CBSE Class 6 Science Question Paper Set 6

Read and download CBSE Class 6 Science Question Paper Set 6 designed as per the latest question paper pattern and Class 6 examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. The past year Question Papers for Class 6 Science have been provided with solutions which will help students to assess their performance and find out topics in Science Class 6 which they need to improve to get better marks in Class 6 exams. After solving these last year papers also refer to solved Sample Papers for Class 6 Science available on our website to build strong understanding of the subject

Science Question Paper Class 6

Students can refer to the below Class 6 Science Question Paper designed to help students understand the pattern of questions that will be asked in Class 6 exams. Please download CBSE Class 6 Science Question Paper Set 6

Science Class 6 Question Paper

1.Fill in the blanks.
a. ___________________gas does not support burning and cause suffocation if present in abundant.
b. No rainfall for a year or more may lead to ___________________ in that region. 
c. The image formed by a mirror is due to the __________________ of light. 
d. A ____________ is a device that is used to find directions using directional properties of magnets.
e. Water and milk are _____________ liquids. 
f. The iron rim of a wooden wheel is made slightly _________________ than the wheel. 
2. Choose the correct answer.
a. A process in which liquid changes into vapour is called ________________.
(a) contraction       (b) evaporation              (c) melting                    (d) freezing
b. Transparent materials allow the light to pass through them.
(a) partially           (b) completely               (c) sometimes only         (d) not at all
c. The two ends of the magnet are called __________________.
(a) strength          (b) poles                        (c) north                       (d) south
d. Grape is an example of _________________.
(a) herb               (b) shrub                       (c) creeper                    (d) climber
e. The water in oceans cannot be used because it is _________________.
(a) salty              (b) harmful                     (c) toxic                       (d) acidic
f. Weather cock shows the direction of moving ___________ of a place.
(a) water            (b) air                            (c) smoke                      (d) dust
3. State TRUE or FALSE.
a. The presence of dust particles in air varies from place to place and from time to time. 
b. Evaporation takes place only in presence of sunlight. 
c. The moon is a non-luminous body. 
d. If a plant has leaves with reticulate venation, then its root will likely to be taproot. 
e. Things made of gold and aluminium has no luster. 
f. Making an aeroplane by cutting out of a paper is an irreversible change. 
4. Give ONE word / term for the following.
a. The substances which dissolves in water completely. 
b. The process that takes place when solid cools. 
c. The process by which leaves loss water in the form of vapour from the stomata. 
d. The dark patch formed due to obstruction of light rays by an opaque object. 
e. An artificial magnet. 
f. The constant circulation of water between ocean and land. 
g. The layer of air that surrounds the earth. 
5 Give two uses of a wind mill. 
6 Give reason: Cooking of food is an irreversible change. 
7 Name two processes that show the interdependence of plants and animals. 
8 What are creepers? 
9 When a can of soft drink from a refrigerator is kept outside, we can notice droplets of water appearing on the can. Why?
10 Which is harder – sponge or iron? 
11 Classify the following objects as luminous OR non- luminous
(a) a mirror         (b) a piece of red hot iron.
12 Name two gases that dissolve in water
13 Write any two functions of roots found in plants. 
14 How is a shadow formed? 
15 In which direction does a suspended magnet come to rest? 
16 Write two ways by which a magnet can be demagnetized. 
17 Give two uses of oxygen. 
18 How is ground water replenished under the earth’s surface? 
19 Why do earthworms come out of the soil during heavy rains?

CBSE Class 6 Science Question Paper Set 6

We hope you liked the above provided CBSE Class 6 Science Question Paper Set 6. To get an understanding of the type of questions which were asked in previous year exams, it is important for Class 6 students to refer to CBSE Class 6 Science Question Paper Set 6 that we have provided above. Students can download all the Question Papers for Class 6 Science which were issued in the exams so that you can practise them and solve all types of questions which have been asked till now. By doing all CBSE Class 6 Science Question Paper Set 6 PYP (previous year papers) you will understand the regular questions and MCQ questions for Class 6 Science which are always asked and learn them so that you can get full marks in those questions. You can download CBSE Class 6 Science Previous Year Question Papers and Class 6 Science Sample Papers in PDF. You should attempt all the last year question paper for Class 6 and Class 6 Science MCQ Test in examination conditions at home and then compare their answers with the solutions provided by our teachers.

Importance of solving CBSE Class 6 Science Question Paper Set 6

By regularly practicing CBSE Class 6 Science Question Paper Set 6 students will be able to improve marks in Class 6 Science exams. These question papers provide a very clear idea about the exam and paper structure, marking scheme, and frequently asked questions by teachers. By solving CBSE Class 6 Science Question Paper Set 6, students can improve their time management skills and also learn to answer Science questions correctly within the Class 6 exam duration. Apart from learning concepts and solving the CBSE Class 6 Science Question Paper will help you to boost your practical experience and also build confidence to face the actual examination.

Benefits of downloading CBSE Class 6 Science Question Papers in PDF

Downloading the CBSE Class 6 Science Question Paper Set 6 in PDF format will help you to read these papers anytime and anywhere. These question papers with answers act as a reliable tool to revise key concepts, practice numerical problems, and understand the correct approach to answer each question. By attempting the CBSE Class 6 Science Question Paper Set 6, you can assess your preparation level and identify weak areas on which you have to focus upon. Along with these question papers our teachers say that you should solve Sample Papers for Class 6 Science to improve overall preparation.

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Regular practice of sample CBSE Class 6 Science Question Paper Set 6 can help you to score better marks in exams

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Yes, provides all latest CBSE Class 6 Science Question Papers with answers based on the latest format issued for current academic session

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Yes, mock CBSE Class 6 Science Question Paper Set 6 are available in multiple languages, including English, Hindi