Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 9 Science Physical And Chemical Changes Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 9 Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 9 Science Physical And Chemical Changes in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 9 students should practice questions and answers given here for Science in Class 9 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 9 Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 9 Science Physical And Chemical Changes
Class 9 Science students should download to the following Physical And Chemical Changes Class 9 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 9 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 9 Science Worksheet for Physical And Chemical Changes
CBSE Class 9 Science Worksheet - Physical and Chemical Changes. Students can download these worksheets and practice them. This will help them to get better marks in examinations. Also refer to other worksheets for the same chapter and other subjects too. Use them for better understanding of the subjects.
Reaction of iron with copper sulphate
Experiment No: …5…. Date: ………..
(a) Iron with copper sulphate solution
Objectives: To study the reaction of iron with copper sulphate
Requirements: Iron nails, thread, test tubes, copper sulphate, distilled water, spatula, TT stand, sand paper, etc.
Points to remember:
1. Colour of pure iron is greyish
2. Colour of pure copper is brownish.
3. Aqueous solution of copper sulphate is blue due to the presence of Cu2+ ions and ferrous sulphate is light
green due to the presence of Fe2+ ions.
4. Fe is more reactive than Cu. Due to their difference in reactivity, copper get deposited on iron when
iron is kept in a solution of copper sulphate and metallic iron dissolves in water to form iron sulphate.
5. This is an example of a single displacement reaction.
1. Take 10 ml each of copper sulphate solution in two test tubes and keep on a TT stand.
2. Take two iron nails and clean them using a sand paper to remove any rust.
3. Put one iron nail in one of the test tubes.
4. After 15 minutes, take out the iron nail keep it on a filter paper next to the clean iron nail and compare
them. Compare also the solutions in both the test tubes.
5. Record your observation in the following table.
Nature of the: Observation Inference
Iron nail before the
Silvery grey in colour and
lustrous Metals are lustrous.
Iron nail after the experiment Brown deposit on the nail
Copper is deposited on the nail due the
displacement reaction that takes place
between Fe & Cu.
Solution before the
Light blue and
Copper sulphate solution is peacock blue in
Solution after the experiment Light green and dirty
Due to the chemical reaction, Fe displaces Cu
fromCuSO4 and FeSO4 is formed in the solution.
Dirtiness is due to the rusting of iron.
Fe displaces Cu from CuSO4 and forms FeSO4 in the solution hence the colour of the solution changes from light
blue to pale green. The displaced copper gets deposited on iron nail. It appears as brown coating on iron nail
1. Iron nail should be clean; otherwise impurity such as rust will cause interference to the expected
2. During the experiment the test tube should not be disturbed. (The deposit of copper might fall off)
3. More the time taken better will be the result.
(b) Burning of Magnesium in air
Objectives: To study the burning of Mg in air
Requirements: A strip of Mg ribbon, a pair of tongs, china dish, Bunsen burner, litmus paper, match box etc.
Points to remember:
1. Mg is an active metal.It combines with oxygen to form magnesium oxide.
2. The reaction is an example of direct combination reaction.
3. MgO on dissolving (It is only partially soluble) in water gives a base magnesium hydroxide.
4. Both MgO and Mg(OH)2 turn red litmus blue.
1. Take a clean strip of Mg ribbon and burn it by showing to a Bunsen flame with the help of a pair of
2. Collect the white powder that is formed during burning in a china dish.
Rub the magnesium ribbon with a
sand paper
Silvery grey colour with
Metals are lustrous
Burn Mg ribbon and note the nature of
the flame and smoke.
It burns with an intensely
bright flame and white
Mg burns in oxygen to form MgO
Put a small portion of the white
powder on a moist red litmus paper.
Red litmus turns to blue MgO is alkaline/basic. It dissolves in
water to form Mg(OH)2
1. When Mg burns in air, it combines with oxygen (of air) to form a white powder of magnesium oxide. &
MgO is basic in nature.
1. Mg ribbon should be clean
2. Avoid looking directly at the flame when the Mg ribbon burns as the intensity of the flame may damage
your eye sight.
3. A pair of tongs should be used to hold the Mg ribbon while burning.
4. The white powder formed should not come in contact with your body partsReaction of Zinc with
sulphuric acid
(c) Zinc with Dil.Sulphuric acid
Objectives: To study the chemical reaction between Zn and dil H2SO4 acid.
Points to remember:
1. Zn is an active metal. It has two valance electrons.
2. Hydrogen is less reactive than Zn, so the following reaction takes place when Zn comes in contact with
3. This reaction is an example of a single displacement .
Take a small piece of Zn granule in
a test tube and treat it with 3 ml
of dilute sulphuric acid. Wait for
10 minutes.
Slow evolution of a colourless
odourless gas.
Zn displaces H2 gas from HCl and
forms ZnCl2
Zn + H2SO4 Zn SO4 + H2
1. Sulphuric acid should be handled carefully.
2. Use clean Zn granules.
Zn is more reactive than hydrogen.
