NCERT Solutions Class 10 Computers Digital Documentation Advanced have been provided below and is also available in Pdf for free download. The NCERT solutions for Class 10 Computers have been prepared as per the latest syllabus, NCERT books and examination pattern suggested in Class 10 by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Questions given in NCERT book for Class 10 Computers are an important part of exams for Class 10 Computers and if answered properly can help you to get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise answers for NCERT Class 10 Computers and also download more latest study material for all subjects. Digital Documentation Advanced is an important topic in Class 10, please refer to answers provided below to help you score better in exams
Digital Documentation Advanced Class 10 Computers NCERT Solutions
Class 10 Computers students should refer to the following NCERT questions with answers for Digital Documentation Advanced in Class 10. These NCERT Solutions with answers for Class 10 Computers will come in exams and help you to score good marks
Digital Documentation Advanced NCERT Solutions Class 10 Computers
Question. ………………… option contains predefined footer styles .
a. Footer
b. Insert
c. Style
d. None of these
Answer : A
Question. Name the Key which on pressing closes the header section .
a. Esc
b. Shift
c. Alt
d. None of these
Answer : A
Question. The ………………….. option on the Design tab helps in inserting page numbers in the header section .
a. Insert Page Number
b. Page Number
c. Add page Number
d. None of these
Answer : B
Question. Which option on the Design tab helps in exiting from the header section ?
a. Exit Header/ Footer
b. Close Header/ Footer
c. Close Header and Footer
d. Exit Header and Footer
Answer : B
Question. Which among the following is not a valid type of alignment ?
a. Middle
b. Right
c. Justify
d. None of these
Answer : A
Question. Which tab contain the Close Header and Footer option ?
a. Home
b. Design
c. Page Layout
d. Insert
Answer : B
Question. Which option insert the date in the header section as a field so that it always reflects the current date?
a. Update current date
b. Update automatically
c. Auto-update
d. None of these
Answer : B
Question. On which tab does the paragraph dialog box launcher exist ?
a. Page Tab
b. View Tab
c. Home Tab
d. Insert Tab
Answer : C
Question. The …………………… option in the styles task pane creates any style with the formatting of your choice .
a. New Style
b. Create New Style
c. Create Style
d. None of these
Answer : A
Question. The default tab space is ……………………. .
a. 0.5
b. 1.25
c. 1.50
d. 1.15
Answer : A
Question. The ……………………… button in Manage Style dialog box helps in editing any predefined style.
a. Edit
b. Edit Style
c. Modify
d. Modify Style
Answer : C
Question. The process of increasing or decreasing the space between the left and right margin of a paragraph is known as …
a. Alignment
b. Indentation
c. Spacing
d. None of these
Answer : B
Short Answer type Questions
Question. What are Styles ?. What are the advantages of using styles.
Answer : Styles are pre-defined formatting attributes in digital document processing that can be used to apply consistent formatting to text and other elements. The advantages of using styles include –
• Consistency throughout the document
• Efficiency in formatting the document
• Flexibility in making changes to the document
• Improved accessibility for users with assistive technologies
Question. Explain any five Graphic filters.
Answer : The following are four graphic filters:
a. Invert – Changing the color in the color image, and giving brightness in grayscale image.
b. Solarization – Increasing the effects of excessive light in a photograph.
c. Posterize – Reduces the number of colours in a picture to make it look like a painting.
d. Charcoal – The image is displayed as a charcoal sketch.
e. Mosaic – Combines groupings of pixels into a single colour area.
Question. Give examples of databases in which the Data Source can be created.
Answer : Any database that supports Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) can be utilized as a data source. They can also be made in spreadsheets using Excel, or other similar software.
For example –
a. Spreadsheet
b. Text file
c. CSV file
d. OpenOffice base or Access
Question. What do you understand by the terms:
a. Text Wrapping
b. Anchoring
Answer : a. Text Wrapping – Text wrapping describes the relationship between graphics and the surrounding text, which may wrap around the graphic on one or both sides, be overprinted behind or in front of the graphic, or be overprinted behind or in front of the graphic.
b. Anchoring – The graphics’ reference point is referred to as IT. This point could represent the object’s location on the page or in the frame. An anchor point is always present in an image.
Question. Explain Image Cropping
Answer : Image cropping is the process of removing unwanted parts of an image by selecting and keeping a specific portion of the image while discarding the rest. Method for cropping image are right-click the image and choose Picture from the pop-up menu to begin cropping it. Select the Crop page in the Picture dialogue box.
The following parameters can be controlled on the Crop page:
Keep scale / Keep image size –
1. When Keep scale is chosen (the default), cropping the image has no effect on the image’s scale.
2. Cropping creates enlargement (for positive cropping values), shrinking (for negative cropping values), or distortion of the image when Keep image size is selected, so the image size remains constant.
