NCERT Solutions Class 10 Computers Database Management System

NCERT Solutions Class 10 Computers Database Management System have been provided below and is also available in Pdf for free download. The NCERT solutions for Class 10 Computers have been prepared as per the latest syllabus, NCERT books and examination pattern suggested in Class 10 by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Questions given in NCERT book for Class 10 Computers are an important part of exams for Class 10 Computers and if answered properly can help you to get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise answers for NCERT Class 10 Computers and also download more latest study material for all subjects. Database Management System is an important topic in Class 10, please refer to answers provided below to help you score better in exams

Database Management System Class 10 Computers NCERT Solutions

Class 10 Computers students should refer to the following NCERT questions with answers for Database Management System in Class 10. These NCERT Solutions with answers for Class 10 Computers will come in exams and help you to score good marks

Database Management System NCERT Solutions Class 10 Computers

Question. What kind of database software is required when data is stored, maintained, and retrieved from multiple tables?
a. SpreadSheet
d. All of the above
Answer : B

Question. When a primary key from one table appears in another table, it is called a ________.
a. Composite Primary Key
b. Secondary Key
c. Foreign Key
d. Main Key
Answer : C

Question. Which commands are used to add, modify, and delete records in a database table?
a. Insert, Update, and Remove
b. Insert, Update, and Delete
c. Insert, Modify, and Delete
d. Add, Update, and Delete
Answer : B

Question. What are the basic building blocks of a database?
a. Records
b. Tables
c. Fields
d. All of the above
Answer : B

Question. Is Referential Integrity used to maintain accuracy and consistency of data in a relationship?
a. True
b. False
Answer : A

Question. What is a key that refers to the primary key of another table called?
a. Alternate Primary Key
b. Foreign Key
c. Primary Key
d. Alternate Key
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following is NOT a type of data manipulation language (DML)?
Answer : A

Question. What is used to identify the type of data that will be stored in a database?
a. Field
b. Data type
c. Table
d. Record
Answer : B

Question. After inserting records in a table, can the structure of the table be modified?
a. True
b. False
Answer : B

Question. What does sorting mean?
a. Arranging data in decreasing order
b. Arranging data in increasing order
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
Answer : C

Question. What is duplication of data called?
a. Redundancy
b. Consistency
c. Foreign Key
d. Inconsistency
Answer : B

Question. Dhriti wants to store the details of students as well as their pictures in a table named “school”.
Which data type is suitable for storing pictures?
a. Boolean
b. Binary
c. Memo
d. Varchar
Answer : B

Question. What is the role of the database server in relation to the GUI?
a. Back End
b. Front End
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
Answer : A

Question. Does every row in a table have the same structure?
a. True
b. False
Answer : A

Question. Give an example of an open-source RDBMS.
a. Microsoft SQL Server
b. Microsoft Access
c. Oracle
d. OpenOffice Base
Answer : D

Question. Can a database have only one table?
a. Yes
b. No
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following is not a numerical data type?
a. Varchar
b. Tinyint
c. Boolean
d. Smallint
Answer : A

Question. Is Char a fixed-length data type and Varchar a variable-length data type?
a. Yes
b. No
Answer : A

Question. Which of the following is used to maintain unique records in a table?
a. Composite Key
b. Primary Key
c. Alternate Key
d. Foreign Key
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following is not an advantage of a database?
a. Increasing Data Inconsistency
b. Increasing Data Redundancy
c. Data Security
d. Sharing of Data
Answer : A

Question. What operations can be performed on data in a table?
a. Insert
b. Delete
c. Modify
d. All of the above
Answer : D

Question. Which language is used to write a query in Open Office Base?
a. VB
b. SQL
c. C
d. Python
Answer : B

Question. From which menu a relationship can be created in Base?
a. View
b. Tools
c. Insert
d. Windows
Answer : B

Question. What is the purpose of the SQL query: “SELECT empname, salary * 3 FROM emp;”?
a. Display only name and salary
b. It will give an error.
c. Display empname and three times of the salary of all employees.
d. None of the above.
Answer : C

Question. Which data type is used for storing photos, music files, and other binary data?
a. Numeric
b. Varchar
c. Binary
d. Alphanumeric
Answer : C

Question. In Open Office Base, in which view can a query be created?
a. Using wizard
b. Design view
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
Answer : C

