Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 12 Economics Balance Of Payment Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 12 Economics can get free printable Worksheets for Class 12 Economics Part B Macroeconomics Chapter 6 Open Economy Macroeconomics in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 12 students should practice questions and answers given here for Economics in Class 12 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 12 Economics Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Economics books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 12 Economics Part B Macroeconomics Chapter 6 Open Economy Macroeconomics
Class 12 Economics students should download to the following Part B Macroeconomics Chapter 6 Open Economy Macroeconomics Class 12 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 12 Economics Worksheet for Part B Macroeconomics Chapter 6 Open Economy Macroeconomics
CBSE Class 12 Economics Worksheet - Balance Of Payment. CBSE issues sample papers every year for students for class 12 board exams. Students should solve the CBSE issued sample papers to understand the pattern of the question paper which will come in class 12 board exams this year. The sample papers have been provided with marking scheme. It’s always recommended to practice as many CBSE sample papers as possible before the board examinations. Sample papers should be always practiced in examination condition at home or school and the student should show the answers to teachers for checking or compare with the answers provided. Students can download the sample papers in pdf format free and score better marks in examinations. Refer to other links too for latest sample papers.
Important Questions for Class 12 Economics Balance of Payments
Question. A company located in India receives a loan from a company located abroad. How is this transaction is recorded in India’s balance of payment account?
(a) Credit side of current account
(b) Debit side of current account
(c) Credit side of capital account
(d) Debit side of capital account.
Answer: C
Question. An Indian company located in India invests in a company located abroad. This transaction is entered in India’s balance of payments account on:
(a) Credit side of current account
(b) Debit side of current account
(c) Credit side of capital account
(d) Debit side of capital account.
Answer: D
Question. Balance of Payment ‘deficit’ is the excess of :
(a) Current Account Payments over Current Account Receipts
(b) Capital Account Payments over Capital Account Receipts
(c) Autonomous Payments over Autonomous Receipts
(d) Accommodating Payments over Accommo-dating Receipts
Answer: C
Question. Foreign Exchange Transactions which are independent of other transactions in the Balance of Payments Account are called :
(a) Current transactions
(b) Capital transactions
(c) Autonomous transactions
(d) Accommodating transactions.
Answer: C
Question. Foreign Exchange Transactions dependent on other Foreign Exchange Transactions are called:
(a) Current account transactions
(b) Capital account transactions
(c) Autonomous transactions
(d) Accommodating transactions.
Answer: D
Fill in the blanks:
Question. _____is the record of inflow and outflow of foreign exchange.
Answer: Balance of payment
Question. When foreign exchange receipts in the current account fall short of foreign exchange payments, it is called _____.
Answer: current account deficit
Question.______ refers to situation of excess of imports of goods over exports of goods.
Answer: Deficit in Balance of Trade
Question. _____of BOP is that account which records export and import of goods.
Answer: Current Account.
Question. Match the following :
Column A | Column B |
1. Import of Shipping services | (a) Accommodating Items |
2. Export of Machinery | (b) Invisible Items |
3. Borrowings from IMF | (c) Visible Items |
4. Foreign aid | (d) Unilateral Transfer |
Answer: 1. (b) Invisible Items, 2. (c) Visible Items, 3. (a) Accommodating Items, 4. (d) Unilateral Transfer
True or False:
Question. Import of machinery is reflected in the current account of balance of payments.
Answer: True
Question. Current account of balance of payments is that account which records all transactions between residents of a country and rest of the world which cause a change in ownership of assets.
Answer: False
Question. Accommodating items cause movements of goods and services across the borders.
Answer: False
Question. Current account is a part of balance of trade.
Answer: False
Short Answer Type Questions
Question. Distinguish between Autonomous and Accommodating Transactions of Balance of Payments Account. Explain the significance of this distinction.
Distinguish between Autonomous Transactions and the Accommodating Transactions in the Balance of Payments. What is the significance of this distinction?
