CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Worksheet Set B

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Worksheet Set B. Students and teachers of Class 11 Chemistry can get free printable Worksheets for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 11 students should practice questions and answers given here for Chemistry in Class 11 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 11 Chemistry Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Chemistry books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

Class 11 Chemistry students should download to the following Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Class 11 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 11 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 11 Chemistry Worksheet for Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure MCQ Questions with Answers Class 11 Chemistry

Question. Which species does not exhibit paramagnetism?
(1) N 2+
(2) O 2
(3) CO
(4) NO
Answer (3)

Question. Which one of the following species does not exist under normal conditions?
(1) Li2
(2) Be2-
(3) Be 2
(4) B 2
Answer (3)

Question. The maximum number of 180° angle possible between X-M-X bond for compounds with sp3d2 and sp3 dhybridisation respectively are
(1) 3, 3
(2) 3, 1
(3) 1, 3
(4) 3, 0
Answer (2)

Question. Which of the following molecule stabilizes by removal of electron?
(1) C 2
(2) O 2
(3) N 2
(4) H 2
Answer (2)

Question. In NO 3 – ion number of bond pair and lone pair of electrons on nitrogen atom are
(1) 2, 2
(2) 3, 1
(3) 1, 3
(4) 4, 0
Answer (4)

Question. Which of the following statement is correct?
(1) The hybridisation of Cl in ClF 3 is sp 2
(2) The number of lone pairs and bond pairs in I 3 – are 2 and 2 respectively
(3) The shape of XeF 6 is distorted square bipyramidal
(4) Hybridisation of S is sp 3 in SO 2
Answer (3)

Question. Which of the following is not a correct statement?
(1) Multiple bonds are always shorter than corresponding single bonds
(2) The electron-deficient molecules can act as Lewis acids
(3) The canonical structures have no real existence
(4) Every AB 5 molecules does in fact have square pyramid structure
Answer (4)

Question. A certain diatomic molecule, AB has dipole moment 1.6 D and the internuclear distance is 100 pm. The percentage of electronic charge existing on more electronegative atom is
(1) 33%
(2) 25%
(3) 50%
(4) 10%
Answer (1)

Question. The hybrid orbital having only 20% d character
(1) CCl 4
(2) SF6
(3) SF4
(4) Cl2O
Answer (3)

Question. Which of the following is correct for XeO2F2 and PCl5 ?
(1) Both have same hybridisation and shape
(2) Both have same hybridisation but different geometry
(3) Both have different hybridisation but same shape
(4) Both have same hybridisation but different shape
Answer (4)

Question.Which one of the following has the strongest O – O bond?
(1) O2+
(2) O2
(3) O2
(4) O2 2–
Answer (1)

Question. Some of the properties of the two species, NO3- and H 3 O+ are described below. Which one of them is correct?
(1) Dissimilar hybridization for the central atom with different structures
(2) Isostructural with same hybridization for the central atom
(3) Isostructural with different hybridization for the central atom
(4) Similar hybridization for the central atom with different structures
Answer (1)

Question. From the following which group of elements easily forms cation?
a. F, Cl, Br
b. Li, Na, K
c. O, S, Se
d. N, P, As
Answer : B

Question. Lattice energy of an ionic compound depends upon:
a. Charge on the ion only
b. Size of the ion only
c. Packing of ions only
d. Charge on the ion and size of the ion
Answer : D

Question. The sulphate of a metal has the formula M2(SO4)3 The formula for its phosphate will be:
a. M(HPO4)2
b. M3(PO4)2
c. M2(PO4)3
d. MPO4
Answer : D

Question. Which of the following has a high polarising power?
a. Mg2+
b. Al3+
c. Na+
d. Ca2+
Answer : B

Question. Maximum covalent character is associated with the compound:
a. NaI
b. MgI2
c. AlCl3
d. AlI3
Answer : D

Question. Chemical formula for calcium pyrophosphate is o 120 The formula for ferric pyrophosphate will be:
a. Fe3(P2O7)3
b. Fe4P4O14
c. Fe4(P2O7)3
d. Fe3PO4
Answer : C

Question. Out of the following, which compound will have electrovalent bonding?
a. Ammonia
b. Water
c. Calcium chloride
d. Chloromethane
Answer : A

