CUET Biology MCQs Unit IV Biotechnology and Its Applications

Refer to CUET Biology MCQs Unit IV Biotechnology and Its Applications provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for UG Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CUET, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for Unit IV Biotechnology and Its Applications are an important part of exams for UG Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CUET UG Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for UG Biology Unit IV Biotechnology and Its Applications

UG Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Unit IV Biotechnology and Its Applications in UG.

Unit IV Biotechnology and Its Applications MCQ Questions UG Biology with Answers

CUET Biology Biotechnology Principles and Processes MCQs

Question : ‘Restriction’ in Restriction enzyme refers to

(A) cleaving of phosphodiester bond in DNA by the enzyme.

(B) cutting of DNA at specific position only.

(C) prevention of the multiplication of bacteriophage in bacteria.

(D) All of the above. 

Answer : B

Question : Which of the following bacteria is not a source of restriction endonuclease?

(A) Haemophilus influenzae

(B) Escherichia coli

(C) Agrobacterium tumefaciens

(D) Bacillus amyloli 

Answer : C

Question : An enzyme catalysing the removal of nucleotides from the ends of DNA is

(A) endonuclease

(B) exonuclease

(C) DNA ligase.

(D) Hind – II. 

Answer : B

Question : Which of the following is a plasmid?

a) pBR 322

b) Bam H I

c) Sal I      

d) Eco RI

Answer : A

Question : Restriction endonuclease - Hind II always cuts DNA molecules at a particular point by recognizing a specific sequence of

a) six base pairs.  

b) five base pairs.

c) four base pairs.

d) seven base pairs.

Answer : A

Question :  The transfer of genetic material from one bacterium to another through the mediation of a vector like virus is termed as

a) Transduction

b) Conjugation

c) Transformation

d) Translation

Answer : A

Question :  In agarose gel electrophoresis, DNA molecules are separated on the basis of their

a) Size only

b) Charge to size ratio

c) All of the above

d) Charge only

Answer : A

Question :  The role of DNA ligase in the construction of a recombinant DNA molecule is

a) None of the above

b) Ligation of all purime and pyrimidine bases

c) Formation of hydrogen bonds between sticky ends of DNA fragments

d) Formation of phosphodiester bond between two DNA fragments

Answer : A

Question : Bt cotton genes repel

a) Insect pest

b) Nematode parasites

c) Fungal pathogens

d) None of these

Answer : A

Question :   Which of the following is a natural genetic engineer of plants ?

a) Yeast

b) Agrobacterium tumefaciens

c) E. coli

d) Mycoplasma

Answer : B

Question :  Which of the following bacteria is not a source of restriction endonuclease?

a) Agrobacterium tumefaciens

b) Escherichia coli

c) Haemophilus influenzae

d) Bacillius amyloli

Answer : A

Question :  GMO technology is useful for

a) All the above

b) Making crop more tolerant to abiotic stresses

c) Making crop more tolerant to abiotic stresses

d) Enhancing nutritional value of food

Answer : A

Question : The basis for DNA fingerprinting is  

a) occurrence of Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP)

b) phe noty pic   differences  between individuals

c) availability of cloned DNA

d) knowledge of human karyotype

Answer : A

Question : Plasmids are suitable vectors for gene clon- ing because  

a) these are small circular DNA molecules which can integrate with host chromo- somal DNA

b) these are small circular DNA molecules with their own replication origin site

c) these can shuttle between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

d) these often carry antibiotic resistance genes 

Answer : B

Question : Which one of the following is commonly used in transfer of foreign DNA into crop plants?       

a) Agrobacterium tumefaciens

b) Penicillium expansum

c) Trichoderma harzianum

d) Meloidogyne incognita

Answer : A

Question : Silencing of mRNA has been used in pro- ducing transgenic plants resistant to

a) Bacterial blights

b) Bollworms

c) Nematodes

d) White rusts

Answer : C

Question : What is it that forms the basis of DNA Fin- gerprinting ?             

a) The relative difference in the DNA occurrence in blood, skin and saliva

b) The relative amount of DNA in the ridges and grooves of the fingerprints

c) S ate llite DNA occur r ing a s highly repeated short DNA segments

d) The relative proportions of purines and pyrimidines in DNA

Answer : C

Question : While isolating DNA from bacteria, which of the following enzymes is not used?

