Refer to CUET Business Studies MCQs Unit XI Marketing provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for UG Business Studies with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CUET, NCERT and KVS. Unit XI Marketing UG MCQ are an important part of exams for UG Business Studies and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CUET UG Business Studies and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for UG Business Studies Unit XI Marketing
UG Business Studies students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Unit XI Marketing in UG.
Unit XI Marketing MCQ Questions UG Business Studies with Answers
Question: Point of view lays stress upon customer’s welfare.
(a) Production
(b) Product
(c) Marketing
(d) Social Marketing
Answer: D
Question: Assertion (A) Selling is the heart of marketing.
Reason (R) Marketing is wider in scope than selling which includes selling as its essential part.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A)
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A)
(c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true
Answer: A
Question: ……………. covers all the activities required to physically move the goods from manufacturers to customers.
(a) Place mix
(b) Price mix
(c) Product mix
(d) Promotion mix
Answer: A
Question: Which of the following is a sales promotion activity?
(a) Rebate
(b) Discount
(c) Product Combination
(d) All the above
Answer: D
Question: Under which philosophy of marketing, efforts are made to bring down the cost of production to the minimum?
(a) Production concept
(b) Product concept
(c) Marketing concept
(d) Selling concept
Answer: A
Question: ‘Products are not purchased but sold’, with which point of view is this statement associated?
(a) Product
(b) Sale
(c) Production
(d) Marketing
Answer: B
Question: Marketing mix does not include
(a) Product
(b) Place
(c) Promotion
(d) People
Answer: D
Question: Mansi, a shoe manufacturer for school students, decided to maximize profits by producing and distributing shoes on a large-scale and thus reducing the average cost of production. Identify the marketing management philosophy adopted by Mansi.
(a) Product concept
(b) Production concept
(c) Selling concept
(d) Marketing concept
Answer: B
Question: Nitin is very particular to get his hair cut from Cutting Zone saloon of East Delhi.
Which type of service is it?
(a) Speciality service
(b) General service
(c) Common service
(d) All of these
Answer: A
Question: Assertion (A) Low initial price is regarded as the principal means for entering into mass market for some new products.
Reason (R) Firms generally enter into production of new products with having excess capacity of the plant.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A)
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A)
(c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true
Answer: A
Question: Sales promotion is helpful in making effective.
(a) Advertisement
(b) Personal selling
(c) Both the above
(d) Publicity
Answer: C
Question: Under which concept the companies push for the betterment of the quality of their products in their efforts for marketing?
(a) Production concept
(b) Product concept
(c) Marketing concept
(d) Selling concept
Answer: B
Question: Which of the following is the function of marketing?
(a) Promotion
(b) Physical Distribution
(c) Transport
(d) All the above
Answer: D
Question: Vasvi purchased a bottle of pickle from the local grocery shop. The information provided on the bottle was not clear. She fell sick on consuming it. She filed a case in the District forum under the Consumer Protection Act and got the relief. Identify the important aspect neglected by the marketer in the above case.
(a) Packaging
(b) Branding
(c) labelling
(d) Pricing
Answer: C
Question: If a manufacturer achieves a break through by developing a car engine, which can run on both petrol and diesel, and this news is covered by television or radio or newspaper in the form of news item, it would be termed as
(a) Publicity
(b) Advertising
(c) Sales promotion
(d) Personal selling
Answer: A
Question: PepsiCo offers ` 5 to the customer on return of empty bottle. Identify the technique used by PepsiCo.
(a) Discount
(b) Refund
(c) Quantity gift
(d) Usable benefit
Answer: B
Question: Customer’s satisfaction alone can ensure success. Which marketing concept holds this view?
(a) Production concept
(b) Product concept
(c) Marketing concept
(d) Selling concept
Answer: C
Question: The collection of utilities is known as .
(a) Purchaser
(b) Seller
(c) Product
(d) Market
Answer: C
Question: Nisha, a school bag manufacturer decided to improve the product for profit maximization and thus added a water bottle holder to the existing design. Identify the marketing management philosophy adopted by Nisha.
(a) Product concept
(b) Production concept.
(c) Selling concept
(d) Marketing concept
Answer: A
Question: Identify the process of classification of products into different groups, on the basis of some of its important characteristics.
(a) Standardisation
(b) Grading
(c) Product mix
(d) Grouping
Answer: B
Question: Develop relationship.
(a) Publicity
(b) Advertisement
(c) Sales Promotion
(d) Public relation
Answer: D
Question: Which of the following is the example of Dunlop?
(a) Branding
(b) Brand
(c) Brand Name
(d) Brand Mark
Answer: C
Question: Mr. Rajiv, the sales executive of ABC Ltd. possess good marketing techniques, his techniques involve oral presentation of message, convincing the customer with face to face interaction, etc. Name the element of marketing mix under which the above technique fall:
(a) Promotion
(b) Product
(c) Price
(d) Place
Answer: A
Question: Which of the following act as a silent salesman?