Question. Two element have electro-negativity of 1.2 and 3.0. Bond formed between them would be:
a. Ionic
b. Polar covalent
c. Co-ordinate
d. Metallic
Answer : C

Question. Atoms or group of atoms which are electrically charged are known:
a. Anions
b. Cations
c. Ions
d. Atoms
Answer : D

Question. When NaCl is dissolved in water the sodium ion becomes?
a. Oxidized
b. Reduced
c. Hydrolysed
d. Hydrated
Answer : C

Question. Which is the most covalent?
a. C − O
b. C − Br
c. C − S
d. C − F
Answer : C

Question. The correct sequence of increasing covalent character is represented by:
a. LiCl < NaCl < BeCl2
b. BeCl < NaCl < LiCl2
c. NaCl < LiCl < BeCl2
d. BeCl < LiCl < NaCl2
Answer : C

Question. The electronic configuration of four elements are given in brackets
L(1s2 , 2s2 2p1); M(1s2 , 2s2 2p3 )
Q(1s2 , 2s2 2p6 , 3s2); R(1s2 , 2s2 2p2)
The element that would most readily form a diatomic molecule is:

a. Q
b. M
c. R
d. L
Answer : B

Question. For the formation of covalent bond, the difference in the value of electro-negativities should be:
a. Equal to or less than 1.7
b. More than 1.7
c. 1.7 or more
d. None of these
Answer : A

Question. The valence of phosphorus in H3PO4 is:
a. 2
b. 5
c. 4
d. 1
Answer : B

Question. The inter-atomic distances in H2 and Cl2 molecules are 74 and 198 pm respectively. The bond length of HCl is:
a. 272 pm
b. 136 pm
c. 124 pm
d. 248 pm
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following compounds does not follow the octet rule for electron distribution?
a. PCl5
b. PCl3
c. H2O
d. PH3
Answer : A

Question. Which type of bond is present in H2S molecule?
a. Ionic bond
b. Covalent bond
c. Co-ordinate
d. All of three
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following does not obey the octet rule?
a. CO
b. NH3
c. H2O
d. PCl5
Answer : A, D

VA simple example of a coordinate covalent bond is exhibited by:
a. C2H2
b. H2SO4
c. H2O
d. HCl
Answer : B

Question. The bond that exists between NHand BF3 is called:
a. Electrovalent
b. Covalent
c. Coordinate
d. Hydrogen
Answer : C

Question. Which of the following compounds has coordinate (dative) bond?
a. CH3NC
b. CH3OH
c. CH3Cl
d. NH3
Answer : A

Question. The compound containing co-ordinate bond is:
a. O3
b. SO3
c. H2SO4
d. All of these
Answer : D

Question. Sulphuric acid provides a example of:
a. Co-ordinate bonds
b. Non-covalent compound
c. Covalent and co-ordinate bond
d. Non-covalent ion
Answer : C

Question. Which molecule is linear?
a. NO2
b. ClO2
c. CO2
d. H2S
Answer : C

Question. A sp3 hybridized orbital contains:
a. (1/4) s − character
b. (1/2) s − character
c. (2/3) s − character
d. (3/4) s − character
Answer : A

Question. The shape of IF7 molecule is:
a. Octahedral
b. Pentagonal bipyramidal
c. Trigonal bipyramidal
d. Tetrahedral
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following is non-linear molecule?
a. CO3
b. CO2
c. CS2
d. BeCl2
Answer : A

Question. The trigonal bipyramidal geometry results from the hybridisation:
a. dspor 3 sp3 d
b. dsp3 or 2 sp3 d
c. d2 sp3 or sp3 d2
d. d3 sp3 or d2 sp3
Answer : A

Question. For which of the following hybridisation the bond angle is maximum?
a. sp2
b. sp
c. sp3
d. dsp2
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following hybridisation has maximum scharacters?
a. sp3
b. sp2
c. sp
d. None of these
Answer : C

Question. The percentage s-character of the hybrid orbitals in methane, ethene and ethyne are respectively:
a. 25, 33, 50
b. 25, 50, 75
c. 50, 75, 100
d. 10, 20, 40
Answer : A

