CBSE Class 8 Civics Resources Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 8 Civics Resources Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 8 Social Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 1 Resources in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 8 students should practice questions and answers given here for Social Science in Class 8 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 8 Social Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Social Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 1 Resources

Class 8 Social Science students should download to the following Chapter 1 Resources Class 8 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 8 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 8 Social Science Worksheet for Chapter 1 Resources

Question. Why aluminium metal has great importance? 
Answer : Aluminium metal combines the properties of great strength, lightness, malleability and conductivity 

Question. Why is conservation of minerals important? How can we conserve minerals? 
Answer : Conservation of minerals is important for the following reasons.

(i) Minerals are exhaustible.

(ii) They are limited in availability.

(iii) Minerals have manifold uses.

(iv) Growth of industrialisation has accelerated the extraction of minerals. We can conserve minerals by making an efficient use of them and using recyclable sources of energy wherever possible.

Question. "India is an important iron and steel producing country in the world. Yet we are not able to perform to our full potential." Suggest and explain any three measure to get full potential. 
Answer : Though, India is an important iron and steel producing country in the world yet, we are not able to perform to our full potential largely due to the following reasons: High costs and limited availability of coking coal and poor supportive infrastructure. Many of the steel plants have outdated technology. We can greatly improve our performance by adapting the following measures : (a) Modernizing the technology and machinery. (b) Streamlining supply of inputs such as iron ore coke etc. (c) Having adequate buffer of electricity capacity. (d) Streamlining customer demand and supplies.

Question. “Natural gas is considered an environment friendly fuel.” Explain the statement in two points. 
Answer :Natural gas is used as a source of energy as well as an industrial raw material. (i) It can be transported easily through pipelines. (ii) Pipelines have helped in setting up fertilizer plants and power plants on its way. (iii) Natural gas is a clean source of energy. This is because it causes very less pollution.

Question. Why is mica considered the most important mineral in electric and electronic industries? Give three reasons.
Answer : Mica is : (i) Excellent di-electric in strength and has low power loss factor.

(ii) It has insulating properties and resistance to high voltage.

(iii) It is the most indispensable mineral used in electric and electronic industries.

Question. Describe any three non-conventional sources of energy. 
Answer :  Non-conventional sources of energy are :

(i) Solar Energy : India is a tropical country. It has enormous possibilities of trapping solar energy. Photovoltaic technology converts sunlight directly into electricity. Solar energy is quickly becoming popular in rural and remote areas.

(ii) Wind Energy : India now ranks as a 'wind super power' in the world. Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, Kerala, Maharashtra and Lakshadweep have important wind farms. Nagericoil and Jaisalmer are well-known for effective use of wind energy in the country.

Question. Which are the potential sources of biogas? State any four benefits of biogas. 
Answer : Potential sources of biogas are : Shrubs, farm wastes, animal human waste, etc. Four benefits of biogas are :
(i) Its calorific value is high.
(ii) It burns without smoke, causing no pollution.
(iii) It is the cheapest gaseous fuel.
(iv) Its plants provide twin benefits to the farmer in the form of energy and improved quality of manure.

Question. “India is presently one of the least energy efficient countries in the world. We have to adopt cautious approaches for the judicious use of our limited energy resources.” Analyse this statements.

Answer : The statement is right to a great extent. Therefore, we need to adopt a cautious approach for the judicious use of energy resources. We should –

(i) Use public transport system.

(ii) Switch off electricity when not needed.

(iii) Use power saving devices.

(iv) Use non-conventional sources of energy.

Question. Name the industry which uses limestone as its main raw material. 
Answer : Cement Industry

Question. Why is energy required for all activities? How can energy by generated? Explain.
Answer :  (i) Energy is a basic requirement for economic development.

(ii) Every sector of the national economy needs input of energy.

(iii) Consumption of energy in all forms has been steadily rising all over the country.

(iv) Rising prices of oil and gas and their potential shortage have raised uncertainities about the security of energy supply in future. Energy can be generated from fuel minerals like coal, petroleum, natural gas, uranium and from electricity.

Question. Why is it necessary to conserve mineral resources? Explain any four ways to conserve mineral resources. 
Answer : The various reasons for Conservation are – (i) Strong dependence of industry and agriculture upon minerals.

(ii) Process of mineral formation is slow.

(iii) They are non-renewable. Methods to conserve :

(i) Minerals should be used in a planned and sustainable manner.

(ii) Improved technology needs to be constantly evolved to allow use of low grade ore at low cost.

(iii). Recycling of minerals must be practiced.

