Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Environmental Chemistry Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 11 Chemistry can get free printable Worksheets for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 14 Environmental Chemistry in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 11 students should practice questions and answers given here for Chemistry in Class 11 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 11 Chemistry Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Chemistry books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 14 Environmental Chemistry
Class 11 Chemistry students should download to the following Chapter 14 Environmental Chemistry Class 11 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 11 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 11 Chemistry Worksheet for Chapter 14 Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry MCQ Questions with Answers Class 11 Chemistry
Question- Which of the following strategy is not a correct approach to reduce global warming ?
(a) Reducing the green house gas emission by limiting the use of fossil fuels
(b) Increase the vegetation cover particularly the forest for photosynthetic utilization of CO2
(c) Minimizing the use of nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture for reducing N2O emission
(d) Increasing the use of air conditioners, refrigeration unit and production of plastic foams and propellants in aerosal spray cans
Question-The uppermost region of the atmosphere is called
(a) Ionosphere
(b) Stratosphere
(c) Troposphere
(d) Exosphere
Question-The type of pollution caused by spraying of DDT is
(a) air and soil
(b) air and water
(c) air
(d) air, water and soil
Question-The greenhouse gas is
(a) CO2
(b) SO2
(c) N2
(d) H2S
Question-The region which is greatly affected by air pollution is
(a) Thermosphere
(b) Stratosphere
(c) Troposphere
(d) Mesosphere
Question-Green house gases
(a) allow shorter wavelength to enter earth's atmosphere while doesn't allow longer wavelength to leave the earth's atmosphere.
(b) allow longer wavelength to enter earth atmosphere while doesn't allow shorter wavelength to leave the surface
(c) don't have wavelength specific character.
(d) show wavelength specific behaviour near the earth while far from earth these have wavelength independent behaviour.
Question-The irritant red haze in the traffic and congested places is due to presence of which of the following ?
(i) Oxides of sulphur
(ii) Oxides of nitrogen
(iii) Carbon dioxide
(iv) Mists, smoke and dust
(v) Smog
(a) (i), (iv) and (v)
(b) (iii) only
(c) (ii) only
(d) (ii) and (v)
Question-Today the concentration of green house gases is very high because of
(a) use of refrigerator
(b) increased combustion of oils and coal
(c) deforestation
(d) All of the above
Question-The greenhouse effect is because of the
(a) presence of gases, which in general are strong infrared absorbers, in the atmosphere
(b) presence of CO2 only in the atmosphere
(c) pressure of O3 and CH4 in the atmosphere
(d) N2O and chlorofluorohydrocarbons in the atmosphere
Question-The region containing water vapour is
(a) thermosphere
(b) stratosphere
(c) troposphere
(d) mesosphere
Question-Which of the following gases is not a green house gas?
(a) CO
(b) O3
(c) CH4
(d) H2O vapour
Question-High concentration of which of the following in atmosphere leads to stiffness of flower buds which eventually fall off from plants?
(a) NO2
(b) SO2
(c) CFC
(d) Smog
Question-The substance having the largest concentration in acid rain
(a) H2CO3
(b) HNO3
(c) HCl
(d) H2SO4
Question-Which of the following is the coldest region of atmosphere ?
(a) Thermosphere
(b) Mesosphere
(c) Troposphere
(d) Stratosphere
Question-When rain is accompanied by a thunderstorm, the collected rain water will have a pH value
(a) slightly lower than that of rain water without thunderstorm
(b) slightly higher than that when the thunderstorm is not there
(c) uninfluenced by occurrence of thunderstorm
(d) which depends upon the amount of dust in air
Question-What is DDT among the following ?
(a) Greenhouse gas
(b) A fertilizer
(c) Biodegradable pollutant
(d) Non-biodegradable pollutant
Environmental Chemistry MCQ Questions with Answers Class 11 Chemistry
Question- Acid rain is due to
(a) CH3
(b) N2O5
(c) SO2 and NO2
(d) C2H5OH
Question-The smog is essentially caused by the presence of
(a) Oxides of sulphur and nitrogen
(b) O2 and N2
(c) O2 and O3
(d) O3 and N2
Question- Which is related to ‘Green House Effect’?