Answer: Autonomous Transactions : These are independent of all other transactions in the BOP. These transactions are not influenced by the foreign exchange position of the country. Exports, imports, etc., are some examples. Accommodating Transactions : These are undertaken to cover deficit or surplus in the autonomous transactions. Therefore, their magnitude is determined by the Autonomous Transactions. Significance of Difference : Autonomous items refer to such BOP transactions which are undertaken for considerations of profit. Accommodating items, on the other hand, are free from the considerations of profit. Only autonomous items are considered for the estimation of BOP deficit.
Question. What does Balance of Payments Account show? Name the two parts of Balance of Payments Account.
Answer: Balance of Payments Account shows a record of its sources and uses of foreign exchange. Two parts of Balance of Payment Account are :
(i) Current Account
(ii) Capital Account.
Question. Where will sale of machinery to abroad be recorded in the Balance of Payments Accounts ? Give reasons.
Answer: Since sale of machinery to abroad is an export of good, so it is included in the Current Account.
The Current Account records transactions relating to the export and import of goods and services, income and transfer receipts and payments during a year.
Question. Distinguish between trade account and current account of balance of payments account.
Answer: In trade account import and export of goods are recorded.
In current account import and export of goods and services are recorded. Factor income and transfer payment are also recorded.
Balance of trade account includes only visible items of trade. It is defined as the difference between export of goods and import of goods. Balance of trade account = exports of visible items-imports of visible items On the other hand, balance of current account includes transactions of visible items (merchandise goods), invisible items (services) and unilateral transfers.
Question. Giving reasons state whether the following statements are true or false :
(i) Current Account of Balance of Payments Account records only exports and imports of goods and services.
(ii) Foreign investments are recorded in Capital Account of Balance of Payments.
(i) False. As Current Account of Balance of Payments Account also records unilateral transfers.
(ii) True. As all kind of foreign investments (Foreign Direct Investments and Portfolio Investments) are included in the Capital Account of Balance of Payments.
Question. List the transactions of Current Account of the Balance of Payments Account.
State the components of Current Account of Balance of Payments.
What are the components of the Current Account of the Balance of Payment Account ?
Name the broad categories of transactions recorded in the ‘Current Account’ of the Balance of Payments accounts.
Answer: The transactions of current account of BOP are : (i) Export and import of goods (ii) Export and import of services (iii) Unilateral transfers.
Question. List the items included as invisibles in the Balance of Payments Account.
Answer: Invisible items are services such as :
(i) Transport services, insurance and banking services.
(ii) Transfer such as gifts and donations.
(iii) Income in form of wages, rent, interest and dividend.
Question. Define Balance of Payments. Discuss briefly them components of current account.
Answer: Balance of payments is defined as the statement of accounts of a country’s inflows and outflows of foreign exchange in a fiscal year. Components of Current Account :
(i) Visible : Refers to the merchandise/goods exported from or imported by a country. Exports which result inflows for the country are placed on the credit side whereas, imports are placed on the debit side as they result into outflow of foreign exchange from the country.
(ii) Invisible : Refers to the different types of services and transfers that take place between nations.
They give rise to monetary receipts and payments for the nation.
Question. State whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for your answer :
(i) Difference between value of exports and imports of goods and services is called Trade Balance.
(ii) External assistance is not recorded in Balance of Payments Account.
(i) False. Difference between the value of exports and imports of goods and services is called Balance of Payment not Balance of Trade.
(ii) False. It is a part of Unilateral transfers or external which is recorded in Balance of Payments Account.
Question. State the components of Capital Account of Balance of Payments.
Name the broad categories of transactions recorded in the ‘Capital Account’ of the Balance of Payments Accounts.
Answer: Components :
(i) Borrowings and lendings to and from abroad.
(ii) Investments to and from abroad.
(iii) Changes in foreign exchange reserves.
Question. Explain the meaning of Balance of Payments Deficit.
