CBSE Class 7 Social Science History New Kings and Kingdoms Assignment

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 7 Social Science History New Kings and Kingdoms Assignment. Get printable school Assignments for Class 7 Social Science. Class 7 students should practise questions and answers given here for Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms Social Science in Class 7 which will help them to strengthen their understanding of all important topics. Students should also download free pdf of Printable Worksheets for Class 7 Social Science prepared as per the latest books and syllabus issued by NCERT, CBSE, KVS and do problems daily to score better marks in tests and examinations

Assignment for Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms

Class 7 Social Science students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms in Class 7. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 7 Social Science will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms Class 7 Social Science Assignment


Question. The royal capital of Rashtrakutas was –
1] Kanauj
2] Vengi
3] Mathura
4] Malkhed
Answer : { 4 }

Question. The Tripartite struggle between the Pratiharas,Rashtrakutas and the Palas Was for control over the –
1] Kanauj
2] Ajmer
3] Delhi
4] Mathura
Answer : { 1 }

Question. Alberuni and Firdausi lived in the court of –
1] Muhammad Ghori
2] Prithviraj Chauhan
3] Mihir Bhoj
4] Mahmud of Ghazni
Answer : { 4 }

Question.Who composed Tahqiq- i- Hind –
1] Firdausi
2] Alberuni
3] Kamban
4] Chand Bardai
Answer : { 2 }

Question. Who constructed a rock-cut cave temples at Ellora and Elephanta –
1] Palas
2] Pratiharas
3] Chahamanas
4] Rashtrakutas
Answer : { 4 }


Question. Rajputra means……………… of a king.
Answer : son 

Question.………………….was the founder of Pala dynasty.
Answer : Gopala 

Question. The Pratihara dynasty reached a height under the rule of………….
Answer : Mihir Bhoja

Question. The Turkish king ……………was the ruler of Ghazni.
Answer : Firdausi

Question. …………….writings include shahnama,the biography of Mahmud.
Answer : Sabuktagin


Question. What does the word Rashtrakuta means ?
Answer : In Sanskrit the word Rashtra means territory and kuta means Chieftains.

Question. Name the four Rajput clans that established kingdoms in north India?
Answer : The four Rajput clans were Gurjara-Pratiharas of Kannauj , Chandelas Of Bundelkand , Solanki and Paramaras of malwa.

Question. Why did Mahmud of Ghazni attack India ?W
Answer : His invasions over places were under taken purely to capture the wealth and riches of the country. He attacked wealthy temples and took all the wealth to Ghazni.

Question. Who assumed the title of Gangaikonda, what does it mean ?
Answer : Rajendra Chola crossed the river Ganga and defeated the ruler of Bengal, Mahipala. He also assumed the title Gangaikonda. which means conquer-or of of the Ganga.


Question.What information does the Chola inscriptions give ?
Answer : Chola inscriptions are the main sources of information about the chola dynasty. These inscriptions provide informations about the military achievements of the ruler, donations and revenue collections. These inscriptions are carved on the stone walls of temples and on copper plates. Inscriptions also tell us about village assemblies , trade and crafts etc.

Question.What was the social life in Rajputs dynastyT ?
Answer : The Rajputs were kshatriyas and performed the duties of warriors. Rajputs along with the brahmanas enjoyed the highest position in the society.The vaishyas including merchants and trades also played an important role in the city administration. Polygamy was commonly practised in the society.


Question.Describe the village administration under the Cholas ?
Answer : The cholas had a highly organized administrative structure headed by the kings and a council of ministers to advise him. The chola empire was divided into provinces which were called mandalams. The manda- lams were further divided inti districts called valanadu. A group of vill- ages that consists of peasant families or vellalas formed the nadu. The brahmana village assembly was called the sabha and the vellala assembly was called the Ur.The sabha helped the king’s government in different ways like to measure the land that was under cultivation and collect land revenue. The sabha maintained roads,temples and water tanks and sett- led all disputes about land,water and irrigation.


1. Who were the Samantas?

2. Who wrote Kitab-al-Hind?

3. Who is the best known Chahamana Ruler?

4. Who composed the Prashastis?

5. Name the ruler who built the tower of Tanjavour.

6. What do you understand by the term brahmadeva?

7. Which famous inscription gives details of the Chola administration?

New kings and kingdoms

New kings and kingdoms

Short answer question

Question. Write………………..Bhoja-I?
• Bhoja-I was the most famous and able ruler of Gurjara-pratihara dynasty. He ruled from 836-885 AD.His empire stretched from Kashmir to Narmada and from Gujrat to Bengal.
• He captured kannauj and made it his capital. He adopted the title of ‘Adivaraha’.