(a) Farming of Green plants
(b) Farming of Vegetables in Houses
(c) Global Warming
(d) Biodegradable pollutant
Question-The pH of normal rain water is
(a) 6.5
(b) 7.5
(c) 5.6
(d) 3.5
Question-The gas emitted by supersonic jet planes that slowly depletes the concentration of ozone layer is
(a) CO
(b) NO
(c) SO2
(d) O2
Question- Which of the following green house gas is released in paddy field ?
(a) Only I
(b) Only II
(c) Only III
(d) I and II
Question-Carbon monoxide (CO) is harmful to man because
(a) it forms carbolic acid
(b) it generates excess CO2
(c) it is carcinogenic
(d) it competes with O2 for haemoglobin
Question-The secondary precursors of photochemical smog are
(a) SO2 and NO2
(b) SO2 and hydrocarbons
(c) NO2 and hydrocarbons
(d) O3 and PAN
Question- Which of the following statements is incorrect ?
(a) Smoke particulates consist of solid or mixture of solid and liquid particles formed during combustion of organic matter.
(b) Herbicides and insecticides that miss their target and travel through air form mists.
(c) Organic solvents, metals and metallic oxides form fume particles
(d) None of these
Question- The main element of smog is
(a) O3 and PAN
(b) O3
(c) PAN
(d) PPN and PBN
Question-Photochemical smog formed in congested metropolitan cities mainly consists of
(a) ozone, peroxyacetyl nitrate and NOx
(b) smoke, peroxyacetyl nitrate and SO2
(c) hydrocarbons, SO2 and CO2
(d) hydrocarbons, ozone and SOx
Question-The quantity of CO2 in atmosphere is
(a) 3.34%
(d) 6.5%
(c) 0.034%
(d) 0.34%
Question-The substance which is not regarded as a pollutant?
(a) NO2
(b) CO2
(c) O3
(d) Hydrocarbons
Question-Air pollution causing photochemical oxidants production include
(a) Carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide
(b) Nitrous oxide, nitric acid fumes, nitric oxide
(c) Ozone, peroxyacetyl nitrate, aldehydes
(d) Oxygen, chlorine, fuming nitric acid
Question-Which of the following is/are the hazardous pollutant(s) present in automobile exhaust gases?
(i) N2 (ii) CO
(iii) CH4 (iv) Oxides of nitrogen
(a) (ii) and (iii)
(b) (i) and (ii)
(c) (ii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iii)
Question-Increase in global temperature increases the incidence of which of the following infectious disease(s)
(i) Sleeping sickness (ii) Yellow fever
(iii) Malaria (iv) Dengue
(a) (ii) only
(b) (i) and (ii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
Question- Photochemical smog is due to the presence of
(a) oxides of sulphur
(b) oxides of nitrogen
(c) oxides of carbon
(d) lead
Question-The green house effect is caused by
(a) CO2
(b) NO2
(c) NO
(d) CO
Question-Classical smog occurs in places of
(a) excess SO2
(b) low temperature
(c) high temperature
(d) excess NH3
Environmental Chemistry MCQ Questions with Answers Class 11 Chemistry
Question- In almost all Indian metropolitan cities like Delhi, the major atmospheric pollutant(s) is/are
(a) suspended particulate matter (SPM)
(b) oxides of sulphur
(c) carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide
(d) oxides of nitrogen
Question- Ozone hole refers to
(a) Increase in concentration of ozone
(b) Hole in ozone layer
(c) Reduction in thickness of ozone layer in troposphere
(d) Reduction in thickness of ozone layer in stratsophere
Question- Photochemical smog occurs in warm, dry and sunny climate. One of the following is not amongst the components of photochemical smog, identify it.
