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Revision Notes for Class 12 Computer Science Database And SQL
Class 12 Computer Science students should refer to the following concepts and notes for Database And SQL in Class 12. These exam notes for Class 12 Computer Science will be very useful for upcoming class tests and examinations and help you to score good marks
Database And SQL Notes Class 12 Computer Science
This data type is used to store variable length strings of upto 2 GB size.
e.g description long;
To store binary data (images/pictures/animation/clips etc.) RAW or LONG RAW data type is used. A
column LONG RAW type can hold upto 2 GB of binary data.
e.g image raw(2000);
SQL Commands
a. CREATE TABLE Command:
Create table command is used to create a table in SQL. It is a DDL type of command. The general syntax of creating a table is
Creating Tables
The syntax for creating a table is
create table <table> (
<column 1> <data type> [not null] [unique] [<column constraint>],
. . . . . . . . .
<column n> <data type> [not null] [unique] [<column constraint>],
[<table constraint(s)>]
); For each column, a name and a data type must be specified and the column name must be unique within the table definition. Column definitions are separated by comma. Uppercase and lowercase letters makes no difference in column names, the only place where upper and lower case letters matter are strings comparisons. A not null Constraint means that the column cannot have null value, that is a value needs to be supplied for that column. The keyword unique specifies that no two tuples can have the same attribute value for this column.
Operators in SQL:
The following are the commonly used operators in SQL
1. Arithmetic Operators +, -, *, /
2. Relational Operators =, <, >, <=, >=, <>
3. Logical Operators OR, AND, NOT
Arithmetic operators are used to perform simple arithmetic operations.
Relational Operators are used when two values are to be compared and Logical operators are used to connect search conditions in the WHERE Clause in SQL.
Constraints are the conditions that can be enforced on the attributes of a relation. The constraints come in play when ever we try to insert, delete or update a record in a relation.
Not null ensures that we cannot leave a column as null. That is a value has to be supplied for that column.
e.g name varchar(25) not null;
Unique constraint means that the values under that column are always unique.
e.g Roll_no number(3) unique;
Primary key constraint means that a column can not have duplicate values and not even a null value.
e.g. Roll_no number(3) primary key;
The main difference between unique and primary key constraint is that a column specified as unique may have null value but primary key constraint does not allow null values in the column.
Foreign key is used to enforce referential integrity and is declared as a primary key in some other table.
e.g cust_id varchar(5) references master(cust_id);
it declares cust_id column as a foreign key that refers to cust_id field of table master. That means we
cannot insert that value in cust_id filed whose corresponding value is not present in cust_id field of master table.
Check constraint limits the values that can be inserted into a column of a table.
e.g marks number(3) check(marks>=0);
The above statement declares marks to be of type number and while inserting or updating the value in marks it is ensured that its value is always greater than or equal to zero.
Default constraint is used to specify a default value to a column of a table automatically. This default value will be used when user does not enter any value for that column.
e.g balance number(5) default = 0;
CREATE TABLE student (
Roll_ no number(3) primary key,
Name varchar(25) not null,
Class varchar(10),
Marks number(3) check(marks>0),
City varchar(25) );
Data Modifications in SQL
After a table has been created using the create table command, tuples can be inserted into the table,
or tuples can be deleted or modified.
INSERT Statement
The simplest way to insert a tuple into a table is to use the insert statement
insert into <table> [(<column i, . . . , column j>)] values (<value i, . . . , value j>);
INSERT INTO student VALUES(101,'Rohan','XI',400,'Jammu');
While inserting the record it should be checked that the values passed are of same data types as the one which is specified for that particular column.
For inserting a row interactively (from keyboard) & operator can be used.
e.g INSERT INTO student VALUES(&Roll_no’,’&Name’,’&Class’,’&Marks’,’&City’);
In the above command the values for all the columns are read from keyboard and inserted into the table student.
NOTE:- In SQL we can repeat or re-execute the last command typed at SQL prompt by typing “/” key and pressing enter.
To retrieve information from a database we can query the databases. SQL SELECT statement is used to select rows and columns from a database/relation.
SELECT Command
This command can perform selection as well as projection.
Selection: This capability of SQL can return you the tuples form a relation with all the attributes.
Projection: This is the capability of SQL to return only specific attributes in the relation.
