Unseen Passage for Class 5 English Solved

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Class 5 English Unseen Passage

We have provided below the largest collection of CBSE NCERT Unseen Passage for Class 5 English which can be downloaded by you for free. These Unseen Passage cover all Class 5 English important passages with questions and answers and have been designed based on the latest CBSE NCERT blueprint, books and syllabus. You can click on the links below to download the latest Unseen Passage for Class 5 English. CBSE Unseen Passage for Class 5 English will help Class 5 English students to understand the unseen passages and related pattern of questions and prepare properly for the upcoming examinations.

Download Class 5 English Unseen Passage with Answers

Unseen Passage for Class 5

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below:

Buddha walked on fearlessly. Angulimala ran as fast as he could but he could not catch up with him. He swore and shouted at Buddha, but Buddha smile kindly at him and continued to walk through the forest. This went on for several hours and Angulimala was, at last, tired and sat down. Buddha stood in front of him. His face was shining with kindness for the robber.

"Who are you, man?" asked Angulimala. "Why do you travel through this forest alone? Aren't you afraid of Angulimala? Why couldn't I catch you? What magic do you possess?

Buddha replied gently, "I'm a friend of yours and I've come to the forest to help you. I've come to save you from further sin. I'm not afraid of you because I love you as I love all other men. My magic is the magic of kindness for all living creatures."

These noble words touched the cruel heart of Angulimala and he fell at the feet of Buddha.” O Lord save me!" he said sobbing. "I am the Buddha am the greatest sinner on earth". He cried bitterly and tears flowed from his eyes in two unending streams.

Answer the following Question:-

Question. Why was Angulimala tired?
Answer : Angulimala was tired because for several hours he ran as fast as he could to catch up with Buddha.

Question. In what manner did Buddha stand before the robber?
Answer : 
Buddha stood before the robber with the face shining with kindness.

Question. Which contrast does the author present in this passage?
Answer : 
The contrast is that the robber swears and shouts at Buddha while he smiles kindly at the robber

Question. What was Buddha's reply when Angulimala asked who he was?
Answer : 
Buddha's reply was that he was a friend of his and he had come to save him from further sin.

Question. What was the magic with Buddha, according to Buddha himself?
Answer : 
Buddha's magic was the magic of kindness for all living creatures.

Question. Why did Angulimala, the robber fall at the feet of Buddha?
Answer : 
Angulimala fell at the feet of Buddha because the noble words touched his cruel heart.

Question. What did the robber say sobbingly? Before the robber?
Answer : 
The robber sobbingly said that he was the greatest sinner on earth and appealed to save.

Question. Who are the two talkers in this passage?
Answer : 
Buddha and Angulimala are the two talkers.

Question. How does this passage end?
Answer : 
This passage ends pathetically with tears of gratitude in Angulimala's eyes.

Question.Find the words from the passage which mean:-
Answer : 
(i) kindness (ii) robber

Discursive Passage for Class 5

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:

Discipline teaches us self-control, self-restrain and respect for laws. It produces a sense of duty. There is discipline in heavenly bodies, stars and planets. The ordered growth and decay show that there is discipline everywhere in nature. The school and colleges cannot run without discipline. Discipline makes us civilized.

We learn to respect the views and rights of others. Games and sports make the players disciplined. Discipline stands for law and order. A well-disciplined person always does his work (duty) honestly. If there is no discipline in society, people shall do as they please and that may be harmful for the society.

Where there is no discipline, there is disorder. Without order and discipline there can be no peace in the society. Discipline keeps us within limits.

Answer the following questions:

Tick the correct alternative

Question. Discipline teaches us-
b.respect for laws
d.All of the above

Answer : (d) All of the above

Question. Discipline stands for-
a.law and order
b.law and power
c.order and power
Answer : (a) law and order

Question. What does discipline teaches us?
Answer : Discipline teaches us self-control, self-restrain and respect for laws.

Question. What shows that there is discipline everywhere in nature?
Answer : The ordered growth and decay show that there is discipline everywhere in nature.

Question. What makes people civilised?
Answer : Discipline makes people civilised.

Question. How do games and sports help players?
Answer : Games and sports help the players to get disciplined.

Question. What does a well-disciplined person always do?
Answer : A well-disciplined person always does his work honestly.

Question. What will happen if there is no discipline in the society?
Answer : If there is no discipline in the society, people shall do as they please and that may be harmful for the society.

Question. How can there be peace in the society?
Answer : There can be peace in the society by order and discipline.

Question. Write the meaning of ‘decay’ according to this passage?
Answer : 
In this passage ‘decay’ means ‘death’.

Unseen Passage with multiple choice questions for Class 5

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:

Ashoka was a great emperor. He was Extremely brilliant and fearless in his childhood. He thought that the duty of a great king was to protect the people and safeguard their rights. He gave protection to the public and made arrangement for justice. He instructed his officials to behave properly with the public.

He engraved the message of justice and non-violence on pillars and installed them at different places. Some of the pillars still us about his greatness. He opened hospitals for the infirm and the old where good treatment was given to the patients. He also opened hospitals for animals. He was really great as he advocated pity mercy for all living creatures.

