Fill in the blanks
1 Community identities give a sense of--------- and--------
2 Geographical concentration of identity markets like languages or tribes along with a feeling of 'deprivation' leads to-----
3 When a 'small group' of people experience the 'same sense of relative disadvantage' they are known as a----------
4 The states adopt assimilation or integration policies to create a harmonious society because they feel--------- by cultural diversity, which may result in disunity.
5 -------------- (Act) is the most recent initiatives of the Civil society which makes the state accountable to the citizens of India.
Correct statement
6 The term diversity emphasizes inequalities rather than differences. (True or False)
7 People react emotionally when their community identity is threatened. (True or False)
8 Minorities like Parsis and Sikhs are economically and socially strong. (Correct the statement)
9 The contentious issues of the 'federal system' today is determined by the role of private backward regions. (True or False)
10 Political parties, media, institutions, NGOs are part of authoritarian society. (correct the statement)
Choose the correct answers
11 The policy which persuades or forces all citizens to adopt a common set of cultural values and norms is-----------
a. Cross cultural policy b. regionalism policy
c. assimilation policy d. favouritism policy
12 Suspension of parliament and censorship of media usually takes place during.
a. Democratic rule b. communal unrest
c. authoritarian rule d. none of the above
13 Appeasement of minorities by giving special consideration is considered by the majority community as---
a. Injustice b. Favouritism c. Partiality d. Competition
14 When religious identitly overrides everything else it leads to----
a. Secularism b. Communalism c. Nation state d. Diversity
15 Ethno-national identity in India has mainly been formed by factors like-----
a. Language & religion b. language & tribal identity
c. language & infrastructure d. none of the above
Answer the following
16 What is an Authoritarian State?
17 What are Assimilationist policies or Assimilation?
18 Define Integration or Integrationist policies?
19 What is a Nation?
20 Define a Nation-State.
21 What do you understand by Dual-Citizenship?
22 What is Nationalism?
23 What are Ascriptive Identities?
24 Define Syncretism.
25 What is meant by Cultural Diversity? Why is India considered to be a very diverse country?
26 Why is it difficult to define a Nation? How are Nation & State related in modern society?
27 Why are States suspicious of Cultural Diversity?
28 What is Regionalism? What factors is it usually based on?
29 What is a Minority? Why do Minorities need protection from the State?
30 What are different senses in which secularism has been understood in India?
31 What is Community Identity? How is it formed?
32 In your opinion is the linguistic affinity helped or harmed India?
33 What is Communalism? Discuss it from the Indian context with examples.
34 What is the relevance of Civil Society Organization today? Discuss with relevant examples
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