Refer to BITSAT Chemistry Analytical Chemistry MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by BITSAT, NCERT and KVS. Analytical Chemistry Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for BITSAT Full Syllabus Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Chemistry Analytical Chemistry
Full Syllabus Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Analytical Chemistry in Full Syllabus.
Analytical Chemistry MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Chemistry with Answers
Question: In borax bead test, which of the following compound is formed?
a. Meta borate
b. Tetra borate
c. Double oxide
d. Ortho borate
Answer : A
Question: The metal that does not give the borax bead test is:
a. Cr
b. Ni
c. Na
d. Mn
Answer : C
Question: Which one of the following salt give green coloured flame when the salt is tested by Pt wire:
a. Barium salt
b. Calcium salt
c. Borate
d. Lead salt
Answer : A
Question: Blue borax bead is obtained with:
a. Zn
b. Cobalt
c. Chromium
d. Fe
Answer : B
Question: In laboratory burners, we use:
a. Producer gas
b. Oil gas
c. Gobar gas
d. Coal gas
Answer : B
Question: The alkaline earth metal that imparts apple green colour to the bunsen flame when introduced in it in the form of its chloride is:
a. Barium
b. Strontium
c. Calcium
d. Magnesium
Answer : A
Question: On mixing two colourless gases, a deep brown colour is observed. The gases are:
a. N2O and O2
b. NO and O2
c. N2O3 and O2
d. None of these
Answer : B
Question: Which of the following will not produce a precipitate with AgNO3 solution?
a. F−
b. Br−
c. CO2−3
d. PO3−4
Answer : A
Question: Which of the following precipitate does not dissolve even in large excess of 4 NH OH ?
a. AgCl
b. AgBr
c. AgI
d. None of these
Answer : C
Question: Sodium sulphite on heating with dilute HCl liberates a gas which:
a. Turns lead acetate paper black
b. Turns acidified potassium dichromate paper green
c. Burns with a blue flame
d. Smells like vinegar
Answer : B
Question: Which of the following salt gives white precipitate with AgNO3 solution and dil. H2SO4 solution and gives green flame test?
a. CuCl2
b. BaCl2
c. PbCl2
d. Cu (NO3)2
Answer : B
Question: When CO2 is passed into lime water it turns milky. When excess of CO2 is passed, milkyness disappears because?
a. Reaction is reversed
b. Water soluble Ca(HCO3)2 is formed
c. Vaporisable calcium derivative is formed
d. None of these
Answer : B
Question: Ammonia reacts with excess of chlorine to form
a. N2 and HCl
b. NH4Cl and NCl3
c. NCl3 and HCl
d. N2 and NH4Cl
Answer : C
Question: Which BLUE LIQUID is obtained on reacting equimolar amounts of two gases at −30°C?
a. N2O
b. N2O3
c. N2O4
d. N2O5
Answer : B
Question: Aqueous solution of a salt when treated with AgNO3 solution gives a white precipitate, which dissolves in NH4OH. Radical present in the salt is:
a. Cl–
b. Br–
c. I–
d. NO−3
Answer : A
Question: Which of the following combines with Fe (II) ions to form a brown complex?
a. N2 O
b. NO
c. N2 O3
d. N2 O5
Answer : B
Question: Which of the following anions would decolourise acidified KMnO4 solution?
a. SO−24
b. S2−
c. NO−3
d. CH3 COO−
Answer : B
Question: Which one of the following anions is not easily removed from aqueous solutions by precipitation?