Answer the following questions:

Tick the correct alternative:-

1.Ashoka engraved pillars for

a.becoming great and famous
b.establishing his supremacy
c.spreading the message of justice and non-violence
d.getting praise from public

Answer : C

Question. Find words from the passage which mean the same as
Answer : (a) instructed

Question. How was Ashoka in his childhood?
Answer : 
In his childhood Ashoka was a brilliant and fearless child.

Question. What did Ashoka think about the duty of a king?
Answer : 
About the duty of a king, Ashoka thought to protect the people and safeguard their rights.

Question. What does King Ashoka instructed to their officials?
Answer : 
King Ashoka instructed his officials to behave properly with the public.

Question. What message did he engrave on pillars?
Answer : 
He engraved on pillars the message of justice and non-violence.

Question. What did he do for the old and the infirm?
Answer : 
He opened hospitals for the infirm and the old where good treatment was given to the patients.

Question. Where did he install the engraved pillars?
Answer : 
He installed them at different places.

Question. ‘He was really great .............’ How?
Answer : 
By advocating pity and mercy for all living creatures, he was really great.

Question. Write opposite from the passage for the following words:
a.Injustice     b.Violence

Answer : (a) Justice (b) Non-violence

Unseen Passage for Class 5 with answers pdf

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below:

In many countries only one language-mostly the mother-tongue—is enough to satisfy the need for expression of their inhabitants. In India, however, the position is more complicated. Here an educated man is called upon to master more than one language. There is, first of all the language that he learns on his mother's lap, and through which he expresses his first need and feelings. Naturally, it is in this that he gains the most proficiency, But, since India is a very large country, we really need an extra language as a means of communicating with states other than our own.

It is for this reason that many people want a lingua franca for India but even this is not enough. On top of this, an educated Indian requires the mastery of an international language, one that is widely understood and is used in the dealings of one country with another. Ideally speaking then, the educated Indian should be able to read and write in three languages and, moreover, should be able to express himself in all the three with ease and fluency. As our contact with the English language has been long and it is the most widely used language in the world, it is in our own interest to be proficient in this language.

Answer the following Question:-

Question. For what is mother-tongue enough?
Answer : 
Mother-tongue is enough to satisfy the need for expression.

Question. What is the position in India?
Answer : The position in India is more complicated

Question. What is a lingua franca?
Answer : A lingua franca is a language for all the citizens.

Question. What does an educated Indian require?
Answer : An educated Indian requires the mastery of an international language.

Question. How many languages does an educated Indian master?
Answer : An educated Indian masters three languages.

Question. Which is the international language?
Answer : English is the international language.

Question. Which language is mother-tongue?
Answer : Mother-tongue is that one learns on his mother's lap.

Question. Why do many people want a lingua franca for India?
Answer : People want so to communicate with states other than their own.

Question. How is it in our own interest to be proficient in English?
Answer : It is in our own interest because it is the most widely used language in the world.

Question. Find words from the passage which mean-
1.a system of words and their use

Answer : (a) language (b) proficiency

Short Unseen Passage Class 5 with questions and answers

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below:

The camel is the oldest of domestic animals. It has been used for thousands of years by the desert people of Africa and Asia to supply many of their needs. On the fertile edges of the desert, camels pull ploughs turn wheels to irrigate the fields and carry goods to market, in the desert itself, they are still almost the only means of transport.

They supply food, milk and clothing in the form of wool and leather. This useful animal is well adapted to life in harsh, arid lands. The Arabian camel has one hump, the Bactrian camel has two. The hump is, in fact, a store of fat which is used as a source of energy when food and water are scarce. When it does drink, the camel can take up to 100 litters of water in ten minutes.

The camel has broad, soft feet for a steady grip in the sand. A thick skin protects it from the fierce daytime sun and bitterly cold nights. The camel's eyes have three eyelids to help keep out sand; its ears and nose are also adapted to keep out sand storms.

Camels stand about two meters high at the shoulder and weigh 500-800 kilos Often called 'The ships of the desert', they can carry loads of 200 kilos and more, travelling up to 160 kilometre a day.

Camels eat grass, dates and grain when available. Deep in the desert they survive on dry leaves, seeds and bones.

Answer the following Question:-

Question. Find the words from the passage which mean:-
Answer : Camel has been used to supply many of the needs of the desert people of Africa and Asia.

Question. What has been told about its food?
Answer : On the fertile edges of the desert, camels pull ploughs, turn wheels to irrigate fields and carry goods to market.

Question. What is its load carrying and travelling capacity?
Answer : They supply food, milk and clothing in the form of wood and leather.

Question. What information is given about its height and weight?
Answer : Hump is a store of fat used as a source of energy when food and water are scarce.

Question. How are its eyes, ears and nose useful?
Answer : It has broad, soft feet for a steady grip and thick skin protects from heat and cold.

Question. What is informed about its feet and skin?
Answer : Its eyes had three eyelids to help keep out sand; ears and nose are also adapted to keep out sand storms.

Question. What is the use of the hump?
Answer : Camels stand about 2 meters high at the shoulder and weigh 500-800 kilos.

Question. What do they supply?
Answer : They can carry loads of 200 kilos and travel upto 160 kilometres á day.

Question. How is it useful on the fertile edges of the desert?
Answer : Camels eat grass, dates and grain when available. Deep in the desert, they survive on dry leaves, seeds and bones.

