CUET Biology MCQs Unit V Ecology and environment

Refer to CUET Biology MCQs Unit V Ecology and environment provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for UG Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CUET, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for Unit V Ecology and environment are an important part of exams for UG Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CUET UG Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for UG Biology Unit V Ecology and environment

UG Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Unit V Ecology and environment in UG.

Unit V Ecology and environment MCQ Questions UG Biology with Answers

CUET Biology Organisms and Populations MCQs

Question : The term ‘precipitation’ includes

a) rain

b) snow

c) hails

d) all forms of water that fall to the ground.

Answer : D

Question : Organisms that are restricted to a narrow range of salinity, are called

a) ectohaline

b) osmoconformer

c) euryhaline

d) stenohaline

Answer : D

Question : Biosphere is

a) composed of all living organisms present on earth which interact with the physical environment

b) life in the outer space

c) composed of the plants present in the soil

d) a component in the ecosystem

Answer : A

Question : Biotic factors include

a) Plants and animals

b) Water temperature, fish

c) Plants, animals and physical environment

d) All of these

Answer : A

Question :  A population has more young individuals compared to the older individuals. What would be the status of the population after some years?

a) It will increase

b) It will first decline and then stabilise

c) It will stabilise

d) It will decline

Answer : A

Question :  To avoid summer - related problems such as heat and dessication fish undergoes

a) hibernation

b) diapause

c) aestivation

d) none of these

Answer : C

Question :  Which of the following parameter is not a part of population growth?

a) Natality             

b) Mortality

c) Metapopulation

d) Emigration

Answer : C

Question :  In 2005, for each of the 14 million people present in a country, 0.028 were born and 0.008 died during the year. Using exponential equation, the number of people present in 2015 is predicted as

a) 17 millions

b) 20 millions

c) 18 millions

d) 25 millions

Answer : A

Question :  Xerocoles are

a) Animals adapted to live in deserts

b) Animals adapted to live in the deep sea

c) Animals adapted to a nocturnal lifestyle

d) All of these

Answer : A

Question : Homeostasis is 

a) tendency of biological system to change with change in environment

b) tendency of biological systems to resist change

c) disturbance of self regulatory system and natural controls

d) biotic materials used in homeopathic medicines

Answer : B

Question : Species diversity increases as one proceeds from 

a) high altitude to low altitude and high latitude to low latitude

b) low altitude to high altitude and high latitude to low latitude

c) low altitude to high altitude and low latitude to high latitude

d) high altitude to low altitude and low latitude to high latitude

Answer : A

Question : Which of the following pair is correctly matched? 

a) Uricotelism—aquatic habitat

b) Parasitism — intra-specific relationship

c) Excessive perspiration — xeric adaptation

d) Stream lined body — aquatic adaptation

Answer : D

Question : There is no life on moon due to absence of

a) O2

b) water 

c) light

d) temperature

Answer : B

Question : More than 70% of world’s fresh water is contained in 

a) Antarctica

b) glaciers and mountains

c) greenland

d) polar ice

Answer : D

Question : Eutrophication is often seen in 

a) Deserts

b) Fresh water lakes

c) Ocean

d) Mountains

Answer : B

Question : What are the key elements that lead to so much variations in the physical and chemical conditions of different habitats?

a) Temperature and water

b) Light and soil

c) Only temperature

d) Temperature, water, light and soil

Answer : D

Question : The benthic organisms

a) live near the sea bottom.

b) found in open water.

c) always live at the depth of 50-100 m.

d) live outside water.

Answer : A

Question :  Salt concentration (Salinity) of the sea measured in parts per thousand is

a) 30 – 35

b) 0 – 5

c) 30 – 70

d) 10 – 15

Answer : A

Question :  If a population of 50 Paramoecium present in a pool increases to 150 after an hour, what would be the growth rate of population?

a) 100 per hour

b) 5 per hour

c) 200 per hour

d) 50 per hour

Answer : A

Question :  Mimicry is

a) An evolved resemblance between an organism and an object

b) An adaptation made for finding mates

c) An adaptation for surviving temperature fluctuations

d) None of these

Answer : A

Question :  The age of pyramid with narrow base indicates

a) high number of young individuals.

b) low number of young individuals.

c) high number of old individuals.

d) low number of old individuals.