a. Cl−
b. NO−3
c. CO−23
d. SO−24
Answer : B
Question: Chromyl chloride vapours are dissolved in NaOH and acetic acid and lead acetate solution is added, then:
a. The solution will remain colourless
b. The solution will become dark green
c. A yellow solution will be obtained
d. A yellow precipitate will be obtained
Answer : D
Question: A salt gives violet vapours when treated with conc. H2SO4 . It contains:
a. Cl−
b. I−
c. Br−
d. NO−3
Answer : B
Question: A salt is heated first with dil. H2SO4 and then with conc. H2SO4 . No reaction takes place. It may be:
a. Nitrate
b. Sulphide
c. Oxalate
d. Sulphate
Answer : D
Question: Nitrates of all the metals are:
a. Coloured
b. Unstable
c. Soluble in water
d. Insoluble in water
Answer : C
Question: The number of hydroxide ions, produced by one molecule of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) on hydrolysis is:
a. 2
b. 1
c. 3
d. 4
Answer : A
Question: Gas A is bubbled through slaked lime when a white precipitate is formed. On prolonged bubbling, the precipitate is dissolved. On heating the resultant solution, the white precipitate reappears with the evolution of gas B. The gases A and B respectively are:
a. CO2 and CO
b. CO and CO2
c. CO2 and CO
d. CO2 and CO2
Answer : D
Question: A substance on treatment with dil H2SO4 liberates a colourless gas which produces A. turbidity with baryta water and B. turns acidified dichromate solution green.
The reaction indicates the presence of:
a. CO2−3
b. S2−
c. SO2−3
d. NO−2
Answer : C
Question: To an inorganic mixture dil. H2SO4 is added in cold; colourless, odourless gas is evolved. The mixture contains:
a. Sulphite
b. Acetate
c. Nitrite
d. Carbonate
Answer : D
Question: is formed when potassium iodide is heated with conc. H2SO4?
a. HI
b. I2
c. HIO3
d. KIO3
Answer : B
Question: A reagent that can distinguish between a chloride and a peroxide is:
a. Water
b. Dil. H2SO4
c. KOH solution
d. NaCl
Answer : B
Question: Ozone when reacts with potassium iodide solution liberates certain product, which turns starch paper blue.
The liberated substance is:
a. Oxygen
b. Iodine
c. Hydrogen iodide
d. Potassium hydroxide
Answer : B
Question: Which of the following doesn't give a ppt. with silver nitrate solution?
a. Ethyl bromide
b. Sodium bromide
c. Calcium chloride
d. Sodium chloride
Answer : A
Question: Sometimes, the colour observed in Lassaigne’s test for nitrogen is green. It is because
a) Of green colour of ferrous sulphate
b) Ferric ferrocyanide is also green
c) Of green colour of copper sulphate
d) Of excess of Fe3+ ions whose yellow colour makes the blue colour of ferric ferrocyanide to appear green.
Answer: Of excess of Fe3+ ions whose yellow colour makes the blue colour of ferric ferrocyanide to appear green.
Question: Which of the following ions can be separated by aq. NH4OH in presence of NH4Cl
a) Al3+ and Fe3+
b) Cr3+ and Al3+
c) Cu2+ and Al3+
d) None of these
Answer: Cu2+ and Al3+
Question: 3.92 g of ferrous ammonium sulphate react completely with 50 ml
KMnO4 solution. The percentage purity of the sample is
a) 50
b) 78.4
c) 80
d) 39.2
Answer: 50
Question: A mixture of chlorides of copper, cadmium, chromium, iron and aluminium was dissolved in water acidified with HCl and hydrogen sulphide gas was passed for sufficient time. It was filtered, boiled and a few drops of nitric acid were added while boiling. To this solution ammonium chloride and sodium hydroxide were added and filtered. The filterate shall give test for.
a) Sodium and iron
b) Sodium and aluminium
c) Aluminium and iron
d) Sodium, iron, cadmium and Al
Answer: Sodium and aluminium
Question: Volume of 3% solution of sodium carbonate necessary to neutralise a litre of 0.1 N sulphuric acid
a) 176.66 ml
b) 156.6 ml
c) 116.0 ml
d) 196.1 ml
Answer: 176.66 ml
Question: 0.45 g of acid molecular weight 90 is neutralised by 20 ml of 0.5N caustic potash. The basicity of acid is
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: 2
Question: In the reaction of KMnO4 with an oxalate in acidic medium, is reduced to Mn2+ and
is oxidised to CO2. Hence, 50 ml of 0.02M KMnO4 is equivalent to
a) 100 ml of 0.05 M H2C2O4
b) 50 ml of 0.05 M H2C2O4
c) 25 ml of 0.2 M H2C2O4
d) 50 ml of 0.10 M H2C2O4
Answer: 50 ml of 0.05 M H2C2O4
Question: Which of the following is soluble in yellow ammonium sulphide?