Question. For what has the camel been used?
i.of home or household
ii.a baron uninhabited sandy area. 
Answer : (a) Domestic (b) desert.

Case based factual Passage for Class 5

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below:

All the housewives who went to the Kalpatharu Supermarket in Bangalore had one great ambition to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for her shopping. For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised. It said Remember, once a week, one of our customers gets free goods. This may be your lucky day!

For several weeks Mrs. Batliwala hoped, like many of her friends, to be the lucky customer. Unlike her friends, she never gave up hope. Her kitchen was full of things which she did not need. Her husband failed to dissuade her. She dreamed of the day, when the manager of the Supermarket would approach her and say: "Madam, this is your lucky day. Everything in your basket is free.

One Saturday morning, Mrs. Batliwala finished her shopping and left the Supermarket. But soon she discovered that she had forgotten to buy tea. She rushed back, got the tea and went towards the Cash-desk. As she did so, she saw the manager of the Supermarket come up to her. Madam', he said, holding out his hand, '1 want to congratulate you! You are our lucky customer and everything you have in your basket is free!"

Answer the following Question:-

Question. Find the words from the passage which mean:-
Answer : 'It' stands for the notice.

Question. Who failed to dissuade her?
Answer : One of the customers got free goods.

Question. What did the notice promise?
Answer : Because she always hoped to be the lucky customer one day.

Question. Who had one great ambition?
Answer : She went to buy tea.

Question. What did Mrs. Batliwala get as a lucky customer?
Answer : Because she was the lucky customer of the day.

Question. Why did the manager congratulate Mrs. Batliwala?
Answer : She got tea only.

Question. Why did Mrs. Batliwala go to the Supermarket again on the last day of the week?
Answer : All the housewives who went to Kalpatharu Supermarket in Bangalore had one great ambition.

Question. Why did Mrs. Batliwala buy things which she did not need?
Answer : The notice promised that one of their customers gets free goods once a week.

Question. What happened on lucky days?
Answer : Batliwala's husband failed to dissuade her

Question.It said. What does 'It' stand for?
i.a large self service store selling food stuffs and household articles
ii.a strong desire.

Answer : (a) Super market (b) ambition.

Unseen Passage for Class 5 with answers

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below:

Convicts! Contented, that didn't make sense, and I expressed my surprise.

'Yes, they were contented. Govindaraju insisted. 'If you had come in those days you wouldn't have known who was a convict and who was not. They wore ordinary clothes, and were paid a monthly wage of twelve rupees which was not bad at that time. All that marked them as prisoners were their number discs. In their free time they could play games, or go out for walks or go to the pictures. There was always a cinema house in Port Blair. A prisoner who showed good conduct for five years could bring out his family at government expense. For that he received an extra allowance of five rupees for the wife and two rupees for each child. Naturally they were contented. Prisoners couldn't hope for such things on the mainland. ‘But surely they had to do hard labour.’

 ‘It was manual labour mostly, but you must understand that most of the prisoners belonged to the labouring classes, and this type of work was no hardship for them. Middle-class prisoners were given easier jobs, working in offices and such things. If the man was a peasant he was given a piece of land, a pair of bullocks and a homestead.

Answer the following Question:-

Question. What didn't make sense?
Answer :  Convicts or contended didn't make sense.

Question. What wouldn't you have known if you had come in those days?
Answer : If you had come in those days you wouldn't have known who was a convict and who was not.

Question. What was the monthly wage of the convicts?
Answer : The monthly wage of the convicts was twelve rupees.

Question. In their free time what could the convicts do?
Answer : In their free time convicts could play games or go out for walks or go to the pictures.

Question. What was the facility to the prisoner with good conduct?
Answer : The prisoner with good conduct could bring out his family at government expense.

Question. What did they surely have to do?
Answer : They surely had to do hard labour.

Question. To which class did most of the prisoners belong to?
Answer : Most of the prisoners belonged to the labouring classes.

Question. What jobs were given to middle class prisoners?
Answer : Middle class prisoners were given easier jobs, working in offices and such things.

Question. What was given to a man if he was a peasant?
Answer : If the man was a peasant, he was given a piece of land, a pair of bullocks and a homestead.

Question. Find the words from the passage which mean:-
(i)Persons proved guilty and put into prison.
(ii)Persons descended from another.

Answer : (i) Convicts (ii) descendents.

Unseen Passage for Class 5 with questions and answers pdf

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below:

On Saturday morning the postman delivered a large parcel for Tommy. The parcel contained a birthday present and it had arrived just in time.

Tommy looked at the stamps on the packet. IU's from uncle Bill", he shouted excitedly. Even though Uncle Bill, was in America, he had not forgotten Tommy's birthday. Mother made Tommy promise not to open the parcel until the following day.

"Your birthday is not till tomorrow", she said. You should open it in the morning together with your other presents." The next day, father was just as excited as Tommy when they discovered that the parcel contained an electric train Set. "Let's go upstairs and put it together", father said.

Tommy remained with his father for about an hour but finally got bored with the train set and went into the living room.

At about lunch time, Tommy's mother came into the 'living room. "Where's your father?" She asked, "l've been looking for him everywhere."

'He's upstairs, Mum", Tommy answered. "He put my train set together this morning, and he has been playing with it ever since.

Answer the following Question:-

Question. Who sent the parcel for Tommy?
Answer : Uncle Bill sent the parcel for Tommy.

