Read and download PDF of CBSE Class 12 English Core Sample Paper 2019 Set C designed as per the latest curriculum and examination pattern for Class 12 issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. The latest Class 12 English Sample Papers have been provided with solutions so that the students can solve these practice papers and then compare their answers. This will help them to identify mistakes and improvement areas in English Class 12 which they need to study more to get better marks in Class 12 exams. After solving these guess papers also refer to solved Class 12 English Question Papers available on our website to build strong understanding of the subject
Sample Paper for Class 12 English Pdf
Students can refer to the below Class 12 English Sample Paper designed to help students understand the pattern of questions that will be asked in Class 12 exams. Please download CBSE Class 12 English Core Sample Paper 2019 Set C
English Class 12 Sample Paper
Q.1 Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
What are the good parts of our civilization? First and foremost there are order and safety. If today I have a quarrel with another man, I do not get beaten merely because I am physically weaker and he can kick me down. I go to law, and the law will decide as fairly as it can between the two of us. Thus in disputes between man and man right has taken the place of might. Moreover, the law protects me from robbery and violence. Nobody may come and break into my house, steal my goods or run off with my children. Of course, there are burglars, but they are very rare, and the law punishes them whenever it catches them.
It is difficult for us to realize how much this safety means. Without safety these higher acti-vities of mankind which make up civilization could not go on. The inventor could not invent, the scientist find out or the artist make beautiful things. Hence, order and safety, although they are not themselves civilization are things without which civilization would be impossible. They are as necessary to our civilization as the air we breathe is to us; and we have grown so used to them that we do not notice them any more than we notice the air.
Another great achievement of our civilization is that today civilized men are largely free from the fear of pain. They still fall ill, but illness is no longer the terrible thing it used to be.... Not only do men and women enjoy better health; they live longer than they ever did before, and they have a much better chance of growing up.... Thirdly, our civilization is more secure than any that have gone before it. This is because it is much more widely spread.... Previous civilizations were specialized and limited, they were like oases in a desert.
1. What is the first merit of our civilization ?
(A) Material advancement
(B) Cultural advancement
(C) Development of science
(D) Order and safety
(E) Spiritualism has become a way of life
2. Now-a-days a physically weak man is provided protection by :
(A) The group whose membership he opts for
(B) The law
(C) His wit and wisdom
(D) His cunningness
(E) His friend and supporters
3. In olden days the rule of life was :
(A) Right
(B) Might
(C) Spiritualism
(D) Money
(E) None of these
4. The essential condition for the promotion of higher activities of life is:
(A) Dedication on the part of those who practise them
(B) Economic freedom
(C) Safety
(D) State support
(E) Encouragement and appreciation
5. What according to the author, is the second merit of the present civilization?
(A) Development of means of transport and communication
(B) Space research
(C) Freedom from drudgery
(D) Freedom from the fear of pain
(E) Mental enlightenment of the people
6. What according to the author has the freedom from the fear of pair led to ?
(A) Better health
(B) Devotion to duty
(C) Abundant leisure
(D) Increased cultural pursuits
(E) None of these
7. The third merit of the present civilization, according to the author, is:
(A) The present civilization is founded on justice
(B) The present civilization has liberal outlook on life
(C) The present civilization has provided more leisure
(D) The present civilization is more wide spread in the sense that large number of people are civilized now than ever before
(E) The present civilization is more secure than any that has gone before
8. 'They were like oases in a desert' what does it mean ?
(A) Previous civilizations were more attractive than the present civilization
(B) Previous civilizations were confined to a very limited area while barbarians were far larger in number
(C) Previous civilizations were shortlived
(D) Previous civilizations were attractive from outside only
(E) Previous civilizations were nature based
9. The present civilization :
(A) Begins from 15th century
(B) Begins from 16th century
(C) Begins from 17th century
(D) Begins from 18th century
(E) Has no fixed date for its inception
10. The most appropriate title to the above passage may be:
(A) The merits of the Previous Civilizations
(B) The Defects of the Present Civilizations
(C) Merits and Demerits of the Present Civilizations
(D) The Limitations of the Previous Civilizations
(E) The Wonder That is the Modern Civilization
Pick out the most appropriate equivalent (synonym) of the following words taken from the above passage :
11. Disputes:
(A) Disruptions
(B) Divisions
(C) Diversions
(D) Quarrels
(E) Divergences
12. Might:
(A) Force
(B) Weakness
(C) Cowardice
(D) Bravery
(E) Power
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CBSE Class 12 English Core Sample Paper 2019 Set C
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