(a) NO2
(b) O3
(c) SO2
(d) Unsaturated hydrocarbon
Question- The gas responsible for ozone depletion :
(a) NO and freons
(b) SO2
(c) CO2
(d) CO
Question- The main element of smog is
(a) O3 and PAN
(b) O3
(c) PAN
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Question- Depletion of ozone layer causes
(a) breast cancer
(b) blood cancer
(c) lung cancer
(d) skin cancer
Question- Which of the following statements is not true about classical smog?
(a) Its main components are produced by the action of sunlight on emissions of automobiles and factories.
(b) Produced in cold and humid climate.
(c) It contains compounds of reducing nature.
(d) It contains smoke fog and sulphur dioxide
Question- In Antarctica ozone depletion is due to the formation of following compound
(a) acrolein
(b) peroxyacetyl nitrate
(c) SO2 and SO3
(d) chlorine nitrate
Question- Select the process that does not add particulate materials to air.
(a) Use of air conditioner
(b) Burning of fosssil fuels
(c) Paper industry
(d) Incomplete combustion of coal
Question- The viable particulate among the following is
(a) Fumes
(b) Algae
(c) Smoke
(d) Mist
Question- The non-viable particulate among the following is
(a) Dust
(b) Bacteria
(c) Moulds
(d) Fungi
Question- Which of the following can control the photochemical smog ?
(A) Use of catalytic converters in automobiles.
(B) Plantation of trees like pinus, pyrus vitis etc.
(C) Using less sulphur containing fossil fuels.
(a) A and C
(b) B
(c) A and B
(d) A, B and C
Question- Identify the incorrect statement from the following :
(a) Ozone absorbs the intense ultraviolet radiation of the sun.
(b) Depletion of ozone layer is because of its chemical reactions with chlorofluoro alkanes.
(c) Ozone absorbs infrared radiation.
(d) Oxides of nitrogen in the atmosphere can cause the depletion of ozone layer.
Question- The biggest particulate matter is
(a) HNO3 droplets
(b) Soot
(c) H2SO4 droplets
(d) Fly ash
Question- Identify the wrong statement in the following:
(a) Chlorofluorocarbons are responsible for ozone layer depletion.
(b) Greenhouse effect is responsible for global warming.
(c) Acid rain is mostly because of oxides of nitrogen and sulphur.
(d) Ozone layer does not permit infrared radiation from the sun to reach the earth.
Question- Which of the following statements about photochemical smog is wrong?
(a) It has high concentration of oxidising agents
(b) It has low concentration of oxidising agent
(c) It can be controlled by controlling the release of NO2,hydrocarbons ozone, etc.
(d) Plantation of some plants like pinus helps in controlling photochemical smog.
Question- Which of the following chemical, harmful to ozone, is released by chlorofluoro carbon?
(a) Sulphur dioxide
(b) Fluorine
(c) Chlorine
(d) Nitrogen dioxide
Question- The aromatic compounds present as particulates are
(a) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(b) Benzene
(c) Toluene
(d) Nitrobenzene
Question- The pollutants which came directly in the air from sources are called primary pollutants. Primary pollutants are sometimes converted into secondary pollutants. Which of the following belongs to secondary air pollutants?
(a) C O
(b) Hydrocarbon
(c) Peroxyacetyl nitrate
(d) NO
Question- Select the one that has an adverse effect on ozone layer.
(a) Carbon dioxide
(b) Chlorofluorocarbons
(c) Soil
(d) Dust particles
Environmental Chemistry MCQ Questions with Answers Class 11 Chemistry
Question- Sewage containing organic waste should not be disposed in water bodies because it causes major water pollution.Fishes in such a polluted water die because of
(a) large number of mosquitoes
(b) increase in the amount of dissolved oxygen
(c) decrease in the amount of dissolved oxygen in water
(d) clogging of gills by mud
Question-Which of the following statements is wrong?
(a) Ozone is not responsible for green house effect.
(b) Ozone can oxidise sulphur dioxide present in the atmosphere to sulphur trioxide.
