CBSE Class 11 Chemistry States Of Matter Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 11 Chemistry States Of Matter Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 11 Chemistry can get free printable Worksheets for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 5 States of Matter in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 11 students should practice questions and answers given here for Chemistry in Class 11 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 11 Chemistry Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Chemistry books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 5 States of Matter

Class 11 Chemistry students should download to the following Chapter 5 States of Matter Class 11 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 11 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 11 Chemistry Worksheet for Chapter 5 States of Matter

States Of Matter MCQ Questions with Answers Class 11 Chemistry 

Question- Which of the following exhibits the weakest intermolecular forces ?

(a) NH3

(b) HCl

(c) He

(d) H2O



Question- 500 ml of nitrogen at 27°C is cooled to –5°C at the same pressure. The new volume becomes

(a) 326.32 ml

(b) 446.66 ml

(c) 546.32 ml

(d) 771.56 ml



Question- Who proposed the concept of dispersion force ?

(a) Heitler and London

(b) van der Waal

(c) Gay Lussac

(d) Fritz London



Question- The first reliable measurement on properties of gases was made by _____________

(a) Gay Lussac

(b) Jacques charles

(c) Robert Boyle

(d) Avogadro



Question-  Dipole-dipole interaction is stronger than the London forces but is weaker than ion-ion interaction because

(a) only partial charges are involved

(b) only total charges are involved

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) sometimes (a) and sometimes (b)



Question- 600 c.c. of a gas at a pressure of 750 mm of Hg is compressed to 500 c.c. Taking the temperature to remain constant, the increase in pressure, is

(a) 150 mm of Hg

(b) 250 mm of Hg

(c) 350 mm of Hg

(d) 450 mm of Hg



Question- Induced dipole moment depend upon the
I. dipole moment present in the permanent dipole.
II polarisability of the electrically neutral molecules.
Identify the correct option.

(a) I is correct but II is wrong

(b) I is wrong and II is correct

(c) Both I and II are wrong

(d) Both I and II are correct



Question- Dipole-induced dipole interactions are present in which of the following pairs :

(a) Cl2 and CCl4

(b) HCl and He atoms

(c) SiF4 and He atoms

(d) H2O and alcohol



Question-  The lowest hypothetical or imaginary temperature at which gases are supposed to occupy zero volume is called _________

(a) Kelvin temperature

(b) absolute zero

(c) Charle's temperature

(d) constant temperature



Question- Which of the following is the correct order of thermal energy in three states of matter ?

(a) Solid < Liquid < Gas

(b) Liquid < Gas < Solid

(c) Liquid < Solid < Gas

(d) Gas < Solid < Liquid



Question- Dipole-dipole forces act between the molecules possessing permanent dipole. Ends of dipoles possess ‘partial charges’.The partial charge is

(a) more than unit electronic charge

(b) equal to unit electronic charge

(c) less than unit electronic charge

(d) double the unit electronic charge



Question- Which of the following are arrangement in the correct order?
I. Gas > Liquid > Solid (Thermal energy)
II. Solid > Liquid > Gas (Intermolecular force)
Select the correct option.

(a) I only

(b) II only

(c) Both I and II

(d) None of these



Question- Which of the following is true about gaseous state ?

(a) Thermal energy = Molecular attraction

(b) Thermal energy >> Molecular attraction

(c) Thermal energy << Molecular attraction

(d) Molecular force >> Those in liquids



Question- At constant temperature, for a given mass of an ideal gas

(a) the ratio of pressure and volume always remains constant.

(b) volume always remains constant.

(c) pressure always remains constant.

(d) the product of pressure and volume always remains constant.



Question- The interaction energy of London force is inversely proportional to sixth power of the distance between two interacting particles but their magnitude depends upon

(a) charge of interacting particles

(b) mass of interacting particles

(c) polarisability of interacting particles

(d) strength of permanent dipoles in the particles.



Question- Which one of the following statements is not correct about the three states of matter i.e., solid, liquid and gaseous ?

(a) Molecules of a solid possess least energy whereas those of a gas possess highest energy.