(A) Lysozyme

(B) Ribonuclease

(C) Deoxyribonuclease

(D) Protease

Answer : C

Question : What is the criterion for DNA fragments movement on agarose gel during gel electrophoresis?

(A) The larger the fragment size, farther it moves.

(B) The smaller the fragment size, farther it moves.

(C) Positively charged fragment move to farther end.

(D) Negatively charged fragment do not move.

Answer : B

Question : Stirred-tank bioreactors have been designed for.

(A) Ensuring anaerobic conditions in culture vessel

(B) Purification of product

(C) Addition of preservatives to product

(D) Availability of oxygen throughout process.

Answer : D

Question : Restriction enzymes belong to a larger class of enzymes, which is called as 

a) ligases     

b) kinases

c) nucleases

d) polymerases

Answer : C

Question : Agarose extracted from sea weeds is used in

a) spectrophotometry

b) tissue culture

c) PCR     

d) gel electrophoresis

Answer : D

Question :  Which of the given statement is correct in the context of observing DNA separated by agarose gel electrophoresis?

a) Ethidium bromide stained DNA can be seen under exposure to UV light

b) Ethidium bromide stained DNA can be seen in visible light

c) DNA can be seen without staining in visible light

d) DNA can be seen in visible light

Answer : A

Question :  Bacteria protect themselves from viruses by fragmenting viral DNA with

a) Endonuclease

b) Exonuclease

c) Ligase

d) Gyrase

Answer : A

Question :   The first clinical application of gene therapy over a 4 year old girl was for

a) The first clinical application of gene therapy

b) Adenosine deficiency

c) Adenosine deficiency

d) None of these

Answer : A

Question : In genetic engineering, the antibiotics are used

a) as selectable markers.

b) to select healthy vectors.

c) to keep the cultures free of infection.

d) as sequences from where replication starts.

Answer : A

Question :   Which one of the following is used as vector for cloning genes into higher organisms?

a) Baculovirus

b) Salmonella typhimurium

c) Rhizopus nigricans

d) Retrovirus

Answer : D

Question :  A bacterial cell was transformed with a recombinant DNA that was generated using a human gene. However, the transformed cells did not produce the desired protein. Reasons could be

a) Human gene may have intron which bacteria cannot process

b) Amino acid codons for humans and bacteria are different

c) Human protein is formed but degraded by bacteria

d) All of the above

Answer : A

Question :  The genetic defect adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency may be cured permanently by

a) Introducing bone marrow cells producing (ADA) into cells at an early embryonic stages

b) None of these

c) Administrating adenosine deaminase activators

d) Enzyme replacement therapy 

Answer : A

Question : Recombinant DNA is obtained by cleaving the pro-DNA by   

a) primase

b) exonucleases

c) ligase

d) restriction endonuclease

Answer : D

Question : Maximum number of bases in plasmids dis- covered so far is            

a) 50 kilo base       

b)  500 kilo base

c) 5000 kilo base   

d) 5 kilo base

Answer : B

Question : Which one of the following is used as vector for cloning genes into higher organisms?

a) Baculovirus 

b) Salmonella typhimurium

c) Rhizopus nigricans

d) Retrovirus

Answer : D

Question : Which one of the following techniques made it possible to genetically engineer living or- ganisms 

a) Hybridization

b) Recombinant DNA techniques

c) X-ray diffraction

d) Heavier isotope labelling

Answer : B

Question : Biolistics (gene-gun) is suitable for

a) Transformation of plant cells

b) Constructing recombinant DNA by joining with vectors

c) DNA finger printing

d) Disarming pathogen vectors

Answer : A

Question : The correct order of step in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is :

(A) Extension, Denaturation, Annealing

(B) Denaturation, Annealing, Extension

(C) Denaturation, Extension, Annealing

(D) Annealing, Extension, Denaturation. 

Answer : B

Question : Significance of ‘heat shock’ method in bacterial transformation is to facilitate

(A) Binding of DNA to the cell wall.

(B) Uptake of DNA through membrane transport proteins.

(C) Uptake of DNA through transient pores in the bacterial cell wall.

(D) Expression of antibiotic resistance gene.

