour is :
(a) Negative
(b) Positive
(c) Zero
(d) None of the above
Answer: C

Question. Disguised unemployment is characteristic of :
(a) Industry
(b) Trade
(c) Agriculture
(d) Transport
Answer: C

Question. Workers who own and operate an enterprise to earn their livelihood is called
(a) Ministers
(b) Public servant
(c) Self employed
(d) Government doctor
Answer: C

Question. Urban people are mainly engaged in the
(a) Primary sector
(b) Service sector
(c) Training
(d) Agriculture
Answer: B

Question. India is an
(a) Industrial country
(b) Scientifically development country
(c) Agrarian nation
(d) Service developed country
Answer: C

Question. Those who are working in the formal sector enjoy
(a) Economic benefits
(b) Social security benefits
(c) Education advantages
(d) Cultural benefits
Answer: B

Question. Human Capital includes :
(a) Health
(b) Education
(c) Professional Skill
(d) All of the above
Answer: D

Question. Economic development includes:
a) Economic growth
b) Economic welfare
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these.
Answer: C

Question. According to India Vision 2020, percent literate India is paramount importance to realise the vision for the country in 2020.
(a) 100
(b) 90
(c) 80
(d) 70
Answer: A

Question. Planning Commission prepared a report regarding education over the next two decades named:
(a) Economic Development 2025
(b) Education Development 2025
(c) India Vision 2020
(d) India Growth 2020
Answer: C

Question. Educationally backward state is :
(a) Bihar
(b) Kerala
(c) Mizoram
(d) None of these
Answer: A

Question. Environment includes:
a) Biotic elements only
b) Abiotic elements only
c) Both biotic and abiotic elements
d) None of these.
Answer: C

Question. Owing to the effort of the following organisation, Indian government initiated modernisation and also provision of social security measures to informal sector workers.
(a) GNP
(b) NSSO
(c) ILO
(d) LPG
Answer: C

Question. You are a factory owner and have given employment to 400 workers if 10 workers are dismissed by you without loss of production then this situation will be described as :
(a) casual unemployment
(b) disguised unemployment
(c) structural unemployment
(d) seasonal unemployment
Answer: C

Question. The essential condition for sustainable growth is :
(a) Protection of natural resources
(b) Pollution free growth
(c) Quality of life
(d) All of the above
Answer: D

Question. Which of the following is a biotic component of environment?
a) Bacteria
b) Animal
c) Humans
d) Minerals
Answer: D

Question. Physical environment includes :
(a) Land
(b) Water
(c) Air
(d) All of the above
Answer: D

Question. To check water pollution following methods can be adopted :
(a) Commerce
(b) Better engine for cars
(c) Re-use of industrial waste
(d) Use of non-polluting sources for energy.
Answer: C

Question. The unemployment which is caused by the introduction of new machinery, improvement of production techniques, labour saving devices, etc. is called,
(a) frictional unemployment
(b) casual unemployment
(c) structural unemployment
(d) technological unemployment
Answer: D


Question. When was the Environment (Protection) Act passed?
a) 1984
b) 1986
c) 1988
d) 1990
Answer: B

Question. Which of the following is a biotic component of environment?
a) Plant
b) Soil
c) Water
d) Light
Answer: A

Question. Which type of unemployment is more in India :
(a) Open unemployment
(b) Disguised unemployment
(c) Seasonal unemployment
(d) Educated unemployment
Answer: B

Question. Out of following one is non-renewable source :
(a) Forest
(b) Water
(c) Sun rays
(d) Coal
Answer: D

Question. Absorptive capacity is defines as:
a) Ability of the environment to absorb degradation.
b) Resource generation within the assimilating capacity of the environment.
c) Average number of organisms living in a given environment
d) The minimum population surviving in the world as a whole.
Answer: A

Question. Followings are included in strategies for sustained development :
(a) Wind Energy
(b) Solar Energy
(c) Bio-Compost
(d) All of the above
Answer: D

Question. Following are renewable resources except:
(a) Trees
(b) Fish
(c) Coal
(d) Water
Answer: C

Question. Which of the following statement is correct?
a) Global warming is entirely a natural phenomenon.
b) Global warming is simply an another term used for greenhouse effect.
c) Global warming is the rise in average temperature at earth’s surface.
d) Global warming is caused by ozone depletion.
Answer: C

Question. Find the odd one out:
(a) Owner of a salon
(b) a cobbler
(c) a cashier in Mother dairy
(d) a tuition master
Answer: C

