Earth- As member of Solar System
Q 1. What do you mean by the universe? Enlist the different forms of the universe.
Ans. The sun, the planets, the earth, the moon, stars, dust, gases etc. make universe.
1. Planets and satellites 2. Asteroids 3. Comets 4. Meteors and Meteorites are different bodies of the universe.
Q 2. What is a planet? Is our earth a planet? How?
Ans. The planets are the solid and gaseous bodies moving around the sun.
Yes, our Earth is a planet. Like other planets, it also gets light and heat from the Sun.
Q 3. What do you understand by Solar System?
Ans. The Sun, its planets and satellites form the Solar System. Sun is the centre of the Solar System.
Q 4. Enlist the distance of planets from the Sun. Also tell which planet is far away and which is nearest.
Ans. Hint- My Very Efficient Mother Just Served Us Nuts.
Neptune is the farthest and Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun.
Q 5. Enlist according to the size of the planets.
Ans. Jupiter is the largest and Mercury is the smallest planet.

Q 6. Write note on the following:-
A. Planet- Planets are solid or gaseous bodies moving around the sun. They get light and heat from the Sun.
B. Meteors- Meteors are also called shooting stars. These are the scattered material in the Solar System which get fire when enter in the atmosphere of the earth.
C. Sphere- Sphere is a shape, round like a ball. The shape of our earth is spherical.
D. Equator- It is an imaginary line that divide the earth into two equal parts. It runs from East to West.
E. Tailed Star- The comet has a long tail of light. That is why it is called a Tailed Star.
F. Axle/ Axis- As we rotate the Globe, it rotates around its axle. Similarly, Earth rotates on its axis. It is an imaginary line.
G. Asteroids- Except planets, there are also small planets those revolve round the Sun. These are called Asteroids.
H. Lunar Eclipse- When the earth comes in between the Sun and the moon, and the shadow of the earth falls on the moon, is called lunar eclipse.
Fill in the blanks in the following:-
1. Our Earth is flat sphere, therefore it is called geoid.
2. The circumference of the earth is 40,000 km.
3. The diameter of Earth on equator is 12756 km and diameter of earth at poles is 12712 Km.
Our Earth and the Solar System
• Introduction: The Sun, the eight planets with their satellites and some other heavenly bodies like asteroids, meteors and comets form the solar system. The Sun is at the centre of the solar system. All objects like stars, planets, satellites, comets, asteroids and meteors in the sky are called celestial or heavenly bodies and these are collectively known as the Universe.
(a) Universe: The Universe is vast and limitless. It is also called space. All the heavenly bodies as well as dust and gases found in space are included in the universe. Nobody knows exactly how the universe was formed. Most astronomers think that the universe started with a very Big Bang about 13.7 billion years ago.
(b) Stars: Stars are huge heavenly bodies made up of hot gases. They emit their own heat and light in huge amount. They twinkle at night. They look small because they are far away from us.
(c) The Sun: The Sun is the largest member of the solar system. All the planets, satellites, asteroids and comets revolve around it. It is about 150 million km away from the earth. It produces a lot of heat and light which is necessary for all forms of life on the earth.
(d) The Planets: The Planets are celestial bodies that do not have their own heat and light they are spherical in shape they revolve around the sun in fixed path called orbits. Most of them revolve from west to east. While revolving around the Sun, the planets also rotate on their own axes.
Solved Questions:
Q1. The Sun is most important source. Why is it so?
Ans: The Sun is the largest member and centre of the solar system. All the planets, satellites, asteroids and comets revolve around it. It produces a lot of heat and light which is necessary for all forms of life on the earth.
Q2. Write a short note on formation of Universe.
Ans: The Universe is vast and limitless. It is also called space. Nobody knows exactly how the universe was formed. Most astronomers think that the universe started with a very big explosion called the big bang about 13.7 billion years ago.
Q3. Stars are heavenly bodies like planets but they look small. Comment.
Ans: Stars are huge heavenly bodies made up of hot gases. They emit their own heat and light in huge amount. They twinkle at night, they look small because they are far away from us.
Q4. Define the term Planets.
Ans: The planets are celestial bodies that do not have their own heat and light. They are spherical in shape. Most of them revolve from west to east.
Q5. Stars are huge heavenly bodies made up of hot gases.
Q6. The Sun is 150 million km away from the Earth.
Q7. The planets revolve from west to east.
Q8. Which one is not a Planet?
(a) Jupiter
(b) Saturn
(c) Comet
Ans: Comet
Q9. Planets revolve around the sun in fixed paths called
(a) Pathway
(b) Orbits
(c) Galaxy
Ans: Orbits
Q10. Universe started with a very big explosion called
(a) Blast
(b) Big bang
(c) Big explosion
Ans: Big bang
• Practice Questions:
Q1. What do you understand by the term 'Universe'?
Q2. How are stars different from Planets?
Q3. Draw a neat and clean diagram of our solar system.
Q4. What do you understand by celestial bodies?
Q5. With the help of an Atlas, Mark the following on a physical map of India.
a) Island groups
b) Northern Plains
c) Thar Desert
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