Question. What was the present in the parcel?
Answer : An electric train set.

Question. How did Tommy know that the parcel came from America?
Answer : Tommy looked at the stamps on the packet.

Question. Write from the passage the sentence which shows that Tommy got more than one present?
Answer : ‘You should open it in the morning together with your other presents."

Question. What was Tommy's father doing after Tommy went into the living room?
Answer : He was playing with the electric train-set.

Question. Why did Tommy's mother want him to open the parcel the next day?
Answer : He should open it on the day of his birthday.

Question. Why didn't Tommy stay upstairs longer?
Answer : He got bored.

Question. What happened on Saturday morning?
Answer : On Saturday morning the postman delivered a large parcel for Tommy

Question. What did his father say to him the next day?
Answer : 
Father said that they should go upstairs and put it together.

QuestionFind words from the passage which
i a person who delivers letters
ii gift 

Answer : (i) postman (ii) present.

Unseen Passage for Class 5 with questions and answers

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below:

But first-just what is an earthquake? And what causes it? In the early history of the earth, when it was cooling down, the rocks deep in the earth's crust created huge islands' which floated on the softer and hotter rocks below rather like wood floats on water. Slowly, these islands drifted apart to make the land-masses we know today as continents. But even now these 'islands' are not stable, and are still drifting very, very slowly. It is these imperceptible movements which create stresses in the rock, many miles below the surface. Ever so often, one of these stresses will break and on the surface the deep underground movement is felt as an earthquake.

There are three large regions in the world where earthquakes are most likely to happen. Scientists call them earthquake zones. The first runs along the east coast of the Asian continent up through Japan, across Alaska, then down the west coast of North America, crossing Mexico and ending somewhere in the Caribbean Sea. The second runs down the west coast of south of South America. The Third runs across the south of Europe and North Africa, through Greece and Turkey and into the middle of Asia.

Answer the following Question:-

Question. Find the words from the passage which mean-
Answer : The rocks deep in the earth's crust created huge island.

Question. Which is the third earthquake zone?
Answer : We know these huge land masses by the name of continents.

Question. Which is the second earthquake zone?
Answer : Even now, we know about these islands' that they are still drifting very, very slowly.

Question. Which is the first earthquake zone?
Answer : These imperceptible movements create stresses in the rocks.

Question. Where have major earthquakes occurred?
Answer : Earthquake is caused when one of the stresses breaks and deep underground movement is felt.

Question. How is earthquake caused?
Answer : Major earthquakes have occurred in three large regions in the world.

Question. What do these imperceptible movements create?
Answer : The first earthquake zone runs along the east coast of the Asian continent up through Japan, across Alaska, then

Question. What do we know about these islands' even now?
Answer : down the west coast of North America, crossing Mexico and ending somewhere in the Caribbean Sea.

Question. By which name do we know these land masses?
Answer : The second zone runs down the west coast of South America.

Question. What created huge 'islands'?
i.a violent movement of part of the earth's crust
ii.an area with particular characteristics 

Answer : The third earthquake zone runs across the south of Europe and North Africa, through Greece and Turkey and into the middle of Asia.

(i) earthquake (ii) zone

Unseen Passage with questions and answers for Class 5

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below:

It seems to be essential to the mental health and happiness of every individual that he should have something to which he can assert exclusive possession- something, as we say, that he can call his own. Delight in owning things usually shows itself as early as the second year of life, when the words "my" and "mine" are among the first that the child learns to utter.

Parents and teachers can make use of this characteristic of human nature in many ways. In the home a child can be led to acquire orderly habits by being encouraged to arrange his own possessions tidily; and this valuable training can be continued at school, where he can be helped to keep carefully arranged samples of his own handiwork, such as drawings, paintings, specimens of his handwriting, well done arithmetic exercises and the like.

Closely linked with pride of possession is an impulse that appears early in the life of most children-the impulse to collect things. This too the educator can use to good effect. By the exercise of a little tact he can inspire a child to collect postage stamps, and may thus lead him to a lasting interest in history and geography. Or, by encouraging him to collect wild flowers, shells or pebbles, he may help him to become a naturalist.

Answer the following Question:-

Question. What is essential to the mental health and happiness of every individual?
Answer : Exclusive possession is essential to the mental health and happiness of every individual.

Question. When does the delight in owning things show itself?
Answer : Delight in owning things usually shows itself as early as the second year of life.

Question. How can a child be led to acquire orderly habits?
Answer : A child can be led to acquire orderly habits by being encourage to arrange his own possessions tidily.

Question. Which impulse is closely connected with possession?
Answer : The impulse of collecting things is closely connected with possession.

Question. In which subjects can interest be created by stamp collection?
Answer : In history and geography, interest can be created by stamp collection.

Question. How can we help a child to become a naturalist?
Answer : We can help a child to become a naturalist by encouraging him to collect wild flowers, shells or pebbles.

Question. Who can make use of human nature in many ways?
Answer : Parents and teachers can make use of human nature in many ways.

Question. Which valuable training can be continued at school?
Answer : The training to arrange own possessions tidily can be continued at school.

Question. How can this training help?
Answer : This training can help to keep the samples carefully arranged.

Question. Find the words from the passage which mean
i.an expert in natural history

Answer : (i) naturalist (ii) possession.

