Please refer to CBSE Class 11 Biology HOTs Animal Kingdom. Download HOTS questions and answers for Class 11 Biology. Read CBSE Class 11 Biology HOTs for Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom below and download in pdf. High Order Thinking Skills questions come in exams for Biology in Class 11 and if prepared properly can help you to score more marks. You can refer to more chapter wise Class 11 Biology HOTS Questions with solutions and also get latest topic wise important study material as per NCERT book for Class 11 Biology and all other subjects for free on Studiestoday designed as per latest CBSE, NCERT and KVS syllabus and pattern for Class 11
Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom Class 11 Biology HOTS
Class 11 Biology students should refer to the following high order thinking skills questions with answers for Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom in Class 11. These HOTS questions with answers for Class 11 Biology will come in exams and help you to score good marks
HOTS Questions Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom Class 11 Biology with Answers
MCQ Questions for NCERT Class 11 Biology Animal Kingdom
Ques. Metagenesis refers to
(a) occurrence of a drastic change in form during post-embryonic development
(b) presence of a segmented body and parthenogenetic mode of reproduction
(c) presence of different morphic forms
(d) alternation of generation between asexual and sexual phases of an organism.
Answer: D
Ques. A jawless fish, which lays eggs in fresh water and whose ammocoetes larvae after metamorphosis return to the ocean is
(a) Neomyxine
(b) Petromyzon
(c) Eptatretus
(d) Myxine.
Answer: B
Ques. Which of the following endoparasites of humans does show viviparity?
(a) Trichinella spiralis
(b) Ascaris lumbricoides
(c) Ancylostoma duodenale
(d) Enterobius vermicularis
Answer: A
Ques. Which of the following animals is not viviparous?
(a) Platypus
(b) Whale
(c) Flying fox (Bat)
(d) Elephant
Answer: A
Ques. Which of the following characteristics is mainly responsible for diversification of insects on land?
(a) Exoskeleton
(b) Eyes
(c) Segmentation
(d) Bilateral symmetry
Answer: A
Ques. Select the taxon mentioned that represents both marine and fresh water species.
(a) Echinoderms
(b) Ctenophora
(c) Cephalochordata
(d) Cnidaria
Answer: D
Ques. Planaria possesses high capacity of
(a) metamorphosis
(b) regeneration
(c) alternation of generation
(d) bioluminescence.
Answer: B
Ques. A marine cartilaginous fish that can produce electric current is
(a) Pristis
(b) Torpedo
(c) Trygon
(d) Scoliodon.
Answer: B
Ques. Which of the following are correctly matched with respect to their taxonomic classification?
(a) House fly, butterfly, – Insecta
tse-tse fly, silver fish
(b) Spiny anteater, sea – Echinodermata
urchin, sea cucumber
(c) Flying fish, cuttle fish, – Pisces
silver fish
(d) Centipede, millipede, – Insecta
spider, scorpion
Answer: A
Ques. Which group of animals belong to the same phylum?
(a) Prawn, Scorpion, Locusta
(b) Sponge, Sea anemone, Starfish
(c) Malarial parasite, Amoeba, Mosquito
(d) Earthworm, Pinworm, Tapeworm
Answer: A
Ques. Match the name of the animal (column I), with one characteristic (column II) and the phylum/ class (column III) to which it belongs.
Column I Column II Column III
(a) Limulus Body covered by chitinous Pisces
(b) Adamsia Radially symmetrical Porifera
(c) Petromyzon Ectoparasite Cyclostomata
(d) Ichthyophis Terrestrial Reptilia
Answer: C
Ques. One of the representatives of Phylum Arthropoda is
(a) puffer fish
(b) flying fish
(c) cuttle fish
(d) silver fish.
Answer: D
Ques. The characteristics of Class Reptilia are
(a) body covered with moist skin which is devoid of scales, the ear is represented by a tympanum, alimentary canal, urinary and reproductive tracts open into a common cloaca
(b) fresh water animals with bony endoskeleton, airbladder to regulate buoyancy
(c) marine animals with cartilaginous endoskeleton, body covered with placoid scales
(d) body covered with dry and cornified skin, scales over the body are epidermal, they do not have external ears.
Answer: D
Ques. Which one of the following groups of animals reproduces only by sexual means?
(a) Cnidaria
(b) Porifera
(c) Protozoa
(d) Ctenophor
Answer: D
Ques. Which one of the following animals is correctly matched with its one characteristic and the taxon?
Animal Characteristic Taxon
(a) Millipede Ventral nerve cord Arachnida
(b) Sea anemone Triploblastic Cnidaria
(c) Silver fish Pectoral and pelvic fin Chordata
(d) Duckbilled platypus Oviparous Mammalia
Answer: D
Ques. Sharks and dogfishes differ from skates and rays because
(a) gill slits are ventrally placed
(b) head and trunk are widened considerably
(c) distinct demarcation between body and tail
(d) their pectoral fins distinctly marked off from cylindrical bodies.
