CBSE Class 10 Science VBQs

CBSE Class 10 Science VBQs read and download in pdf. Value Based Questions come in exams for Science in Class 10 and are easy to learn and helpful in scoring good marks. You can refer to more chapter wise VBQs for Class 10 Science and also get latest topic wise very useful study material as per latest NCERT book for Class 10 Science and all other subjects for free on Studiestoday designed as per latest Class 10 CBSE, NCERT and KVS syllabus and examination pattern

VBQ for Class 10 Science All Chapters

Class 10 Science students should refer to the following value based questions with answers for All Chapters in Class 10. These VBQ questions with answers for Class 10 Science will come in exams and help you to score good marks

All Chapters VBQ Questions Class 10 Science with Answers


Question. You observe that a gardener working in the park near your house collects the dry leaves from the garden and burns it. He also was synthetic fertilizers for growth of plants.
Answer the following questions based on the above information
a) Which environmental values the gardener is disrespecting?
b) How can the first activity be changed to make it environmental friendly?
c) How can the second activity be changed to promote environmental health?
d) Suggest one activity to inculcate such environmental values in students.

Question. “Saving for the rainy day” is a popular proverb which means saving something for the times when it may not be available”. Examine the practice of “Rain water harvesting”.
Answer the following questions based on the above situation:
i) Explain briefly the term rain water harvesting.
ii) Which values are promoted through the practice of rain water harvesting?
iii) Suggest two activities on the part of the school to promote this practice. How can these activities promote environmental values in the community?
Question. Dobereiner arranged the elements in the order of increasing atomic masses in a Triad. The arrangement was modified by John Newlands, later by Dimitri Mendelev. Even Mendeleev’s arrangement was later modified by Henry Mosley resulting in the Modern periodic table. There are many other similar examples in the history of scientific advancement where theories and novels were modified by later scientists and the original contributors accepted these modification happily.
Answer the following questions based on the above informations:
a) How does the modern periodic law given by Mosley different from periodic law stated by Medeleev?
b) What scientific values can be associated with the above anectoles?
c) Give an example from you life experience so far that reflects display of such values by you.
Question. In a certain village the sex ratio is very low due to large number of cases of female. A man from the same village takes his pregnant wife to the doctor to find out whether the foetus is a girl or a boy. The doctor performs a list and tells them that it is a girl.
Answer the following questions based on the above situation:
i) Name the technique used by the doctors to determine the type of sex o fthe foetus.
ii) Which values are disrespected by the doctor in t he above situation?
iii) Suggest two actions to be taken by the administration / society to promote desired related values.
Question. You are walking by a store along with your friend. Both of you see a poster on the wall saying “say No to Plastics”. Your friend disagrees with the content of the poster and recounts the uses and advantages plastic. You contradict him saying that plastics are harmful to the environment.
Answer the following questions based on above information:
i) Which values are being disrespected by your friend by not agreeing with you?
ii) How will you convince him that plastics are harmful to the environment?
iii) Government has banned the use of plastics and was asked to use paper bags or jute bags instead. How will you get the decision implemented effectively?
Question. Ethanol, commonly called as alcohol is an excellent solvent, is used in medicines and is an important chemical compound involved in synthesis of many chemical compounds. However, inspite of its benefits to man its impact on social behavior has always been questioned. Media has often shown abnormal behavior of people while drunk. It is considered as a curse in t he lives of those who are addicted to alcohol – “Alcoholic”, people are not only lowering their metabolism and affecting central Nervous System, they are also a threat to the lives of others. Anger and rude behavior are some of its ill effects.
Answer the following questions based on the above information:
i) Comment on the statement – “Should production of alcohol be banned?” Give three valid reasons.
ii) As a student what initiative would you take in the common concern of “Save Life, Do not Drink”? Give two suggestions.
Question. Sania and Shreya are best friends and study in grade 4. Recently , Sania has been facing difficulty in reading the black board text from the last desk. Shreya is little comfortable and wonders why Sania complains sitting in the last desk. On observation she found that Sania often carries junk food in her lunch. Shreya has starlid her lunch – full of green vegetables and fruits with her. Sania is now better and has also started taking “balanced diet”.