Question. Which of the following is NOT a standard SQL data type?
a. Float
b. Boolean
c. Integer
d. String
Answer : B

Question. How many types of relationships can be created between tables in Base?
a. Four
b. Five
c. Three
d. Two
Answer : C

Question. What is the default length of the Varchar data type?
a. 10
b. 30
c. 50
d. 20
Answer : C

Question. Can duplicate values be entered in a primary key?
a. Yes
b. No
Answer : B

Question. Which statement is used to retrieve data from a table?
a. Print
b. Select
c. Delete
d. Update
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following SQL commands are considered as DML commands?
d. All of the above.
Answer : D

Question. What is another name for a tuple in a table?
a. Record
b. Column
c. Both of the above
d. Attribute
Answer : A

Question. Which SQL command is used to modify data in a table?
Answer : D

Question. Which of the following data types cannot store decimal values?
a. Boolean
b. Decimal
c. Numeric
d. Real
Answer : A

Question. Which of the following is NOT a function of a database management system?
a. Data retrieval
b. Data manipulation
c. Data storage
d. Data transmission
Answer : D

Question. What is the default value of the field property ‘Entry Required’ in Base?
a. Yes
b. No
Answer : B

Question. Rajesh wants to display all the records from the table ‘student’.
a. Select * student;
b. Select # from student;
c. Select from student;
d. Select * from student;
Answer : D

Question. Can data be deleted using queries in Base?
a. True
b. False
Answer : B

Question. What can you do with data in a table created in Base?
a. Modify it
b. Insert it
c. Delete it
d. All of the above
Answer : D

Question. What is a primary key made up of two or more columns called?
a. Composite Primary Key
b. Alternate Primary Key
c. Foreign Primary Key
d. Reference Primary Key
Answer : A

Question. Does Base automatically add a column as Primary Key if none is added?
a. True
b. False
Answer : A

Question. In which view can the structure of a table be changed in Base?
a. Design View
b. Datasheet View
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Answer : A

Question. Which field property in Base can be used to store data in a specific format, such as a phone number?
a. Auto Value
b. Length
c. Default Value
d. Format
Answer : D

Question. Which clause can be used with the SELECT SQL command to display records containing the same type of values?
a. Order By
b. Where
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
Answer : B

Question. In which relationship, one of the table must have primary key column?
a. One to Many
b. One to One
c. Many to Many
d. Many to All
Answer : A

Question. Aman created an object ‘X’ in Base to store the value in the form of rows and columns. What is ‘X’?
a. Table
b. Row
c. Column
d. Database
Answer : A

Question. What is the default length of the TINYINT data type?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Answer : C

Question. Which of the following contains data of the same data type?
a. Record
b. Tuple
c. Column
d. All of the above
Answer : C

Question. Which element in a table represents a single data item?
a. Rows
b. Attribute
c. Columns
d. Field
Answer : C

Question. Which command is used to retrieve data from a table?
a. Delete
b. Create
c. Select
d. Insert
Answer : C

Question. Can SELECT statement retrieve data from multiple tables?
a. True
b. False
Answer : A

Question. To arrange the data in ascending or descending order, first select the column(s) and then click on which button?
a. View
b. Save
c. Arrange
d. Sort
Answer : D

Question. By default, in which order is data arranged using the ORDER BY clause in a database?
a. Decreasing
b. Alphabetical
c. Increasing
d. Descending
Answer : C

Question. To remove the relationship between tables, right-click on the relationship thread and select which option?
a. Delete
b. Remove
c. Edit
d. Clear
Answer : A

Question. What is the default data type of fields?
a. Int
b. Text[Memo]
c. Memo
d. Text[Varchar]
Answer : D

Question. Which clause of the SELECT statement helps to display specific data in a database?
a. Where
b. Between
c. Order By
d. None of the above
Answer : A

Question. What is the name of the interface in a user-specified layout that lets users view, enter, and change data directly in database objects such as tables?
a. Query
b. Form
c. Report
d. Table
Answer : B

Question. Which data type can store character/data up to the length specified by the user?
a. Varchar
b. Char
c. Varchar_IgnoreCase
d. All of the above
Answer : D

Question. Once the relationships applied on the tables cannot be removed.
a. True
b. False
Answer : B

Question. Which data type stores hours, minutes, and second information?
a. Date
b. Time
c. Stamptime
d. Timer
Answer : B