Answer : C

Question : The enzyme used for joining two DNA fragments is called

a) ligase

b) restriction endonuclease

c) DNA polymerase

d) gyrase

Answer : A

Question :  The most important feature in a plasmid to be used as a vector is:

a) Origin of replication (ori)

b) Presence of a selectable marker

c) Presence of sites for restriction endonuclease

d) Its size

Answer : A

Question :  Which technique made it possible to genetically engineering living organisms

a) Recombinant DNA techniques

b) Recombinant DNA techniques

c) Hybridisation

d) X-ray diffraction

Answer : A

Question : Which of the following are required to facilitate cloning into a vector ?

a) Origin of replication

b) Selectable marker

c) Cloning sites          

d) All of these

Answer : A

Question :  Who among the following was awarded the Nobel Prize for the\ development of PCR technique?

a) Kary Mullis

b) Arthur Kornberg

c) Hargovind Khurana

d) Herbert Boyer

Answer : A

Question : The restriction enzymes are used in genetic engineering, because 

a) they can degrade harmful proteins

b) they can join different DNA fragments

c) they can cut DNA at spe cific base sequence

d) they are nucleases that cut DNA at variable sites

Answer : A

Question : Plasmid is   

a) fragment of DNA which acts as vector

b) a fragment which joins two genes

c) mRNA which acts as carrier

d) autotrophic fragment

Answer : A

Question : Restriction endonucleases are enzymes which     

a) make cuts at specific positions within the DNA molecule

b) recognize a specific nucleotide sequence for binding of DNA ligase

c) restrict the action of the enzyme DNA polymerase

d) remove nucleotides from the ends of the DNA molecule

Answer : A

CUET Biology Principles of Inheritance and Variation MCQs

Question : Consumption of which one of the following foods can prevent the kind of blindness associated with vitamin ‘A’ deficiency?

a) ‘Flavr Savr’ tomato

b) Canolla

c) Golden rice           

d) Bt-Brinjal

Answer : C

Question : Cry-genes have been introduced in

a) cotton and corn         

b) rice

c) potato and soyabean

d) all of the above

Answer : D

Question : C-peptide of human insulin is

a) a part of mature insulin molecule.

b) responsible for formation of disulphide bridges.

c) removed during maturation of pro-insulin to insulin.

d) responsible for its biological activity.

Answer : C

Question : α - 1 antitrypsin is :

a) Used to treat emphysema

b) Used to treat arthritis

c) An enzyme

d) An antacid

Answer : A

Question :  Restriction endonuclease is employed for cutting

a) Double strand DNA

b) RNA fragment

c) mRNA

d) A single strand DNA

Answer : A

Question :  The site of production of ADA in the body is

a) Lymphocytes

b) Bone marrow

c) Blood plasma

d) Monocytes

Answer : A

Question :  Clot buster obtained from Streptococcus and modified by genetic engineering is

a) Streptokinase

b) Penicillin

c) Cyclosporin A

d) Statins

Answer : A

Question :  Which of the following is the quality of improved transgenic basmati rice?

a) Gives high yield and is rich in vitamin A

b) Does not require chemical fertilizers and growth hormones

c) Resistant to insects and diseases

d) Resistant to insects and diseases

Answer : A

Question :  The site of production of ADA in the body is

a) bone marrow

b) lymphocytes

c) blood plasma

d) monocytes

Answer : B

Question : The protein a-1 antitrypsin is used to treat the

a) cancer                    

b) rheumatoid arthritis

c) Alzheimer’s disease

d) emphysema

Answer : D

Question: Silencing of a gene could be achieved through the use of

a) by both

b) none of the above

c) antisense RNA

d) short interfering RNA (RNAi

Answer : A

Question : The transgenic animals are those which have 

a) foreign DNA in some of its cells

b) foreign DNA in all its cells

c) foreign RNA in all its cells

d) DNA and RNA both in the cells

Answer : B

Question : Golden rice is a transgenic crop of the future with the following improved trait 

a) high lysine (essential amino acid) content

b) insect resistance

c) high protein content

d) high vitamin-A content

Answer : D

Question : The genetic defect - adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency may be cured permanently by    

a) introducing bone marrow cells produc- ing ADA into cells at early embryonic stages.

b) enzyme replacement therapy.

c) periodic infusion of genetically engi- neered lymphocytes having functional ADA cDNA.

d) administering adenosine deaminase activators.