English Unseen Passage for Class 5 pdf with answers

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below:

Those responsible for teaching young people have resorted in different periods of history, to a variety of means for making their pupils learn. The earliest of these was the threat of punishment, which meant that the pupil who was slow, careless or inattentive risked either physical chastisement or the loss of some expected privilege or treat. Learning was thus to some extent, associated with fear, particularly in the minds of those who found certain subjects hard to master.

At a later period, pupils were encouraged to learn in the hope of some kind of reward. This often took the form of marks awarded daily or weekly for work done, and sometimes of prizes given at the end of each year to the best scholars. Such a system appealed to the competitive spirit, but it often had just as depressing an effect as the older system of punishment on the slow but willing pupil.

The two systems suggest that teachers felt that their pupils had to be either compelled or bribed to learn. In the nineteenth century, however, there sprang up a different type of teacher, passionately convinced that learning was worthwhile for its own sake, and that the young learner's principal stimulus should be neither anxiety to avoid a penalty nor ambition to win a reward, but sheer desire to learn.

Answer the following Question:-

Question. Find the words from the passage of each year? which mean-
Answer : Those responsible for teaching young people have resorted in different periods of history.

Question. Who were given the prizes at the end
Answer : The earliest variety of means for teaching young people was the threat of punishment.

Question. Which system sprang up in 19th century?
Answer : The threat of punishment means that the pupil who was slow, careless or inattentive risked either physical chastisement or loss of privilege.

Question. What did the two systems suggest?
Answer : Learning was associated with fear.

Question. What was the reward giving system' of education?
Answer : At a later period, pupils were encouraged to learn in the hope of some kind of reward.

Question. How were pupils encouraged at a later period?
Answer : The reward giving system took the form of marks awarded daily or weekly for work done or prizes given at the end of each year

Question.To what was learning associated?
Answer : The two systems suggested that teachers felt that their pupils had to be either compelled or bribed to learn.

Question. What do you mean by the threat of punishment?
Answer : In 19th century sprang up the system of sheer desire to learn.

Question. What was the earliest variety of means for teaching young people?
Answer : The best scholars were given the prizes at the end of each year.

Question. Who have resorted in different periods of history?
Something that rouses a person to activity
a strong desire to achieve something.

Answer : (i) stimulus (ii) ambition.

Comprehension Passages for Class 5

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below:

All of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live. Sometimes it was as long as a year; sometimes as short as twenty-four hours. But always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed man chose to spend his last days or his last hours. I speak, of course of free men who have a choice, not condemned criminals whose sphere of activities is strictly delimited.

Such stories set us thinking, wondering what we should do under similar circumstances. What events, what experiences, what associations should we crowd into those last hours of mortal beings? What happiness should we find in reviewing the past, what regrets?

Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life. We should live each day with gentleness, vigour, and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come. There are those, of course, who would adopt the epicurean motto of 'Eat, drink and be merry, but most people would be chastened by the certainty of impending death.

Answer the following Question:-

Question. What have we read?
Answer : We have read thrilling stories.

Question. In discovering what were we interested?
Answer : We were interested in discovering how the doomed man chose to spend the last day or last hours.

Question. What does the free man have?
Answer : The freemen have a choice.

Question. What do we think after reading such stories?
Answer : Such stories set us thinking that what we should do under the similar circumstances.

Question. What does the author sometime think?
Answer : The author sometimes thinks that I should live as if to die tomorrow.

Question. On what would such an attitude emphasize?
Answer : Such an attitude will emphasize on the value of life.

Question. How should we live each day?
Answer : Each day we should live with a gentleness, a vigour, and a keenness of appreciation,

Question. What is the epicurean motto?
Answer : The epicurean motto is to eat, drink and be merry

Question. ‘I speak, of course ........’ to whom does I' here refer to?
Answer : Here I' refers to 'the author'.

Question. Find the words from the passage which mean:-
(i)Destined to a grim fate
(ii)Attitude of enjoying finds food and drink. 

Answer : (a) doomed (b) epicurean.

Solved Unseen Passages for Class 5

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below:

Students sometimes make heavy weather of their reading through not realizing that there are two quite different approaches to reading. In one we are concerned with details. We may be dealing with a detailed philosophical or mathematical or scientific argument; we must master each stage before proceeding to the next. We may be examining a poem minutely to see each tiny effect created by the poet’s choice and order of words, or wrestling with a difficult passage in Greek or German. Here we probably read every word, we certainly weigh every sentence.

But there is another sort of reading which is equally valid and equally important. In this we want to see an overall picture; we want to appreciate a play or novel as a whole; sometimes we want to give ourselves general background knowledge without worrying about details; sometimes we want to read quickly through a general work to see id there is anything relevant to a particular problem or subject on which we are working. Here we skim and skip; we take in whole paragraphs, even pages, at a glance; and it is nothing to read a 300 page book in a couple of hours or less. These two methods of reading are both important, and they must not be confused.

Answer the following Question:-

Question. Why do students make heavy weather of their reading?
Answer : Students make heavy weather of their reading because they don't realize that there are two approaches to reading.

Question. Which is the first approach?
Answer : The first approach is that which is concerned with details.

Question. What must we do in the first approach?
Answer : In the first approach we must master each stage before proceeding to the next.

