Read and download PDF of CBSE Class 12 Sociology 2025 Sample Paper Solved designed as per the latest curriculum and examination pattern for Class 12 issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. The latest Class 12 Sociology Sample Papers have been provided with solutions so that the students can solve these practice papers and then compare their answers. This will help them to identify mistakes and improvement areas in Sociology Class 12 which they need to study more to get better marks in Class 12 exams. After solving these guess papers also refer to solved Class 12 Sociology Question Papers available on our website to build strong understanding of the subject
Sample Paper for Class 12 Sociology Pdf
Students can refer to the below Class 12 Sociology Sample Paper designed to help students understand the pattern of questions that will be asked in Class 12 exams. Please download CBSE Class 12 Sociology 2025 Sample Paper Solved
Sociology Class 12 Sample Paper
1. Assertion (A): The modern state had begun to take an active interest in the development of early forms of public health management, policing and maintenance of law and order.
Reason (R): This new and constantly expanding sphere of state activity required the systematic science of economics.
a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false and R is true.
Answer : B
2. Assertion(A): For most of us who are born and live in India, social inequality and exclusion no longer are facts of our lives.
Reason(R): The everydayness of social inequality and exclusion often make them appear inevitable, almost natural.
a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false and R is true.
Answer : A
3. While population rises in geometric progression, agricultural production can only grow in arithmetic progression.
Which of the following appropriately explains the progressions?
I. 2,4,8,16 and 2,4,6,8 respectively
II. 2,4,6,8 and 2,4,8,16 respectively
III. 3,6,12,24 and 3,6,9,12 respectively
IV. 3,6,9,12 and 3,6,12,24 respectively
a) I., II.
b) II., IV.
c) I. and III.
d) I. and IV.
Answer : C
4. Assertion(A): It was in the cultural and domestic spheres that caste has proved strongest.
Reason(R): While some boundaries may have become more flexible or porous, the borders between groups of castes of similar socio-economic status are still heavily patrolled.
a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false and R is true.
Answer : A
5. Which of the following statements is not true with regard to colonialism and caste?
a) All major social institutions and specially the institution of caste underwent major changes during the colonial period.
b) All of the changes brought about by colonialism were intended or deliberate.
c) Initially, the British administrators began by trying to understand the complexities of caste in an effort to learn how to govern the country efficiently.
d) The 1901 Census under the direction of Herbert Risley was particularly important as it sought to collect information on the social hierarchy of caste.
Answer : B
“There is no necessary relationship between any specific form of community and the modern form of the state. Any of the many bases of community identity (like language, religion, ethnicity and so on) may or may not lead to nation formation – there are no guarantees.”
Based on the given passage, answer Q6 and 7.
6. Cultural diversity can often be perceived as a source of threat to states because-
I. states see all forms of community identity as dangerous rivals.
II. control is difficult in case of heterogenous identities.
III. Suppressing cultural diversity can be very costly in terms of the subdued community.
IV. community identities cannot act as the basis of nation-formation.
a) I. and IV. only
b) III. and IV. only
c) I., II., III. only
d) I., II., III., IV.
Answer : D
7. Which of the following is not true for a community conflict?
a) Communities become reversed mirror images of each other in a community conflict.
b) People often react emotionally in case of any perceived threat to their community identity.
c) Community identities provide a sense of security and satisfaction to its members.
d) Community conflicts can be resolved easily.
Answer : D
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How to download CBSE Class 12 Sociology 2025 Sample Paper Solved in PDF?
We hope you liked the above provided CBSE Class 12 Sociology 2025 Sample Paper Solved. To get an understanding of the type of questions which were asked in exams, it is important for Class 12 students to understand the way sample Paper are set by teachers. Students can download the Sample Paper for Class 12 Sociology which will be coming in the exams so that you can practise them and solve all types of questions that can be asked in exams. By doing CBSE Class 12 Sociology 2025 Sample Paper Solved you will understand the regular questions and MCQ questions for Class 12 Sociology which are always asked. You can download CBSE Class 12 Sociology Sample Paper and Class 12 Sociology Question Papers in PDF. You should attempt all the last year question paper for Class 12 and Class 12 Sociology MCQ Test in examination conditions at home and then compare their answers with the solutions provided by our teachers.
Why should you solve CBSE Class 12 Sociology 2025 Sample Paper Solved?
a) This is new Set from Class 12 Sociology Sample Papers and has questions which are different from other sets.
b) As you will do more sets and also refer to Class 12 Sociology Question Papers, then it will help you understand the type of questions asked in exams.
d) Compare your score of each set to understand your weak areas in Class 12 Sociology.
e) Solving this paper which also has MCQ questions for Class 12 Sociology will make you faster and better at answering questions.
What should you do after solving CBSE Class 12 Sociology 2025 Sample Paper Solved?
a) Check your answers with the solutions given in the downloaded sample paper in PDF of Class 12 Sociology.
b) Class 12 students should try to find where you made mistakes and learn from them.
c) If a question was hard, read the concepts in NCERT book for Class 12 Sociology and then practice it again to get better.
d) Solve more sets of sample papers for Class 12 Sociology to improve even more.
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