A. Fill in the Blanks

1. A database is an organized collection of data.

2. A DBMS is a software package that can be used for creating and managing databases.

3. A RDBMS is a database management system that is based on the relational model.

4. Three popular DBMS software are Microsoft Access, OpenOfficeBase & MySQL.

5. A Primary Key is a unique value that identifies a row in a table.

6. Composite Key is a combination of one or more columns.

7. A table is a set of data elements that is organized using a model of vertical columns and horizontal rows.

8. A column is a set of data values of a particular type, one for each row of the table.

9. A row represents a single, data item in a table.

10. Datatypes are used to identify which type of data we are going to store in the database.

11. Create table DDL command is used to create a table.

12. Common DDL statements are create, alter and drop.

13. The types of languages used for creating and manipulating the data in the Database are DDLDML.

14. A DDL is a standard for commands that define the different structures in a database.

15. A DML is a language that enables users to access and manipulate data in a database.

16. A Select is a part of DML involving information retrieval only.

17. A popular data manipulation language is SQL.

18. Tables are the basic building blocks of a database.

19. There are three types of Relationships in a table.

20. A form helps the user to systematically store information in the database.

B. Subjective Questions

Question. In how many ways tables can be created in Base?
Answer : Tables can be created in two ways.
1. In Design view
2. Using Wizard

Question. List datatypes available in Numeric Datatype?
Answer : The different types of numeric data types are:
Boolean                  Numeric
Tinyint                     Decimal
Smallint                   Real
Integer                     Float
Bigint                       Double

Question. List datatypes available in Alphanumeric Data Type?
Answer : The different types of Alphanumeric Data Type are:
• Longvarchar
•  Char
• Varchar
• Varchar_Ignore Case

Question. Define the structure of a table.
Answer : A table is a set of data elements (values) that is organized in vertical columns and horizontal rows. A table has a defined number of columns, but can have any number of rows.

Question. Differentiate between Tuples and Attributes of a table
Answer : A row also called a Record or Tuple represents a single, data item in a table. Whereas A column is a set of data values of a particular simple type, one for each row of the table.

Question. Name different Binary data types.
Answer : The different Binary data types are:
• Longvarbinary
• Binary
• Varbinary

Question. How many types of relationships can be created in Base? Explain each of them.
Answer : There are three types of relationship in OpenOffice Base.
• ONE to ONE: In this relationship, both the tables must have primary key columns. Example: In the given tables EMP and DEPT, EMP_ID in EMP table and DEPT_ID in DEPT table are the primary keys.
• ONE to MANY: In this relationship, one of the table must have primary key column. It signifies that one column of primary key table is associated with all the columns of associated table.
• MANY to MANY: In this relationship, no table has the primary key column. It signifies that all the columns of primary key table are associated with all the columns of associated table.

Question. What do you mean by Sorting? In how many ways it can be done?
Answer : Sorting means arranging elements in particular sequence. It can be done in two ways.
• Increasing order
• Decreasing Order

NCERT Solutions Class 10 Computers Database Management System

The above provided NCERT Solutions Class 10 Computers Database Management System is available on our website for free download in Pdf. You can read the solutions to all questions given in your Class 10 Computers textbook online or you can easily download them in pdf. The answers to each question in Database Management System of Computers Class 10 has been designed based on the latest syllabus released for the current year. We have also provided detailed explanations for all difficult topics in Database Management System Class 10 chapter of Computers so that it can be easier for students to understand all answers. These solutions of Database Management System NCERT Questions given in your textbook for Class 10 Computers have been designed to help students understand the difficult topics of Computers in an easy manner. These will also help to build a strong foundation in the Computers. There is a combination of theoretical and practical questions relating to all chapters in Computers to check the overall learning of the students of Class 10.

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Yes, the NCERT Solutions issued for Class 10 Computers Database Management System have been made available here for latest academic session

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Regular revision of NCERT Solutions given on studiestoday for Class 10 subject Computers Database Management System can help you to score better marks in exams

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Yes, provides all latest NCERT Database Management System Class 10 Computers solutions based on the latest books for the current academic session

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Yes, NCERT solutions for Class 10 Database Management System Computers are available in multiple languages, including English, Hindi

What questions are covered in NCERT Solutions for Database Management System?

All questions given in the end of the chapter Database Management System have been answered by our teachers