Answer: D
Ques. In which one of the following, the genus name, its two characters and its phylum are not correctly matched, whereas the remaining three are correct?
(a) Pila (i) Body segmented Mollusca
(ii) Mouth with radula
(b) Asterias (i) Spiny skinned Echinodermata
(ii) Water vascular system
(c) Sycon (i) Pore bearing Porifera
(ii) Canal system
(d) Periplaneta (i) Jointed appendages Arthropoda
(ii) Chitinous exoskeleton
Answer: A
Ques. Which one of the following pairs of animals are similar to each other pertaining to the feature stated against them?
(a) Pteropus and - Viviparity
(b) Garden lizard and - Three chambered
crocodile heart
(c) Ascaris and - Metameric
Ancylostoma segmentation
(d) Sea horse and - Cold blooded
flying fish (poikilothermal)
Answer: D
Ques. Which one of the following categories of animals, is correctly described with no single exception in it?
(a) All reptiles possess scales, have a three chambered heart and are cold blooded (poikilothermal).
(b) All bony fishes have four pairs of gills and an operculum on each side.
(c) All sponges are marine and have collared cells.
(d) All mammals are viviparous and possess diaphragm for breathing.
Answer: B
Ques. What will you look for to identify the sex of the following?
(a) Female Ascaris-sharply curved posterior end
(b) Male frog- a copulatory pad on the first digit of the hind limb
(c) Female cockroach-anal cerci
(d) Male shark-claspers borne on pelvic fins
Answer: D
Ques. Which one of the following groups of animals is correctly matched with its characteristic feature without any exception?
(a) Reptilia : possess 3-chambered heart with an incompletely divided ventricle
(b) Chordata : possess a mouth with an upper and a lower jaw
(c) Chondrichthyes : possess cartilaginous endoskeleton
(d) Mammalia : give birth to young ones
Answer: C
Ques. Which one of the following statements is totally wrong about the occurrence of notochord, while the other three are correct?
(a) It is present only in larval tail in ascidian.
(b) It is replaced by a vertebral column in adult frog.
(c) It is absent throughout life in humans from the very beginning.
(d) It is present throughout life in Amphioxus.
Answer: C
Ques. One example of animals having a single opening to the outside that serves both as mouth as well as anus is
(a) Octopus
(b) Asterias
(c) Ascidia
(d) Fasciola.
Answer: D
Ques. Which one of the following statements about all the four of Spongilla, leech, dolphin and penguin is correct?
(a) Penguin is homoiothermic while the remaining three are poikilothermic.
(b) Leech is a fresh water form while all others are marine.
(c) Spongilla has special collared cells called choanocytes, not found in the remaining three.
(d) All are bilaterally symmetrical.
Answer: C
Ques. In which one of the following organisms its excretory organs are correctly stated?
(a) Humans – Kidneys, sebaceous glands and tear glands
(b) Earthworm – Pharyngeal, integumentary and septal nephridia
(c) Cockroach – Malpighian tubules and enteric caeca
(d) Frog – Kidneys, skin and buccal epithelium
Answer: B
Animal Kingdom
Questions. Why are echinoderms considered closer to chordates than any other phylum? (1)
Answer: Because like chordates they are also deuterostomes where the anal region develops earlier than the mouth part.
Questions. Endoparasites are found inside the host body. Mention the special structures possessed by these to enable them to survive in those conditions. (2)
Answer: Hooks and suckers, dorsoventrally flattened body, high reproductive potential, indirect development
Questions. Fill up the blank spaces appropriately. (2)
Answer: a-Malphigian tubules, b-open, c-Annelida, d-kidneys.
Questions.On a morning walk with your friend you came across an animal which looks like a snake. But on watching it closely, your friend says it is an earthworm. What helped him in identifying it as an earthworm? (3)
Answer: Body elongated and metamerically segmented, presence of prostomium, characteristic mode of locomotion.
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HOTS for Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom Biology Class 11
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 11 Biology to develop the Biology Class 11 HOTS. If you download HOTS with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 11 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. High Order Thinking Skills questions practice of Biology and its study material will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. You can easily download and save all HOTS for Class 11 Biology also from without paying anything in Pdf format. After solving the questions given in the HOTS which have been developed as per latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 11 Biology designed by our teachers. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 11 Biology in the HOTS so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 11 Biology MCQ Test for the same chapter
You can download the CBSE HOTS for Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom for latest session from
Yes, the HOTS issued by CBSE for Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom have been made available here for latest academic session
HOTS stands for "Higher Order Thinking Skills" in Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom Class 11 Biology. It refers to questions that require critical thinking, analysis, and application of knowledge
Regular revision of HOTS given on studiestoday for Class 11 subject Biology Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom can help you to score better marks in exams
Yes, HOTS questions are important for Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom Class 11 Biology exams as it helps to assess your ability to think critically, apply concepts, and display understanding of the subject.