Left, Right, Top, and Bottom – You can crop the image using the dialog box, you can enter left, right, top and bottom margins to crop the image.
1. Keep scale – using this option you can crop the image without changing the size of the image.
2. Keep image size – Without changing the height and width of the image you can crop the image using keep image size.
Question. List any three methods of inserting images in a text document.
Answer : The three methods for inserting images in digital documents are –
• Drag and Drop
• Inserting image from clipboard
• Insert image from Scanner
Question. What is the difference between styles and templates?
Answer : a. Style – Styles ensure that your formatting is consistent throughout a document.
b. Template – Templates allow you to reuse text and maintain a consistent look and feel across many projects.
Question. What is the best way to load styles from a template or another document?
Answer : You can copy styles by loading them from a template or another document, for example:
1. Open the document into which you wish to paste the styles.
2. In the Styles and Formatting window, click on Load Styles after long-clicking on the arrow next to the New Style from Selection symbol.
3. Locate and choose the template you wish to copy styles from in the Load Styles window
4. Choose the style categories you want to copy. If you want the copied styles to overwrite any styles with the same names in the document you’re putting them into, select Overwrite.
5. To copy styles from another document, click the From File button to bring up a box where you may choose the required file.
Question. How can the use of styles help to improve the accessibility of a digital document?
Answer : Styles are an effective means of enhancing the accessibility of digital documents as they provide a consistent structure and formatting that is easy for users with visual impairments to navigate. By utilizing styles to define headings and subheadings, document creators can establish a clear hierarchy of information that can be interpreted effectively by screen readers.
This results in a document that is more user-friendly and inclusive, as it enables individuals with visual impairments to easily access and understand the content. Ultimately, incorporating styles into digital documents can have a positive impact on the overall accessibility and usability of the document, which is a crucial consideration in today’s increasingly diverse and inclusive society.
Question. What are some best practices for creating a table of contents in a digital document?
Answer : When creating a table of contents in a digital document, it is important to use descriptive and accurate section or chapter headings, update the table of contents as changes are made to the document, use accurate hyperlinks or page numbers, customize the formatting to match the document’s design, and test the table of contents to ensure it is user-friendly and easy to navigate.
Question. Explain Mail Merge.
Answer : A mail merge is a method of personalizing a message you’ve written and sending it to a large group of people, giving the impression that you prepared the letter specifically for them.
Question. How can styles be used to format text or paragraphs in a way that reflects the document’s purpose or audience?
Answer : Users can use styles to ensure that the digital document effectively communicates its message by applying styles that reflect its purpose or target audience. Furthermore, they can modify existing styles or create new ones to satisfy the document’s unique requirements. This approach results in a more readable and engaging document that is tailored to its intended purpose.
Question. How can you modify the style?
Answer : Styles can be changed in a variety of ways in
• Load or copy styles from another document or template
• Update a style from a selection'
Question. What do you mean by table of content?
Answer : The table of contents tool in Writer allows you to create an automated table of contents from your document’s headings.
Many of the elements are used in table of content –
a. E# – It indicate chapter number
b. E – It represents the entry text
c. T – It represents tab stop
d. LS – It represents start of a hyperlink
e. LE – It represents End of a hyperlink
Question. What is a table of contents in a digital document, and how can it benefit the reader?
Answer : A table of contents in a digital document is a list of the document’s sections or chapters with corresponding page numbers or hyperlinks. It provides an overview of the document’s structure and helps the reader navigate the document quickly and easily. By using a table of contents, the reader can locate specific sections of the document without having to manually search for them, saving time and improving the reading experience.
Question. How can the use of styles improve the efficiency of document creation and editing?
Answer : Styles can enhance the efficiency of document creation and editing by enabling users to quickly and easily apply formatting options to text and paragraphs. By defining a set of styles that reflect the formatting options commonly used in the document, users can swiftly apply those styles to text and paragraphs with a single click, streamlining the process and saving time.
This feature allows for consistency in formatting, reduces the possibility of errors, and improves the overall productivity of document creation and editing. In summary, using styles is a powerful tool that significantly enhances the efficiency of digital document processing.
Question. What are templates? What are the advantages of using templates?
Answer : A template is a type of document that you can use to make a similar type of document.
Templates can contain text, graphics, style, design.
Advantage of template are –
a. Document creation is made easier with templates.
b. It save time to giving style in document
c. The use of templates helps to keep the audience’s interest.
Question. Explain the concept of styles in digital documents and how they are useful for formatting text and paragraphs.
