NCERT Book Class 10 Science Light Reflection and Refraction

Read and download NCERT Book Class 10 Science Light Reflection and Refraction in NCERT book for Class 10 Science. You can download latest NCERT books PDF chapterwise free from This Science textbook for Class 10 is designed by NCERT and is very useful for students. Please also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 10 Science to understand the answers of the exercise questions given at the end of this chapter

NCERT Book for Class 10 Science Chapter 10 Light Reflection and Refraction

Class 10 Science students should refer to the following NCERT Book Chapter 10 Light Reflection and Refraction in Class 10. This NCERT Book for Class 10 Science will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Chapter 10 Light Reflection and Refraction NCERT Book Class 10

Click on the view or download PDF button below to access the Chapter 10 Light Reflection and Refraction Class 10 Science book. All Science Class 10 NCERT books have been divided into various chapters so that you can download and read them easily. Refer to the section below to access more books of Science in Class 10.

Light – Reflection and Refraction

We see a variety of objects in the world around us. However, we are unable to see anything in a dark room. On lighting up the room, things become visible. What makes things visible? During the day, the sunlight helps us to see objects. An object reflects light that falls on it. This reflected light, when received by our eyes, enables us to see things. We are able to see through a transparent medium as light is transmitted through it. There are a number of common wonderful phenomena associated with light such as image formation by mirrors, the twinkling of stars, the beautiful colours of a rainbow, bending of light by a medium and so on. A study of the properties of light helps us to explore them. By observing the common optical phenomena around us, we mayconclude that light seems to travel in straight lines. The fact that a small source of light casts a sharp shadow of an opaque object points to this straight-line path of light, usually indicated as a ray of light. In this Chapter, we shall study the phenomena of reflection and refraction of light using the straight-line propagation of light. These basic concepts will help us in the study of some of the optical phenomena in nature. We shall try to understand in this Chapter the reflection of light by spherical mirrors and refraction of light and their application in real life situations.


A highly polished surface, such as a mirror, reflects most of the light falling on it. You are already familiar with the laws of reflection of light. Let us recall these laws –

(i) The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, and

(ii) The incident ray, the normal to the mirror at the point of incidence and the reflected ray, all lie in the same plane.

These laws of reflection are applicable to all types of reflecting surfacesincluding spherical surfaces. You are familiar with the formation of image by a plane mirror. What are the properties of the image? Image formed by a plane mirror is always virtual and erect. The size of the image is equal to that of the object. The image formed is as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of it. Further, the image is laterally inverted. How would the images be when the reflecting surfaces are curved? Let us explore.


1. Define the principal focus of a concave mirror.

2. The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is 20 cm. What is its focal length?

3. Name a mirror that can give an erect and enlarged image of an object.

4. Why do we prefer a convex mirror as a rear-view mirror in vehicles?

5. Find the focal length of a convex mirror whose radius of curvature is 32 cm.

6. A concave mirror produces three times magnified (enlarged) real image of an object placed at 10 cm in front of it. Where is the image located?

7. A ray of light travelling in air enters obliquely into water. Does the light ray bend towards the normal or away from the normal? Why?

8. Light enters from air to glass having refractive index 1.50. What is the speed of light in the glass? The speed of light in vacuum is 3 × 108 m s–1.

9. Find out, from Table 10.3, the medium having highest optical density. Also find the medium with lowest optical density.

10. You are given kerosene, turpentine and water. In which of these does the light travel fastest? Use the information given in Table 10.3.

11. The refractive index of diamond is 2.42. What is the meaning of this statement?

12. Define 1 dioptre of power of a lens.

13. A convex lens forms a real and inverted image of a needle at a distance of 50 cm from it. Where is the needle placed in front of the convex lens if the image is equal to the size of the object? Also, find the power of the lens.

14. Find the power of a concave lens of focal length 2 m.

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NCERT Book Class 10 Science Chapter 10 Light Reflection and Refraction

The above NCERT Books for Class 10 Science Chapter 10 Light Reflection and Refraction have been published by NCERT for latest academic session. The textbook by NCERT for Chapter 10 Light Reflection and Refraction Science Class 10 is being used by various schools and almost all education boards in India. Teachers have always recommended students to refer to Chapter 10 Light Reflection and Refraction NCERT etextbooks as the exams for Class 10 Science are always asked as per the syllabus defined in these ebooks. These Class 10 Chapter 10 Light Reflection and Refraction book for Science also includes collection of question. Along with Science Class 10 NCERT Book in Pdf for Chapter 10 Light Reflection and Refraction we have provided all NCERT Books in English Medium for Class 10 which will be really helpful for students who have opted for english language as a medium. Class 10 students will need their books in English so we have provided them here for all subjects in Class 10. You can download free NCERT Science Class 10 Textbook PDF and all chapters by clicking on the links above

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Yes, the NCERT Book issued for Class 10 Science Chapter 10 Light Reflection and Refraction have been made available here for latest academic session

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