NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics Chapter 3 How Many Squares have been provided below and is also available in Pdf for free download. The NCERT solutions for Class 5 Mathematics have been prepared as per the latest syllabus, NCERT books and examination pattern suggested in Class 5 by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Questions given in NCERT book for Class 5 Mathematics are an important part of exams for Class 5 Mathematics and if answered properly can help you to get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise answers for NCERT Class 5 Mathematics and also download more latest study material for all subjects. Chapter 3 How Many Squares is an important topic in Class 5, please refer to answers provided below to help you score better in exams
Chapter 3 How Many Squares Class 5 Mathematics NCERT Solutions
Class 5 Mathematics students should refer to the following NCERT questions with answers for Chapter 3 How Many Squares in Class 5. These NCERT Solutions with answers for Class 5 Mathematics will come in exams and help you to score good marks
Chapter 3 How Many Squares NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics
1. Ziri tried to make some other tiles. She started with a square of 2 cm side and made shapes like these. Look at these carefully and find out:
Q. Which of these shapes will tile a floor (without any gaps)? Discuss. What is the area of these shapes?
Q. Make designs in your copy by tiling those shapes.
Q. Now you create your own new tiles out of a square. Can you do the same with a triangle? Try doing it.
Ans. The shapes C and D will tile a floor (without any gaps)
The area of each of these shapes (i.e. tiles) is
2 2 square cm = 4 square cm.
2. Make a pattern using your tile. Trace the shape to repeat it on a page, but remember there must be no gaps between them. Ziri made a pattern using her yellow tiles. (You know the area of her tile.)
Answer these:
Q. How many tiles has she used?
Q. What is the area of the floor pattern Ziri has made here?
Ans. She has used 12 tiles.
The area of the floor pattern Ziri has made here is (12 3) square cm= 36 square cm.
3. Did you get all the 12 shapes using 5 squares?
Draw all the 12 shapes on a sheet of cardboard and cut them.
Ans. Yes, I get all the 12 shapes using 5 squares as shown above.
All the 12 shapes may be drawn on a sheet of cardboard and also cut them as desired.
4. Ziri went to a shop and was surprised to see the different designs of tiles on the floor. Aren’t these beautiful! Can you find the tile which is repeated to make each of these floor patterns? Circle a tile in each pattern.
Ans. A tile in each pattern is shown as encircle.
5. After looking at the patterns Ziri wanted to make her own yellow tile. You too make a tile this way.
Step 1: Take a piece of cardboard or thick paper. Draw a square of side 3 cm on it.
Step 2: Draw a triangle on any one of the sides of this square.
Step 3: Draw another triangle of the same size on another side of the square.
But this time draw it inside the square.
Step 4: Cut this shape from the cardboard. Your tile is ready! What is it’s area?
Ans. It’s area is 3 3 square cm i.e. 9 square cm.
6. Here is a rectangle of area 20 square cm.
a) Draw one straight line in this rectangle to divide it into two equal triangles.
What is the area of each of the triangles?
b) Draw one straight line in this rectangle to divide it into two equal rectangles. What is the area of each of the smaller rectangles?
c) Draw two straight lines in this rectangle to divide it into one rectangle and two equal triangles.
d) What is the area of the rectangle?
e) What is the area of each of the triangles?
Ans. (a) One straight line is drawn in the given rectangle to divide it in two equal triangle as: shown below.
Area of each of the triangles is half of the given rectangle. Area of this rectangle is 20 square cm. So, the area of each of the triangles is 10 squares cm.
(b) One straight line is drawn in the given rectangle to divide it into two equal rectangles as shown below:
Area of each of the smaller rectangles is half of the given rectangle. Area of the given rectangle is 20 square cm. So, the area of each of two rectangles is 10 square cm.
(c) Two straight lines are drawn in the given rectangle to divide it into one rectangle and two equal triangles as shown below:
(d) Area of the new rectangle is half of the given rectangle. Area of the given rectangle is 20 square cm. So, the area of the smaller rectangle is 10 square cm.
(e) Area of the each of the triangles is half of the rectangle of area 10 square cm.
So, the area of each of the triangles is 5 square cm.
Question. QuestionIn how many different ways can you move from square X to square Y through the grid in exactly 4 steps. If moving diagonally is also allowed.
(a) 6
(b) 8
(c) 10
(d) more than 10
Answer : D
Question. Which of the following pair of shapes when joined together (by placing them edge to edge) can form a SQUARE? (The shapes can be turned if required)
Answer : B
Question. A figure is drawn on a piece of squared paper:
What is the length of the border of this figure?
Answer : C
NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics Chapter 1 The Fish Tale |
NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics Chapter 2 Shapes and Angles |
NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics Chapter 3 How Many Squares |
NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics Chapter 4 Parts and Wholes |
NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics Chapter 5 Does it look the same |
NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics Chapter 6 Be my multiply |
NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics Chapter 7 Can you see the pattern |
NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics Chapter 8 Mapping Your Way |
NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics Chapter 9 Boxes And Sketches |
NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics Chapter 10 Tenths And Hundredths |
NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics Chapter 11 Area and its Boundary |
NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics Chapter 12 Smart Charts |
NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics Chapter 13 Ways of Multiply and Divide |
NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics Chapter 14 How Big How Heavy |
NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics Chapter 3 How Many Squares
The above provided NCERT Solutions Class 5 Mathematics Chapter 3 How Many Squares is available on our website for free download in Pdf. You can read the solutions to all questions given in your Class 5 Mathematics textbook online or you can easily download them in pdf. The answers to each question in Chapter 3 How Many Squares of Mathematics Class 5 has been designed based on the latest syllabus released for the current year. We have also provided detailed explanations for all difficult topics in Chapter 3 How Many Squares Class 5 chapter of Mathematics so that it can be easier for students to understand all answers. These solutions of Chapter 3 How Many Squares NCERT Questions given in your textbook for Class 5 Mathematics have been designed to help students understand the difficult topics of Mathematics in an easy manner. These will also help to build a strong foundation in the Mathematics. There is a combination of theoretical and practical questions relating to all chapters in Mathematics to check the overall learning of the students of Class 5.
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