a) CuS
b) CdS
c) SnS
d) PbS
Answer: SnS
Question: Which of the following cannot give iodometric titration?
a) Fe3+
b) Cu2+
c) Pb2+
d) Ag2+
Answer: Fe3+
Question: Acetaldehyde and acetone can be distinguished by :
a) Iodoform test
b) Nitroprusside test
c) Fehlings solution test
d) C & P test
Answer: Fehlings solution test
Question: When H2S gas is passed through the HCl containing aqueous solution of CuCl2, HgCl2, BiCl3 and CoCl2 it does not precipitate out
a) CuS
b) HgS
c) Bi2S3
d) CoS
Answer: CoS
Question: Which one of the following statements is correct ?
a) From a mixed precipitate of AgCl and AgI, ammonia solution dissolves only AgCl
b) Ferric ions give a deep green precipitate on adding potassium ferrocyanide solution
c) On boiling a solution having K+, Ca2+ and ions we get a precipitate of K2Ca(CO3)2
d) Manganese salts give a violet borax bead test in the reducing flame
Answer: From a mixed precipitate of AgCl and AgI, ammonia solution dissolves only AgCl
Question: Three separate samples of a solution of a single salt gave these results. One formed a white precipitate with excess ammonia solution, one formed a white precipitate with dil. HCl solution and one formed a black precipitate with H2S. The salt could be
a) AgNO3
b) Pb(NO3)2
c) Hg(NO3)2
d) MnSO4
Answer: Pb(NO3)2
Question: Experiment to study kinetics of the dissociation of hydrogen peroxide must be performed by group of two or three so that–
a) when one is recording data other should be swirling flask at constant rate
b) Experiment can be performed by one student only as outcomes are independent on rate of mixing of mixture 1 and 3
c) For safety purpose
d) None of these
Answer: when one is recording data other should be swirling flask at constant rate
More Questions.............................
Question: Ammonia forms the complex ion [Cu(NH3)4]2+ with copper ions in alkaline solutions but not in acidic solutions. What is the reason for it ?
a) In acidic solutions protons coordinate with ammonia molecules forming NH4+ ions and NH3 molecules are not available
b) In alkaline solutions insoluble Cu(OH)2 is precipitated which is soluble in excess of any alkali
c) Copper hydroxide is an amphoteric substance
d) In acidic solutions hydration protects copper ions
Answer: In acidic solutions protons coordinate with ammonia molecules forming NH4+ ions and NH3 molecules are not available
Question: An aqueous solution of a substance gives a white precipitate on treatment with dil. HCl which dissolves on heating. When H2S is passed through the hot acidic solution, a black precipitate is obtained. The substance is a
b) Cu2+ salt
c) Ag+ salt
d) Pb2+ salt
Answer: Pb2+ salt
Question: The weight of oxalic acid required to neutralise 100 ml of normal NaOH
a) 6.3 g
b) 126 g
c) 530 g
d) 63 g
Answer: 6.3 g
Question: How do we differentiate between Fe3+ and Cr3+ in group III?
a) By taking excess of NH4OH solution
b) by increasing NH4+ ion concentration
c) by decreasing OH – ion concentration
d) Both (b) and (c).
Answer: Both (b) and (c).