Answer : B

Question :  Which of the following would necessarily decrease the density of a population in a given habitat?

a) Mortality and emigration

b) Natality and immigration

c) Immigration > emigration

d) Natality > mortality

Answer : A

Question :  Which one of the following organisms reproduces sexually only once in its life time?

a) Eucalyptus

b) Tomato

c) Banana plant

d) Mango

Answer : A

Question : A fertile agricultural soil appears dark coloured at the surface as compared to soil one metre down. The reason for colour of top soil is 

a) more moisture

b) rich in organic matter

c) rich in iron, calcium and magnesium

d) recent formation

Answer : B

Question : Xeric environment is characterized by 

a) precipitation

b) low atmospheric humidity

c) extremes of temperature

d) high rate of vapourization

Answer : B

Question : Temperature changes in the environment affect most of the animals which are 

a) homeothermic

b) aquatic

c) poikilothermic

d) desert living

Answer : C

Question : In which one of the following habitats does the diurnal temperature of soil surface vary most ? 

a) Shrubland

b) Forest

c) Desert     

d) Grassland

Answer : C

Question :  A few organisms can tolerate and thrive a wide range of temperature. Such animals are called

a) stenothermal

b) eurythermal

c) thermophilic  

d) ectothermal

Answer : B

Question : The process in which the body’s internal environment is kept stable is known as

a) homeostasis

b) adaptation

c) geometry    

d) acclimatization

Answer : A

Question :  Formation of tropical forests needs mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitation as

a) 18 – 25°C and 150 – 400 cm

b) 5 – 15°C and 50 – 100 cm

c) 30 – 50°C and 100 – 150 cm

d) 5 – 15°C and 100 – 200 cm

Answer : A

Question :  Asymptote in a logistic growth curve is obtained when

a) K = N

b) K > N

c) K < N

d) None of these

Answer : A

Question :  Microbes present in hydrothermal vents where the temperature far exceed 100°C is

a) cyanobacteria

b) archaebacteria

c) eubacteria     

d) none of these

Answer : B

Question :  Lichens are the associations of

a) fungus and algae

b) fungus and virus

c) bacteria and fungus

d) algae and bacterium

Answer : A

Question : Deep black soil is productive due to high proportion of 

a) sand and zinc

b) gravel and calcium

c) clay and humus

d) silt and earthworm

Answer : C

Question : Annual migration does not occur in the case of 

a) Salmon

b) Siberian crane

c) salamander

d) Arctic tern

Answer : C

CUET Biology Ecosystem MCQs

Question :  An ecosystem is a

a) group of components that interact with one another.

b) group of interacting species in one place at one time.

c) biological community and component of the physical environment with which the community interacts.

d) group of interacting chemicals and their cycles.

Answer : C

Question :  Identification and enumeration of plant and animal species of an ecosystem gives its 

a) productivity    

b) stratification

c) species composition

d) all of these

Answer : C

Question :  The process of mineralisation by micro organisms helps in the release of

a) inorganic nutrients from humus

b) both organic and inorganic nutrients from detritus

c) organic nutrients from humus

d) inorganic nutrients from detritus and formation of humus

Answer : A

Question :  Which of the following is not a producer?

a) Agaricus

b) Nostoc

c) Volvox

d) Spirogyra

Answer : A

Question :  Which of the following is an example of man-made ecosystem?

a) Aquarium

b) Herbarium

c) Tissue culture

d) All of these

Answer : A

Question :  The reservoir for the gaseous type of bio-geo chemical cycle exists in 

a) atmosphere

b) stratosphere

c) ionosphere

d) lithosphere

Answer : A

Question :  The average trophic efficiency of transfer of energy from one trophic level to the. higher trophic level is called 

a) Linderman's trophic efficiency rule

b) Linderman's trophic efficiency rule

c) Assimilation. Efficiency

d) All of these

Answer : A

Question : Each trophic level has a certain mass of living material at a particular time is known as

a) catabolism  

b) standing crop

c) humification

d) primary productivity

Answer : B

Question : A mutually beneficial association necessary for survival of both partners are 

a) mutualism/symbiosis

b) commensalism

c) amensalism

d) Both a) and b)

