Download Class 5 Mathematics NCERT Solutions, worksheets with important questions, latest syllabus and sample papers with solutions as per the latest guidelines issued by CBSE and NCERT. Also download question papers and printable assignments to give to your kids for practice. Download all study material for Class 5 Maths free in PDF.Also download study material for every subject for CBSE Class 5 in PDF Form.
Click below for Class 5 Mathematics NCERT Solutions, printable worksheets, assignments with practice questions, latest syllabus, NCERT and CBSE books, HOTs, Multiple Choice Questions (mcqs), Important formulas, Equations, easy to learn concepts and study notes of all Class 5 Mathematics also get free Sample papers and last year Solved Question Papers. Moreover, you can also download CBSE class 5 English Syllabus in PDF Form.
CBSE Class 5 Mathematics NCERT Solutions, Sample papers, last year question papers, hots, syllabus, multiple choice questions (mcqs) easy to learn and understand concepts of all chapters. Also download revision worksheets and easy to learn study notes for CBSE class 5 Mathematics, based on CBSE and NCERT guidelines. students and parents can download free a collection of all Mathematics study material issued by various best schools in india, carefully compiled by the best CBSE teachers in India. Also, get Class 5 Hindi study material in PDF Form.
Class 5 Mathematics is an essential subject in class 5. Its easy and scoring provided the student does regular practice. Here are some expectations from the child after/ while studying class 5 Mathematics. The students should be able to :
- Discuss on contexts/situations in which a need arises to go beyond the number 1000 so that extension of number system occurs naturally. For example number of grams in 10 kg, number of metres in 20 km, etc.
- Represents numbers beyond 1000 (up to 100000) using place value system, like extend learning of numbers beyond 9 thousand, how to write number one more than 9999
- Operate (addition and subtractions) large numbers using standard algorithm. This may be identified as extension of algorithm for one more place
- Use a variety of ways to divide numbers like equal distribution and inverse process of multiplication
- Estimate the results of number operation through approximations and then verifies it
- Develop the idea of multiples of a number through its multiplication facts, skip counting on a number line and number grid. They can refer to the biggest collection of worksheets available here – Worksheets for Class 5 Maths
- Develop the concept of factors through division of numbers and multiples
- Discuss and use contents/ situations from daily life in activities to develop understanding about fractional part of the group like, how many bananas are there in half a dozen bananas?
- Compares fractions through various ways like paper folding, shading of diagram etc.
- Develop the idea of equivalence of fractions through various activities. understand the idea of decimal fraction (1/10 th and 1/100 th)
- Develop earlier understanding of angles and to describe it. observe angles in their surroundings and
- Compare their measures. For example, whether the angle is smaller, bigger or equal to the corner of a book which is a right angle; further, classify the angles - introduce protractor as a tool for measuring angles and use it to measure and draw angles. You can check this by doing Sample Papers for Class 5 Mathematics
- Explore symmetry by using paper folding/ paper cutting
- Explore shapes so that they can find out that some shapes look the same only after one complete rotation/ part of a rotation
- Plan their shopping— to make estimates of money (in different denominations) and the balance money one would get
- Conducts role play of shopkeepers/ buyers in which students create bills
- Measure length of different objects using a tape/ metre scale.
- Appreciates the need of converting bigger units to smaller units
- Discuss experiences on units of capacity printed on water bottle, soft drink pack, etc.
- Fill a given space by using different solid shapes, cubes, cuboids, prisms, spheres, etc. and encourage students to decide which solid shape is more appropriate
- Measure volume by counting the number of unit cubes that can fill a given space. When you refer to NCERT books to follow this activity you can also refer to NCERT Solutions for class 5 Mathematics to check your understanding.
- Explore patterns in numbers while doing various operations and to generalise them as patterns in square numbers
- Triangular number as shown below also forms a pattern
- Collect information and display it in a pictorial form. For example, heights of students from their class and represent it pictorially
- Collect and discuss various diagrams/ bar charts from the newspapers/ magazines may be in the class.
Please see below the syllabus for class 5 Mathematics. The syllabus followed is prescribed by CBSE and the books recommended to be referred to by students has been published by NCERT. Students are advised to strictly follow the syllabus and also apart from NCERT they can refer to extra books and worksheets as suggested by their school teachers.
Shapes and Spatial Understanding
• Gets the feel of perspective while drawing a 3-D object in 2-D.
• Gets the feel of an angle through observation and paper folding.
• Identifies right angles in the environment.
• Classifies angles into right, acute and obtuse angles.
• Represents right angle, acute angle and obtuse angle by drawing and tracing.
• Explores intuitively rotations and reflections of familiar 2-D shapes.
• Explores intuitively symmetry in familiar 3-D shapes.
• Makes the shapes of cubes, cylinders and cones using nets especially designed for this purpose.
Numbers And Operations
• Finds place value in numbers beyond 1000.
• Appreciates the role of place value in addition, subtraction and multiplication algorithms.
• Uses informal and standard division algorithms.
• Explains the meaning of factors and multiples.
Mental Arithmetic
• Estimates sums, differences, products and quotients and verifies using approximation.
Fractional Numbers
• Finds the fractional part of a collection.
• Compares fractions.
• Identifies equivalent fractions.
• Estimates the degree of closeness of a fraction to known
• Uses decimal fractions in the context of units of length and money.
• Expresses a given fraction in decimal notation and vice versa.
• Applies the four operations in solving problems involving money.
• Determines area and perimeter of simple geometrical figures.
• Applies the four operations in solving problems involving length, weight and volume.
• Relates commonly used larger and smaller units of length, weight and volume and converts one to the other.
• Applies simple fractions to quantities.
• Converts fractional larger unit into complete smaller units.
• Appreciates volume of a solid body: intuitively and also by informal measurement.
• Uses addition and subtraction in finding time intervals in simple cases.
Data Handling
• Collects two-dimensional quantitative data represents the data in the form of a table.
• Draws a bar graph or a pictograph to present a data.
• Identifies patterns in square numbers, triangular numbers.
• Relates sequences of odd numbers between consecutive square numbers.
• Makes border strip and tiling patterns.