Answer the following questions based on the above situation:
i) Name the eye defect Sania is suffering from? What are the two possible reasons related to her eye defect?
ii) What value is displayed by shreya and Sania?
iii) How can this value be promoted? Suggest one activity
Question. In a quary of sand stone, a digger found some bones below the rocks. He took them out and was about to through them away when his fellow digger told him that this could be a fossil and they should hand it over to the museum.
Answer the following questions based on the above situations:
i) Which values are promoted by the fellow digger?
ii) What contributions are the diggers making to the scientific world?
iii) Imagine yourself to be the person in the museum whom the digger approach. What would be your response to the diggers discovery?
Question. Mukesh returns home from hostel during vacation. He notices that members of his family of his family are very carefree about use of electric energy at home and oftern leave the lights, far or the refrigerator on , even when not required.
He talks to his family members at the dinner table and requests them to be more careful about use of electrical energy on environment
Answer the following questions based on the above information.
i) Write two adverse effects of wastage of electrical energy on environment.
ii) Which two vaules are reflected in Mukesh’s thoughts and actions.
iii) Mention one more action which Mukesh may take to convey his message of avoiding wastage of electrical energy to members of society.
Question. Few years back, disposal plastic cups were used for serving tea in trains. The impact caused by the disposal of millions of these cups on daily basis caused serious environmental concern and disposal kulhads, made of clay, were used instead. However this resulted in the loss of fertile top soil and hence were discontinued and hence now been replaced by disposable paper cups.
Answer the following questions based on above information:
i) What is the advantage of using disposable paper cups over disposable plastic cups?
ii) Which values are promoted by using “disposable” and paper cups?
iii) Can such practices be followed at domestic level also? Give reasons.
Question. Anil and Raju are friends .Anil is a art student and Raju is a science student .Anil observed that while bathing foam is formed with difficulty and an insoluable substance remains stiking to the body even after washing with water. He shared this difficulty with Raju and his problem was solved .Now he takes bath comfortably.
(a)What did Raju advice to Anil?
(b)What value was shown by Anil and Raju?
Question. A(C3H6),A(C4H8)and C(C5H10)are good friends and said to belong same homologous series (CnH2n).Their behavior to other is similar and is quite cordial among themselves .After some time another similarly looking person D(C6H12)joins them. Soon the trouble started . Its behavior to A,B,C,Dothers was different .Disharmony and fight was started between them. A,B,C got perplexed but one day they found that when little bromine was added to A,B,Cand D,the colour of bromine was not discharedwhen treated with D.
(a) How is D different from A,B and C?
(b) What conclution is drawn about relationship between the friends?
Question. While classifying the elementsMendeleev faced three major limitations . Firstly he could not assign a correct position to hydrogen in his table.It was found to resemble in properties of both alkali metals and halogens .Secondly isotopes of all elements posed to challenge to Mendeleev’s periodic law. Isotopes of an element have similar chemical properaties but different atomic masses.Third was the atomic masses of elements on the basis of which his entire formulation was based.
(a) What was the problem with atomic masses of the elements?
(b) What should a student learnt based on above concept?
Question. Asth and Aaurushi are student of class x.They were given the task to study the properaties of elements. Astha studied the elements by way of Modern Periodic Table in terms of 18 groups and seven periods.Aarushi divided the elements into different catagories such as alkali metals(6),non metals(7),inert gases(6),metalloids(7),transition metals (37),alkaline earth metals(6),rare earth elements(28),and other metals (7).Other metalsbelong to groups 13,14 and 15of Modern periodic table.These are solids ,apaque with relatively high density.
(a) Name the other metals.
(b) As a student how will you evaluate the study of elements in two different ways.
Question. Social awareness about increasing human population and its control measures.Shyam asked his classmate and friend Ram that teacher tought us that human population is enormously increasing. Now question arise-(a)How population is increasing and how does it affects us?
(b) How can we control increasing population?