(c) Ozone hole is thinning of ozone layer present in stratosphere.
(d) Ozone is produced in upper stratosphere by the action of UV rays on oxygen.
Question- The high amount of E. coli in water is the indicator of
(a) hardness of water
(b) industrial pollution
(c) sewage pollution
(d) presence of chlorine in water
Question- Ozone is an important constituent of stratosphere because it
(a) Destroys bacteria which are harmful to human life
(b) Prevents the formation of smog over large cities
(c) Removes poisonous gases of the atmosphere by reacting with them
(d) Absorbs ultraviolet radiation which is harmful to human life
Question-Water pollution is caused by
(a) pesticides
(b) SO2
(c) O2
(d) CO2
Question-Sewage mostly constitutes
(a) Non-biodegradable pollutants
(b) Biodegradable pollutants
(c) Effluents
(d) Air pollutants
Question-A lake with an inflow of domestic sewage rich in organic waste may result in
(a) drying of the lake very soon due to algal bloom
(b) an increase production of fish due to lot of nutrients
(c) death of fish due to lack of oxygen
(d) increased population of aquatic food web organisms
Question-Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) Ozone hole is a hole formed in stratosphere from which ozone oozes out.
(b) Ozone hole is a hole formed in the troposphere from which ozone oozes out.
(c) Ozone hole is thinning of ozone layer of stratosphere at some places.
(d) Ozone hole means vanishing of ozone layer around the earth completely.
Question- Which of the following does not occur when the sewage is discharged into water ?
(a) Increase in O2
(b) Cyanophycean blooms occur
(c) Depletion of O2 layers
(d) Eutrophication
Question-What is the concentration of dissolved oxygen in cold water ?
(a) 5 ppm
(b) 10 ppm
(c) 200, 000 ppm
(d) 100 ppm
Question-Minamata disease of Japan is due to pollution of
(a) Aresenic
(b) Lead
(c) Cynide
(d) Mercury
Question-Which of the following metal is a water pollutant and causes sterility in human being
(a) As
(b) Mn
(c) Mg
(d) Hg
Question-The gas(es) not responsible for ozone depletion :
(a) NO and freons
(b) SO2
(c) CO2
(d) Both
(b) and (c)
Question-Sewage water is purified by
(a) aquatic plants
(b) microoganisms
(c) light
(d) fishes
Question-Water is often treated with chlorine to
(a) remove hardness
(b) increase oxygen content
(c) kill germs
(d) remove suspended particles
Environmental Chemistry MCQ Questions with Answers Class 11 Chemistry
Question- Which causes death of fish in water bodies polluted by sewage?
(a) Foul smell
(b) Pathogens
(c) Herbicides
(d) Decrease in D.O.
Question-Chief source of soil and water pollution is
(a) mining
(b) agro industry
(c) thermal power plant
(d) All of the above
Question-The maximum prescribed concentration of cadmium in drinking water in ppm is
(a) 0.05
(b) 3
(c) 2
(d) 0.005
Question- Brewery and sugar factory waste alters the quality of a water body by increasing
(a) temperature
(b) turbidity
(c) pH
(d) COD and BOD
Question-Biochemical Oxygen Demand, (BOD) is a measure of organic material present in water. BOD value less than 5 ppm indicates a water sample to be __________.
(a) rich in dissolved oxygen
(b) poor in dissolved oxygen
(c) highly polluted
(d) not suitable for aquatic life
Question- Phosphate fertilizers when added to water leads to
(a) Increased growth of decomposers
(b) Reduced algal growth
(c) Increased algal growth
(d) Nutrient enrichment (eutrophication)
Question-Water pollution is caused by
(a) pesticides
(b) fly ash
(c) auto exhausts
(d) aeroplanes
Question- BOD of pond is connected with
(a) Microbes & organic matter
(b) Organic matter
(c) Microbes
(d) None of these
Question-Excess nitrate in drinking water can cause
(a) methemoglobinemia
(b) kidney damage
(c) liver damage
(d) laxative effect
Question-Limit of BOD prescribed by Central pollution Control Board for the discharge of industrial and municipal waste waters into natural surface waters, is
(a) < 100 ppm
(b) < 30 ppm
(c) < 3.0 ppm
(d) < 10 ppm
Question- Eutrophication causes reduction in
(a) dissolved oxygen
(b) nutrients
(c) dissolved salts
(d) All of the above
Question-B.O.D. test or biochemical oxygen demand test is made for measuring
(a) air pollution
(b) water pollution
(c) noise pollution
(d) soil pollution
Question-Which causes death of fishes in water bodies polluted by sewage?