(d)Heating of Copper sulphate
Objective : To study the chemical reaction when hydrated copper sulphate is heated.
Apparatus: Test tubes ,bunsen burner ,hydrated copper sulphate,tongs ,spatula etc
Theory : The hydrated copper sulphate loses its water of crystallisation on heating
CuSO4.5H2O CuSO4 + 5H2O
blue white
It is a reversible chemical reaction
Experiment Observation Inference
Take 1 spatula of hydrated copper
sulphate (blue) in a hard glass
tube gently heat over a Bunsen
flame .
Blue coloured copper sulphate
changes to white
Hydrated copper sulphate loses
water of crystallisation on heating
and becomes anhydrous.
Use safety goggle while heating..
Be careful when you handle hot objects.
(e) Reaction between Sodium sulphate &Barium chloride
Objectives: To study the chemical reaction between Sodium sulphate and Barium Chloride.
Requirements: Solutions of Na2SO4 & BaCl2, test tubes etc.
Points to remember:
1. Sodium sulphate contains 2 sodium ions and one sulphate ion.
2. On mixing the solutions a double displacement reactions takes place.
Take 1 ml of Sodium sulphate
solution in a test tube and add 1
ml of BaCl2 solution to it. Record
the change observed.
A white precipitate is formed The white precipitate formed is
Na2SO4+BaCl2 BaSO4+2NaCl
1. What is meant by displacement reaction? (Ans: A stronger element displaces a weaker element
from its compound)
2. Which is more reactive? Copper or iron and why? (Ans: Fe is more reactive as it displaces Cu
from its compounds)
3. Which is more reactive? Copper or iron and why? (Ans: Fe is more reactive as it displaces Cu
from its compounds)
4. Which is more reactive? Copper or iron and why? (Ans: Fe is more reactive as it displaces Cu
from its compounds)
5. What is the colour of copper sulphate solution before the experiment? (Blue/Peacock blue)
6. Which out of the following get coated on iron nail? What is its colour?
(Copper oxide, copper sulphate, copper sulphide, copper metal) [Reddish brown ]
7. Why it is not advised not to look directly at the flame of a burning Mg piece? (Ans: intense
dazzling flame may damage retina)
8. What is the colour of barium chloride solution? What is the colour of barium sulphate
9. What is the colour nature of hydrated copper sulphate?
10. What is the colour of the residue when copper sulphate crystals are heated? .
11. What do you mean by water of crystallisation?
Multiple choice type questions
1 The colour of copper sulphate solution
a) deep blue b) light green c) blue d) light yellow
2 A 10 cm long magnesium ribbon is heated in a Bunsen burner flame till it catches fire.the flame
produced in magnesium ribbon is
a) Yellow b)dazzling white c) brick red d) silvery blue
3 The compound formed when zinc reacts with dil sulphuric acid is
a ) Zinc sulphite b) zinc sulphate c) zinc chloride d)zinc sulphide
4 When solutions of sodium sulphate &barium chloride are mixed ,an insoluble solid settles at the
bottom of the test tube.,its colour
a ) blue b) yellow c) white d)green
5 While heatinng the crystals of copper sulphate the incorrect observation is:
a) blue crystals change to white
b) crackling sound
c) water droplets along the sides of test tube
d) liberates colourless gas
6 Which one of the following is an example of physical change
a ) Burning of magnesium ribbon in air b)Burning of candle
c ) mixing Zinc &dil sulphuric acid d)boiling of water
7 Which one is true about the behaviour of magnesium oxide in presence of water
a) It is basic
b) It is acidic
c) It is amphoteric
d) It is neutral
8 The gas evolved during reaction of zinc with Dil.Sulphuric acid is:
a) a supporter of combustion
b) a potential fuel
c) non – combustible
d) soluble in water
9 What is observed when iron nails are added to copper sulphate solution?
a) the solution becomes pale and eddish brown deposit is seen on the nails.
b) the solution becomes colourless
c) there is no reaction
d) the solution changes to pale green and no change in the iron nails.
10 When magnesium is burnt in air,it produces magnesium oxide that appears to be like: (CCE 2011)
a) wood ash b) chalk powder c) table salt d) powdered sugar
11 When Dil.Sulphuric acid is added to granulated zinc placed in a test tube, the observation made is:
a) the surface of the metal turns shining
b) the reaction mixture turns milky
c) the odour of sulphur is observed
d) the colourless and odourless gas evolves with bubbles.
12 The crystals of copper sulphate turn white on heating due to (CCE 2011)
a) loss of sulphate ions.
b) loss of copper ions.
c) loss of water of crystallisation.
) decomposition of copper sulphate.
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Worksheet for CBSE Science Class 9 Physical And Chemical Changes
We hope students liked the above worksheet for Physical And Chemical Changes designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 9 Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 9 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 9 Science on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 9 Science to develop the Science Class 9 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 9 Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 9 Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.
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Yes, provides all latest NCERT Physical And Chemical Changes Class 9 Science test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session
CBSE Class 9 Science Physical And Chemical Changes worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.
Regular practice with Class 9 Science worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.