Answer : C

Question : An improved variety of transgenic basmati rice   

a) does not require chemical fertilizers and growth hormones

b) gives high yield and is rich in vitamin A

c) is completely resistant to all insect pests and diseases of paddy

d) gives high yield but has no characteristic aroma

Answer : C

Question : Consumption of which one of the following foods can prevent the kind of blindness as- sociated with vitamin ‘A’ deficiency  

a) Golden rice

b) Bt-Brinjal

c) Flaver Savr tomato

d) Canolla

Answer : A

Question : Which body of the Government of India regu- lates GM research and safety of introducing GM organisms for public services ?

a) Indian Council of Agricultural Research

b) Genetic Engineering Approval Committee

c) Research  Committeeon  Genetic Manipulation

d) Bio-safety committee

Answer : B

Question : Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) strains have been used for designing novel

a) bio-fertilizers

b) bio-metallurgical techniques

c) bio-mineralization processes

d) bio-insecticidal plants

Answer : D

Question : Bt toxin is harmful to insects like

a) lepidoterans (tobacco budworm, armyworms)

b) coleopterans (beetles)

c) dipterans (flies and mosquito)

d) all of the above

Answer : D

Question :  GEAC stands for

a) Genetic Engineering Approval Committee

b) Genetic and Environment Approval committee

c) Ground Environment Action Committee

d) Genome Engineering Action Committee

Answer : A

Question :  Production of human protein in bacteria by genetic engineering is possible because

a) Genetic code is universal

b) Bacterial cell can undertake RNA splicing

c) Mechanism of gene regulation is identical in humn and bacteria

d) None of these

Answer : A

Question :  The trigger for activation of toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis is

a) Alkaline pH of gut

b) Mechanical action in the insect gut

c) High temperature

d) Acidic pH of stomach

Answer : A

Question :  The first human drug made using recombinant DNA technology was

a) glyphosatase

b) TPA

c) insulin           

d) erythropoietin

Answer : C

Question : DNA or RNA segment tagged with a radioactive molecule is called ___________ .

a) vector

b) probe

c) clone 

d) plasmid

Answer : B

Question: In RNAi, genes are silenced using

a) ds RNA

b) ss RNA

c) ds DNA

d) ss DNA

Answer : A

Question: What is true of Bt toxin?

a) The inactive protoxin get converted into active form in the insect gut

b) Bt protein exists as active toxin in bacillus

c) The concerned bacillus has antitoxins

d) None of these

Answer : A

Question : Production of a human protein in bacteria by genetic engineering is possible because

a) bacterial cell can carry out the   RNA splicing reactions

b) the human chromosome can replicate in bacterial cell

c) the mechanism of gene regulation is identical in humans and bacteria

d) the genetic code is universal

Answer : D

Question : The genetically-modified (GM) brinjal in India has been developed for          

a) Insect-resistance

b) Enhancing self life

c) Enhancing mineral content

d) Drought-resistance

Answer : A

Question : Maximum number of existing transgenic animals is of

a) Fish

b) Mice

c) Cow

d) Pig

Answer : B

Question : In Bt cotton, the Bt toxin present in plant tis- sue as pro-toxin is converted into active toxin due to :-        

a) Acidic pH of the insect gut

b) Action of gut micro-organisms

c) Presence of conversion factors in insect gut

d) Alkaline pH of the insect gut

Answer : D

Question : Bt toxin kill the larvae of certain insects

a) by binding of activated toxin on mid gut epithelial cells, creating pores, leading to swelling and lysis.

b) by stopping transcription of larval cells.

c) by altering central dogma taking place in the cells of gut of larva.

d) by stopping protein synthesis.

Answer : A

Question : Tobacco plants resistant to a nematode have been developed by the introduction of DNA that produced (in the host cells)

a) both sense and anti-sense RNA.

b) a particular hormone.

c) an antifeedant.

d) a toxic protein.

