Read and download NCERT Book Class 12 History Bricks Beads and Bones The Harappan Civilisation in NCERT book for Class 12 History. You can download latest NCERT books PDF chapterwise free from This History textbook for Class 12 is designed by NCERT and is very useful for students. Please also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 12 History to understand the answers of the exercise questions given at the end of this chapter
NCERT Book for Class 12 History Theme I Chapter 1 Bricks, Beads and Bones The Harappan Civilisation
Class 12 History students should refer to the following NCERT Book Theme I Chapter 1 Bricks, Beads and Bones The Harappan Civilisation in Class 12. This NCERT Book for Class 12 History will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Theme I Chapter 1 Bricks, Beads and Bones The Harappan Civilisation NCERT Book Class 12
Click on the view or download PDF button below to access the Theme I Chapter 1 Bricks, Beads and Bones The Harappan Civilisation Class 12 History book. All History Class 12 NCERT books have been divided into various chapters so that you can download and read them easily. Refer to the section below to access more books of History in Class 12.
The Harappan seal (Fig.1.1) is possibly the most distinctive artefact of the Harappan or Indus valley civilisation. Made of a stone called steatite, seals like this one often contain animal motifs and signs from a script that remains undeciphered. Yet we know a great deal about the lives of the people who lived in the region from what they left behind – their houses, pots, ornaments, tools and seals – in other words, from archaeological evidence. Let us see what we know about the Harappan civilisation, and how we know about it. We will explore how archaeological material is interpreted and how interpretations sometimes change. Of course, there are some aspects of the civilisation that are as yet unknown and may even remain so.
1. Beginnings
There were several archaeological cultures in the region prior to the Mature Harappan. These cultures were associated with distinctive pottery, evidence of agriculture and pastoralism, and some crafts. Settlements were generally small, and there were virtually no large buildings. It appears that there was a break between the Early Harappan and the Harappan civilisation, evident from large-scale burning at some sites, as well as the abandonment of certain settlements.
2. Subsistence Strategies
If you look at Maps 1 and 2 you will notice that the Mature Harappan culture developed in some of the areas occupied by the Early Harappan cultures. These cultures also shared certain common elements including subsistence strategies. The Harappans ate a wide range of plant and animal products, including fish. Archaeologists have been able to reconstruct dietary practices from finds of charred grains and seeds. These are studied by archaeo-botanists, who are specialists in ancient plant remains. Grains found at Harappan sites include wheat, barley, lentil, chickpea and sesame. Millets are found from sites in Gujarat. Finds of rice are relatively rare. Animal bones found at Harappan sites include those of cattle, sheep, goat, buffalo and pig. Studies done by archaeo-zoologists or zooarchaeologists indicate that these animals were domesticated.
Bones of wild species such as boar, deer and gharial are also found. We do not know whether the Harappans hunted these animals themselves or obtained meat from other hunting communities. Bones of fish and
fowl are also found.
1. List the items of food available to people in Harappan cities. Identify the groups who would have provided these.
2. How do archaeologists trace socio-economic differences in Harappan society? What are the differences that they notice?
3. Would you agree that the drainage system in Harappan cities indicates town planning? Give reasons for your answer.
4. List the materials used to make beads in the Harappan civilisation. Describe the process by which any one kind of bead was made.
5. Look at Fig. 1.30 and describe what you see. ow is the body placed? What are the objects placed near it? Are there any artefacts on the body? Do these indicate the sex of the skeleton?
6. Describe some of the distinctive features of Mohenjodaro.
7. List the raw materials required for craft production in the Harappan civilisation and discuss how these might have been obtained.
8. Discuss how archaeologists reconstruct the past.
Please refer to attached file for NCERT Class 12 History Bricks, Beads And Bones(The Harappan Civilisation)
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NCERT Book Class 12 History Theme I Chapter 1 Bricks, Beads and Bones The Harappan Civilisation
The above NCERT Books for Class 12 History Theme I Chapter 1 Bricks, Beads and Bones The Harappan Civilisation have been published by NCERT for latest academic session. The textbook by NCERT for Theme I Chapter 1 Bricks, Beads and Bones The Harappan Civilisation History Class 12 is being used by various schools and almost all education boards in India. Teachers have always recommended students to refer to Theme I Chapter 1 Bricks, Beads and Bones The Harappan Civilisation NCERT etextbooks as the exams for Class 12 History are always asked as per the syllabus defined in these ebooks. These Class 12 Theme I Chapter 1 Bricks, Beads and Bones The Harappan Civilisation book for History also includes collection of question. Along with History Class 12 NCERT Book in Pdf for Theme I Chapter 1 Bricks, Beads and Bones The Harappan Civilisation we have provided all NCERT Books in English Medium for Class 12 which will be really helpful for students who have opted for english language as a medium. Class 12 students will need their books in English so we have provided them here for all subjects in Class 12. You can download free NCERT History Class 12 Textbook PDF and all chapters by clicking on the links above
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