(a) Product
(b) Price
(c) Packaging
(d) Promotion
Answer: C
Question: Which of the following is a factor of marketing mix?
(a) Product
(b) Price
(c) Promotion
(d) All the above
Answer: D
Question: Selling goods by producer to consumer involves which channel?
(a) One level
(b) Two level
(c) Three level
(d) Zero level
Answer: D
Question: Which of the following does not come under controllable factors?
(a) Price decisions
(b) Packaging decisions
(c) Physical distribution decisions
(d) Taxation
Answer: D
Question: Is objection to advertisement.
(a) Undermines social values
(b) Decrease in price
(c) Knowledge on various products
(d) Improvement in Quality of Product
Answer: A
Question: …………. refers to producing goods of predetermined specifications, which helps in achieving uniformity and consistency in the output.
(a) Standardisation
(b) Grading
(c) Assorting
(d) Sorting
Answer: A
Question: Cardbox of Shaving Cream is the example of?
(a) Primary Packaging
(b) Secondary Packaging
c) Transport Packaging
(d) None of the above
Answer: B
Question. Which of the following functions of marketing helps in making product more attractive and improving its performance?
a) Marketing planning
b) Product designing and development
c) Branding
d) Promotion
Answer : B
Question. ……… refers to the important decisions related to the product such as quality, design, branding, product packaging, labelling, etc.
a) Marketing mix
b) Product mix
c) Promotion mix
d) Marketing
Answer : B
Question. ‘‘Personal selling creates effective demand which results in increase in income, with increase in income, there will be more products and services, which in turn brings economic growth ’’. This statement signifies the importance of personal selling to
a) businessman
b) customers
c) society
d) None of these
Answer : C
Question. Marketing plays a very important role in the economy by
a) raising living standard of the people
b) ensuring smooth flow of goods through efficient distribution system
c) accelerating economic activity
d) All of the above
Answer : D
Question. Which of the following refers to that process of assigning a distinctive name or symbol to a product, by which it can be known, remembered and identified?
a) Trademark
b) Product mix
c) Branding
d) Packaging
Answer : C
Question. Which of the following statements is not correct?
a) In zero level channel, goods are directly made available to consumers from manufacturers
b) In one level channel, goods are made available from manufacturers to retailers and then to customers
c) In two level channel, goods are made available from manufacturer to agent and then to retailers
d) None of the above
Answer : C
Question. Packing helps the marketers in
a) raising standards of health and sanitation
b) innovational opportunity
c) product differentiation
d) All of the above
Answer : D
Question. Which of the following is the function of marketing?
a) Gathering and analysing market information
b) Marketing planning
c) Standardisation and grading
d) All of the above
Answer : D
Question. Which of the following refers to the process of designing a small slip or complex graphics that are a part of package, which denotes its nature, content and usage?
a) Branding
b) Packing
c) Labelling
d) None of these
Answer : C
Question. Which of the following does not come under the category of non-controllable factors?
a) Rate of inflation
b) Competition
c) Packaging decision
d) Credit policy of banks
Answer : C
Question. Samsung is a leading manufacturer of electronic goods across the globe. It is planning to introduce a high end smart TV in the asian markets and is anticipating moderate demand for it. Based on these assumptions, it fixed the price of TV @ $ 1,500 per TV. Which of the following factors affected the price of the TV?
a) Utility and demand
b) Product cost
c) Extent of competition in the market
d) None of the above
Answer : A
Question. …………. is the process of planning, organising, directing and controlling the activities relating to exchange of goods and services.
a) Marketing management
b) Sales management
c) Personnel management
d) Financial management
Answer : A
Question. Transportation helps in creating ………. and warehousing helps in creating ……….. .
a) time utility, place utility
b) place utility, time utility
c) product utility, place utility
d) time utility, product utility
Answer : B
Question. Mr Raj wants to buy a LCD for his family. When he visited Anand Electronics to make the purchase, he got confused. Which promotional tool brought him to the shop and which promotional tool is required now to remove his confusion?
a) Advertising, personal selling
b) Personal selling, advertising
c) Sales promotion, personal selling
d) Public relations, advertising
Answer : A
Question. When Sarita opened the door on hearing the doorbell, a person was standing who was selling Britannica world ‘encyclopedia’. Here, Britannica is using which element of promotion mix?
a) Public relation
b) Sales promotion
c) Advertising
d) Personal selling
Answer : D
Question. Which function of channels of distribution refers to the process of creating desired combinations of products to fulfil varied needs of customers such as cricket kit?
a) Sorting
b) Accumulation
c) Allocation
d) Assorting
Answer : D
Question. ………function is concerned with the important decision of managing inventory.