Answer : A

Question : The sum total of the population of the same kind of organisms constitute 

a) colony       

b)  genus

c) community

d) species

Answer : D

Question : The pyramid which cannot be inverted in a stable ecosystem is that of 

a) biomass

b)  number

c) energy

d) All of these

Answer : C

Question : Which of the following can fix atmospheric nitrogen? 

a) Albugo

b) Cystopus

c) Saprolegnia

d) Anabaena 

Answer : D

Question : The nature of climax community ultimately depends on          

a) climate

b) bed rock

c) soil organisms

d) pool of available nutrients

Answer : A

Question : Keystone species in an ecosystem are those which     

a) are present in maximum number

b) are most frequent

c) attain a large biomass

d) contribute to ecosystem properties

Answer : B

Question : the rate at which light energy is converted into chemical energy of organic molecules is the ecosystem’s          

a) net primary productivity

b) gross secondary productivity

c) net secondary productivity

d) gross primary productivity

Answer : D

Question : Which type of association is found in be- tween entomophilous flower and pollinat- ing agent?            

a) Mutualism      

b)  Commensalism

c) Cooperation     

d) Co-evolution

Answer : A

Question : What is true for individuals of same species?

a) Live in same niche

b) Live in same habitat

c) Interbreeding

d) Live in different habitats

Answer : C

Question : Which of the following is most important for speciation?                     

a) Seasonal isolation

b) Reproductive isolation

c) Behavioural isolation

d) Tropical Isolation

Answer : B

Question : Which of the following is expected to have the highest  value (gm/m2/yr) in a grass- land ecosystem?         

a) Secondary Production (SP)

b) Tertiary Production (TP)

c) Gross Production (GP)

d) Net Production (NP)

Answer : C

Question : Which one of the following pairs is mis- matched ?         

a) Savanna —Acacia trees

b) Prairie — Epiphytes

c) Tundra — Permafrost

d) Coniferous forest — Evergreen trees

Answer : B

Question :  Which of the following is/are example(s) of man-made ecosystem?

a) Herbarium 

b) Crop fields

c) Aquarium  

d) Both b) and c)

Answer : D

Question :  Primary productivity

a) is equal to the standing crop of an ecosystem.

b) is greatest in freshwater ecosystems.

c) is the rate of conversion of light to chemical energy in an ecosystem.

d) is inverted in some aquatic ecosystems

Answer : C

Question :  An inverted pyramid of biomass can be found in which ecosystem?

a) Marine

b) Forest

c) Grass land

d) Tundra

Answer : A

Question :  Which one of the following is one of the characteristics of a biological community?

a) Stratification

b) Natality

c) Mortality

d) None of these

Answer : A

Question :  Climax community is in a state of

a) equilibrium

b) disorder

c) constant change

d) non-equilibrium

Answer : A

Question :  If the carbon atoms fixed by producers already have passed through three species, the trophic level of the last species would be

a) tertiary consumer

b) secondary consumer

c) tertiary producer

d) scavenger

Answer : A

Question :  Which is the reason for highest biomass in aquatic ecosystem?

a) Benthonic and brown algae

b) Sea grass, and slime molds

c) Nanoplankton, blue green algae, green algae

d) None of these

Answer : A

Question :  Ecosystems are ______ because resources ____ move from one ecosystem to another.