Question. Find odd one out:
(a) Rickshaw puller who work under a rickshaw owner.
(b) Mason
(c) Mechanic Shop worker
(d) Shoe shine boy
Answer: D

Question. In 1997, a UN conference on climate change was held in:
a) Japan
b) India
c) Germany
d) China
Answer: A

Fill in the blanks

Question. The Government protects the rights of workers through _____
Answer: Labour laws

Question. ................ is defined as the total planetary inheritance and the totality of all resources.
Answer: Environment

Question. Coal is the source of _____energy.
Answer: Commercial

Question. _________refers to all such activities, services and facilities which are needed to provide different kind of services in our country.
Answer: Infrastructure

Question. ______is the indicator used by experts to grade the number of people dying prematurally.
Answer: Global Death Burden

Question. India system of medicine includes system______.
Answer: Six.

Question. ................ observed and projected increase in the average temperature of earth’s atmosphere and oceans.
Answer: Global warming

Question. Hepatitis disease occurs due to ................ pollution.
Answer: Water

Question. Forests are ____resources.
Answer: renewable

Question. Thermal power plants emit large quantities of ______.
Answer: Carbon di-oxide 

Question. In _____at Kyoto, Japan a U.N. Conference on climate change was held.
Answer: 1997 

Question. ................ are those resources which get exhausted with extraction use.
Answer: Non-renewable resources

Question. The government set up Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in ________.
Answer: 1974

Question. In India, disguised unemployment can be seen more in _____sector.
Answer: Agriculture

Question. ............... refers to the destruction of ozone in the ozone layer, due to presence of chlorine from man-made chlorofluorocarbons and other factors.
Answer: Ozone depletion

Very Short Answer type Questions

Question. State one function of environment.
Answer: Environment assimilates waste.

Question. Define 'Environment'.
Answer: Environment is defined as the total planetary inheritance and the totality of all  elements-biotic and abiotic.

Question. Give two examples of abiotic elements of environment.
Answer: Rocks and sunlight

Question. What are renewable resources?
Answer: Renewable resources are those resources that can bereplenished or renewed naturally over time. Air, water, wind, solar energy etc. are all renewable resources.

Question. Give two examples of biotic elements.
Answer: Birds and forests.

Short Answer type Questions

Question. What is' carrying capacity'?
Answer: “Carrying capacity' implies that the resource extraction is not above the rate of regeneration of resources and the waste generated are within the assimilating capacity of the environment.

Question. What does the environment constitute?
Answer: i) .Environment includes all resources-biotic and abiotic factors that influence each other. While biotic resources include all living element such as birds animals, plant Forests, fisheries etc.,.
ii) the abiotic elements include air, water, land, etc. Rocks and sunlight are all examples of abiotic elements of the environment.

Question. Give the four vital functions of environment.
Answer: The four vital functions of environment are:
(a) It supplies resources both renewable and non-renewable resources.
(b) It assimilates waste.
(c) It sustains life by providing genetic and bio- diversity.
(d) It provides aesthetic services like scenery etc.

Question. Explain the relevance of inter-generational equity to the definition of sustainable development .
Answer: Sustainable development implies that all future generations should have average quality of life that atleast as high as that being enjoyed by present generation. It is known as inter-generational equity. We have moral responsibility to hand over
The planet earth in good order to future generation.

Question. Give some of the long-term results of global warming.
Answer: The long-term results of global warming are:
(a) elting of polar ice caps leading to a rise in the sea level and coastal flooding.
(b) Disruption of drinking water supplies dependent on snow melts.
(c) extinction of species.
(d) Frequent tropical storms and tropical diseases.

Question. Give some of the long-term results of global warming.
Answer: The long-term results of global warming are:
(a) elting of polar ice caps leading to a rise in the sea level and coastal flooding.
(b) isruption of drinking water supplies dependent on snow melts.
(c) Extinction of species.
it leads to the situations of environmental crises.

Question. Classify the following into renewable and non-renewable resources
(i) trees (ii) fish (iii) petroleum (iv) coal (v) iron-ore (vi) water.


(i) TreesRenewable
(ii) FishRenewable
(iii) PetroleumNon-renewable
(iv) CoalNon-renewable
(v) Iron-oreNon-renewable
(vi) WaterRenewable

Question. What has been the result of Ozone depletion?
Answer: Due to the depletion of ozone layer, the ultra violet radiation is coming to earth directly and causing damage to the living organisms, e.g.,
(a) It causes skin cancer in humans.
(b) It lowers the production of phytoplankton and affects other aquatic organisms.
(c) It influences the growth of terrestrial plants.