(b) The density of solid is highest whereas that of gases is lowest

(c) Gases like liquids possess definite volumes

(d) Molecules of a solid possess vibratory motion



Question- Which of the following statements regarding thermal energy is correct?

(a) Thermal energy is the measure of average kinetic energy of the particles of the matter and is thus responsible for movement of particles.

(b) Intermolecular forces tend to keep the molecules together but thermal energy of the molecules tends to keep them apart.

(c) Three states of matter are the result of balance between intermolecular forces and the thermal energy of the molecules.

(d) All of the above



Question- Which of the following is not a type of van der Waal's forces?

(a) Dipole - dipole forces

(b) Dipole - induced dipole forces

(c) Ion - dipole forces

(d) London forces



Important points

1. Change in state : It is over all effect of Intermolecular forces, molecular Interactional energy & thermal energy:

2. Measurable properties of gases : P,V, T, n, Viscosity, specific heat are some measurable properties.

3. Gas Laws : The quantitative relationship b/w any two of the variables (V, n, P,T) when other two are constant.

4. Boyle’s Law : The pressure of fixed msss of gas varies inversely with the volume at constant T. P α 1/V(n,T const.) P1V1 = P2 V2 

5. Charle’s Law : At constant P, the volume of fixed amount of gas varies directly with its absolute temperature.

V α T or V/T=cons tan t,V1/T1=V2/T2

6. Gay lussac’s Law : At constant V, The pressure of fixed amount of gas varies directly with its absolute temperature.

P α T or P/T const,P1/T1=P2/T2

7. Ideal gas equation : The relationship b/w P, V and T by Gas Laws PV= nRT.

8. Avogadro’s Law : At given T and P, the volume of gas varies directly to the amount of gas . V α n ( P, T constant)

9. Dalton’s Law of partial persure : The pressure enerted by a mixture of non reacting gases is equal to the sum of their partial pressure at constant (V,T) P (total ) = P1 + P2 + P3 + ………. (T, V, constant)

10. Kinetic Molecular theory :

a. Gases consist of large number of identical particles (atoms or molecules) that are so small that the actual volume of the molecules is negligible in comparison to the empty space between them.

b. There is no force of attraction between the particles of a gas at ordinary temperature and pressure

c. Particles of a gas are always in constant and random motion

d. Pressure is exerted by the gas as a result of collision of the particles with the walls of the container

e. Collisions of gas molecules are perfectly elastic

f. At any particular time, different particles in the gas have different speeds and hence different kinetic energies

g. Average kinetic energy of the gas molecules is directly proportional to the absolute temperature

11. Real Gases : The gases which deviates from Ideal behavior at higher pressure and low temperature b/c of force of attraction b/w molecules increases .

12. Compressibility factor (Z) : It determine extent of devation of real gases from Ideal gas behavior : Z = gas Z=1, for Nonideal gas Z< 1, Z > 1  

13. Vander waal’s Equation :

CBSE Class 9 Chemistry-States of Matter

14. Critical Temperature : (Tc) The temperature above which a gas cannot be liquefied whatever high pressure may be

15. Critical Pressure : The minimum pressure required to liquity a gas at its critical temperatur

16. Critical b: The volume of 1 mole of gat at Tc,

17. Super cooled liquids : The liquids which are cooled to a temperature below its freezing point without freezing .

18. Elastic Collision : The collisions in which no loss of K.E. only there is transfer of energ

19. Vapour pressure : The equilibrium pressure by vapour of liquid in a container at given temperature (T)

20. At higher altitude : The b. of water decreases b/c the atmospheric pressure is less than one atmosphere.

21. Surface Tension (V) : It is force acting per unit length perpendicular to the line drawn on the surface : (Nm-1) : It decreases with increases in T, it increases with increase in external pressure, b/c of it falling drops of liquid are spherical, liquid in capillary tube rises

22. Viscosity (η) : It is resistance offered to the flow of liquid due to friction b/w layer of fluids . F = n.A.* dv/dn

23. Effect of T & P on viscosity : It decreases with increase in T, and increases with increase in P.

24Low M.P. & B.P. of molecular liquids is due to low magnitude of molecular interaction energy.