Question. Among the following compounds the one that is polar and has central atom with 2 sp − hybridization is:
a. H2CO3
b. BF3
c. SiF4
d. HClO2
Answer : A

Question. In which compound, the hydrogen bonding is the strongest in its liquid phase?
a. HF
b. HI
c. CH4
d. PH3
Answer : A

Question. Point out incorrect statement about resonance:
a. Resonance structures should have equal energy
b. In resonance structures, the constituent atoms should be in the same position
c. In resonance structures, there should not be the same number of electron pairs
d. Resonance structures should differ only in the location of electrons around the constituent atoms
Answer : C

Question. The number of possible resonance structures for CO32− is:
a. 2
b. 3
c. 6
d. 9
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following molecule contains one pair of non-bonding electrons?
a. CH4
b. NH3
c. H2O
d. HF
Answer : B

Question. In the cyanide ion, the formal negative charge is on:
a. C
b. N
c. Both
C and N
d. Resonate between C and N
Answer : B

Question. Of the following species the one having a square planar structure is:
a. NH4+
b. BF4
c. XeF4
d. SCl4
Answer : C

VIn which of the following is the angle between the two covalent bonds greatest?
a. CO2
b. CH4
c. NH3
d. H2O
Answer : A

Question. As the s-character of hybridized orbital decreases, the bond angle:
a. Decreases
b. Increases
c. Does not change
d. Becomes zero
Answer : A

Question. Of the following sets which one does NOT contain isoelectronic species?
a. PO43− ,SO42− ,ClO4
b. CN ,N2 ,C32−
c. SO32− ,CO32− ,NO3
d. BO32− ,CO32− ,NO3
Answer : C

Question. Which has the least bond angle?
a. NH3
b. BeF2
c. H2O
d. CH4
Answer : C

Question. The bond angle in ammonia molecule is:
a. 91o 8′
b. 93o 3'
c. 106o 45'
d. 109o 28'
Answer : C

Question. The bond order in N2+ ion is:
a. 1
b. 2
c. 2.5
d. 3
Answer : C

Question. Which of the following molecule is paramagnetic?
a. Chlorine
b. Nitrogen
c. Oxygen
d. Hydrogen
Answer : C

Question. Out of the following which has smallest bond length?
a. O2
b. O2+
c. O2+
d. O22-
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following is paramagnetic?
a. O2+
b. CN
c. CO
d. N2
Answer : A

Question. The bond order in NO is 2.5 while that in NO+ is 3. Which
of the following statements is true for these two species?
a. Bond length in NO+ is equal to that in NO
b. Bond length in NO is greater than in NO+
c. Bond length in NO+ is greater than in NO
d. Bond length is unpredictable
Answer : B


Notes for Class 11 Chemistry Chemical Bonding

A chemical bond is defined as the force of attraction between any two atoms in a molecule to maintain stability.
Noble Gases
 Have stable electronic configuration, i.e. their outermost shell is complete.
 They have 2 electrons in the outermost shell or 8 electrons in the outermost shell.
 They do not lose, gain or share electrons and are inert or unreactive.
Atoms of Elements – Other than Noble Gases
 Have unstable electronic configuration, i.e. their outermost shell is incomplete.
 They can lose, gain or share electrons and are chemically reactive.
Reasons for Chemical Bonding
 The driving force for atoms to combine is related to the tendency of each atom to attain stable electronic configuration of the nearest inert noble gas.
 For an atom to achieve stable electronic configuration, it must have
Two electrons in the outermost shell (nearest noble gas He) – Duplet rule
Eight electrons in the outermost shell (all noble gases other than He) – Octet rule
Methods for achieving Chemical Bonding
There are three methods in which atoms can achieve a stable configuration:
 Electrovalent bond
 Covalent bond
 Coordinate bond
Electrovalent (or Ionic) Bond
¶ Ionic bond
The chemical bond formed between two atoms by transfer of one or more electrons from the atom of a metallic electropositive element to an atom of a non-metallic electronegative element.
¶ Ionic compound
The chemical compound formed as a result of transfer of one or more electrons from the atom of a metallic electropositive element to an atom of a non-metallic electronegative element.
¶ Electrovalency
The number of electrons donated or accepted by the valence shell of an atom of an element so as to achieve stable electronic configuration is called electrovalency.
Conditions for the formation of an Ionic Bond
Ionisation potential (IP): Lower the value of IP of a metallic atom, greater the ease of formation of the cation.
Electron affinity: Higher the value of EA of a non-metallic atom, greater the ease of formation of the anion.
Electronegativity: Larger the differences in electronegativity between the combining atoms, greater the ease of electron transfer.
Formation of electrovalent compounds
Formation of Sodium Chloride