Question. Why has environment depletion led to high opportunity costs?
Answer: The nation has to pay heavily on damages to human health(fatal and nonfatal effects),effects on crops and materials, damages caused by global warming provoked by greenhouse gases, cost for correcting global warming impacts. Health of people which is affected due to increased levels of pollution also requires more investment on health facilities.

Question. What kind of development strategy must the present generation adopt to promote sustainable development?
Answer: The present generation must promote development in such a way that it enhances the natural and built-in environment with:
(a) conservation of resources.
(b) preservation of the regenerative capacity of the world's natural ecological system.
(c) avoiding the added costs or risks on future generation.

Question. Why has environment depletion led to high opportunity costs?
Answer: The nation has to pay heavily on damages to human health(fatal and nonfatal effects),effects on crops and materials, damages caused by global warming provoked by greenhouse gases, cost for correcting global warming impacts.
Health of people which is affected due to increased levels of pollution also requires more investment on health facilities.

Question. Give the Reasons for Environmental Crises.
Answer: i) Population explosion and Industrial revolution has increased the demand for environmental resources, but their supply is limited due to misuse and overuse. Ii) The intensive and extensive extraction of both renewable and non-renewable resources has exhausted some of the vital resources.
ii) Extinction of many resources and continuous rising population has also resulted in environmental crisis.

Question. How do thermal and hydro electric cause pollution ?
Answer: Both thermal and hydro electric sources of energy have adverse environmental impacts.
i) Thermal plants emit large quantities of carbon dioxide which is a green house gas.
ii) It also produces fly ash which causes pollution of land, water etc.,
iii) Hydro electric power projects inundate forests and restrict the natural flow of Water in catchment areas.

Question. What is Carrying Capacity ?explain
Answer: i) Resources extraction should remain below the rate of resource generations.
ii) Generation of wastes should remain within the absorption capacity of the If these two conditions are not fulfilled, then environment fails to perform its vital functions of life sustenance and standard of developed world, the waste generated is beyond the absorptive capacity of the environment.

Question. Which are the important mineral reserves in India?
Answer: Iron-ore, coal and natural gas are found in large quantities in India. India alone accounts for nearly 20 per cent the world's total iron-ore reserves.
Other mineral Reservesbauxite,copper,chromate,diamond,gold,lead,lignite,manganese,zinc,ura uranium ,etc.

Question. What has been the result of Ozone depletion?
Answer: Due to the depletion of ozone layer, the ultra violetradiation is coming to earth directly and causing damage to the living organisms,e.g.,
(a) It causes skin cancer in humans.
(b) It lowers the production of phytoplankton and affects other aquatic organisms. (c)It influences the growth of terrestrial plants.

Question. Why is it that the environmental problems did not arise before?
Answer: In earlier times, the demand for environmental resources and services was much less than their supply. Due to rapid urbanisation, increased demand for goods and services has led to advanced industrialisation. This has caused pollution, which is more than the absorptive capacity of the environment.
The rate at which the resources are extracted by man has been more than the rate of regeneration of the resources, there by causing serious environmental problems.

Question. Why does the present world stand at the threshold of an environmental crisis?
Answer: I)The world today stands at a threshold of serious environmental crisis.
i) The rising population of the developing countries and the affluent consumption and production standards of the developed nations have put a huge stress on the environment in terms of its functions of supplying resources and assimilating wastes
ii) ii) Many resources are becoming extinct since their use is beyond the carrying capacity of the environment, leading to an environmental crisis. In earlier times, the demand for environmental resources and services was much less than their supply
Iii) increased demand for goods and services has led to advanced industrialisation. This has caused pollution which is more than the absorptive capacity of the environment.

Question. How can wind power and Biopest control – help to achieve sustainable development?
Answer: Wind Power: i) wind is a clean fuel. Wind power produces no air and water pollution because no fuel is burned to generate electricity.
ii) Wind power generation produces zero carbondioxide emissions.
iii) Wind power also renewable source of energy.
Bio-pest control:
i) Biopest control is natural way of controlling that harms plants and crops.
ii) Natural enemies are used to check population of pests by using various Animals and birds.

Question. What are non-renewable resources?
Answer: Non-renewable resources are those natural resources that are available in limited quantity. These resources cannot be renewed or replenished in short duration. Therefore they are also known as exhaustible resources.