(a) Foul smell
(b) Pathogens
(c) Clogging of gills by silt
(d) Decrease in D.O.
Question-Which one of the following statement is not true ?
(a) pH of drinking water should be between 5.5 – 9.5.
(b) Concentration of DO below 6 ppm is good for the growth of fish.
(c) Clean water would have a BOD value of less than 5 ppm.
(d) Oxides of sulphur, nitrogen and carbon are the most widespread air pollutant.
Environmental Chemistry MCQ Questions with Answers Class 11 Chemistry
Question- Chief source of soil and water pollution is
(a) mining
(b) agro industry
(c) thermal power plant
(d) All of the above
Question- How many time oxyhaemoglobin is less stable than carboxyhaemoglobin?
(a) 50
(b) 200
(c) 500
(d) 300
Question- Which of the following practices will not come under green chemistry?
(a) If possible, making use of soap made of vegetable oils instead of using synthetic detergents.
(b) Using H2O2 for bleaching purpose instead of using chlorine based bleaching agents.
(c) Using bicycle for travelling small distances instead of using petrol/ diesel based vehicles.
(d) Using plastic cans for neatly storing substances.
Question- The quantity of DDT in food chain
(a) decreases
(b) remains same
(c) increases
(d) changes
Question- Soil is polluted by
I. pesticides
II. synthetic fertilizers
III. green manure
(a) I and III
(b) I and II
(c) II and III
(d) I, II and III
Question- Which of the following acts as a sink for CO?
(a) Plants
(b) Haemoglobin
(c) Microorganisms present in the soil
(d) Oceans
Question- Which of the following trophic level has least concentration of toxins deposition ?
(a) Aquatic plant
(b) Small fish
(c) Human being
(d) Largest fish
Question- “Reducing potentially hazardous waste through smarter production”.This represents a great step forward for
(a) green revolution
(b) green chemistry
(c) industrial revolution
(d) green biotechnology
Question- Use of which of the following solvent in dry cleaning will result in less harm to ground water ?
(a) Cl2C = CCl2
(b) Liquid CO2
(c) H2O2
(d) None of these
Question- In which of the following regions hydrogen and helium are found ?
(a) Stratosphere
(b) Mesosphere
(c) Exosphere
(d) Troposphere
Question- Thermal pollution affects mainly
(a) vegetation
(b) aquatic creature
(c) rocks
(d) air
Question- What is DDT among the following ?
(a) Greenhouse gas
(b) A fertilizer
(c) Biodegradable pollutant
(d) Non-biodegradable pollutant
Question- BOD of pond is connected with
(a) microbes & organic matter
(b) organic matter
(c) microbes
(d) None of these
Question- Green chemistry means such reactions which :
(a) produce colour during reactions
(b) reduce the use and production of hazardous chemicals
(c) are related to the depletion of ozone layer
(d) study the reactions in plants
Question- The effect of polluted water on soil is, that
(a) it decreases fertility
(b) it contaminates ground water
(c) it renders soil acidic or basic
(d) all of the above
Question- Which is known as ‘Third poison of environment’ and also creates ‘Blue baby syndrome’
(a) Nitrate present in water
(b) Phosphate and detergents found in water
(c) Cynide
(d) Pesticides
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Worksheet for CBSE Chemistry Class 11 Chapter 14 Environmental Chemistry
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