Answer: BOP deficit occurs when autonomous foreign exchange receipts fall short of autonomous payment. Autonomous transactions are the transactions not influenced by other transactions in BOP.
Question. What is meant by ‘official reserve transactions’? Discuss their importance in Balance of Payments.
Answer: The transactions carried on by monetary authorities of a country, which causes changes in official reserves are termed as official reserve transactions. Autonomous receipts and autonomous payments give rise to either deficit or surplus on balance of payments. The central bank may finance a deficit by :
(i) reducing reserves of foreign currency
(ii) by borrowing from the IMF or monetary authorities. This will be shown as decrease in reserves. The central bank may use surplus to purchase foreign securities, foreign currency, gold, etc. which may result in increase in reserves of the nation.
Question. State the effect of the following on the balance of payments situation.
(i) Increase in import duty of gold.
(ii) Rise in the price of foreign currency.
(i) This will reduce import of gold and thus will have a favourable effect on BOP situation, as
demand for foreign exchange will fall.
(ii) Rise in price of foreign currency will make imports costlier, so import will fall and it will be favourable for BOP, as demand for foreign exchange will fall.
Question. Giving reasons state whether the following statements are true or false :
(i) Excess of foreign exchange receipts over foreign exchange payments on account of accommodating transactions equals deficit in Balance of Payments.
(ii) Export and Import of machines are recorded in Capital Account of the Balance of Payments Account.
Answer: (i) False. As Accommodating Transactions remove both surplus and deficit of Balance of Payments Account.
(ii) False. As export and import of machines are recorded in Current Account of Balance of Payments Account.
Question. How does 'export/import' component affect the circular flow of income in a country.
Answer: Exports are the source of aggregate demand, i.e., increase in aggregate demand and reflect expenditure on the domestic products by the rest of the world, which increases the flow of income in the economy in the way of 'multiplier effect' on the
other hand, import reflects the expenditure on the products of foreign country and works as a 'leakage' for an economy which depresses the flow of income by the way of negative multiplier effect.
Question. Distinguish between Current Account and Capital Account of the Balance of Payments Account on the basis of its components.
Answer: Current Account : It is the account that records imports and exports of goods, services and unilateral transfers. Components of Current Account :
(i) Merchandise account
(ii) Invisible items, and
(iii) Unilateral transfers.
Capital Account : It records capital transfers such as loans and investments between one country and the rest of the world which causes a change in the asset or liability status of the residents of a country or its government. Components of Capital Account :
(i) Private loans
(ii) Movement of banking capital,
(iii) official capital transactions,
(iv) Reserves and monetary gold, and
(v) Gold movement.
Question. Which transactions determine the Balance of Trade ? When is Balance of Trade in Surplus ?
Answer: Exports of goods and imports of goods. 1 When the value of exports of goods is greater than the value of import of goods, it is called Surplus Balance of Trade.
Question. In the context of Balance of Payments Account, state whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for your answer.
(i) Profits received from investments abroad is recorded in Capital Account.
(ii) Import of machines is recorded in Current Account.
Answer: (i) False, it is recorded in current account as it neither affects foreign exchange assets nor foreign exchange liabilities.
(ii) True, all imports and exports of goods are recorded in trade account which is a part of current account, because it is simply import/export of a good.
Question. Where is ‘borrowings from abroad’ recorded in the Balance of Payments Accounts ? Give reasons.
Answer: Borrowings from abroad are recorded on the CREDIT side of the capital Account of the balances of payments records.
Reason : Capital Accounts includes all those items which affect the assets and liability status of the government or private enterprises.
(i) Borrowings create a liability on the government if the government borrows funds from World Bank International Monetary Fund (IMF) or foreign transactions. These are recorded on the credit side of official transactions.
(ii) If the borrowing is done by private enterprises then it is recorded on the receipt side (credit) of the non-official transactions.