Answer : Styles in digital documents are a useful feature that enables users to apply a predefined set of formatting options to text and paragraphs in a single click. A style can encompass font size, typeface, color, paragraph spacing, alignment, and other formatting options. Consistent use of styles throughout a document can help ensure a consistent and polished appearance, enhance readability, and save time by avoiding manual formatting changes. Overall, styles are a powerful tool that can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of digital document processing.
Question. Give any four styles supported by
Answer : supports various styles, including:
• Paragraph Styles: Used to format paragraphs, including indentation, line spacing, and font size.
• Character Styles: Used to format individual characters, including font type, size, color, and style.
• Page Styles: Used to format the overall appearance of a page, including margins, headers, and footers.
• List Styles: Used to format bulleted or numbered lists, including the type of bullet or number, indentation, and spacing.
Question. Explain different ways of creating a template.
Answer : There are two ways to create templates in a document.
Creating a template from a document –
1. Create or edit a new or existing document of the type you wish to use as a template.
2. Fill in the blanks with the content and styles you desire.
3. Select File > Templates > Save from the main menu.
Creating a template using a wizard –
Wizards can be used to construct letter, fax, agenda, presentation, and Web page templates. The Fax
Wizard, for example, walks you through the following options:
1. Fax machine type (business or personal)
2. Document components such as the date, topic line (for business faxes), salutation, and closing
3. Information about the sender and receiver options (business fax)
4. Inclusion of text in the footer (business fax)
Question. How can styles be used to create a table of contents in a digital document?
Answer : To create a table of contents in a digital document, styles can be utilized by assigning particular styles to headings and subheadings throughout the document. By applying the “Heading 1” style to primary section headings and the “Heading 2” style to subheadings, users can generate an automatic table of contents that lists all of the document’s sections and subsections in a structured and organized manner.
This saves time and effort since users don’t have to manually create a table of contents, and it also ensures that the document is consistent and easy to navigate for the reader. In short, using styles to create a table of contents is a powerful feature of digital documents that improves the overall readability and usability of the document.
Question. How can styles be used to ensure consistency in a collaborative digital document?
Answer : Using styles in a collaborative digital document can ensure consistency by defining a set of agreed-upon formatting options. This allows all collaborators to use the same styles throughout the document, resulting in a consistent appearance and better readability.
Question. How can a table of contents be created and formatted in a digital document?
Answer : To create and format a table of contents in a digital document, users can follow these steps:
• Assign unique heading styles to each section or chapter of the document.
• Insert a table of contents using the appropriate option from the menu or toolbar.
• Customize the table of contents by choosing the desired style and formatting options to match the document’s design and layout.
• Update the table of contents whenever changes are made to the document’s structure or content to ensure its accuracy and usefulness to the reader.
Question. What are the advantages of Mail Merge?
Answer : Advantages of mail merge are –
a. It’s simple to send the same mail to a big group of recipients using the Mail Merge tool.
b. We don’t have to type each recipient’s name separately in each letter when we use Mail Merge.
c. It’s one of the most efficient ways to mass-produce hundreds of personalized letters in a short amount of time.
d. It is simple to amend the letter because any change made in the main letter will be reflected in all other recipients’ letters.
Question. How can the use of a table of contents benefit the author of a digital document?
Answer : Using a table of contents can be advantageous for the writer of a digital document in various ways. By presenting a structured and well-organized summary of the document’s content, the writer can ensure that the document is easily comprehensible and coherent. Consequently, this can save time and minimize the possibility of mistakes that may arise when the reader has to search for particular sections or chapters manually.
Question. How can we create our own styles?
Answer : There are two different ways to create a style –
• Creating a new style from a selection – You can copy a new style from an existing style. This new style will only be applied to this document and will not be saved in the template.
• Dragging And Dropping To Create A Style – You can drag and drop a text selection into the Styles and Formatting window to create a new style.
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NCERT Solutions Class 10 Computers Digital Documentation Advanced
The above provided NCERT Solutions Class 10 Computers Digital Documentation Advanced is available on our website for free download in Pdf. You can read the solutions to all questions given in your Class 10 Computers textbook online or you can easily download them in pdf. The answers to each question in Digital Documentation Advanced of Computers Class 10 has been designed based on the latest syllabus released for the current year. We have also provided detailed explanations for all difficult topics in Digital Documentation Advanced Class 10 chapter of Computers so that it can be easier for students to understand all answers. These solutions of Digital Documentation Advanced NCERT Questions given in your textbook for Class 10 Computers have been designed to help students understand the difficult topics of Computers in an easy manner. These will also help to build a strong foundation in the Computers. There is a combination of theoretical and practical questions relating to all chapters in Computers to check the overall learning of the students of Class 10.
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