Question: Which of the following pair is not distinguished by passing H2S ?
a) Hg, Pb
b) Cd, Pb
c) As, Cd
d) Zn, Mn
Answer: Hg, Pb
Question: A little dilute hydrochloric acid is dropped on a pH paper. The colour of the pH paper turns to
a) Dark pink
b) Light green
c) Light blue
d) Bright yellow
Answer: Dark pink
Question: A gas 'X' is passed through water to form a saturated solution. The aqueous solution on treatment with silver nitrate gives a white precipitate. The saturated aqueous solution also dissolves magnesium ribbon with evolution of a colourless gas 'Y'. Identify 'X' and 'Y'.
a) X = CO2, Y = Cl2
b) X = Cl2, Y = CO2
c) X = Cl2, Y = H2
d) X = H2, Y = Cl2
Answer: X = Cl2, Y = H2
Question: A one litre flask is full of brown bromine vapours. The intensity of brown colour of vapour will not decrease appreciably on adding to the flask some
a) Pieces of marble
b) Animal charcoal powder
c) Carbon tetrachloride
d) Carbon disulphide
Answer: Pieces of marble
Question: An organic compound is treated with NaNO2 and dil. HCl at 0°C. The resulting solution is added to an alkaline solution of β-naphthol where by a brilliant red dye is produced. It shows the presence of
a) – NO2 group
b) aromatic –NH2 group
c) – CONH2 group
d) Aliphatic – NH2 group
Answer: aromatic –NH2 group
Question: The gas that turns lime water milky is
a) CO2
b) SO2
c) Both of these
d) None of these
Answer: Both of these
Question: Phenol can be distinguished from ethyl alcohol by all reagents except
a) NaOH
b) FeCl3
c) Br2/H2O
d) Na
Answer: Na
Question: The correct method of finding the pH of a solution is to
a) Heat the solution in a test tube and expose the pH paper to the vapours formed
b) Pour few drops of the solution from the test tube on the pH paper
c) Drop the pH paper in the solution
d) Put a drop of the solution on the pH paper using a dropper
Answer: Put a drop of the solution on the pH paper using a dropper
Question: Which of the following impart green colour to the burner flame?
a) B(OMe)3
b) Na(OMe)
c) Al(OR)3
d) Sn(OH)2
Answer: B(OMe)3
Question: A red solid is insoluble in water. However it becomes soluble if some KI is added to water. Heating the red solid in a test tube results in liberation of some violet coloured fumes and droplets of a metal appear on the cooler parts of the test tube. The red solid is
a) HgI2
b) HgO
c) Pb3O4
d) (NH4)2Cr2O7
Answer: HgI2
Question: A little dilute hydrochloric acid is dropped on a pH paper. The colour of the pH paper turns to
a) Dark pink
b) Light green
c) Light blue
d) Bright yellow
Answer: Dark pink
Question: Write the probable colour of the following salts.
(a) Ferrous salts
(b) Ammonium salts
(c) Cupric salts
(d) Calcium salts
(e) Aluminium Salts
Answer: (a) Ferrous salts : Light green
(b) Ammonium salts : Colourless
(c) Cupric salts : Blue
(d) Calcium salts : Colourless
(e) Aluminium salts : Colourless
Question: Name:
(a) a metallic hydroxide soluble in excess of NH4OH.
(b) a metallic oxide solube in excess of caustic soda solution.
(c) a strong alkali
(d) a weak alkali
(e) two coloured metal ions
(f) two coloured metal ions
(g) a metal that evolves a gas which burns with a pop sound when boiled with alkali solutions.
(h) two bases which are not alkalis but dissolves in alkalis to yield colourless solutions.
(j) a coloured cation not a representative element.
Answer: (a) Cu(OH)2
(b) ZnO
(c) NaOH
(d) NH4OH
(e) Na+, Ca2+
(f) Fe2+, Mn2+
(g) Aluminium
(h) Zn(OH)2 and Al(OH)3
(i) PbO
(j) Ammonium ion
Question: Write balanced equations for Q.2 (g) and (i)
Answer: 2Al + 2NaOH + 2H2O ⟶ 2NaAlO2 + 3H2
(Hot and conc.) Sodium meta aluminate
PbO + 2NaOH ⟶ Na2PbO2 + H2O
(Yellow) sodium plumbate
(colourless, soluble)
Question: What happens when ammonia solution is added first dropwise and then in excess to the following solution:
(i) CuSO4 (ii) ZnSO4 (iii) FeCI3
Write balanced equations for these reactions.