(iii) Thus it affects the liabilites, status, hence it is records in the capital A/c as a receipt.
(iv) The liability that arises is on the account of repayment of loan and interest payment.
Question. "Rise in reserves of India's foreign exchange is a sign of our rising exports." Justify.
Answer: It can be but not necessarily as in case of India, rise in reserves of India's foreign exchange is mainly reflected by remittances from abroad by NRIs.
Question. What will be the effect of the following on the balance of payments ?
(i) ‘Make in India’ programme. (ii) Import of pulses.
(i) ‘Make in India’ will increase supply (inflow) of foreign exchange in India causing improvement in the balance of payments position.
(ii) Import of pulses will lead to outflow of foreign exchange from the country causing adverse effect on balance of payment position.
Question. Are the following entered
(i) On the credit side or debit side and
(ii) In the Current Account or Capital Account in the Balance of Payments Account ? You must give reason for your answer.
(i) Investment from Abroad.
(ii) Transfer of funds to relatives Abroad.
(i) Investment from abroad: It is entered in the credit side of capital account as it increases liabilities by inflow of foreign exchange.
(ii) Transfer of funds to relatives abroad: It is entered in the debit side of current account as it is outflow of domestic currency without getting anything in return, i.e., unilateral transfer.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question. Distinguish
(i) between current account and capital account, and
(ii) between autonomous transactions and accommodating transactions of balance of payments account.
(i) Current account records exports and imports of goods and services and transfer payments whereas, capital account records borrowings and lending to and from abroad, investments to and from abroad and changes in foreign exchange reserves.
(ii) Transactions made independent of the state of balance of payments are called autonomous transactions whereas, transactions made on account of the state of balance of payments are called accommodating transactions.
Question. Giving reason explain how the following will be entered in
(a) current account or capital account
(b) on credit side or debit side of balance of payments:
(i) Imports of Machinery
(ii) Investments from abroad
Answer: (i) Imports of Machinery−
(a) Recorded as visible items in the current account, because it does not change any liability or an asset.
(b) Recorded on debit side because it leads to outflow of foreign exchange.
(ii) Investments from aboard−
(a) Recorded in capital account because it creates a liability to pay foreign exchange.
(b) Recorded on credit side because it leads to inflow of foreign exchange.
Question. Explain the components of capital A/c of BOP.
1. Borrowings from and to abroad: It includes borrowings from abroad or lending to abroad by private and government sector. Receipts of loan from abroad and repayment of loan by foreigners are recorded on credit side. But, lending to abroad and repayment of loan to foreigners are recorded on debit side.
2. Investment from and to abroad: There are two types of investment: –
a. Direct investment- In this investment, purchaser acquire direct control over the assets.
Eg., Purchase of office in abroad.
b. Portfolio investment- In this investment, purchaser gets the ownership but does not get direct control over the assets.
Eg., Purchase of equity share of a foreign company.
All the transactions of investment from abroad which cause inflows foreign exchange are recorded on credit side but transactions of investment to abroad which cause outflows of foreign exchange are recorded on debit side.
3. Change in foreign exchange reserve: Central bank may also use stock of foreign exchange reserve to finance BOP A/c. Any withdrawal from foreign exchange reserve will be recorded on credit side of BOP A/c and any deposits into foreign exchange reserve will be recorded on debit side of BOP A/c.
Question. Distinguish between Balance of Trade(BOT) and BOP.
Answer: Balance of trade: It is the difference between exports and imports of goods of a nation during a year.
Balance of payment: It is a systematical record of all the international transactions of a nation during a year.
BOP is a wider concept than BOT. Their difference is given as below.
Question. What are the causes for disequilibrium in BOP?