Covalent Bond 
¶ Covalent bond: The chemical bond formed due to mutual sharing of electrons between the given pairs of atoms of non-metallic elements. 
¶ Covalent compound: The chemical compound formed due to mutual sharing of electrons between the given pairs of atoms, thereby forming a covalent bond between them. 
¶ Covalency: The number of electron pairs which an atom shares with one or more atoms of the same kind or different kind to achieve stable electronic configuration is called covalency. 
¶ Non-polar covalent compounds: Covalent compounds are said to be non-polar when the shared pair of electrons are equally distributed between the two atoms. 
Examples: H2, Cl2, O2, N2, CH4, CCl4 
¶ Polar covalent compounds: Covalent compounds are said to be polar when a shared pair of electrons are unequally distributed between the two atoms. 
Examples: H2O, NH3, HCl 
Conditions for formation of covalent compound 
Ionisation potential, electron affinity and electronegativity: High between both the atoms. 
Electronegativity difference: Should be negligible between the two combining atoms.
Formation of methane molecule – Non-polar covalent compound
One atom of carbon shares four electron pairs, one with each of the four atoms of hydrogen.
Coordinate Bond
The bond formed between two atoms by sharing a pair of electrons provided entirely by one of the combining atoms but shared by both is called a coordinate bond or dative bond.
Examples: Ammonium ion (NH4+), hydronium ion (H3O+)
A coordinate bond has properties of both covalent and ionic bonds. So, it is also called a co-ionic bond.
¶ Lone pair of electrons: A pair of electrons which is not shared with any other atom is known as a lone pair of electrons. It is provided to the other atom for the formation of a coordinate bond.
¶ Conditions for the formation of coordinate bond
1. One of the two atoms must have at least one lone pair of electrons. Examples: Ammonia (NH3), water (H2O)
2. Another atom should be short of at least one lone pair of electrons. Example: Hydrogen ion (H+)



Redox Reaction 
 Oxidation: When an atom or ion loses an electron or electrons, oxidation takes place. 
 Reduction: When an atom or ion gains an electron or electrons, reduction takes place. 
 Oxidising agents: The atom or ion which gains an electron or electrons is an oxidising agent. 
 Reducing agents: The atom or ion which loses an electron or electrons is a reducing agent. 
¶ Redox reaction: A chemical reaction in which the loss and gain of electrons take place simultaneously is called a redox reaction. 




1. All questions are compulsory.

2. Please give the explanation for the answer where applicable.

Q1 - What is hydrogen bonding? Name the two types of hydrogen bonding?

Q2 -Find

(i) Formal charge on S in HSO4-

(ii) Formal charge on P in orthophosphoric acid

Q3 - Which of the following bond is most polar?

(i) Cl-F

(ii) Br-F

(iii) I-F

(iv) F-F

Q4 - Which of the following compound will have highest solubility in water CCl4, CHCl3, CS2,C2H5OH.

Q5 - Name the type of hybridisation in each carbon atom of the following compounds —

(i) 1, 2 – butadiene

(ii) Propyne

Q6 - Find the bond order of NO and CO.

Q7 - How is bond order related to the stability of a molecule?

Q8 - What is the maximum number of hydrogen bonds in which a water molecule can participate?

Q9 - Arrange F2, N2, Cl2, O2 in increasing order of bond strengths.

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CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Classification Of Elements And Periodicity Worksheet
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Worksheet for CBSE Chemistry Class 11 Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 11 Chemistry released by CBSE. Students of Class 11 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 11 Chemistry on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Chemistry by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 11 Chemistry to develop the Chemistry Class 11 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 11 Chemistry designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 11 Chemistry in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 11 Chemistry scores?

Regular practice with Class 11 Chemistry worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.