CBSE Class 12 Painting Question Paper Set B Solved

Read and download CBSE Class 12 Painting Question Paper Set B Solved designed as per the latest question paper pattern and Class 12 examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. The past year Question Papers for Class 12 Painting and Sculpture have been provided with solutions which will help students to assess their performance and find out topics in Painting and Sculpture Class 12 which they need to improve to get better marks in Class 12 exams. After solving these last year papers also refer to solved Sample Papers for Class 12 Painting and Sculpture available on our website to build strong understanding of the subject

Painting and Sculpture Question Paper Class 12

Students can refer to the below Class 12 Painting and Sculpture Question Paper designed to help students understand the pattern of questions that will be asked in Class 12 exams. Please download CBSE Class 12 Painting Question Paper Set B Solved

Painting and Sculpture Class 12 Question Paper

1. Which one do you like or dislike most among all the contemporary (modern) Indian paintings included in your course of study? Give your appropriate reasons in detail based on the aesthetic parameters. 5
2. Write an essay on the origin and development of the Deccan School of Miniature Painting. 
3. Do you receive any spiritual message from the famous Mughal miniature painting ‘Kabir and Raidas’ Or famous Deccan miniature-painting‘HazratNizamuddin Auliya’ and ‘Amir Khusro’ ? Explain in short.
4. Evaluate the artistic achievements of any of the following Contemporary (Modern) Indian artists, with specialreference to his/her art-work included in your course: 
(i) KamleshDuttPande (painter)
(ii) RamkinkerVaij (sculptor)
(iii) AnupamSud (graphic-artist)
5. Which human life-values and emotions are shown by unknown artist of the Guler sub-school in his famous miniature painting ‘Bharat Worshipping Charan-Padukas of Rama’ ? Explain in short. 
6. Mention the titles of any five miniature paintings of the Mughal and Deccan Schools included in your course of study. 
7. Mention the names of any five painters of the Rajasthani or Pahari Schools of Miniature Painting included in your course of study. 
8. Mention the artist of each of the contemporary Indian art – works included in your course of study. 
(i) Words and Symbols (a painting)    (ii) Children (a graphic - print)
(iii) Triumph of Labour (a sculpture)   (iv) Vanshri (a sculpture)
(v) Magician (a painting)
Third Prelim
Value points:
1. 5 points with justification – on aesthetic aspect only
2.Origin and Development of the Deccan School of Miniature Painting
Deccan art denotes broadly the miniatures rendered from 16th to 19th century A.D.atBijapur, Ahmednagar, Golkonda and Hyderabad. These independent states have their own distinct geographical and historical identity known as Deccan.
Deccan had its own distinction in art, culture, dramatics, linguistics, social values,costumes, religious beliefs, thoughts and ideas.
The style and themes in Deccan miniatures are an amalgamation (combination) of various art elements and influences especially the elements of early indigenous(local) art traditions of the Deccan and Islamic idiom of Iran, Persia, Turkey.
Early phases evolved at the AdilShahi court of Bijapur, where several Irani, Persian And Turkish painters, calligraphers, scholars came to Bijapur. Skilled in Islamic Art Style these artists rendered paintings on pure Islamic themes and in a pure IslamicIdiom.
The second phase started when the later generations of Muslim rulers of Deccan States, Bijapur,Golkonda, Ahmednagar and Hyderabad had their roots on Indian
soil. They were inclined to Indian Mysticism. Besides, the artists they had were mostly local or local descendants of earlier immigrants who came from Iran, Persia, Turkey.
The third phase initiated in the 18th century at Hyderabad when another form of Deccan art came into existence. It blended with the romantic passion of the former Golkonda School as well as the stylistic elements and refinement of the Mughal art Visible styles of Deccan Art:
(i) The rhythmic delicacy of Persia
(ii) The lush sensuality of the Deccan
(iii)Three dimensional aspects European Art which can be clearly seen in delineation of buildings.
(iv)Tall ,fair complexioned and emotionally charged males and sensuous Loo king Females.
(v) The people are endowed with lovely faces, large wide open eyes, bold features, broad foreheads , high necks, triangularly slanting waists an neatlycarved figures, each onecharacterized by excitement, vigour, moods, sentiments and dramatic intensity infused into its being.
3. 5 points with justification – in favour of Subject only
4. 5 points with justification – on Artistic achievements only
5. 5 points with justification – high lighting the value projected in the painting
6. Mughal Paintings:
Any five paintings
Deccan Paintings:
Any five paintings
7. Rajasthani Painters:
Any five painters
Pahari Painters:
Any five painters
8. KCS Panikar
D P Roy Chaudhury
Mrinalini Mukherjee
Gaganendranath Tagore

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CBSE Class 12 Painting Question Paper Set B Solved

We hope you liked the above provided CBSE Class 12 Painting Question Paper Set B Solved. To get an understanding of the type of questions which were asked in previous year exams, it is important for Class 12 students to refer to CBSE Class 12 Painting Question Paper Set B Solved that we have provided above. Students can download all the Question Papers for Class 12 Painting and Sculpture which were issued in the exams so that you can practise them and solve all types of questions which have been asked till now. By doing all CBSE Class 12 Painting Question Paper Set B Solved PYP (previous year papers) you will understand the regular questions and MCQ questions for Class 12 Painting and Sculpture which are always asked and learn them so that you can get full marks in those questions. You can download CBSE Class 12 Painting and Sculpture Previous Year Question Papers and Class 12 Painting and Sculpture Sample Papers in PDF. You should attempt all the last year question paper for Class 12 and Class 12 Painting and Sculpture MCQ Test in examination conditions at home and then compare their answers with the solutions provided by our teachers.

Importance of solving CBSE Class 12 Painting Question Paper Set B Solved

By regularly practicing CBSE Class 12 Painting Question Paper Set B Solved students will be able to improve marks in Class 12 Painting and Sculpture exams. These question papers provide a very clear idea about the exam and paper structure, marking scheme, and frequently asked questions by teachers. By solving CBSE Class 12 Painting Question Paper Set B Solved, students can improve their time management skills and also learn to answer Painting and Sculpture questions correctly within the Class 12 exam duration. Apart from learning concepts and solving the CBSE Class 12 Painting and Sculpture Question Paper will help you to boost your practical experience and also build confidence to face the actual examination.

Benefits of downloading CBSE Class 12 Painting and Sculpture Question Papers in PDF

Downloading the CBSE Class 12 Painting Question Paper Set B Solved in PDF format will help you to read these papers anytime and anywhere. These question papers with answers act as a reliable tool to revise key concepts, practice numerical problems, and understand the correct approach to answer each question. By attempting the CBSE Class 12 Painting Question Paper Set B Solved, you can assess your preparation level and identify weak areas on which you have to focus upon. Along with these question papers our teachers say that you should solve Sample Papers for Class 12 Painting and Sculpture to improve overall preparation.

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Yes, provides all latest CBSE Class 12 Painting and Sculpture Question Papers with answers based on the latest format issued for current academic session

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Yes, mock CBSE Class 12 Painting Question Paper Set B Solved are available in multiple languages, including English, Hindi