* SELECT * FROM student; command will display all the tuples in the relation student
* SELECT * FROM student WHERE Roll_no <=102;
The above command display only those records whose Roll_no less than or equal to 102.
Select command can also display specific attributes from a relation.
* SELECT name, class FROM student;
The above command displays only name and class attributes from student table.
* SELECT count(*) AS “Total Number of Records” FROM student;
Display the total number of records with title as “Total Number of Records” i.e an alias We can also use arithmetic operators in select statement, like
* SELECT Roll_no, name, marks+20 FROM student;
* SELECT name, (marks/500)*100 FROM student WHERE Roll_no > 103;
Eliminating Duplicate/Redundant data
DISTINCT keyword is used to restrict the duplicate rows from the results of a SELECT statement.
e.g. SELECT DISTINCT name FROM student;
The above command returns
Aneeta Chopra
Pawan Kuma
Conditions based on a range
SQL provides a BETWEEN operator that defines a range of values that the column value must fall for the condition to become true.
e.g. SELECT Roll_no, name FROM student WHERE Roll_no BETWENN 100 AND 103;
The above command displays Roll_no and name of those students whose Roll_no lies in the range 100 to 103 (both 100 and 103 are included in the range).
Conditions based on a list
To specify a list of values, IN operator is used. This operator select values that match any value in the given list.
e.g. SELECT * FROM student WHERE city IN (‘Jammu’,’Amritsar’,’Gurdaspur’);
The above command displays all those records whose city is either Jammu or Amritsar or Gurdaspur.
Conditions based on Pattern
SQL provides two wild card characters that are used while comparing the strings with LIKE operator.
a. percent(%) Matches any string
b. Underscore(_) Matches any one character
e.g SELECT Roll_no, name, city FROM student WHERE Roll_no LIKE “%3”;
displays those records where last digit of Roll_no is 3 and may have any number of characters in front.
e.g SELECT Roll_no, name, city FROM student WHERE Roll_no LIKE “1_3”;
displays those records whose Roll_no starts with 1 and second letter may be any letter but ends with digit 3.
ORDER BY clause is used to display the result of a query in a specific order(sorted order).
The sorting can be done in ascending or in descending order. It should be kept in mind that the actual data in the database is not sorted but only the results of the query are displayed in sorted order.
e.g. SELECT name, city FROM student ORDER BY name;
The above query returns name and city columns of table student sorted by name in increasing/ascending order.
e.g. SELECT * FROM student ORDER BY city DESC;
It displays all the records of table student ordered by city in descending order.
Note:- If order is not specifies that by default the sorting will be performed in ascending order.
The GROUP BY clause can be used in a SELECT statement to collect data across multiple records and group the results by one or more columns.
The syntax for the GROUP BY clause is:
SELECT column1, column2, ... column_n, aggregate_function (expression)
FROM tables
WHERE conditions
GROUP BY column1, column2, ... column_n;
aggregate_function can be a function such as SUM, COUNT, MAX, MIN, AVG etc.
e.g SELECT name, COUNT(*) as "Number of employees"
FROM student
WHERE marks>350
GROUP BY city;
The HAVING clause is used in combination with the GROUP BY clause. It can be used in a SELECT statement to filter the records that a GROUP BY returns.
The syntax for the HAVING clause is:
SELECT column1, column2, ... column_n, aggregate_function (expression)
FROM tables
WHERE predicates
GROUP BY column1, column2, ... column_n
HAVING condition1 ... condition_n;
e.g SELECT SUM(marks) as "Total marks"
FROM student
GROUP BY department
HAVING SUM(sales) > 1000;
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CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Database And SQL Notes
We hope you liked the above notes for topic Database And SQL which has been designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 12 Computer Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 12 should download and practice the above notes for Class 12 Computer Science regularly. All revision notes have been designed for Computer Science by referring to the most important topics which the students should learn to get better marks in examinations. Our team of expert teachers have referred to the NCERT book for Class 12 Computer Science to design the Computer Science Class 12 notes. After reading the notes which have been developed as per the latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 12 Computer Science provided by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 12 Computer Science in the notes so that you can learn the concepts and also solve questions relating to the topics. We have also provided a lot of Worksheets for Class 12 Computer Science which you can use to further make yourself stronger in Computer Science.
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