Question. Make society members understand that we inherit characters from our parents.
Sir, Sohan and kavya asked their teacher, why our some characters are similar. Teacher asks you are brother and sister. Kavya asks again, Sir, Sohan resembles my father in some characters and in some with the mother. This is also true in my case also.
How does it happen?
Question. Knowledge of genetics and heredity help us in our social life in many ways. Generally, before marriage parents of boy and girl ask about father, mother and also their father-mother, of each other.
Father, Rajesh asks his father what is the use of this. If affirmative explain with an example.
Question. We see various objects in the beautiful and colourful world around us. We are unable to see anything in a dark room. When light falls on an object, it bounces back and enters our eyes. This produces the sensation of vision and we are able to see objects around us. We are able to see through a transparent medium as light is transmitted through it
i) What is light?
ii) Name the phenomenon which makes visible things around us.
iii) Which type of phenomenon occurs when light passes through a transparent medium like water.
iv) Give two uses of light.
Question. A person looking at a person wearing a shirt with a pattern comprising vertical and horizontal lines is able to see the vertical lines more distinctly than the horizontal lines .This vision defect is called astigmatism. This defect occurs when cornea of eye is not perfectly spherical.This results in objects in one direction being well focused while those in perpendicular direction are not well focused.
(a) What is astigmatism?
(b) What is the cause of astigmatism?
(c) How is such a defect of vision is corrected?Explain.
Question. Washing of hands is hygienic and save us from many deseases.
Many countries celebrating global Hand W ashing day.Teacher told the students .Sir,Gobind told his teacher ,I am sorry to intrupt.But I like my friends,curious to know:
(i) How,when and why’Global Hand Washing Day’celebrated?
(ii) Why is washing hand is necessary?
The recent study has shown an alarming rise of rickets commonly seen in the children. Doctors say that the lack of outdoor activities and more time on indoor computer activities has led to the increase in this disease. Moreover the diet also plays an important role, the children nowadays are not eating healthy and balanced diet. The intake of carbohydrates and fats is more as they eat more of chips, fast food, cold drink etc.

Question. Symptom of Rickets 
(a) Thickening of the ankles, wrists and knees, bowed legs
(b) Soft skull bones and, bending of the spine
(c) Pain or tenderness in the bones of the arms, legs, or spine
(d) All of the above

Answer : D

Question. Selects the disadvantages of fast/junk food 
(a) The carbs and sugar in fast foods can lead to dental cavities
(b) Eating excessive amounts of junk food may increase your risk of depression.
(c) Higher risk of obesity, depression, type 2 diabetes
(d) All of the above

Answer : D

Question. The deficiency of which vitamin leads to the cause of ricket disease 
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin D
(c) Vitamin C
(d) Vitamin B

Answer : B

Question. Select the options which help in getting the vitamin D
(a) Sunlight Exposure
(b) Fortified foods
(c) Cod Liver Oil
(d) All of the above

Answer : D

Question. Which of the following are energy foods? 
(a) Vitamins and minerals
(b) Proteins and mineral salts
(c) Carbohydrates and fats
(d) Water and roughage

Answer : C

A student investigated the number of stomata pores on the upper and lower surface of a leaf. Stomata are tiny pores present on the surface of leaves. Massive amounts of gaseous exchange takes place in the leaves through these pores for the purpose of photosynthesis. But it is important to note here that exchange of gases occurs across the surface of stems, roots and leaves as well. The guard cells swell when water flows into them, causing the stomatal pore to open.

Question. Name the pores in a leaf through which respi-ratory exchange of gases takes place.  
(a) Xylem
(b) Stomata
(c) Lenticels
(d) Vacuoles

Answer : B

Question. Stomata guard cells perform all functions but  
(a) Chloroplast storage
(b) Regulating the amount of water lost
(c) Producing sugars
(d) Protecting the inner regions of leaf

Answer : D

Question. Opening and closing of pores is a function performed by  
(a) Stomata
(b) Chlorophyll
(c) Guard cells
(d) Chloroplast

Answer : C

Question. Guard cells of Stoma are   
(a) Long and cylindrical in shape
(b) Kidney Shaped
(c) Irregular in shape
(d) Convex in shape

Answer : B

Question. Select the correct option which causes the loss of water from plant cells, causes flowers and leaves to wilt.   
(a) Looses it turgor pressure
(c) Exposed to strong wind
(b) Looses its central vacuoles
(d) Looses its central nucleus

Answer : A

The leaf is the main photosynthesis organ in a plant. It controls gas exchange in plants, controls the amount of water loss in plants. Upper epidermis cells contain no chloroplasts – which is not true for the guard cells. They form layers on the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf. Their function is to prevent water from getting out and stopping unwanted substances/ organisms getting in. The palisade mesophyll layer is where most of the photosynthesis occurs in the leaf. The palisade cells contain a lot of chloroplasts to help them perform this photosynthesis. Lower epidermis is the bottom layer of the leaf, and is one cell thick. They may not contain a cuticle within the lower epidermis, there are some holes found in leaves called stoma. These holes allow gases to diffuse in and out of the leaves. The stoma are formed by two highly specialised epidermis cells, called guard cells. Guard cells are the only epidermis cells that contain chloroplasts. 
CBSE Class 10 Science VBQs