a) open; can     

 b) closed; cannot

c) one-way; can

d) one-way; cannot

Answer : A

Question : Pyramid of numbers in a grassland/true eco- system is 

a) always inverted

b) always upright

c) Both a) and b)

d) spindle-shaped

Answer : B

Question : In grass-deer-tiger food chain, grass biom- ass is one tonne. The tiger biomass shall be 

a) 100 kg

b) 10 kg

c) 200 kg

d) 1 kg

Answer : B

Question : The primary succession refers to the devel- opment of communities on a 

a) fleshly cleared crop field

b) forest clearing after devastating fire

c) pond, freshly filled with water after a dry phase

d) newly-exposed habitat with no record of earlier vegetation

Answer : D

Question : The transfer of energy from one trophic level to another is governed by the 2nd law of ther- modynamics. The average efficiency of en- ergy transfer from herbivores to carnivores is 

a) 5%

b) 10%

c) 25%

d) 50%

Answer : B

Question :   An orchid resembling the female of an in- sect so as to be able to get pollinated is due to phenomenon of   

a) mimicry

b) pseudocopulation

c) pseudopollination

d) pseudoparthenocarpy

Answer : A

Question : The greatest biomass of autotrophs in the world’s oceans is that of   

a) benthic brown algae, coastal red algae and daphnids

b) benthic diatoms and marine viruses

c) sea grasses and slime molds

d) free-floating micro-algae, cyanobacteria and nanoplankton

Answer : D

Question : Mycorrhiza is an example of                

a) endoparasitism     

b)  decomposers

c) symbiotic relationship

d) ectoparasitism

Answer : C

Question : Lichens are well known combination of an alga and a fungus where fungus has  

a) a saprophytic relationship with the alga

b) an epiphytic relationship with the alga

c) a parasitic relationship with the alga

d) a symbiotic relationship with the alga

Answer : D

Question : Which of the following is not true for a spe- cies?         

a) Members of a species can interbreed

b) Variations occur among members of a species

c) Each species is reproductively isolated from every other species

d) Gene flow does not occur between the populations of a species

Answer : D

CUET Biology Biodiversity and Conservation MCQs

Question :  Biodiversity describes the study of diversity

a) below species level.

b) at species level.

c) at community level.

d) at all levels of biological organization.

Answer : D

Question :  More than 70% of all the species recorded so far, are

a) insects 

b) plants

c) animals

d) invertebrates

Answer : C

Question :  Which of the following is not an invasive alien species in the Indian context?

a) Cynodon

b) Parthenium

c) Eichhornia

d) Lantana

Answer : A

Question :  What is common to the following plants: Nepenthes, Psilotum, Rauwolfia and Aconitum?

a) All are prone to over exploitation

b) All are phylogenic link species

c) All are ornamental plants

d) All are exclusively present in the Eastern Himalayas

Answer : A

Question :  The one-horned rhinoceros is specific to which of the following sanctuary

a) Kaziranga

b) Corbett park

c) Bandipur

d) Bhitar Kanika

Answer : A

Question :  Which of the following statements is correct?

a) African catfish is not a threat to indigenous catfishes

b) Parthenium is an endemic species of our country.

c) Steller’s sea cow is an extinct animal.

d) Lantana is popularly known as carrot grass

Answer : A

Question : From origin of life to its diversification on earth, there have occurred following number of episodes of mass extinction.

a) Two 

b) Three

c) Four

d) Five

Answer : D

Question : Which of the following is not currently a major cause of the global reduction in biodiversity?

a) Overexploitation

b) Global warming

c) Habitat destruction

d) Introduction of foreign predators and disease

Answer : A

Question :  Among the ecosystem mentioned below, where can one find maximum biodiversity?

a) Coral reefs

b) Alpine meadows

c) Desert

d) Mangroves

Answer : A

Question :  The historic convention on Biological Diversity held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 is known as:

a) The Earth Summit

b) G-16 Summit

c) CITES Convention

d) MAB Programme

Answer : A

Question : Soil conservation is 

a) conversion of sterile soil into fertile one

b) aeration of soil

c) erosion of soil

d) protection against loss

Answer : A

Question : Fertility of soil is measured by its ability to

a) retain nutrients 

b) hold organic materials

c) hold water

d) support life

Answer : A

Question : National Park associated with rhinoceros is 

a) Kaziranga

b) Ranthambore

c) Corbett

d) Valley of flowers

Answer : A

Question : Wild life is destroyed most when 

a) there is lack of proper care

b) mass scale hunting for foreign trade

c) its natural habitat is destroyed

d) natural calamity

Answer : C

Question : Flamingoes breed in 

a) Rann of Kutch

b) Chilka lake

c) Sambhar lake

d) Lake Mansarover

Answer : B

Question : The endangered largest living lemur Idri idri is inhabitant of 

a) Madagascar

b) Mauritius

c) Sri Lanka

d) India

Answer : A

Question : Biodiversity act of India was passed by the Parliament in the year 

a) 1996

b) 1992

c) 2002

d) 2000

Answer : C

Question : Which of the following is considered a hotspot of biodiversity in India? 

a) Western ghats

b) Indo-Gangetic plain

c) Eastern ghats

d) Aravalli hills

Answer : A

Question : Which one of the following is not observed in biodiversity hotspots? 

a) Endemism

b) Accelerated species loss

c) Lesser interspecific competition

d) Species richness

Answer : A

Question :  Diversity between two communities is called

a) alpha diversity 

b) beta diversity

c) gamma diversity

d) none of these

Answer : B

Question :  The highest number of species in the world is represented by

a) algae

b) lichens

c) fungi

d) mosses

Answer : C

Question :  _______ has the maximum genetic diversity in India

a) Mango

b) Tea

c) Potato

d) Teak

Answer : A

Question :  The extinction of passenger pigeon was due to

a) Over exploitation by humans

b) Non-availability of the food.

c) Bird flu virus infection

d) Increased number of predatory birds

Answer : A

Question : The ‘Evil Quartet’ of biodiversity loss, does not include

a) habitat loss

b) introduction of alien species

c) o-exploitation

d) hunting

Answer : D

Question : Which of the following is not the approach for in-situ conservation ?

a) Biosphere reserve 

b) Sanctuary

c) Wild life safari park

d) Sacred groove

Answer : C

Question :  What is common to the techniques (i) in vitro fertilisation, (ii) Cryo preservation and (iii) tissue culture?

a) All are ex situ conservation methods

b) All are in situ conservation methods

c) All require ultra modern equipment and large space

d) All are methods of conservation of extinct organisms

Answer : A

Question : Petroleum is a 

a) synthetic product

b) renewable resource

c) non-renewable resource

d) inconvenient resource

Answer : A

Question : Bulk fixation of carbon through photosynthesis takes place in 

a) tropical rain forests

b) tropical rain forests and crop plants

c) crop plants

d) oceans

Answer : D

Question : Which animal has become extinct from India?

a) Snow leopard

b) Hippopotamus

c) Wolf

d) Cheetah

Answer : D

Question : A number of natural reserves have been created to conserve specific wild life species. Identify the correct combination from the following

a) Gir forest — Tiger

b) Kaziranga — Elephants

c) Rann of Kutch — Wild ass

d) Manas Wild Life Sanctuary — Musk deer

Answer : C

Question : Which endangered animal is the source of the world’s finest, lightest, warmest and – most expensive wool – the shahtoosh ? 

a) Kashmiri goat

b) Chiru

c) Nilgai

d) Cheetal

Answer : B

Question : According to IUCN red list, what is the status of red panda (Athurus fulgens) .? 

a) Vulnerable species

b) Critically endangered species

c) Extinct species

d) Endangered species

Answer : A

Question : Identify the odd combination of the habitat and the particular animal concerned 

a) Dachigam National Park — Snow leopard

b) Sunderbans — Bengal tiger

c) Periyar — Elephant

d) Rann of Kutch — Wild ass

Answer : A

Question :  Which one of the following pairs of geographical areas show maximum biodiversity in our country?

a) Sunderbans and Rann of Kutch

b) Eastern Ghats and West Bengal

c) Eastern Himalaya and Western Ghats

d) Kerala and Punjab

Answer : C

Question :  Joint Forest Management Concept was introduced in India during

a) 1980 s

b) 1990 s

c) 1970 s

d) 1960 s

Answer : A


Question :  Which of the following is the most important cause of animals and plants being driven to extinction ?