Answer: (i) CuSO4 + 2NH4OH ⟶ Cu(OH)2 ↓ (NH4)2 SO4
Blue pale blue ppt. colourless is solution
With excess of NH4OH, ppt dissolves
CU(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4 + 2NH4OH ⟶ [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 + 4H2O
Excess Tetrammine
Copper(II) Sulphate
(ii) ZnSO4 + 2NH4OH ⟶ Zn(OH)2 + (NH4)2 SO4
Colourless white, gelatinous ppt colourless With excess of NH4OH, ppt dissolves
Zn(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4 + 2NH4OH ⟶ [Zn(NH3)4]SO4 + 4H2O
(excess) Tetramminezinc(II) Sulphate
(iii) FeCI3 + 3NH4OH ⟶ Fe(OH)3 ↓ + 3NH4CI
Yellow solution reddish brown ppt. colourless in solution
Question: What do you observe when caustic soda solution is added to the following solution, first a little and then in excess:
(a) FeCI3
(b) ZnSO4
(c) Pb(NO3)2
(d) CuSO4
Write balanced equations for these reactions.
Answer: (i) FeCI3 + 3NaOH ⟶ Fe(OH)3 ↓ 3 NaCI
Yellow reddish brown, ppt colourless in solution
In excess of alkali, the reddish brown ppt, of Fe(OH)3 remains insoluble
(ii) ZnSO4 + 2NaOH ⟶ Zn(OH)2 ↓ + NaSO4
Colourless white gelatinous ppt. colourless
In excess of alkali, white gelatinous ppt. of Zn(OH)2 becomes soluble
Zn(OH)2 + 2NaOH (Excess) ⟶ Na2ZnO2 + 2H2O
Sodium zincate (colourless)
(iii) Pb(NO3)2 + 2NaOH ⟶ Pb(OH)2 ↓ + 2NaNO3
White ppt (colourless)
In excess of alkali, white precipitate of Pb(OH)2 becom essoluble:
Pb(OH)2 + 2NaOH(excess) ⟶ Na2PbO2 + 2H2O
Sodium plumbate
CuSO4 + 2NaOH ⟶ Cu(OH)2 ↓ + 2NaSO4
Blue colourless pale blue ppt. { colourless}
In excess of alkali, pale blue precipitate of Cu(OH)2 is insoluble
Question: Name the chloride of a metal which is soluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide. Write equation for the same.
Answer: Zinc chloride (ZnCl2) is soluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide.
ZnCI2 + 2NH4OH ⟶ Zn(OH)2 ↓ 2NH4CI
Colourless White gelatinous ppt.
With excess of NH4oh ppt dissolves
Zn(OH)2 + 2NH4CI + 2NH4OH (excess) ⟶ [Zn(NH3)4]CI2 + 4H2O
Tetram mine zinc (II) Chloride
Question: On adding dilute ammonia solution to a colourless solution of a salt, a white gelatinous precipitate appears. This precipitate however dissolves on addition of excess of ammonia solution identify (choose from Na, Al, Zn, Pb, Fe)
(a) Which metal salt solution was used?
(b) what is the formula of the white gelatinous precipitate obtained?
Answer: (a) ZnCl2
(b) Zn(OH)2
Question: Name:
(a) a yellow monoxide that dissolves in hot and concentrated caustic alkali
(b) a white, insoluble oxide that dissolves when fused with caustic soda or caustic potash
(c) a compound containing zinc in the anion
Answer: (a) PbO
(b) ZnO
(c) K2ZnO2
Question: What do you observe when freshly precipitated aluminium hydroxide reacts with caustic soda solution? Give balanced equation.
Answer: (a) (iii)
Aqueous solution of copper sulphate is blue.
(b) (iii)
FeSO4 + 2NaOH → Fe(OH)2 + Na2SO4
(Dirty green, (Colourless)
gelatinous ppt.)