Question. How should we examine a poem?
Answer : We should examine its effect created by poet's choice and order of words or wrestling with a difficult passage in Greek or German.

Question. Which is the second approach?
Answer : The second approach is that in which we see an overall picture.

Question. What do we do here in the second approach?
Answer : Here, in the second approach, we skim and skip.

Question. What do we take at a glance?
Answer : We take in whole paragraphs, even pages, at a glance.

Question. What is nothing in a couple of hours ?
Answer : It is nothing to read a 300 page book in a couple of hours or less.

Question. How do we find these two methods?
Answer : We find these two methods important.

Question. Find the words from the passage which mean:-
(i)praise (ii)look briefly

Answer : (i) Appreciate (ii) glance.

Case based Unseen Passage for Class 5

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below:

Another, and perhaps the most important, reason was that a number of artistes dispersed around a town seeking lodgings for the night provided the best possible form of advertisement, for by the time the various landladies had been to the butcher, baker and candlestick maker to buy whatever was needed for their new lodgers, the whole town knew that the circus had arrived.

The rest of the personnel-the tent men, grooms, menagerie men and tradesmen-cannot really be classed as circus folk. Undoubtedly no circus of the magnitude of the Sanger show could have travelled without them, but they were for the most part a very mixed and very rough lot, picked up whenever and wherever possible, and with no questions asked. There were, of course, many admirable characters amongst them, hardworking and trustworthy men who had travelled with various circuses for years, but these were always a minority. Preponderance of the rest would be Army and Navy reservists, and often deserters from these services whom I frequently saw hidden with considerable ingenuity their comrades when the authorities came searching for them.

Answer the following Question:-

Question. Why did a number of artistes disperse?
Answer : A number of artistes dispersed for seeking lodgings.

Question. What did lodging seekers provide?
Answer : Loading seekers provide the best possible form of advertisement.

Question. Why did various landladies take round of the town?
Answer : Various landladies take round of the town to buy whatever was needed for their new lodgers.

Question. Who can't be classed as circus folk?
Answer : Tent men, grooms, menagerie men and tradesmen can't be classed as circus folk.

Question. How were these personnel useful for circus?
Answer : These personnel were useful for circus as without them no circus could have travelled.

Question. What type of people were these personnel?
Answer : They were for the most part very mixed and very rough hot.

Question. How were they picked up?
Answer : They were picked up whenever and wherever possible with no questions asked.

Question. Why does the author call them admirable characters?
Answer : The author calls them admirable characters because they are hard- working and trustworthy.

Question. Whose preponderance was there in these personnel?
Answer : There was preponderance of army men and navy reservists and often deserters from these services.

Question. Find the words from the passage which mean:-
(i)As piece of information to persuade people to do that
(ii)People who work for a large organisation.

Answer : (i) advertisement (ii) personnel


Ben jumped from bed as soon as the first bit of sun peeped through his window. He grabbed his backpack from his closet and opened it on the floor. Ben put in some of his things to take with him on his trip to visit Grandpa. He put in a book on building forts, a book on making go favorite -carts, and a new book he had gotten from the library about a kid detective who creates his own spy gear. He also put in a model car kit and his stuffed bear. He was ready to go! Going to visit his grandfather for a week by himself was always Ben’s favorite part of summer vacation. Grandpa would take him fishing and to baseball games. Grandpa also taught Ben how to fix things around the house. Last year, when he was eight years old, Ben had learned how to replace a broken doorknob and how to fix a leaky faucet. Grandpa was patient and did not mind taking many hours to show Ben how to use his tools. Ben’s mom stuck her head in his bedroom door. “Grandpa’s here,” she said with a smile. Ben grabbed his backpack and ran into the kitchen where Grandpa was waiting. “Ready, big guy?” asked Grandpa. “Or do you want to eat breakfast before we leave?” “Ready,” said Ben. As he kissed his mother goodbye, he felthis stomach rumble. “We can eat later!”

1)Ben jumps out of bed because

A. he is late

B. he is scared

C. he is excited

D. he is worried

2) How old is Ben?

A. seven years old

B. eight years old

C. nine years old

D. ten years old

3) What time of year is it?

A. spring

B. summer

C. autumn

D. winter

V STD Weekend Worksheet Page 2

4) What is Ben’s favorite part of summer vacation? A. fixing stuff B. going fishing C. visiting his grandfather D. going to a baseball game

5) Used in paragraph

4, what is the meaning of patient?

A. very slow

B. sick in the hospital

C. good about sharing

D. taking time without complaint

6) Judging by the things Ben puts in his backpack, what does he like to do most? A. make things B. ride go-carts C. spy on people D. read big books

8) According to the story, what is one of the things Ben’s grandpa taught him to do? A. use a drill B. build a fort C. fix a leaky faucet D. build a model car

I. Change the following sentences into present continuous tense by changing theunderlined verbs into the present continuous form

1. The dog hides under the car.

2. The dog jumps over the fence. 3. Father speaks on the phone. 4. Sahana plays the guitar.

5. Reshma and Raghav talk to one another.

6. We go to the park.

7. They show their medals to everybody.

8. The vendor sells fresh fruits.

II Complete the following sentences with either the simple past or Past continuous tense by using the correct form of the verb given in brackets.