Question. Discuss………………….Dynasty?
Answer: The Pala dynasty was founded by Gopala.His capital was at Pataliputra.’Dharamapala’ and ‘Devapala’ were the famous rulers of this dynasty.
• They ruled around the regions of Bihar, Bengal and parts of Orissa.
• The pala were great patrons of learning and religions

Question. State………………………..nagabhatta-1.
• NAgabhatta-I ruled from 725-750 AD in 738 AD he defeated the arab Muslims of Sind and pushed them back.
• Gurjara-partihara rose to power in area of Avanti or rajasthan and gujarat under him.

Question. How………………History
Answer: The defeat of Prithviraja Chauhan in second battle of Tarain is considered to be the turning point in Indian history because it resulted in the foundation of muslim in India.

Question. What……………………..Rashtrakutas?
Answer: Rashtrakuta rulers not on;y patronized Shaivism and Vaishnavism but also Jainism, Buddhism and Islam. In the field of literature they equally patronized Sanskrit , Prakrit ans kannada Language. The kailasa temple at ellora built by Krishna-I in 9th century is an Unrivalled and Magnificent piece of art.

Question. Name………………………….dynasty?
Answer: Types of land Vellanvagai, Brahmadeya, Shalabhoga, Devadana, Pallichchhandam

Question. What…………………………..Rajputs?
Answer: Causes for the defeat of the rajputs:
• They were always fighting with each other for the supremacy. These battle made them weak.
• The Turks were military superior to the Rajputs.
• The rulers had no standing armies. They had to depend on their feudal lords.

Long answer question

Question. Describe………………………?
Answer: The rulers belonging to the gurjara-partihara, Pala and rashtrakutas dynasties often fought especially fir the control over Kannauj.
• Kannauj was a symbol of sovereignty,it was well situated in the northern plains.
• AS a result whoever captured kannauj, could control the Ganga valley.
• Since there were three partied in this conflict, historians describe it as a ‘Tripartite Struggle’.

Question. How………………………….?
Answer: The Deccan was being ruled by the Rashtakutas.
They were initially subordinate to the Chalukyas.
• Dantidurga a Rasttrakuta chief declared independence from his chalukya overload, they performed a ritual called hiranya-garbha.Dantidurga became the founder of this dynasty.His capital was at Manyakheta or Malkhed.
• Dantidurga was succeeded by his uncle Krishna-I.He extended his kingdom upto Karnataka. Later his son Dhruva ascended the throne.
• Dhruvs succeede by Govinda –III they extended the empire futher. Rastrakutas ruler Krishna-III defeated the cholaruler..His armies reached upto Rameshwaram.

Question. Who……………………………….?
• Mahmud of Ghazni was sultan, ruled from 997-1030. He extended his conrol over parts of central asia, Iran and the north-western parts of the sub-continent.
• He raided the sub continent 17 times between 1000-1027 AB. He attract mainly temples and towns in northern india.
• This is because he had heard that there was lot of gold and jewellary kept in the temples of india.
• Some of his famous campaigns were against Nagarkot, Thaneshwar, Mathura and kannauj.
• His 15th invasion against the somnath temple in gujrat was the most disastrous one

Question. Give…………………………..?
• The village council had several administrative function including dispensing Justice and collecting taxes.
• Rich peasants of the Vellala caste exercised considerable control over the affairs under the supervision of the central government.
• The chola kings gave titles like Muvendavelan, Araiyar tp some rich landowners as markers of respect and entrusted them with important offices of the stae at the centers.

C. Give reasons

Question. Clash………………………………..?
Answer: In the first battle of Train(1191), prithviraja chauhan defeated Muhammad of Ghori. Later on Jaichand’s refusal to help Prithivirajain the second battle of Tarain 1192 was a major reason for the chauhan king’s defeat at the hands of ghori.

Question. Rastrakutas ………………………?
Answer: Rastrakuras rulers not only patronized shaivism and Vaishnavism, but also Jainism, Buddhism and Islam. The kailasa temple at Ellora built by Krishna-I in 9th century is
unrivalled and magnificent piece of art.

D. Distinguish between

1. Rastrakutas ans Palas

1. The Rashtrakutas dynasty was
founded by Dantidurga. His
capital was at Manyakheta or
1. The pala dynasty founded
by Gopala.his capital was at
2. They ruled over deccan. They
stretch their empire upto
2. They ruled around the
region of bihar, Bengal and
parts of Orissa.
3. The rulers of rashtrakutas
patronized shaivism and
vaishnavism but also Jainism,
Buddhism and islam.
3. During the pala regin the
fame of Nalanda university
spread all over the world.