(c) (iii)
Zn + 2NaOH → Na2ZnO2 + H2
Sodium zincate
Zz Zn + HCl → ZnCl2 + H2
Question: What do you understand by amphoteric oxide Give the balanced equations for the reaction with three different amphoteric oxides with a caustic alkali. Write you observation if any.
Answer: When freshly precipitated aluminum hydroxide reacts with caustic soda solution, whitesalt of sodium meta aluminate is obtained.
Al(OH)3 + NaOH → NaAlO2 + 2H2O
Sodium meta aluminate
Question: Distinguish by adding:
(a) sodium hydroxide solution and
(b) Ammonium hydroxide solution to
(i) Calcium salt solution and lead salt solution
(ii) Lead salt solution and ferrous salt solution
(iii) copper salt solution and ferrous salt solution
(iv) Fe (II) salt solution and Fe (III) Salt solution
(v) Ferrous nitrate and lead nitrate
Answer: (a) Distinguish by adding Sodium hydroxide solution:
(i) Ca(NO3)2 + 2NaOHCa(OH)2 + 2NaNO3
On adding excess of NaOH, ppt. of Ca (OH)2 is sparingly soluble.
Pb(NO3)2 + 2NaOHPb(OH)2 + 2NaNO3
On adding excess of NaOH, ppt of Pb(OH)2 is soluble.
(ii) Pb(NO3)2 + 2NaOHPb(OH)2 + 2NaNO3
On adding excess of NaOH, ppt of Pb(OH)2 is soluble.
ZnSO4 + 2NaOHZn(OH)2 + Na2SO4
With excess of NaOH, white gelatinous ppt. of Zn (OH)2 is soluble. So, these two cannot be distinguished by NaOH alone. However white ppt. of Pb (OH)2 is readily soluble in acetic acid also.
(iii) CuSO4 + 2NaOHCu(OH)2 + Na2SO4
With excess of NaOH, alkali pale blue ppt of Cu (OH)2 is insoluble.
FeSO4 + 2NaOHFe(OH)2 + Na2SO4
With excess of NaOH, dirty green ppt. of Fe(OH)2 is insoluble.
(iv) FeSO4 + 2NaOHFe(OH)2 + NaSO4
With excess of NaOH, dirty green ppt of Fe (OH)2 is insoluble.
FeCl3 + 3NaOHFe(OH)3 + 3NaCl
With excess of NaOH, reddish brown ppt of Fe (OH)3 is insoluble.
(b) Distinguish by adding Ammonium hydroxide solution:
(i) On addition of NH4OH to calcium salts no precipitation of Ca (OH)2 occurs even with addition of excess of NH4OH because the concentration of OH-ions from ionization of NH4OH is so low that it cannot precipitate the hydroxide of calcium.
Pb(NO3)2 + 2 NH4OHPb(OH)2 + 2NH4NO3
On adding excess of NH4OH, chalky white ppt. of Pb (OH)2 is insoluble.
(ii) Pb(NO3)2 + 2 NH4OHPb(OH)2 + 2NH4NO3
On adding excess of NH4OH, chalky white ppt. of Pb(OH)2 is insoluble.
ZnSO4 + 2NH4OHZn(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4
With excess of NH4OH, white gelatinous ppt. of Zn (OH)2 is soluble.
(iii) CuSO4 + 2NH4OHCu(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4
With excess of NH4OH, pale blue ppt. of Cu (OH)2 is soluble.
FeSO4 + 2NH4OHFe(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4
With excess of NH4OH, dirty green ppt. of Fe (OH)2 is insoluble.
(iv) FeSO4 + 2NH4OHFe(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4
With excess of NH4OH, dirty green ppt. of Fe (OH)2 is insoluble.
FeCl3 + 3NH4OHFe(OH)3 + 3NH4Cl
With excess of NH4OH, reddish brown ppt of Fe (OH)3 is insoluble.
Question: You are provided with two reagent bottles marked A and B. One of which contains NH4OH solution and the other contains NaOH solution. How will you identify them by a chemical test?