1. When her husband ________________ (arrive) home, Mrs. Kumar _____________(watch) the television.

V STD Weekend Worksheet Page 3

2. Where _____________(you sit) when the show ______________(begin)?

3. Naren ______________(meet) Shiven when he ______________ (walk) in the park.

4. My Uncle _______________(visit) my grandmother while he ___________(tour) India.

5. It was when he _______________(cross) the street that my brother ___________(fall)

6. What _______________(you see) while you _____________________ for the bus.

7. Where _____________(you go) when your car ________________(break) down?

8. My brother ____________(learn)to drive when he_______________(work) in Delhi.

I Read the passage and answer the following questions. Moving Away

Rohan and Rohit cannot believe that they have to move away from Bangalore. Bangalore is so fabulous! It’s so wonderful. It’s always been their home. They can play outside all day long---every day. It is almost always nice and sunny, and all of their friends live. What will they do without Zahir, Raghav, Bunty and Vedant? They will never be able to make such great friends again. However, Rohan and Rohit are very excited for their dad. He has a fantastic new job. The only problem is that the job is in a city way up in the mountains. In Shimla! Shimla is the capital city of Himachal Pradesh. After learning that it is in Himachal Pradesh, near Chandigarh, both boys are excited about playing in the snow in winters. Rohit has always wanted to learn to ski, and Rohan thinks playing ice hockey will be great fun. Rohan and Rohit also like the location of Shimla.

Himachal Pradesh shares its borders with Punjab, Haryana and Uttaranchal in the south and with Jammu and Kashmir in the north. The boys are keen to experience the ride on the toy train that passes through 102 tunnels. Neither of the boys has ever visited this part of the country, so they are looking forward to exploring the new place. If only their friends could come with them! Their parents have promised that they can visit their old friends over the summer break and even invite them over to Shimla. The boys think moving to Shimla will not be so bad after all.

Answer the following questions.

1. Where do Rohan and Rohit live?

2. What is it that they like about Bangalore?

3. How is Shimla different from Bangalore?

4. What do the boys think they can do in Shimla?

5. What have their parents promised them?

Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow.

Hyperbole Cafe

Welcome to our restaurant
Where everything’s gigantic.
A hundred waiters hold one dish.
Our kitchen can get frantic.
Our soup is deeper than the sea.
Our noodles stretch a mile.
The bread is longer than a train.
It’s sure to make you smile.
We pile our peas up mountain high.
One cookie hides the moon.
We pour our iced tea into boats.
We hope you’ll visit soon.
                                   – Lill Pluta

Question. What do you understand by hyperbole?
Answer.An exaggerated phrase used in writing is called a hyperbole. It is so exaggerated that it is not meant to be taken literally.

Question. What is so special about the Hyperbole Cafe?
Answer.The Hyperbole Cafe is special because everything there is gigantic.

Question. What are some of the exaggerations used in the poem? Write any five.
Answer.(a) A hundred waiters hold one dish.
(b) Our noodles stretch a mile.
(c) We pile our peas up mountain high.
(d) One cookie hides the moon.
(e) Our soup is deeper than the sea.

Question. Make two sentences using hyperbole to describe:-
(a) Your best friend
(b) A subject which you dislike
Answer.Answer may vary.

Read the passage given below and tick (√) the correct answers for the following questions.

Henry Ford

Henry Ford is famous for making cars easier for most people to buy. He did this by producing the cars using an assembly line. Henry Ford was born in 1863 in Michigan. He had 4 siblings, and his family owned a farm. He worked on the farm when he was young, but he soon discovered that he loved taking things apart to see how they worked, then putting them back together again. He worked on watches a lot, and ended up helping many people fix their watches. In 1879, when he was 16 years old, he moved to Detroit to start working with machines, though he did come home and worked on the farm a little, too.
Ford got married to Clara Bryant in 1888 and worked on a sawmill. He eventually became an engineer. Ford worked for the Edison Illuminating Company and even got to meet Thomas Edison! Edison encouraged him to keep working on his plans for his horseless carriage, powered by a motor. Ford’s gasoline powered horseless carriage was called the Quadricycle. He sold the Quadricycle and started his own company to continue his work making vehicles. He did not stay with the first company for very long, but eventually started the Ford Motor Company. He spent many years developing cars, which were made only a few at a time.

Ford was not the first person to create a car, but he was the one who began to make them accessible to a lot of people in the United States. His “Model T” car, released in 1908, was easy to drive and to repair, which made many people want one. He needed to make a lot of cars very quickly. His company, Ford Motor Company, hired skilled workers to work on an assembly line. The car would move through the line and each worker had a job along the line. One worker might put on the steering wheel, while at a different spot on the line, another worker put on tires. Every “Model T” was painted black. The company could make many cars at a time this way, which made them cheaper to produce.

Question. Henry Ford was famous because he
(a) was born in 1863 in Michigan
(b) eventually became an engineer
(c) met Thomas Edison
(d) made cars affordable by people
Answer. D

Question. Ford’s Quadricycle was
(a) a cycle with four wheels
(b) the name of his company
(c) a gasoline powered horseless carriage
(d) the first company he worked for
Answer. C

Question. Ford’s “Model T” car was extremely popular amongst people because
(a) Ford had become a popular brand name
(b) the car was easy to drive and repair
(c) the car did not need horses
(d) the car could fly
Answer. B

Question. Ford Motor Company hired skilled workers to work on an assembly line. An assembly line is
(a) a series of machines by which identical items are assembled in successive stages
(b) an important part of car
(c) a branch of Ford Motor Company
(d) Henry Ford’s personal car
Answer. A


Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.