States Of Matter MCQ Questions with Answers Class 11 Chemistry 

Question- Air at sea level is dense. This is a practical application of

(a) Boyle’s law

(b) Charle’s law

(c) Kelvin’s law

(d) Brown’s law



Question-Value of universal gas constant (R) depends upon

(a) Number of moles of gas

(b) Volume of gas

(c) Temperature of gas

(d) None of these



Question-An ideal gas will have maximum density when

(a) P = 0.5 atm, T = 600 K

(b) P = 2 atm, T = 150 K

(c) P = 1 atm, T = 300 K

(d) P = 1 atm, T = 500 K



Question-4.4 g of a gas at STP occupies a volume of 2.24 L, the gas can be

(a) O2

(b) CO

(c) NO2

(d) CO2



Question-For an ideal gas, number of moles per litre in terms of its pressure P, gas constant R and temperature T is

(a) PT/R

(b) PRT

(c) P/RT

(d) RT/P



Question-500 mL of air at 760 mm pressure were compressed to 200 mL. If the temperature remains constant, what will be the pressure after compression?

(a) 1800 mm

(b) 1900 mm

(c) 2000 mm

(d) 1500 mm



Question-Select one correct statement. In the gas equation, PV = nRT

(a) n is the number of molecules of a gas

(b) V denotes volume of one mole of the gas

(c) n moles of the gas have a volume V

(d) P is the pressure of the gas when only one mole of gas is present.



Question-Gas equation PV = nRT is obeyed by

(a) Only isothermal process

(b) Only adiabatic process

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these



Question- Pure hydrogen sulphide is stored in a tank of 100 litre capacity at 20° C and 2 atm pressure. The mass of the gas will be

(a) 34 g

(b) 340 g

(c) 282.68 g

(d) 28.24 g



Question-Use of hot air balloons in sports and meteorological observations is an application of

(a) Boyle’s law

(b) Charle’s law

(c) Kelvin’s law

(d) Gay-Lussac’s law



Question-At N.T.P the volume of a gas is found to be 273 ml. What will be the volume of this gas at 600 mm of Hg and 273°C?

(a) 391.8 ml

(b) 380 ml

(c) 691.6 ml

(d) 750 ml



Question-An ideal gas is one which obeys the gas laws under

(a) a few selected experimental conditions

(b) all experimental conditions

(c) low pressure alone

(d) high temperature alone



Question-The total pressure of a mixture of two gases is :

(a) the sum of the partial pressures

(b) the difference between the partial pressures

(c) the product of the partial pressures

(d) the ratio of the partial pressures



Question-A mixture contains 64 g of dioxygen and 60 g of neon at a total pressure of 10 bar. The partial pressures in bar of dioxygen and neon are respectively (atomic masses O = 16,Ne = 20)

(a) 4 and 6

(b) 6 and 4

(c) 5 and 5

(d) 8 and 2



Question-A gaseous mixture was prepared by taking equal mole of CO and N2. If the total pressure of the mixture was found 1 atmosphere, the partial pressure of the nitrogen (N2) in the
mixture is

(a) 0.5 atm

(b) 0.8 atm

(c) 0.9 atm

(d) 1 atm


Question- Pressure of a mixture of 4 g of O2 and 2 g of H2 confined in a bulb of 1 litre at 0°C is

(a) 25.215 atm

(b) 31.205 atm

(c) 45.215 atm

(d) 15.210 atm



Question-A bubble of air is underwater at temperature 15°C and the pressure 1.5 bar. If the bubble rises to the surface where the temperature is 25°C and the pressure is 1.0 bar, what will happen to the volume of the bubble ?

(a) Volume will become greater by a factor of 1.6.

(b) Volume will become greater by a factor of 1.1.

(c ) Volume will become smaller by a factor of 0.70.

(d) Volume will become greater by a factor of 2.5.