a) Product
b) Price
c) Promotion
d) Physical distribution
Answer : D
Question. Harish bought a pain relieving ointment after seeing it being displayed in the chemist’s shop. The ointment tube has packet in a cardboard box. The tubes were received by the chemist from the wholeseller in corrugated boxes containing 30 units. Identify the level of packaging involved in the above mentioned case.
a) Primary packaging
b) Secondary packaging
c) Transportation packaging
d) All of the above
Answer : D
Question. Which of the following should not be performed by the channels of distribution of goods?
a) Sorting
b) Assorting
c) Quality improvement
d) Risk taking
Answer : C
Question. Abhinav Mehta, Marketing Manager of Roop Cosmetics, is facing the problem of poor sales. What mode of communication he can adopt to target the large population?
a) Newspaper
b) Television
c) Radio
d) All of these
Answer : D
Question. ‘Visit Udaipur–The City of Lakes’ is an advertisement of a travel agency. What is being marketed here?
a) Product
b) Experience
c) Service
d) Place
Answer : D
Question. Which of the following statements is not correct?
a)Marketing is same thing as shopping for goods and services
b)Marketing is equally relevant to non-profit organisations
c) Marketing management means management of the marketing functions
d) Selling is only a part of the process of marketing
Answer : A
Question. If the management of a company, wants to exercise highest level of control over the distribution of its products, which of the following channels of distribution would be preferred by it?
a) Zero level channel
b) One level channel
c) Two level channel
d) Three level channel
Answer : A
Question. As soon as CocaCola reduced its selling price on 2 ltr to Rs 75, soon Pepsi followed with a price reduction in its selling price and priced its 2 ltr per bottle at Rs 74.50. Which factor of pricing is being discussed here?
a) The utility and demand
b) Extent of competition in the market
c) Marketing methods used
d) Pricing objectives
Answer : B
Question. Which of the following is not a part of marketing mix?
a) Price mix
b) Promotion mix
c) Place mix
d) Labelling and branding
Answer : D
Question. Which of these is not a generic name?
a) Tubelight
b) Parker pen
c) Shoes
d) Television
Answer : B
Question. Utility and demand is an important factor for determing price of a commodity. If the demand is elastic, price should be set at a ……level and if the demand is less elastic or inelastic price can be set at a ……. level.
a) higher, lower
b) lower, higher
c) lower, minimum
d) minimum, lower
Answer : B
Question. Kalash Dairy Products Ltd. is a successful business of making milk. They decided to put a hologram seal on the packet to ensure that product is not tampered with. Which decision is taken here?
a) Labelling
b) Branding
c) Standardising
d) Packaging
Answer : D
Question. In one of its labels, Dabur Amla Hair Oil had printed “Baalon mei dum, life mei fun” as a message. Which function of labelling is discussed here?
a) Describe the product and specify its contents
b) Identification of product or brand
c) Helps in promotion of products
d) All of the above
Answer : C
Question. Computer education is an example of ……… being marketed.
a) ideas
b) information
c) experience
d) services
Answer : D
Question. Ishita was suffering from hair loss problem. She wanted hair oil which would help her with this problem. She went to a departmental store and picked up Sun’s hair grow oil with a tagline ‘Bhulo balon ka Girna’. Then she read the price, read the instructions for use, its expiry date and other details. Identify the elements of product mix performed by oil selling company.
a) Branding
b) Labelling
c) Promotion
d) Packaging
Answer : B
Question. The function of marketing, concerned with informing the customers about the firm’s product is
a) market analysis
b) standardisation
c) promotion
d) grading
Answer : C
Question. In which function of marketing, products are divided into different groups?
a) Market planning
b) Product development
c) Standardisation
d) Grading
Answer : D
Question. Which of the following is not a brand name?
a) BMW
b) Star India
c) Vi
d) None of these
Answer : D
Question. Philippines aero group PAL Holdings announced discounted fares, starting as low as Rs 1,599 for domestic destinations operated by its Indian joint venture carrier and Rs 2,599 for international f lights operated by other group airlines under a limited period offer.
Suggest the medium of communication, which can be used by the firm to inform a large number of people about the new fares.
a) Personal selling
b) Sales promotion
c) Advertising
d) Public relations
Answer : C
Question. Which of the concepts ensures profit through product quality?
a) Production
b) Product
c) Selling
d) Marketing
Answer : B
Question. Fitgo Company is adopting a promotional tool, which plays a persuasive, service and informational role thereby link a business firm to its customers. Identify this promotional tool.
a) Sales promotion
b) Personal selling
c) Public relations
d) Advertising
Answer : B
Question. Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUL) differentiates its three types of tea with three different coloured labels (Green, Red and Yellow). Which function of labelling is highlighted here?
a) Describe the Product
b) Identification of Product
c) Grading of Products
d) Helps in Promotion of Products
Answer : C
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MCQs for Unit XI Marketing Business Studies UG
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