Answer: Disequilibrium (surplus or deficit) in BOP is caused by following reasons: –
1. Economic factors:
a. Development activities- Developing countries like India has to import machinery, technology, etc. on large scale. So, their payment to abroad cause deficit in BOP.
b. Inflation- If there is rapid increase domestic price level, then foreign product became relatively cheaper, it will increase imports and decrease exports which results deficit in BOP.
c. Cyclic fluctuation- If there is boom phase in a country and domestic producer are not able to meet domestic demand. So, it will increase imports which will increase deficit in BOP.
2. Political factors- Disequilibrium in BOP is also affected by political factors. Political instability and disturbance in an economy discourage inflow of capital and encourage outflow of capital. So, it also causes deficit in BOP.
3. Social factors: Surplus or deficit in BOP is also caused by change in social factors like taste, fashion, etc.
Question. What are the components of BOP A/c?
Answer: 1. Exports and imports of goods: It records all the transactions of inflow and outflow of foreign exchange as a result of exports and imports of visible items i.e. goods like machines, clothing, crude oil, etc.
2. Import and export of services: It records all the transactions of inflow and outflow of foreign exchange as a result of exports and imports of invisibles i.e. services like shipping, banking, tourism, etc.
3. Unilateral receipts and payment: It refer to all those unilateral transactions don’t create any claim of repayment against any receipts. It includes gifts, donations, remittances, etc. received from abroad or paid to abroad.
4. Capital receipts and payments: It includes all the transactions of inflow and outflow of foreign exchange resulting from change in assets and liabilities of the normal residents of a country. Eg., Borrowing and lending from abroad, sale and purchase of assets with the foreigners.
Question. Distinguish between current account and capital account of BOP.
Answer: BOP A/c is divided into 2 parts.
1. Current account: It refers to that part of BOP A/c which records all those transactions of inflow and outflow of foreign exchange caused by exports and imports of goods and services and unilateral transactions.
Thus, balance of current account is obtained by the sum of BOT, balance of service and balance of unilateral transfer.
2. Capital account: It refers to that part of BOP A/c which record all those transactions of inflow and outflow of foreign exchange resulting from change in assets and liabilities of normal residents of a country or its government.
It includes borrowings or lending to abroad, investment from and to abroad and change in foreign exchange reserve.
Question. What are accommodating and autonomous items of BOP.
Answer: items of BOP- It refers to those international economic transactions which take place in BOP due to some economic motives like profit maximisation.
So, these transactions are independent of the state of country’s BOP. They are called ‘items above the line’.
Thus, surplus or deficit in BOP is caused by autonomous transactions. If sum of autonomous receipts is more than sum of autonomous payments in BOP, it is called surplus in BOP. If sum of autonomous receipts are less than sum of autonomous payment, it is called deficit in BOP.
Accommodating items refers to those international transactions which take place due to other transactions in BOP. In other words, accommodating transactions take place to correct disequilibrium (surplus or deficit) in BOP. Eg., Government financing.
So, accommodating transactions are determined by the consequence of autonomous transactions of BOP. They are also called ‘items below the line’
Key Points for Class 12 Economics Chapter 6 Open Economy Macroeconomics
Balance of Payment:- It is a systematic record of all economic transactions between the residents of the reporting country and residents of Rest of the World during a given
period of time.
Balance of Trade:- It is a systematic record of transaction of visible items (Export and Import of goods only) between the residents of a reporting country and residents of Rest
of the World during a given period to time.
BOT=Value of exports-Value of imports
Current Account:- The account records imports and exports of goods and service and unilateral transfer.
Capital Account:- It records all international transactions those involve a resident of domestic country changing his asset with a foreign resident or his liabilities to a foreign resident.
Autonomous Items:-
International economic transactions that take place due to some economic motive such as profit maximization. These items also known as above the line items in the BOP.
Accommodating Items:-
Transactions that occur because of other activity in the BOP such as government financing. These items also known as below line items.
Question. Define foreign exchange rate.
Answer: Foreign exchange rate is the rate at which currency of one country can be exchanged for currency of another country.
Question. What do you mean by Foreign Exchange Market?