States Of Matter MCQ Questions with Answers Class 11 Chemistry 

Question- 56 g of nitrogen and 96 g of oxygen are mixed isothermally and at a total pressure of 10 atm. The partial pressures of oxygen and nitrogen (in atm) are respectively

(a) 4, 6

(b) 5, 5

(c) 2, 8

(d) 6, 4



Question- A drop of oil is placed on the surface of water. Which of the following statement is correct ?

(a) It will remain on it as a sphere

(b) It will spread as a thin layer

(c) It will be partly as spherical droplets and partly as thin film

(d) It will float as a distorted drop on the water surface



Question- The total pressure of a mixture of two gases is

(a) the sum of the partial pressures

(b) the difference between the partial pressures

(c) the product of the partial pressures

(d) the ratio of the partial pressures



Question- When is deviation more in the behaviour of a gas from the ideal gas equation PV = nRT ?

(a) At high temperature and low pressure

(b) At low temperature and high pressure

(c) At high temperature and high pressure

(d) At low temperature and low pressure



Question- According to the kinetic theory of gases, in an ideal gas,between two successive collisions a gas molecule travels

(a) in a wavy path

(b) in a straight line path

(c) with an accelerated velocity

(d) in a circular path



Question- An ideal gas can’t be liquefied because

(a) its critical temperature is always above 0°C

(b) Its molecules are relatively smaller in size

(c) it solidifies before becoming a liquid

(d) forces between its molecules are negligible



Question- If 10–4 dm3 of water is introduced into a 1.0 dm3 flask at 300 K, how many moles of water are in the vapour phase when equilibrium is established ?
(Given : Vapour pressure of H2O at 300 K is 3170 Pa; R = 8.314 J K–1 mol–1)

(a) 5.56× 10–3 mol

(b) 1.53 × 10–2 mol

(c) 4.46 × 10–2 mol

(d) 1.27 × 10–3 mol



Question-  Which of the following assumption of kinetic molecular theory states that gases do not have fixed shape ?

(a) Particles of a gas move in all possible directions in straight line.

(b) Particles of a gas are always in constant and random motion.

(c) Total energy of molecules before and after the collision remains same.

(d) None of these



Question- Which one of the following is the wrong assumption of kinetic theory of gases ?

(a) Momentum and energy always remain conserved.

(b) Pressure is the result of elastic collision of molecules with the container’s wall.

(c) Molecules are separated by great distances compared to their sizes.

(d) All the molecules move in straight line between collision and with same velocity.



Question- In van der Waal’s equation of state of the gas law, theconstant ‘b’ is a measure of

(a) volume occupied by the molecules

(b) intermolecular attraction

(c) intermolecular repulsions

(d) intermolecular collisions per unit volume



Question- Gases consist of large number of identical particles (atoms or molecules) that are so small and so far apart on the average that the actual volume of the molecules is negligible in comparison to the empty space between them.Above given statement explain which property of gases ?

(a) Gases occupy all the space available to them.

(b) Gases has fixed shape.

(c) Compressibility of gases.

(d) None of these.



Question- The gas with the highest critical temperature is

(a) H2

(b) He

(c) N2

(d) CO2



Question- A gas is said to behave like an ideal gas when the relation PV/T = constant. When do you expect a real gas to behave like an ideal gas ?

(a) When the temperature is low

(b) When both the temperature and pressure are low

(c) When both the temperature and pressure are high

(d) When the temperature is high and pressure is low



Question- Select the one that when used would be considered as best condition for liquification of a gas.

(a) Increasing the temperature.

(b) Decreasing the pressure.

(c) Increasing the pressure and decreasing the temperature.

(d) Decreasing the pressure and increasing the temperature.



Question- A liquid can exist only

(a) between triple point and critical temperature

(b) at any temperature above the melting point

(c) between melting point and critical temperature

(d) between boiling and melting temperature



Question- The spherical shape of rain-drop is due to

(a) density of the liquid

(b) surface tension

(c) atmospheric pressure

(d) gravity



Question- The kinetic energy of molecules in gaseous state is

(a) more than those in the liquid state

(b) less than those in the liquid state

(c) equal to those in the liquid state

(d) less than those in solid state



Question- A pin or a needle floats on the surface of water, the reason for this is

(a) surface tension

(b) less weight

(c) upthrust of liquid

(d) None of the above



Question- The units of constant a in van der Waal’s equation is

(a) dm6 atm mol–2

(b) dm3 atm mol–1

(c) dm atm mol–1

(d) atm mol



Question- Which of the following phenomena is caused by surface tension ?

