Fill in the blanks
1 __________castes such as washerman, potters, goldsmith, are examples of diversity of occupation in__________India.
2 Cultivators who lease the land from landowners and have lower income than owner- cultivators are called________________
3 Members of low ranked caste groups had to provide labour for fixed number of days / year to the village zamindar or landlords is called________
State whether the following statements are ‘True ‘or ‘False’/Correct the given statement
4 Agriculture is the single most important source of livelihood for the majority of the rural population in India (true/false)
5 Jats and Rajputs of UP Lingayats in Karnataka are examples of dominant castes. (True / False)
6 Workers are also emerging as the main source of agricultural labour, leading to the proprietary caste groups of agricultural labour force. (T/F)
Choose correct alternative for the following statements
7 Many of our cultural practices and patterns can be traced to our agrarian backgrounds Which of the festival is not a part of it.
a. Pongal in Tamil Nadu b. Bihu c. Baisakhi d. Holi
8 A system of tax collection in colonial India in which the government settled the revenue directly with the cultivator are called.
a. zamindari system b. raiyatwari system
c. halpati system d. jeeta system
9 As a part of land reform initiative an act that prevents land rights to the tenants and gave them security were.
a. commercialization of agriculture b. subsistence agriculture
c. capitalist agriculture d. none of the above
10 A pattern of seasonal migration that emerged due to Green revolution where workers circulate between their home village and more prosperous areas is called
a. circulation of labour b. subsistence agriculture
c. begar / begar d. matrix events
11 Indentify the sociologist who described the change in the nature of relationship between landlords and agricultural workers as a shift from patronage to exploitation
a. Karl Marx b. Jan Breman c. Hubert Risley d. Max Weber
12 Define the term Agrarian Structure?
13 Who is a Proprietary Caste?
14 What do you understand by Benami Transfers?
15 Who are ‘footloose labour’?
16 What do you understand by ‘Feminisation of agriculture’?
17 What does the term ‘Begar’ denote?
18 Define Zamindari & Ryatwari system.
19 ‘There is a close connection between Agriculture & Culture’. Explain.
20 Explain the meaning of ‘Commodification’ or ‘Commoditization’ with examples.
21 What is meant by Land Ceiling Act? Why did it prove toothless in most of the States? Give reasons to support your answers.
22 What changes took place in areas where agriculture became more commercialised?
23 What is meant by Subsidies & Support prices?
24 Write a note on the reasons behind Farmer’s suicide.
25 Discuss the transformations in Rural society after independence.
26 Write briefly about the impact of Land Reforms during the Colonial Period.
27 Explain the impact of Land reforms in India after Independence.
28 What is meant by Circulation of Labour in India? Explain with examples.
29 Discuss contract farming with examples.
30 What were the adverse effects& achievements of Green revolution?
31 Discuss the social consequences of Green Revolution.
32 What do you understand by the prevalence of Caste & Class in Rural India?
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