Long Answer type Questions

Question. What is pollution? Explain how water pollution and noise pollution are harmful.
Answer: i).Pollution refers to the degraded environmental quality on account of rising population of the developing countries
ii) As a result the extinction of many resources and the wastes generated being beyond the absorptive capacity of the environment.
iii) Rising population rapidly growing industrial sector and pollution from affluence have led to degraded environmental quality by way of water contamination(70% of water in India is polluted), air pollution and noise pollution have led to an increase in the incidence of water- borne diseases and respiratory problems along with hearing loss.

Question. What are the factors responsible for land degradation?
Answer: The factors contributing to land degradation are:
(a) Loss of vegetation due to deforestation
(b) Unsustainable fuel wood and fodder extraction
(c) Shifting agriculture
(d) encroachment into forest lands
(e) Forest fires and overgrazing
(f) Non-adoption of adequate soil conservation measures
(g) Improper crop rotation
(h) Indiscriminate use of agro-chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides
(i) Improper planning and management of irrigation systems
(j) extraction of ground water in excess of the recharge capacity
(k) Poverty of the agriculture-dependent people.

Question. Give benefits and limitations of solar and wind power.
Answer: Solar Power: 
(a) Virtually maintenance free.
(b) Relatively easy to install.
(c) Solar panels can provide plentiful power during the long hours of summer sun.
(a) In areas that experience a lot of overcast or low light days, the output is not that good, though still considerable.
(b) It is not available at night or when there is a dense cloud cover. This makes it unreliable.
(c) solar power is currently significantly more expensive and requires action by consumers
e.g., installing solar panels.
Wind Power:
(a) In high wind areas(at least 12 mph),wind generators produce power, more cost effectively than solar. Wind's long-term technical potential is believed to be 5 times current global energy consumption or 40 times the current electricity demand.
(b) A moderate proportion of wind generation can be connected without the need for a storage. The cost of maintenance and storage is comparatively lower compared to any other source of energy renewable or non-renewable.
(c) Power output from wind varies though it can be predicted with a fair degree of confidence many hours ahead.
(a) Repair(even under warranty)can be quite costly, especially on freestanding towers because of crane costs, labour for taking a wind generator down and putting it back up, shipping costs to the retailer or manufacturer etc.
(b) Wind generators require foundation work such as concrete anchors, good wires etc. Depending on the chosen tower design.
(c) The trees might have to be cleared, a practice against the conservation of resources. The birds killed by wind turbines could also cause concern. 

Question. What is sustainable development? Suggest any four strategies for sustainable development.
Answer: Sustainable development'is development that meets the need of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs.
The four strategies for sustainable development are:
(a) se of non-conventional sources of energy. In India the use of LPG and gobar gas
in rural areas and the use of CNG as fuel in urban area, wind power, solar power along with the mini hydel power plants which are environment-friendly can generate enough power to meet local demand.
(b) Traditional knowledge and practices have been more a component of the environment and not its controller. With the sudden onslaught of the western system of treatment, the
traditional treatment systems like Ayurveda, Unani, Tibetan and folk systems were ignored. But now these are in gr demand again for treatment of chronic health problems.
(c) Biocomposting.Farmers had over a period of last five decades totally neglected
the use of compost and completely switched over to chemical fertilisers, which adversely affected the productive land and water bodies. But now in large numbers, the farmers have again started using compost made from organic wastes of various kinds. Earthworms can convert organic matter into compost faster.
(d) Biopest Control Due to the green revolution more and more use of chemical pesticides for higher yield led to the contamination of food products like milk, meat and fish, soil, water bodies and even ground water were polluted with pesticides.
But now efforts are being made to bring in better methods of pest control like the ones based on plant products like neem trees are proving quite useful.


1.What is meant by environment?

2.What do you mean by absorptive capacity of the environment?

3.Name a pesticide which is environment friendly.

4. State the meaning of sustainable development.

5. What is global warming?

6. Mention the sources of fuel in rural areas.

7. What do you mean by ozone depletion?

Average Type Questions(3-4 marks)

8. Why does Montreal Protocol adopted?

9. Give two instances of (i) Over-use of environmental resources.

(ii) Misuse of environmental resources.

10.How can mini- hydel plants sustain environment?

11. State the adverse effects of Green revolution.

12. When and why was the Central Pollution Control Board set up?

Higher Order Thinking Skills Questions:

13. What do you mean by opportunity cost?

14. Explain how the opportunity costs of negative environmental impact are high.

15.Explain the supply-demand reversal of environmental resources.

16. Is environmental crisis a recent phenomenon ? If so, why?

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Worksheet for CBSE Economics Class 12 Environment And Sustainable Development

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