Answer: The foreign exchange market is the market where international currencies are traded for one another.
Question. What is meant by Fixed Exchange Rate?
Answer: Fixed Rate of exchange is a rate that is fixed and determined by the government of a country and only the government can change it.
Question. What is equilibrium rate of exchange?
Answer: Equilibrium exchange rate occurs when supply of and demand for foreign exchange are equal to each other.
Question. Define flexible exchange rate.
Answer: Flexible rate of exchange is that rate which is determined by the demand and supply of different currencies in the foreign exchange market.
Question. Define Spot exchange rate.
Answer: The spot exchange rate refers to the rate at which foreign currencies are available on the spot.
Question. Define forward market.
Answer: Market for foreign exchange for future delivery is known as the forward market.
Question. What is meant by balance of payments?
Answer: Balance of payments refers to the statement of accounts recording all economic transactions of a given country with the rest of the world.
Question. What do you mean by balance of trade?
Answer: Balance of trade is the difference between the value of imports and exports of only physical goods.
Question. The balance of trade shows a deficit of Rs. 600 crores, the value of exports is Rs.1000 crores. What is value of Imports?
Answer: Balance of Trade = Exports of goods – import of goods
Import of good = Export of goods – (B.O.T)
= 1000- (-600)
= Rs. 1600.
Question. What is the balance of visible items in the balance of payments account called?
Answer: Balance of trade.
Question. List two items of the capital account of BOP account.
Answer: i) external assistance ii) commercial borrowing iii) foreign investment
Question. Which transactions bring balance in the BOP account?
Answer: Accommodating transactions bring balance in the BOP account.
Question. Define autonomous items in BOP.
Answer: Autonomous items in BOP refers to international economic transaction that take place due to some economic motive such as profit maximization.
Question. What is the other name of autonomous items in the BOP?
Answer: The other name of autonomous items in BOP is above the line item.
Question. When does a situation of deficit in BOP arises?
Answer: A situation of deficit in BOP arise when autonomous receipts are less than autonomous payments.
Short Answer Type Questions:
Question. Why does the demand for foreign exchange rise, when it price falls?
Answer: With a fall in price of foreign exchange , the exchange value of domestic currency increases and that of foreign currency falls. This implies that foreign goods become cheaper and their domestic demand increases. The rising domestic demand for foreign goods implies higher demand for foreign exchange. So there is inverse relationship between price and demand for foreign exchange.
Question. When price of a foreign currency falls, the supply of that foreign currency also fall why?
Answer: When price of a foreign currency falls it makes exports, investment by foreign residents costlier as a result supply of foreign currency falls.
Question. Distinguish between autonomous and accommodating transaction of balance of payment account.
Answer: Autonomous transactions are done for some economic consideration such as profit, such transactions are independent of the state of B.O.P. Accommodating transactions are under taken to cover the deficit/surplus in balance of payments.
Question. Give two examples explain why there is a rise in demand for a foreign currency when its price falls.
Answer: When price of foreign currency falls, imports are cheaper. So, more demand for foreign exchange by importers.
Tourism abroad is promoted as it becomes cheaper. So demand for foreign currency rises.
Question. Distinguish between fixed and flexible foreign exchange rate.
Answer: When foreign exchange rate is fixed by Central Bank/government, it is called fixed exchange rate. When foreign exchange rate is determined by market forces/mechanism, it is flexible exchange rate.
Important Points for Chapter 6 Open Economy Macroeconomics Class 12 Economics
♦ Components of BOP (Balance of Payments) Account : The transactions entering into the balance of payments account can be grouped under three broad accounts :
(i) Current Account
(ii) Capital Account
(iii) Official International Reserve Account
♦ Current Account : Transactions related to trade in goods and services and transfer of payments constitute the current account. The components of current account do not cause a change in assets or liabilities status of the residents of a country or its government.
♦ Items of Current Accounts :
(i) Merchandise account,
(ii) Invisible items, and
(iii) Unilateral transfers.