B. Mahmud of Ghazni and Muhammad Ghori 

Mahmud of ghazniMuhammad Ghori
1. Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni ruled
from 997-1030. He extended his
control over parts of central asia
Iran and north-western parts of the
1. Shahabuddin Muhammad ghori was
the ruler of a small kingdom of ghor
in Afghanistan. 
2. He raided the sub continent 17
times between 1000-1027 AD.He
heard that there was a lot of gold and jewellery kept in the temples of India. 
2. He invaded India not just to plunder
the wealth of India but also to
establish Muslim rule in India.
3. Some of his famous campaigns
were against Nagarkot,
Thaneshwar, Mathura and
kannauj. His 15th Invasion against
the somnath temple in Gujarat was
the most disdtrous.
3. He was defeated by Prithiviraja
chauhan in first battle of tarain but in 1192 he defeated prithiviraja chauhan
and led the foundation of sultanate in

Q.1.Fill in the blanks

a. After the decline of Harsha’s empire the ___________________,a powerful Rajput dynasty rose to prominence in the North India.

b. _____________competed with the Palas and the Pratiharas of North India in the ________struggle.

c. The Rashtrakutas were overthrown in the tenth century by the ______________________________.

d. Those who received land grants became the king’s________________.

e. Temple authorities and Brahmans received grants of ________ lands

f. The great scholar _____________ came to India during Mahmud’s reign.

g. _______________conquered northern Sri lanka and established control over the__________and ____________ islands.

h ._________________meant who served the three royal houses of the Cholas, the Cheras and the Pandyas.

i. Rajendra Chola proclaimed himself _________________after he conquered the river Ganga.

j. A large town was treated as a separate kurram called a _____________.

Q.2.Name the following.

a. This was the land held by non-brahaman individuals

b. This place was situated in the heart of the Ganga plain.

c. He was the ruler who performed the ritual hiranyagarbha.

d. This was the capital of the Rashtrakutas.

e. Four Rajput clans.

f. Three important dynasties of Peninsular India.

g. The dynasties that fought for control over Kanuaj.

h. Land granted to Jain Institution was called by this name.

i. This was the capital of Cholas.

Q.3. Answer the following questions.

a. Who were samantas? What were their roles?

b. What led to the decline of the Gurjara –Pratiharas?

c. Why did Mahmud of Gazani attack temple towns in India?

d. Who were needed to pay the taxes?

e. How did temples help in Cholas’ administration?

f. How did land grants improve agriculture?

g. Write about the village administration of Cholas.

h. Compare the achievements of Rajaraja I and Rajendra Chola I.

i. Draw a flowchart of the administrative divisions of Cholas.

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CBSE Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms Assignment

We hope you liked the above assignment for Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms which has been designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 7 Social Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 7 should download and practice the above Assignments for Class 7 Social Science regularly. We have provided all types of questions like MCQs, short answer questions, objective questions and long answer questions in the Class 7 Social Science practice sheet in Pdf. All questions have been designed for Social Science by looking into the pattern of problems asked in previous year examinations. You can download all Revision notes for Class 7 Social Science also absolutely free of cost. Lot of MCQ questions for Class 7 Social Science have also been given in the worksheets and assignments for regular use. All study material for Class 7 Social Science students have been given on studiestoday. We have also provided lot of Worksheets for Class 7 Social Science which you can use to further make your self stronger in Social Science.

What are benefits of doing Assignment for CBSE Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms?

a. Score higher marks: Regular practice of Social Science Class 7 Assignments for chapter Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms will help to improve understanding and help in solving exam questions correctly.
b. As per CBSE pattern: All questions given above follow the latest Class 7 Social Science Sample Papers so that students can prepare as per latest exam pattern.
c. Understand different question types: These assignments include MCQ Questions for Class 7 Social Science with answers relating to Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms, short answers, long answers, and also case studies.
d. Improve time management: Daily solving questions from Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms within a set time will improve your speed and accuracy.
e. Boost confidence: Practicing multiple assignments and Class 7 Social Science mock tests for Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms reduces exam stress.

How to Solve CBSE Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms Assignment effectively?

a. Start with Class 7 NCERT and syllabus topics: Always read the chapter carefully before attempting Assignment questions for Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms.
b. Solve without checking answers: You should first attempt the assignment questions on Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms yourself and then compare with provided solutions.
c. Use Class 7 worksheets and revision notes: Refer to NCERT Class 7 Social Science worksheets, sample papers, and mock tests for extra practice.
d. Revise tricky topics: Focus on difficult concepts by solving Class 7 Social Science MCQ Test.
e. Maintain notebook: Note down mistakes in Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms assignment and read them in Revision notes for Class 7 Social Science

How to practice CBSE Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms Assignment for best results?

a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
b.Use Class 7 study materials: Combine NCERT book for Class 7 Social Science, mock tests, sample papers, and worksheets to get a complete preparation experience.
c. Set a timer: Practicing Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts II Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms assignment under timed conditions improves speed and accuracy.

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