How To Make Animations

It’s Saturday morning. You wake up, grab a bowl of cereal, and relax in front of the TV watching cartoons. Have you ever wondered how those animated cartoons you enjoy are made? The process begins with an idea. Artists make sketches and put them up on a storyboard to get an outline of the story. Then writers create the script and actors record the voices. The sound needs to be recorded before the real animations, so that the artists can draw the cartoons to match up with the actors’ voices. A sound engineer or a computer program analyses all the sounds the voices make, what mouth positions match each sound, and tells the artists how many different drawings to make. The artists need to draw many pictures to show how the characters’ mouths move while they’re talking, and how their bodies move.
There are usually about 12 to 24 drawings for every second of a cartoon! That means, for a 20 minute cartoon, artists have to make around 26,000 drawings - Wow! When characters are moving or speaking quickly, the artists will need more drawings. If the characters are moving slowly, they won’t need as many drawings. Sometimes artists draw the background just once, then use transparent sheets to draw the characters. This saves the artists’ some time.

Once they have all of the drawings to match the sound, they use computers to string all of the images together. When the computer scrolls through all of the images quickly, it looks like the characters are moving. The sound is recorded and played with the string of images. The production team looks very carefully at the cartoon to make sure all the sounds match up the right way, so the artists sometimes may need to add extra pictures or change some pictures to make sure it flows together smoothly.

Question. How does the process of making animated cartoons start?
Answer.The process starts with an idea. Artists make the sketches. They are then put up on a storyboard and an outline of the story is prepared. The script is written, voices are recorded by actors and then, sounds are recorded before the real animation starts.

Question. What is a sound engineer’s job?
Answer.A sound engineer analyses the sounds made by the voices, what mouth positions match each sound and informs the artist how many different drawings are to be made.

Question. Why is making animated shows and movies so time consuming?
Answer.Making animated shows and movies is so time consuming because for every 20 minute cartoon, an artist has to make at least 26,000 drawings. If the cartoon character moves, then the artist has to make more drawings.

Question. What happens when all the drawings are completed to match the sound?
Answer.When all the drawings are completed to match the sound, all the images are string together with the help of a computer. A quick scrolling through the images done by the computer, gives the impression that the characters are moving. Then, the sound is recorded and played along with it. The production team looks at the cartoon very carefully to make sure the sounds match up perfectly.

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.

The Astronomy Project

Mrs Lindsey was everyone’s favourite teacher at Lincoln Elementary School. She was known for her entertaining teaching techniques. One day, she walked into the classroom and
announced to the class that they would all be seeing stars in their futures. She then asked, “Does anyone know what astronomy is?”
Olivia raised her hand and said, “I’m a Libra.”
Mrs Lindsey responded, “I can understand why you would think that astrological signs are part of astronomy because astrology and astronomy both deal with celestial beings. In fact, many of the constellations in the sky have given their names to astrological signs”
Mrs Lindsey then went on to explain that astrology is the belief that the location and movement of stars and planets affect the way events transpire on earth, which is why horoscopes are based on astrological signs. Astronomy, however, is a branch of science that deals with celestial bodies, the universe as a whole and space. “We are going to be learning about astronomy in this unit, and that is why you will be seeing stars in your future.”
“I love looking at the stars at night,” said Olivia.
When Mrs Lindsey asked who else liked looking at stars,everyone in the class raised their hands. She then passed out star charts and asked the class to look at the sky that night and record the visible constellations. The next day is class, everyone was super excited to share their observations. “I saw Ursa Minor,” announced Andrew enthusiastically. “So did I.” said Olivia, “It looks like a dot-to-dot ladle.” “That’s great,” responded Mrs Lindsey, “and did you know that Ursa Minor is also called the Little Dipper because it looks like a ladle?”
“Isn’t there a Big Dipper too?” asked Tim.
“Yes, there is, and it is called Ursa Major,” said Mrs Lindsey.
Mrs Lindsey then asked the class if they would like to become part of the galaxy. They all agreed that sounded like a fun idea, but they wondered how it would work.

Question. Why was Mrs Lindsey everyone’s favourite teacher?
Answer.Mrs Lindsey was everyone’s favourite teacher because she used entertaining teaching techniques to enlighten her students.

Question. How are astrology and astronomy different from each other?
Astrology is the belief that location and movement of stars and planets affect the way events take place on earth. Astronomy, on the other hand, is a branch of science that deals with celestial bodies, the universe as a whole and space.

Question. What did Mrs Lindsey asked her students to do first?
Answer.Mrs Lindsey asked her students to look at the sky that night and record the visible constellations.

Question. Which constellation did Olivia and Andrew see in the sky? What did it look like?
Both Andrew and Olivia saw Ursa Minor, also known as the Little Dipper. The constellation,Ursa Minor looked like a ladle.

Class 5 English Articles Writing with Answers
CBSE Class 5 English Articles Writing
Class 5 English Short Story Writing with Answers
CBSE Class 5 English Short Story Writing
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