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NCERT Book for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 1 The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse
Class 11 English students should refer to the following NCERT Book Snapshots Chapter 1 The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse in Class 11. This NCERT Book for Class 11 English will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Snapshots Chapter 1 The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse NCERT Book Class 11
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The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse
ONE day back there in the good old days when I was nine and the world was full of every imaginable kind of magnificence, and life was still a delightful and mysterious dream, my cousin Mourad, who was considered crazy by everybody who knew him except me, came to my house at four in the morning and woke me up tapping on the window of my room. Aram, he said.
I jumped out of bed and looked out of the window. I couldn’t believe what I saw.
It wasn’t morning yet, but it was summer and with daybreak not many minutes around the corner of the world it was light enough for me to know I wasn’t dreaming. My cousin Mourad was sitting on a beautiful white horse. I stuck my head out of the window and rubbed my eyes. Yes, he said in Armenian. It’s a horse. You’re not dreaming. Make it quick if you want to ride. I knew my cousin Mourad enjoyed being alive more thananybody else who had ever fallen into the world by mistake, but this was more than even I could believe.
In the first place, my earliest memories had been memories of horses and my first longings had been longings to ride. This was the wonderful part. In the second place, we were poor. This was the part that wouldn’t permit me to believe what I saw. We were poor. We had no money. Our whole tribe was povertystricken. Every branch of the Garoghlanian1 family was living in the most amazing and comical poverty in the world. Nobody could understand where we ever got money enough to keep us with food in our bellies, not even the old men of the family. Most important of all, though, we were famous for our honesty. We had been famous for our honesty for something like eleven centuries, even when we had been the wealthiest family in what we liked to think was the world. We were proud first, honest next, and after that we believed in right and wrong. None of us would take advantage of anybody in the world, let alone steal. Consequently, even though I could see the horse, so
magnificent; even though I could smell it, so lovely; even though I could hear it breathing, so exciting; I couldn’t believe the horse had anything to do with my cousin Mourad or with me or with any of the other members of our family, asleep or awake, because I knew my cousin Mourad couldn’t have bought the horse, and if he couldn’t have bought it he must have stolen it, and I refused to believe he had stolen it.
No member of the Garoghlanian family could be a thief.
I stared first at my cousin and then at the horse. There was a pious stillness and humour in each of them which on the one hand delighted me and on the other frightened me. Mourad, I said, where did you steal this horse? Leap out of the window, he said, if you want to ride. It was true, then. He had stolen the horse. There was no question about it. He had come to invite me to ride or not, as I chose. Well, it seemed to me stealing a horse for a ride was not the same thing as stealing something else, such as money. For all I knew, maybe it wasn’t stealing at all. If you were crazy about 1 an horses the way my cousin Mourad and I were, it wasn’t stealing. It wouldn’t become stealing until we offered to sell the horse, which of course, I knew we would never do. Let me put on some clothes, I said. All right, he said, but hurry. I leaped into my clothes.
I jumped down to the yard from the window and leaped up onto the horse behind my cousin Mourad. That year we lived at the edge of town, on Walnut Avenue. Behind our house was the country: vineyards, orchards, irrigation ditches, and country roads. In less than three minutes we were on Olive Avenue, and then the horse began to trot. The air was new and lovely to breathe. The feel of the horse running was wonderful. My cousin Mourad who was considered one of the craziest members of our family began to sing. I mean, he began to roar.
1. You will probably agree that this story does not have breathless adventure and exciting action. Then whatin your opinion makes it interesting?
2. Did the boys return the horse because they were conscience-stricken or because they were afraid?
3. “One day back there in the good old days when I was nine and the world was full of every imaginable kind of magnificence, and life was still a delightful and mysterious dream...” The story begins in a mood of nostalgia. Can you narrate some incident from your childhood that might make an interesting story?
4. The story revolves around characters who belong to a tribe in Armenia. Mourad and Aram are members of the Garoghlanian family. Now locate Armenia and Assyria on the atlas and prepare a write-up on the Garoghlanian tribes. You may write about people, their names, traits, geographical and economic features as suggested in the story.
Please refer to attached file for NCERT Class 11 English The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse
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NCERT Book Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 1 The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse
The above NCERT Books for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 1 The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse have been published by NCERT for latest academic session. The textbook by NCERT for Snapshots Chapter 1 The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse English Class 11 is being used by various schools and almost all education boards in India. Teachers have always recommended students to refer to Snapshots Chapter 1 The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse NCERT etextbooks as the exams for Class 11 English are always asked as per the syllabus defined in these ebooks. These Class 11 Snapshots Chapter 1 The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse book for English also includes collection of question. Along with English Class 11 NCERT Book in Pdf for Snapshots Chapter 1 The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse we have provided all NCERT Books in English Medium for Class 11 which will be really helpful for students who have opted for english language as a medium. Class 11 students will need their books in English so we have provided them here for all subjects in Class 11. You can download free NCERT English Class 11 Textbook PDF and all chapters by clicking on the links above
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