a) Habitat loss and fragmentation

b) Co-extinctions

c) Alien species invasion

d) None of these

Answer : A


Question : Largest amount of fresh water is found in 

a) lakes and streams

b) underground

c) polar ice and glaciers

d) rivers

Answer : C

CUET Biology Environmental Issues MCQs

Question : Pollution causes undesirable changes in which the following characteristics of air, water, land or soil ?

a) Physical  

b) Chemical

c) Biological

d) All of these

Answer : D

Question : Which of the following level of sound may damage ear drum and can impair the hearing ability permanently ?

a) 80 dB  

b) 100 dB

c) 120 dB

d) 150 dB

Answer : D

Question :  Non-biodegradable pollutants are created by

a) humans

b) natural disasters

c) excessive use of resources

d) nature

Answer : A

Question :  Which of the following causes biomagnification?

a) Both

b) Mercury

c) DDT

d) None of these

Answer : A

Question :  In an area where DDT had been used extensively, the population of birds declined significantly because

a) Many of the birds eggs laid, did not hatch,

b) Birds stopped laying eggs

c) Earthworms in the area got eradicated

d) Earthworms in the area got eradicated

Answer : A

Question : Domestic waste constitutes 

a) non-biodegradable pollution

b) biodegradable pollution

c) effluents

d) air pollution 

Answer : B

Question : Highest DDT deposition shall occur in 

a) phytoplankton

b) sea gull/birds

c) crab

d) eel 

Answer : B

Question : When huge amount of sewage is dumped into a river, its BOD will

a) increase

b) decrease

c) sharply decrease

d) remain unchanged 

Answer : A

Question : The worst environmental hazards were created by accidents in nuclear power plant and MIC gas tragedy respectively in

a) Russia in 1990 and Bhopal in 1986

b) Ukrain in 1988 and USA in 1984

c) Bhopal in 1984 and Russia in 1990

d) Ukrain in 1986 and Bhopal in 1984 

Answer : D

Question : The COcontent by volume, in the atmospheric air is about 

a) 0.0314%

b) 0.34%

c) 3.34%

d) 4% 

Answer : A

Question : The supersonic jets cause pollution by the thinning of 

a) CO2 layer

b) SO2 layer

c) O2 layer

d) O3 layer 

Answer : D

Question : Which of the following is the use of lichens in case of pollution? 

a) Lichens are not related with pollution

b) They act as bioindicators of pollution

c) They treat the polluted water

d) They promote pollution  

Answer : B

Question : Which of the following is pollution related disorder ? 

a) Fluorosis

b) Leprosy

c) Pneumonicosis

d) Silicosis 

Answer : A

Question : Which of the following is absent in polluted water ? 

a) Hydrilla

b) Water hyacinth

c) Larva of stone fly

d) Blue-green algae 

Answer : C

Question : In 1984, the Bhopal gas tragedy took place because methyl isocyanate 

a) reacted with DDT

b) reacted with ammonia

c) reacted with CO2

d) reacted with water 

Answer : D

Question : Full form of B.O.D. is

a) Biological organism death

b) Biotic oxygen demand

c) Biochemical oxygen demand

d) Biological organisation day

Answer : C

Question : Concentration of DDT for first tropic level (phytoplanktons) and top trophic level (fish eating birds) is _____ respectively in aquatic food chains if DDT is 0.003 pb in water.

a) 0.025 ppm, 25 ppm

b) 0.003 ppm, 2 ppm

c) 0.5 ppm, 2 ppm      

d) 0.04 ppm, 2 ppm

Answer : A

Question : The ‘Polyblend’ is a/ an

a) recycled modified plastic waste used for laying the roads.

b) electronic waste buried in the landfills.

c) plastic film- waste to make disinfectants.

d) fine powder of plastic waste used to make the plastic bags

Answer : B

Question :  The major source of noise pollution, world wide is due to

a) transport system

b) sugar, textile and paper industries

c) oil refineries and thermal power plants

d) office equipment

Answer : A

Question :  Which of the following in sewage treatment removes suspended solids?

