Refer to CBSE Class 9 English The Adventures of Toto MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 9 English with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 2 The Adventures of Toto Class 9 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 9 English and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 9 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 9 English Chapter 2 The Adventures of Toto
Class 9 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 2 The Adventures of Toto in Class 9.
Chapter 2 The Adventures of Toto MCQ Questions Class 9 English with Answers
Question. Who went along with Grandfather?
(a) the author
(b) Toto and the tortoise
(c) the author’s Grandmother
(d) He went alone
Answer : B
Question. Why did Grandfather keep Toto’s presence a secret in the house?
(a) he wanted to give a surprise to everyone
(b) Grandmother would riot like him in the family
(c) he wanted to sell that monkey in a
(d) none of these couple of days
Answer : B
Question. Who is the author of the adventures of toto lesson?
(a) Khushwant Singh
(b) Ruskin Bond
(c) Jane Austen
(d) W.B.Yeast
Answer : B
Question. Why did grandfather take Toto along with him at Saharnpur?
(a) because he missed him
(b) no one was at home
(c) to save other animals
(d) because he was mischievous so to give relief to other animals
Answer : D
Question. Before the coming of Toto, Grandfather’s pets included……………
(a) a tortoise and a pair of rabbits.
(b) a tame squirrel and a pet goat.
(c) a tortoise and a pet goat.
(d) a tortoise, a pair of rabbits, a tame squirrel and the writer’s pet goat
Answer : D
Question. Grandfather believed that …………. added to anybody’s good looks.
(a) a nose
(b) a tail
(c) a tall body
(d) a fair complexion
Answer : B
Question. How did the ticket-collector come to know that there was a monkey in Grandfather’s kit-bag?
(a) Tow had started jumping in the bag
(b) Tow had torn open his bag
(c) Toto had suddenly poked his head out of the bag
(d) Tow had started squeaking loudly in the bag
Answer : C
Question. How did Grandfather react when Toto tore the writer’s school blazer into shreds?
(a) He was terribly angry
(b) He beat the monkey with a stick
(c) He seemed pleased with the monkey’s performance
(d) He decided to give the money back to the tonga-driver
Answer : C
Question. The other animals in grandfather’s private zoo were at who’s mercy?
(a) grandfather’s
(b) writer’s mercy
(c) grandmother’s
(d) Toto’s mercy
Answer : D
Question. How did Toto have his bath in winter?
(a) Grandfather took him to a well daily
(b) Grandmother gave him a large bowl of warm water
(c) The writer gave him a bath in the sunny compound
(d) Toto would go into the bathroom and have a nice bath
Answer : B
Question. What did Grandfather try to convince the ticket-collector about?
(a) That Toto was not a dog
(b) That Toto was not a quadruped
(c) Both a and b above
(d) Neither a nor b
Answer : C
Question. What was the color of Toto the monkey?
(a) black
(b) brown
(c) white
(d) red
Answer : D
Question. Why did the ticket collector call Toto a dog?
(a) because he was peeping out of the bag
(c) because of his dog like looks
(c) to fix fare
(d) All
Answer : C
Question. Toto was resold to the ——–
(a) Bus driver
(b) Zoo
(c) Tonga driver
(d) Friend
Answer : C
Question. Who was Nana?
(a) The writer’s maternal Grandfather
(b) The family donkey in Grandfather’s house
(c) Grandfather’s pet tortoise
(d) Grandfather’s pet lizard
Answer : B
Question. What fare did the ticket-collector charge from Grandfather as the ticket of Toto?
(a) two rupees
(b) three rupees
(c) four rupees
(d) five rupees
Answer : B
Question. What is this story about?
(a) humour and adventure of a naughty monkey, Toto
(b) love animals
(c) about habitats of monkeys
(d) None
Answer : A
Question. Toto is the name of a
(a) Rabbit
(b) Dog
(c) Monkey
(d) Cat
Answer : C
Question. Toto’s teeth were
(a) Pearly white
(b) Red
(c) Yellow
(d) Black
Answer : A
Question. Why did grandfather buy the monkey?
(a) to have a companion
(b) to help him
(c) to add to the collecction of animals in zoo at his home
(d) None
Answer : C
Question. What kind of water did Toto like to take a bath in?
(a) cold water
(b) ice water
(c) snow water
(d) warm water
Answer : D
Question. How much sum was taken as a fare for Toto?
(a) Hundred rupees
(b) Three rupees
(c) Twenty rupees
(d) Two rupees
Answer : B
Question. —— was a great treat for Toto during cold winter.
(a) Bath
(b) Playing
(c) Eating
(d) Evening walk
Answer : A
Question. What had Toto done to Nana?.
(a) fastened his teeth on her ears
(b) let her loose
(c) ate all her hay
(d) made friends with her
Answer : A
Question. How did the ticket collector fix the fare for Toto?
(a) By calling him a dog
(b) By asking other passengers
(c) By giving him a seat
(d) By following his rule book
Answer : D
Question. How did Toto prove to other animals?
(a) friendly
(b) troublesome
(c) soothing
(d) careful
Answer : B
Question. Who had taught Toto to take a bath?
(a) writer
(b) writer’s friend
(c) his first owner
(d) grandmother
Answer : A
Question. Grandfather kept Toto firstly in
(a) Zoo
(b) Cage
(c) Cupboard
(d) Bathroom
Answer : C
Question. The writer’s grandfather was going to —- to collect his pension.