♦ Capital Accounts : Capital account represents international capital transactions which include sale and purchase of assets such as bonds, equities, lands, loans, bank accounts, etc. The components of capital account cause a change in assets & liabilities status of the residents of a country or its government.
♦ Balancing Items of BOP :
(i) The official settlements account, and
(ii) Errors and omissions.
♦ Balance of Payment is always balanced : The equality of both sides of balance of payment is only accounting equality, not the real equality.
♦ Deficit of BOP Account : When total inflows of foreign exchange on account of autonomous transactions are less than the total outflows on account of such transactions then there is a deficit in BoP.
♦ Causes of Disequilibrium of Balance of Payments :
(i) Natural Causes :
(a) Natural Calamity occurs,
(b) Any total disease spreads
(ii) Economic Factors :
(a) Development activities,
(b) High rate of inflation,
(c) Trade cycle,
(d) Change in cost structure of trading partners,
(e) Development of import substitutes.
(iii) Political Factors :
(a) Political Stability,
(b) Political influence on foreign trade
(iv) Social Factors :
(a) Demonstration effect,
(b) Change in tastes and preferences,
(c) Cross border prejudices.
♦ Foreign Exchange Rate : Foreign exchange rate refers to the rate at which one unit of currency of a country can be exchanged for the number of units of currency of another country. (IMG 102)
♦ Types of Foreign Exchange Regimes :
(i) Fixed Exchange Rate : When the Central Bank of a country fixes (or pegs) the value of exchange rate, it is called Fixed Exchange Rate system or Pegged Exchange Rate System.
(ii) Flexible Exchange Rate System : The system of exchange rate in which value of a currency is allowed to adjust freely or to float as determined by the demand for and supply of foreign exchange is called Flexible Exchange Rate System.
♦ Managed floating system : It is a system in which the central bank allows the exchange rate to be determined by market forces but intervenes at times to influence the rate. When central bank finds the rate is too high, it starts selling foreign exchange from its reserve to bring it down. When it finds that the rate is too low, it starts buying to raise the rate.
♦ Determination of Flexible Exchange Rate Demand and Supply theory of exchange rate determination Equilibrium Rate of Exchange : Exchange rate is determined by the interaction of demand and supply in foreign exchange market. There is an inverse relationship between price of foreign exchange (i.e., rate of exchange) and demand for foreign exchange rate. On the contrary, there is direct relation between foreign exchange rate and supply of foreign exchange. (IMG 102)
♦ Reasons for the Demand of Foreign Exchange : The demand of foreign exchange has inverse relation with flexible exchange rate. If flexible exchange rates rises, the demand of foreign exchange falls and vice versa. The demand for Foreign Exchange is created due to the following purposes :
(i) To purchase goods and services from the rest of world.
(ii) To purchase financial assets (i.e., to invest in bonds and equity shares) in a foreign country.
(iii) To invest directly in shops, factories, buildings in foreign countries.
(iv) To send gifts and grants abroad.
(v) To speculate on the value of foreign currency.
(vi) To undertake foreign tours.
♦ The supply of foreign exchange has positive relation with foreign exchange rate. If foreign exchange rate rises, the supply of foreign exchange rate also rises and vice versa. Sources of Supply of Foreign Exchange :
(i) Direct purchase by foreigners in domestic market.
(ii) Direct investment by foreigners in domestic market.
(iii) Remittance by non-residents living abroad.
(iv) Flow of foreign exchange due to speculative purchases by N.R.I.
(v) Export of goods and services.
♦ Factors Influencing Exchange Rate :
(i) Change in trade,
(ii) Capital Movement,
(iii) Sale and purchase of securities,
(iv) Bank Rate,
(v) Speculation,
(vi) Political conditions.
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Worksheet for CBSE Economics Class 12 Part B Macroeconomics Chapter 6 Open Economy Macroeconomics
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