a) Primary treatment

b) Sludge treatment

c) Sludge treatment

d) None of these

Answer : A

Question :  Nuisance growth of aquatic plants and bloom-forming algae in natural waters is generally due to high concentrations of

a) phosphorus

b) calcium

c) sulphur

d) carbon

Answer : A

Question :  Carbon dioxide is called green-house gas because it is

a) Transparent to sunlight but traps heat

b) Transparent to heat but traps sunlight

c) Transparent to heat but traps sunlight

d) None of these

Answer : A

Question : To improve the quality of environment (air, water and soil) the Govt. of India passed the ‘Environment (Protection) Act’ in year

a) 1981

b) 1986

c) 1987

d) 1974

Answer : B

Question : Which of the following minimum percentage of impurities by domestic sewage make the water unfit for human use ?

a) 1  

b) 5

c) 0.1

d) 0.5

Answer : C

Question :  The expanded form of DDT is

a) dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane

b) dichloro diethyl trichloroethane

c) dichloro dipyrydyl trichloroethane

d) dichloro diphenyl tetrachloroacetate

Answer : A

Question : Green-house effect is warming due to 

a) infra-red rays reaching earth

b) moisture layer in atmosphere

c) increase in temperature due to increase in carbon dioxide concentration of atmosphere

d) ozone layer of atmosphere 

Answer : C

Question : Ultraviolet radiations from sunlight cause a reaction which produces 

a) O3

b) SO2

c) CO

d) CH

Answer : A

Question : Atmosphere of big/metropolitan cities is polluted most by 

a) automobile exhausts

b) pesticide residue

c) household waste

d) radioactive fall-out 

Answer : A

Question : If the forest cover is reduced to half, what is most likely to happen on a long term basis?

a) Tribals living in these areas will starve to death

b) Cattle in these and adjoining areas will die due to lack of fodder

c) Large areas will become deserts 

d) Crop breeding programmes will suffer due to a reduced availability of variety of germplasm 

Answer : C

Question : In coming years, skin related disorders will be more common due to 

a) air pollution

b) use of detergents

c) water pollution

d) depletion of ozone layer 

Answer : D

Question : Carbon monoxide is a pollutant because

a) it reacts with O2

b) it inhibits glycolysis

c) it reacts with haemoglobin

d) it makes nervous system inactive 

Answer : C

Question : In 1984, Bhopal gas tragedy was caused due to the leakage of 

a) potassium isocyanate

b) sodium monoxide

c) sodium thiocyanate

d) methyl isocyanate 

Answer : D

Question : Fluoride pollution mainly affects 

a) teeth

b) kidney

c) brain

d) heart 

Answer : A

Question : Which of the following is not used for disinfection of drinking water? 

a) Phenyl

b) Chloramine

c) Chlorine

d) Ozone 

Answer : A

Question : Which of the following species of plant is considered as the world’s most problematic aquatic weed ?

a) Lantana

b) Eichhornia

c) Parthenium (carrot grass)

d) Brown algae

Answer : C


Question : FOAM (Friends of the Arcata Marsh) is a group of citizens responsible for the integrated process of

a) reducing eutrophication

b) sewage and water treatment

c) radio- active waste treatment

d) minimizing global warming

Answer : B

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Regular revision of MCQs given on studiestoday for UG subject Biology Unit V Ecology and environment can help you to score better marks in exams

What are MCQs for UG Biology Unit V Ecology and environment

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for Unit V Ecology and environment UG Biology are objective-based questions which provide multiple answer options, and students are required to choose the correct answer from the given choices.

Why are Unit V Ecology and environment important for UG students?

Learning Unit V Ecology and environment based MCQs will help students improve their overall understanding of important concepts and topics and help to score well in UG Biology exams.

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You can find CUET UG Biology Unit V Ecology and environment MCQs on educational websites like, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

How can I prepare for Unit V Ecology and environment UG MCQs?

To prepare for Unit V Ecology and environment MCQs, refer to the concepts links provided by our teachers and download sample papers for free.

Are there any online resources for CUET UG Biology Unit V Ecology and environment?

Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for UG Biology Unit V Ecology and environment

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