Question. Describe any three characteristics of Bellary- Chitradurga, Chikmaglur-Tumkur iron-ore blet in India.
Answer : Ballari-Chitradurga-Chikmagaluru-Tumakuru belt in Karnataka has large reserves of iron ore.
(a) The Kudremukh mines located in the Western Ghats of Karnataka.
(b) They are a 100 per cent export unit.
(c) Kudremukh deposits are known to be one of the largest in the world. The ore is transported as slurry through a pipeline to a port near Mangaluru.

Question. 'Energy saved is energy produced.' Assess the statement. 
Answer : Energy is required for all activities in industries, agriculture, transport and domestic use. It implies that all these activities can take initiatives to conserve energy if we discipline ourselves. To begin with, each one of us should be always ready and be vigilant to take note of wasteful use and correct it immediately. It may be as simple as putting off an electrical appliance when not in use. We should develop a mindset to use public transport system instead of individual vehicles. Electronic devices must be switched off when not in use. We should use more and more power saving devices and at home we should plan to install solar panels to generate some electricity. When we do not use a particular quantity of electric power someone else use can it. In absolute sense power plants will need to produce that much less of power; which benefits the environment as that much less fossil fuel will have to be burnt.

Choose the correct option:-

Question. Biotic resources are
(a)derived from living things
(b)made by human being
(c) derived from non living things
Answer : Derived from living things

Question. Which one of the following is a human made resource ?
(a) medicines in treating cancer
(b) spring water
(c) tropical forest
Answer : medicines in treating cancer

Question. Sustainable development seek to prevent
(a) wastage of resources
(b) Pollution
(c) loss of biodiversity
(d) all of these
Answer : all of these

Question. Health is a
(a) a nonrenewable resource
(b) a human resource
(c) a natural resource
(d) not a resource
Answer : a human resource

Question. Resources that is non-renewable but can be recycled?
(b) wood
Answer : Iron

Fill in the blanks.

(a)All__________have some utility and value.

(b) Resources that give us pleasure have _____________value.
Answer : Aesthetic 

(c)____________are a type of biotic resource.
Answer : Plants 

(d)____________resources cannot be generated.
Answer : Biotic 

(e)Resources that have not yet been identified or cannot be used at present are called _________resources
Answer : Potential 

(f) Air is ubiquitous resource since it is found__________-
Answer : everywhere

(g)Physical factors affecting the presence of localised resources are ___________
Answer : Terrain,altitude,climate

Very Short Questions:-

Question. Give two examples of resources that economic value?
Answer :.Minerals and Crops

Question. What are natural resource?Give 2 examples
Answer :Natural resources that are present in unlimited quantities or are constantly being generated.

Question. What are the main types of resources?
Answer : The main types of resources are:-
(a)Natural resources
(b)Human resources

Question. What are inexhaustible resource?
Answer : Resources like sunlight,wind,air,etc.,are inexhaustible .They are present in vast amount that human consumption for various purposes

Short Answer Question

Question. Define Resources?
Answer : (a) Anything that satisfy human needs is called a resource
(b) Gifts of nature,such as air,water,soil,forests and minerals,as well as human creations
(c) A thing becomes a resource only when it′s useful properties are recognised.

Question. Classify natural resources on the basis of their nature.Give two examples of each?
Answer : (a) On the basis of their nature,natural resources may be biotic or abiotic.
(b)The biotic resources are living things such as useful plants and animals
(c) The abiotic resources are non-living things such as water,air ,solar energy,soil and metals.

Long Answer Question
Question. What is sustainable development?Why it is required?Mention any two ways in which resources can be sustained?

Answer : Conservation helps us to use our resources in such a way that present needs can be met without destroying the ability of future generations to meet their needs.This is known as sustainable development
It is required because:
1.Preventing pollution
2.Preserving the biological diversity on earth.
The Three ways in which resources can be used judiciously are as follows:-
By resource planning
By proper management of resources
By awareness amid people

I. Fill in the blanks

1. ____________ makes an object or substance resource

2. Resources that are drawn from nature and used without much modification are called as ___________________

3. ___________ and ________________ are examples for human made resources

4. _________ helps in transferring the physical material into valuable resources

5. _______________ refers to the amount of resources available for use.

6. _________________ resources are those whose entire quantity mayn't be known and these are not being used at present.

II. State whether True or False (T/F)

1. Petroleum deposits of West Asia is an example for actual resources ( )

2. On the basis of distribution resources can be classified as abiotic or biotic ( )

3. Minerals are non- renewable resources ( )

4. Human beings are special resources ( )

5. Copper and iron ore are ubiquitous resources ( )

6. Human resources refer to the number and abilities of the people ( )

III. Answer the following

1. Give four examples of human made resources.

2. Give two examples of renewable resources.

3. Define the term Patent.

4. Distinguish between: Renewable and Non-renewable resources.

Q1. Define rocks, ore ,mining, minerals?