(a) Dhramashala
(b) Dehradun
(c) Saharanpur
(d) Delhi
Answer : C
Question. What serves as a third hand to a monkey?
(a) his mouth
(b) his tail
(c) his legs
(d) his teeth
Answer : B
Question. How did Toto check the warmth of the water?
(a) with writer’s help
(b) by touching it outside
(c) by putting his hand in it
(d) None
Answer : C
Toto was a pretty monkey. He had mischief in his shining eyes. His teeth were white like pearls. His hands were dried-up. His fingers were quick. His tail served as a third hand. The narrator’s Grandmother fussed when his Grandfather added a new animal to his zoo. So Toto was kept in a secret place. It was a little closet. It opened into the narrator’s bedroom. Toto was kept tied to a peg. A few hours later, the narrator found a change in his bedroom. Toto had removed the ornamental paper from the walls. He had also pulled out the peg. He also tore up the narrator’s school blazer. Grandfather seemed pleased with Toto’s mischiefs. Toto was now transferred to a big cage. It was in the servants’ quarters. There Grandfather’s other animals lived sociably. These were a tortoise, a pair of rabbits, a squirrel, a pet goat. The monkey didn’t allow them to sleep peacefully. Grandfather had to leave Dehradun. He had to collect his pension from Saharanpur. Grandfather got a big black canvas kit-bag. He put Toto into it. Toto couldn’t take his hands out of this bag. It was too strong for him to bite. Toto remained in the bag as far as Saharanpur. Grandfather was coming out of the railway station. Toto grinned at the ticketcollector at the gate. The ticket-collector was taken aback. He told Grandfather that he had a dog with him. So he would have to pay Rs. three as fare for this ‘dog’. In vain, argued the Grandfather that Toto was not a dog. He had his pet tortoise with him also. So he asked the ticket-collector how much he should pay for it: The ticket-collector said that it was not a dog. So there was no charge for that. Finally, Toto was accepted in the house. Grandfather gave Toto a comfortable place in the stable. There Toto got Nana, the family female donkey, as a companion. But Toto continued teasing her. They could never become friends. Once Toto nearly boiled himself alive. There was a large kitchen kettle left on the re. It was to boil for tea. Toto decided to remove the lid. He found the water warm to bathe. He got in. Just then the water began to boil. Toto raised himself a little. But he sat down again. He continued jumping up. Grandmother came there. She took him out of the kettle. Toto always made mischiefs. He tore things to pieces. He tore up the dresses of the aunt of the narrator. One day, the narrator found Toto eating rice on the dining table. Grandmother screamed. Toto threw a plate at her. One of the narrator’s aunts rushed forward. Toto threw a glass of water at her face. When Grandfather came, Toto ran out with the dish of pullao in his hand. He ran up to the branches of the jackfruit tree. He threw the dish at Grandmother when she screamed at him. Toto caused much loss to the family. Dishes were broken. Clothes, curtains, wall papers were torn. The family couldn’t bear this. So Grandfather sold Toto back to the tonga-driver for only three rupees.
Question. “Toto was a pretty monkey.” In what sense is Toto pretty?
Answer : Toto was a pretty monkey. His bright eyes sparkled with mischief beneath the deep-set eyebrows, and his teeth, which were a pearly white, were very often displayed in a smile that frightened the life out of elderly Anglo-Indian ladies. But his hands looked dried-up as though they had been pickled in the sun for many years. Yet his fingers were quick and wicked and his tail, while adding to his good looks served as a third hand. He could use it to hang from a branch and it was capable of scooping up any delicacy that might be out of reach of his hands.
Question. How does Toto take a bath? Where has he learnt to do this? How does Toto almost boil himself alive?
Answer : Toto takes bath in a tub of warm water. It puts its legs in the water one by one and applies soap as well. As monkeys are good at aping others, so Toto has learnt proper steps of bathing while watching the narrator doing same. Toto is fond of bathing with warm water. So once having tested the warmth of water in the kettle Toto sits in the kettle. Probably he is not intelligent enough to understand the risk boiling water so he pops his head up and down in the kettle.
Question. How does Toto come to grandfather’s private zoo?
Answer : Toto was in the captivity of a tonga owner. The grandfather gets sympathetic with the monkey and thinks that his private zoo would be a better place for Toto. So he purchased Toto from the tongawallah for five rupees.
Question. Why does the author say, “Toto was not the sort of pet we could keep for long”?
Answer : Though Toto was pretty and clever, he was very mischievous. He brought a lot of damage to the house by breaking dishes, tearing clothes and curtains. He also scared the visiotrs by tearing holes in their dresses. Furthermore, he didn’t get along well with other animals in the house too. One day Toto crossed the limits by picking up a dish of pullao and running on a branch to eat it. When scolded he threw off the plate and broke it. That’s when grandfather decided he had had enough of Toto because he couldn’t bear the losses that he incurred because of Toto’s mischief.
Question. Why does grandfather take Toto to Saharanpur and how? Why does the ticket collector insist on calling Toto a dog?
Answer : Toto was a real menace for every living soul in the household. Other animals in grandfather’s zoo were at Toto’s mercy even during night. So, grandfather decided to provide some relief to other animals in the zoo and thought of taking Toto to Shaharanpur. The ticket collector was following his rulebooks. As there seems to be no rule for fixing a monkey’s fare so he equated Toto with dog. Ticket collector’s ingenuity tried to categorize all pets of a certain size as dogs.
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MCQs for Chapter 2 The Adventures of Toto English Class 9
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