Refer to CBSE Class 9 English A Truly Beautiful Mind MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 9 English with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 4 A Truly Beautiful Mind Class 9 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 9 English and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 9 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 9 English Chapter 4 A Truly Beautiful Mind
Class 9 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 4 A Truly Beautiful Mind in Class 9.
Chapter 4 A Truly Beautiful Mind MCQ Questions Class 9 English with Answers
Question.Albert’s work on General Theory of Relativity was proclaimed by the newspapers as
(a) A mysterious revolution
(b) A scientific revolution
(c) A musical revolution
(d) A technological revolution
Answer : B
Question. Who has become synonymous with genius?
(a) Einstein’s namecorrect
(b) Gandhi’s name
(c) Wright Brothers
(d) All
Answer : A
Question. What did Einstein call Mileva Maric?
(a) Clever Creature
(b) a gentleman
(c) a dumbo
(d) a good man
Answer : A
Question. Albert found this fellow student to be
(a) Pretty creature
(b) Smart creature
(c) Clever creature
(d) Tall creature
Answer : C
Question. When did Einstein have his second marriage?
(a) 1919
(b) 1918
(c) 1920
(d) 1921
Answer : A
Question: Albert Einstein was born on —— 1879.
(a) 12th March
(b) 10th March
(c) 14th March
(d) 14th March
Answer: C
Question. How many times did Einstein utter a word when he learnt to speak?
(a) thrice
(b) four times
(c) once
(d) twice
Answer: D
Question : Albert Einstein started talking at the age of –
(a) Two
(b) One
(c) Two and half
(d) One and half
Answer: C
Question. When was Einstein awarded with the Nobel prize?
(a) 1938
(b) 1956
(c) 1945
(d) in 1921 for his contributions to Physics
Answer: D
Question. By what age did Einstein not learn to speak?
(a) three and half years
(b) four and half years
(c) five and half years
(d) two and half years
Answer: D
Question. Why did Mileva Maric come to the University at Zurich?
(a) it was the only university which gave degrees to womencorrect
(b) it was a good university
(c) it was near her city
(d) she liked the place
Answer: A
Question: “He’ll never make a success at anything who told this?
(a) Father
(b) Headmaster
(c) Mathematics teacher
(d) Science teacher
Answer: B
Question: Einstein decided to continue his education in the city named ——–.
(a) Munich
(b) Ulma
(c) Milan
(d) Switzerland
Answer: D
Question. How many son(s) did Albert have with Mileva?
(a) 3
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 1
Answer: B
Question. This woman fellow student was from
(a) Algeria
(b) Serbia
(c) France
(d) Italy
Answer: B
Question: Philistines are people who do not like –
(a) Art-Literature
(b) Games
(c) Mathematics
(d) People
Answer: A
Question. What is the message of this lesson?
(a) a beautiful mind not only creates beautiful ideas but also to use them for the welfare of the humanitycorrect
(b) always think big
(c) be like Einstein
(d) win a Nobel Prize
Answer: A
Question : In the year 1905 Einstein’s special theory of —— was published.
(a) Cartan
(b) Relativity
(c) Gravitation
(d) Geomagnetism
Answer: B
Question. When did Einstein publish his General Theory of Relativity?
(a) 1919
(b) 1918
(c) 1915
(d) 1920
Answer: C
Question: His general theory of relativity was published in the year.
(a) 1905
(b) 1914
(c) 1915
(d) 1920
Answer: C
Question. Mileva was _____ years older than Albert
(a) 3 years
(b) 4 years
(c) 2 years
(d) 5 years
Answer: A
Question. Einstein’s mother was bothered by the intelligence of
(a) Mileva
(b) Einstein
(c) Elsa
(d) Margie
Answer: A
Question. In which subject did Einstein receive Nobel Prize?
(a) Physics
(b) Mathematics
(c) Chemistry
(d) Literature
Answer: A
Question. Whom did Albert want to marry right after finishing studies?
(a) Blair
(b) Mileva
(c) Mary
(d) Margie
Answer: B
Question. After finishing graduation, Albert worked as a
(a) Mechanical engineer
(b) As a space scientist
(c) As a teaching statementcorrect
(d) As a technical expert
Answer: C
Question- Whose genius still reigns after 50 years of his death?
(a) M.K. Gandhi
(b) Nehru
(c) Stephen
(d) Einstein
Answer: D
Question- What did Albert’s mother think of him?
(a) He was a born genius
(b) He is intelligent
(c) He will rule the world
(d) Albert was a freak
Answer: D
Question- What did Einstein love to play with?
(a) Plastic Toys
(b) Mechanical toys
(c) Friends
(d) None
Answer: B
Question- Why did Einstein leave the school?
(a) For good
(b) He had clash with the teachers
(c) He didn’t like discipline and order in the school
(d) All
Answer: D
Question- In which subjects was Einstein gifted and interested?
(a) English and History
(b) Mathematics and Physics
(c) Mathematics and Biology
(d) Physics and English
Answer: B
Question- With whom did Einstein fall in love?
(a) A girl from Munich
(b) Mileva Maric
(c) A girl from Germany
(d) None
Answer: B
Question- What does this lesson “A Truly Beautiful Mind” speak about?
(a) Beauty of the mind
(b) Beauty of the world
(c) The life of Einstein
(d) None
Answer: C
Question- Why has the author referred to the late speaking age of Einstein?
(a) To show that apparently his growth rate was slower than the children of his age
(b) To show that he was a slow learner
(c) To show his disability
(d) None
Answer: A
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MCQs for Chapter 4 A Truly Beautiful Mind English Class 9
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 9 English to develop the English Class 9 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 9 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of English will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 9 English. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 9 English so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 9 English MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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