Q2. What are ferrous and non ferrous minerals?

Q3. How are minerals extracted?

Q4. What are different types of mining?

Q5. Differentiate between mining and quarrying?

Q6. Difference between drilling and quarrying?

Q7. How are the minerals identified?

Q8 Give an account of distribution of minerals?

Q9. Name a rarest diamond?

Q10. Give an account of mineral distribution in India?

Q11. How are the minerals utilized?

Q12. What are conventional resources? Why are they called fossil fuels?

Q13. Give an account on the distribution and use of coal, petroleum and hydel power?

Q14. Why are non conventional sources of energy important and give their uses?

Q15. On the world map, give the distribution of jmp. Minerals ?

Q16. On the map of India, show imp. Rivers, coal, petroleum?

Q17Fill in the blanks:-

        a) Europe is the leading producer of_________.

        b) Karnatka’s kolar mines are famous for________.

        c) coal is referred to as_______.

        d) heat energy obtained from earth is called________.

Q1. Define resources?

Q2. What are natural resources?

Q3. Classify the resources on the basis of origin?

Q4. What are renewable and non renewable resources ?

Q5. Define sustainable development?

Q6. Why should we conserve resources?

Q7 Give 2 examples of potential resources?

Q8. What are man made resources?

Q9. How are man made resources important?

Q10Differentiate between renewable and non renewable resources?

Q11.Why is land an important resource for human beings?

Q12.Briefly describe the different type of renewable resources why do we need them?

Fill in the blanks

1. ___________________ means the exclusive right over any idea or invention.

2. Resources that are drawn from nature and used without much modification are called _____________________.

3. ____________________ resources are those whose quantity is known.

4. ____________________ resources are those whose entire quantity may not be known.

5. __________________ resources are found everywhere.

6. ___________________ resources are those which have a limited stock.

7. __________________ refers to the number and abilities of the people.

8. Using resources carefully and giving them time to get renewed is called ________________________.

9. __________________ is the amount of resources available for use.

10. ____________________ is the application of latest knowledge and skill in doing and making things.

1. Natural resources are the contribution of __________________________.

2. __________________ resources are substances obtained from living beings.

3. ____________________ resources do not exhausted with use.

4. ___________________ means increasing vegetation cover by planting trees.

5. The removal of salinity from sea water by scientific procedure is called_________________.

6. The sum total of resources of all countries is termed as __________________________.

7. Resources owned by an individual are called _______________________.

8. ______________________ resources are obtained by live stock rearing or dairy farming.

1. _____________________ means increasing vegetation cover by planting new trees.

2. __________________ means removal of salinity from sea water by scientific procedure using modern technology.

3. ________________ is a vast storehouse of resources.

4. ______________ resources are the sum total of resources of all countries.

5. __________________resources include animal products like milk, meat , fur etc.

6. Sunlight, wind, water are also called ____________________ resources.

7. ________________________ resources are the stock for future use.

8. Coal and Petroleum are known as ______________

9. Of all the resources of the world ___________________ is the most important.

10._________________________ resources include cereals and other food crops.

I. Multiple choice Questions:

i) Human beings are a resource because of: a) Knowledge b) Skills

c) Intelligence d) All of these

ii) Which of the following do not determine the land use?

a) Climate b) Relief features

c) Soil d) None of these

iii) Which of the following is not a factor of soil formation?

a) Topography b) floods

c) Humus d) Time

iv) Which of the following resources can get exhaust?

a) Petroleum b) Water

c) Forests d) Air

v) On the basis of origin resources can be:

a) Renewable b) Non-renewable

c) Biotic and abiotic d) None of these

II. Fill in the blanks:

i. Resources made by humans are called……………….

ii. Land, water, soil and natural vegetation are called………….

iii. The area of the actual resource which can be developed with available technology is called………………..

iv. Soil made up of sand particles is called………………….

v. Red soils are reddish because of the presence of………….

III. Think And Answer Questions

Q1. How early human beings make the use of natural

resources. Explain with examples.

Q2. Explain the four distinct layers of the soil.

Q3. Which factors determine the land use? Explain

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Worksheet for CBSE Social Science Class 8 Chapter 1 Resources

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Chapter 1 Resources designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 8 Social Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 8 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 8 Social Science on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Social Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 8 Social Science to develop the Social Science Class 8 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 8 Social Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 8 Social Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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