Question. Where are chloroplasts present in the leaf? 
(a) Upper epidermis
(b) Guard cells and Palisade cells
(c) Inner membrane
(d) Outer membrane

Answer : B

Question. Select the statement which is not correct regarding upper epidermis 
(a) Upper epidermis contains large number of stomata.
(b) This is a single layer of cells containing few or no chloroplasts
(c) The upper surface is covered with a waxy, waterproof cuticle
(d) None of the above

Answer : A

Question. The small pores present of leaf’s surface are called 
(a) Guard cells
(b) Chlorophyll
(c) Stomata
(d) None of these

Answer : C

Question. Name the cell organelle in which photosynthesis occur 
(a) Mitochondria
(b) Cytoplasm
(c) Chloroplast
(d) Protoplasm

Answer : C

Question. Select the function/s of lower epidermis 
(a) Allow carbon dioxide and oxygen to move in and out of the plant
(b) A protective layer of cells
(c) The lower epidermis possesses a cuticle layer
(d) Both (a) & (b)

Answer : D

Question numbers (a) to (d) are based on the two tables given below. Study these tables related to blood pressure and answer the questions that follow: 

CBSE Class 10 Science VBQs

CBSE Class 10 Science VBQs

Question. Refer to the Table I and suggest the value of mean blood pressure level beyond which doctor’s advice is necessary for your father with age 45? 
(a) 130/85
(b) 120/80
(c) 110/75
(d) 160/100

Answer : D

Question. Normal range of systolic pressure is 
(a) 120-140 mm Hg
(b) 110-120 mm Hg
(c) 110-130 mm Hg
(d) 120-150 mm Hg

Answer : C

Question. Which one of the following diets would you recommend to patient of high blood pressure? 
(a) High sugar, low fat, low salt
(b) Low sugar, low fat, low salt
(c) High sugar, high fat, low salt
(d) High sugar, low fat, high salt

Answer : B

Question. Which instrument is used to measure blood pressure and what is its normal range in general? 
(a) Sphygmomanometer, 80/100
(b) Manometer, 80/140
(c) Sphygmomanometer, 120/80
(d) Barometer, 120/80

Answer : C

Question. If you are 15 years female and your blood pressure is 140/90, what will you infer? 
(a) Hypertension
(b) Anaemia
(c) Low blood pressure
(d) None of these.

Answer : A

Chapter 01 Chemical Reactions and Equations
CBSE Class 10 Science Chemical Reactions and Equations VBQs
Chapter 02 Acids Bases and Salts
CBSE Class 10 Science Acids Bases and Salts VBQs
Chapter 03 Metals and Non metals
CBSE Class 10 Science Metals and Non metals VBQs
Chapter 04 Carbon and its Compounds
CBSE Class 10 Science Carbon and its Compounds VBQs
Chapter 05 Periodic Classification of Elements
CBSE Class 10 Science Periodic Table VBQs
Chapter 07 Control and Coordination
CBSE Class 10 Science Control and Coordination VBQs
Chapter 08 How do the Organisms Reproduce
CBSE Class 10 Science How Do Organisms Reproduce VBQs
Chapter 09 Heredity and Evolution
CBSE Class 10 Science Heredity and Evolution VBQs
Chapter 10 Light Reflection and Refraction
CBSE Class 10 Science Light Reflection and Refraction VBQs
Chapter 11 Human Eye and Colourful World
CBSE Class 10 Science Human Eye and Colourful World VBQs
Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
CBSE Class 10 Science Magnetic Effects of Electric Current VBQs
Chapter 16 Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
CBSE Class 10 Science Sustainable Management of Natural Resources VBQs

VBQs for All Chapters Class 10 Science

We hope students liked the above VBQs for All Chapters designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 10 Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 10 should download the Value Based Questions and Answers in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in above Class 10 Science VBQs Questions on daily basis. All latest VBQs with answers have been developed for Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics which the students should learn and practice to get better score in school tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 10 Science to develop the Science Class 10 VBQs. After solving the questions given in the VBQs which have been developed as per latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 10 Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of other VBQs for Class 10 Science which you can use to further make yourself better in Science.

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Regular revision of VBQs given on studiestoday for Class 10 subject Science All Chapters can help you to score better marks in exams

What are VBQs for Class 10 Science All Chapters

Value Based Questions (VBQs) for Class 10 Science All Chapters help to test the ability of students to apply learnings to various situations in life.