(a) Particles at the bottom of river remain separated but they stick together when taken out.

(b) A liquid rise in a thin capillary.

(c) Small drops of mercury from spherical bead instead of spreading on the surface.

(d) All of the above



States Of Matter MCQ Questions with Answers Class 11 Chemistry 

Question - The surface tension of which of the following liquid is maximum?

(a) C2H5OH

(b) CH3OH

(c) H2O

(d) C6H6



Question - What is the partial pressure (mmHg) of nitrogen if total atmospheric pressure is 760mmHg ?

(a) 159

(b) 300

(c) 592.8

(d) 230



Question -In which phenomena water changes into water vapour below its B.P. ?

(a) Evaporation

(b) Condensation

(c) Boiling

(d) No such phenomena exist



Question - Water droplets was not able to maintain its spherical shape in the presence of gravity but mercury does, why ?

(a) Force of attraction between atoms of mercury is very high than that of molecules in case of water.

(b) Surface tension of mercury is very high.

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)



Question -The correct order of viscosity of the following liquids will be

(a) Water < methyl alcohol < dimethyl ether < glycerol

(b) methyl alcohol < glycerol < water < dimethyl ether

(c) dimethyl ether < methyl alcohol < water < glycerol

(d) glycerol < dimethyl ether < water < methyl alcohol



Question - Arrange the following in increasing order their intermolecular interaction
(A) HCl (B) SF6 and (C) NaCl

(a) A, B, C

(b) A, C, B

(c) B, A, C

(d) B, C, A



Question - When the temperature increases, the viscosity of

(a) gases decreases and viscosity of liquids increases

(b) gases increases and viscosity of liquids decreases

(c) gases and liquids increases

(d) gases and liquids decreases



Question -Three different gases X, Y and Z of molecular masses 2, 16 and 64 were enclosed in a vessel at constant temperature till equilibrium is reached. Which of the following statement is correct?

(a) Gas Z will be at the top of the vessel

(b) Gas Y will be at the top of the vessel

(c) Gas Z will be at the bottom and X will be at the top

(d) Gases will form homogenous mixture



Question - If 500 ml of gas A at 400 torr and 666.6 ml of B at 600 torr are placed in a 3 litre flask, the pressure of the system will be

(a) 200 torr

(b) 100 torr

(c) 550 torr

(d) 366 torr



Question - Pressure in well inflated tyres of automobiles is almost constant, but on a hot summer day this increases considerably and tyre may burst if pressure is not adjusted properly. During winters, on a cold morning one may find the pressure in the tyres of a vehicle decreased considerably. Which of the following law explain the above observations?

(a) Charle's Law

(b) Avogadro Law

(c) Boyle's Law

(d) Gay Lussac's Law



Question - What is the ratio of pressure of the 2gm of hydrogen to that of 4 gm of helium at temperature of 298K, 20ml volume? (consider the ideal behaviour)

(a) 1 : 2

(b) 2 : 1

(c) 1 : 1

(d) 2 : 2



Question - Which among the following has lowest surface tension ?

(a) Hexane

(b) Water

(c) CH3OH

(d) CH3CH2OH



Question - The liquid which has the highest rate of evaporation is

(a) petrol

(b) nail-polish remover

(c) water

(d) alcohol


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CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Classification Of Elements And Periodicity Worksheet
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Worksheet for CBSE Chemistry Class 11 Chapter 5 States of Matter

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Chapter 5 States of Matter designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 11 Chemistry released by CBSE. Students of Class 11 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 11 Chemistry on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Chemistry by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 11 Chemistry to develop the Chemistry Class 11 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 11 Chemistry designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 11 Chemistry in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 5 States of Matter worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

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Regular practice with Class 11 Chemistry worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.