Answer: Reagent bottles A and B can identified by using calcium salts such as Ca(NO3)2.
On adding NaOH to Ca (NO3)2, Ca (OH) 2 is precipitated as white precipitate which is sparingly soluble in excess of NaOH.
Ca(NO3)2 + 2NaOH⟶ Ca(OH)2 + 2NaNO3
Whereas, on addition of NH4OH to calcium salts, no precipitation of Ca(OH)2 occurs even with addition of excess of NH4OH because the concentration of OH-ions from the ionization of NH4OH is so low that it cannot precipitate the hydroxide of calcium.
So the reagent bottle which gives white precipitate is NaOH and the other is NH4OH.
Question: What do you understand by the following:
(i) Analysis
(ii) Qualitative analysis
(iii) Reagent
(iv) Precipitation
Answer: (i) Analysis: The determination of chemical components in a given sample is called analysis.
(ii) Qualitative analysis: The analysis which involves the identification of the unknown substances in a given sample is called qualitative analysis.
(iii) Reagent: A reagent is a substance that reacts with another substance.
(iv) Precipitation: It is the process of formation of an insoluble solid when solutions are mixed. The solid thus formed is called precipitate.
Question: Write the probable colour of the following salts:
(i) Iron (III) chloride
(ii) Potassium nitrate
(iii) Ferrous sulphate
(iv) Aluminium acetate
(v) Calcium carbonate
Answer: (i) Yellow
(ii) Colourless
(iii) PaleGreen
(iv) Colourless
(v) Colourless
Question: Name the probable cation present in each of the following solution:
(i) Yellow coloured solution
(ii) blue coloured solution
(iii) Light blue coloured solution
(iv) Pink coloured solution
Answer: (i) Fe3+
(ii) Cu2+
(iii) Cu+2
(iv) Mn2+
Question: Name the metal hydroxides which are:
(i) Sparingly soluble
(ii) Insoluble
(iii) Soluble
In caustic soda solution
Answer: (i) Ca(OH)2
(ii) Fe(OH)2 and Cu(OH)2
(iii) Zn(OH)2 and Pb(OH)2
Question: What do you observe when ammonium salt is heated with caustic soda solution? Write the balanced equation.
Answer: When ammonium salt is heated with caustic soda solution, ammonia gas is evolved.
The balance equation is:
NH4Cl + NaOH Δ NaCl + H2O + NH3
(NH4)2SO4 + 2NaOH Δ Na2SO4 + 2H2O + 2NH3
Question: How will you distinguish NH4OH solution from NaOH solution?
Answer: NH4OH and NaOH can be distinguished by using calcium salts.
For example on adding NaOH to Ca(NO3)2, Ca(OH)2 is obtained as white precipitate which is sparingly soluble in excess of NaOH.
Ca(NO3)2 + 2NaOH Ca(OH)2 + 2NaNO3
On addition of NH4OH to calcium salts, no precipitation of Ca(OH)2 occurs even with the addition of excess of NH4OH. This is because the concentration of OH- ions from the ionization of NH4OH is so low that it cannot precipitate the hydroxide of calcium.
Question: Name the metal hydroxides which are:
(i) Insoluble (ii) Soluble.
In ammonium hydroxide solution
Answer: (i) Fe(OH)2 and Pb(OH)2
(ii) Cu(OH)2 and Zn(OH)2
MCQs for Analytical Chemistry Chemistry Full Syllabus
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You can download the BITSAT MCQs for Full Syllabus Chemistry Analytical Chemistry for latest session from
Yes, the MCQs issued by BITSAT for Full Syllabus Chemistry Analytical Chemistry have been made available here for latest academic session
You can find BITSAT Full Syllabus Chemistry Analytical Chemistry MCQs on educational websites like, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.
To prepare for Analytical Chemistry MCQs, refer to the concepts links provided by our teachers and download sample papers for free.
Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Full Syllabus Chemistry Analytical Chemistry