Answer : A

Question :  Which bacterium is used in the production of insulin by genetic engineering?

a) Escherichia

b) Mycobacterium

c) Rhizobium

d) Saccharomyces

Answer : A

Question :  Pathophysiology is the

a) Study of altered physiology of host

b) None of the above

c) Study of normal physiology of host

d) Study of physiology of pathogen

Answer : A

Question :  The first clinical gene therapy was given in 1990 to a 4 years old girl with enzyme deficiency of

a) adenosine deaminase (ADA)

b) tyrosine oxidase

c) monamine oxidase

d) glutamate dehydrogenase

Answer : A

Question : Today, transgenic models exist for many human diseases which includes

(i) Cancer                         (ii) Cystic fibrosis

(iii) Rheumatoid arthritis (iv) Alzhiemer’s disease

a) (i) and (iii) only        

b) (ii) and (iii) only

c) (i), (ii) and (iii) only  

d) all of these

Answer : D

Question: In genetics engineering which is used for transfer of genes from one cell to another

a) Vector

b) Probe

c) Virus

d) Plasmid

Answer : A

Question : The first successfully cloned mammals (ani- mal) that gained worldwide publicity was 

a) Molly (a sheep)       

b)  Polly (a sheep)

c) Chance (a bull)

d) Dolly (a sheep)

Answer : D

Question : Transgenic plants are the ones            

a) produced after protoplast fusion in arti- ficial medium.

b) grown in artificial medium after hybrid- ization in the field.

c) produced by a somatic embryo in artifi- cial medium.

d) generated by introducing foreign DNA in to a cell and regenerating a plant from that cell.

Answer : D

Question : The process of RNA interference has been used in the development of plants resistant to

a) Nematodes

b) Fungi

c) Viruses

d) Insects

Answer : A

Question : Golden rice is a genetically modified crop plant where the incorporated gene is meant for biosynthesis of :       

a) Vitamin A            

b)  Vitamin B

c) Vitamin C

d) Omega 3

Answer : A

Question : RNA interference (RNAi) technique has been devised to protect the plants from nematode is silenced by ______produced by the host plant

a) dsDNA

b) ssDNA

c) dsRNA

d) target proteins

Answer : C

Question :  ———– is used as a vector for cloning into higher organisms

a) Retrovirus

b) Baculovirus

c) Salmonella typhimurium

d) All of these

Answer : A

Question :  Restriction enzymes are also called

a) Molecular scissors

b) Carriers

c) Vectors

d) Molecular makers

Answer : A

Question : In some children, ADA deficiency can be cured by

a) bone marrow transplantation

b) enzyme replacement therapy

c) both a) and b)

d) none of the above

Answer : C

Question: The first clinical gene therapy was done for the treatment of

a) SCID (Servere Combined Immuno Deficiency resulting form deficiency of ADA)

b) Cystic fibrosis

c) Cancer


Answer : A

Question : Genetically engineered bacteria have been successfully used in the commercial produc- tion of     

a) human insulin     

b)  testosterone

c) thyroxine           

d) melatonin

Answer : A

Question : Some of the characteristics of Bt cotton are 

a) Long fibre and resistance to aphids

b) Medium yield, long fibre and resistance to beetle pests

c) high yield and production of toxic protein crystals which kill dipteran pests

d) High yield and resistance to bollworms

Answer : D

Question : The crops engineered for glyphosate are re- sistant/ tolerant to :- 

a) Bacteria  

b)  Insects

c) Herbicides        

d) Fungi

Answer : C


Question : The genetically-modified (GM) brinjal in India has been developed for

a) insect-resistance

b) enhancing shelf life

c) enhancing mineral content

d) drought-resistance

Answer : A


Question :  Some of the characteristics of Bt cotton are

a) High yield and production of toxic proteins ceystals which kill dipteran pests

b) High yield and resistance to bollworms

c) High yield and resistance to bollworms

d) All of these

Answer : A


Question :  E. coli are used in production of

a) rifampicin

b) LH

c) ecdysone

d) interferon

Answer : D


Question: ADA is an enzyme which is deficient in a genetic disorder SCID. What is the full form of ADA?

a) Adenosine deaminase

b) Aspartate deaminase

c) Arginine deaminase

d) Adenosine deoxy aminase

Answer : A

Question : Producing a giant mouse in the laboratory was possible through    

a) gene mutation

b) gene manipulation

c) gene synthesis

d) gene duplication

Answer : A

Question : What is true about Bt toxin?      

a) The activated toxin enters the ovaries of the pest to sterilise it and thus prevent its multiplication.

b) The concerned Bacillus has antitoxins.

c) The inactive protoxin gets converted into active form in the insect gut.

d) Bt protein exists as active toxin in the Bacillus.

Answer : C

Question : The first human hormone produced by re- combinant DNA technology is -

a) Insulin               

b)  Estrogen

c) Thyroxine     

d) Progesterone

Answer : A

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