CBSE Class 12 Multimedia And Web Technology Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 12 Multimedia And Web Technology Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 12 Other Subjects can get free printable Worksheets for Class 12 Other Subjects Multimedia And Web Technology in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 12 students should practice questions and answers given here for Other Subjects in Class 12 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 12 Other Subjects Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Other Subjects books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 12 Other Subjects Multimedia And Web Technology

Class 12 Other Subjects students should download to the following Multimedia And Web Technology Class 12 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 12 Other Subjects Worksheet for Multimedia And Web Technology

Database concepts

1. Define the term foreign key with the help of an example.

2. What do you understand by the term primary key?

3. What is a tuple?

4. Define alternate key with the help of an example..

5. Define Candidate key.

6. What is the relation between a candidate key and a primary key with respect to a database ?

7. What is DBMS? Give an example of a DBMS.

8. What is a Database? What is a DBMS?

9. What do you understand by the degree of a table?

10. Explain the concept of foreign key with the help of an example.

11. Explain the terms tuple and cardinality with the help of an example.

CH 2 – Starting MS – Access

1. What is the difference between Text and Memo data types used in MS- Access?

2. What is the difference between the Number and Auto Number data types in Access?

3. Name any two types of relationships that can be set between two tables in MS-Access.

4. Differentiate between the design view and datasheet view in Access.

5. Identify the most suitable data type for the following data items:

i) Age of a person.

ii) An address

6. Name the following :

i. An attribute which is capable of becoming a primary key.

ii. The MS access view in which we can add define the fields , the data types and their input masks.

iii. The extension of an Access database file.

iv. The view in which we can add, edit and view records in MS-access.

v. A data type which can be used to automatically store monetary values with appropriate sign, commas and decimals.

vi. A part of the Microsoft office suite that is used to create and manage databases.

1. What are the functions of a computer?

2. Differentiate between Hardware and software?

3. What is the difference between RAM and ROM?

4. What is MIC?

5. What is the difference between flatbed plotter and drum plotter?

6. What are the two categories of printers?What type of printer is found to be more speedy?

7. Differentiate between online and offline UPS?

8. Define Joystick?

9. What is digital Camera?

10. Write down the short notes on the following.

(i)Zip Drive (ii) DAT Drive

11. What is the use of mouse?

12. Define an operating System? Give an example of single user, multitasking operating system?

13. Explain the three language translators.

14. What are utilities? Name some utilities?

15. What is word processing? Explain with example?

16. What is presentation package? Name some presentation packages?

17. What is the significance of the following?

(i)Windows explorer (ii)Recycle Bin (iii)Task Bar (iv)Start menu

18.What is the difference between moving and copying file/folder?

1. Name the web server required to execute ASP on Windows Operating system.

2. What is an Expression tag?

3. What is ASP language directive?

4. What is web server?

5. Mention any two features of ASP.

6. Differentiate between HTML and ASP?

7. Differentiate between Client side and Server side Scripting?

8. What is the purpose of using ‘global.asa’ file?

9. What do you mean by ASP Object Model?

10. What is ODBC?

11. Name any four methods of Recordset object.

12. What do you understand by ASP object? Name different ASP objects.

13. Name any two technologies that are equivalent to ASP.

14. What is the importance of GETAdvertisement method of ADrotator component?

16. Use the following script to answer the questions that follow:
X = 10
Sub result()
Y = 20
End Sub
(i) What is the scope of variable X and Y in the above script?
(ii) What is the value of X and Y before the subroutine SID ends?

17.Observe the following script:
A=0; B=1;I=1
Do while I <= 5
C= A*B
Whenever this script is executed, the programmer finds that it runs continuous infinite time. Identify the error and write the corrected code.

18. Find the output
1. Response.write(ucase(mid(“we become leaders and innovators by performing leading and innovating actions.”,2,13))
2. Response.write(instr(“My India My Pride...” , “ia”)
3. Response.write( Right (“Different Shades of Patriotism” , 4)

19. a. Predict the output of the following ASP code.
<% dim a,b
do while a<40
b. <%
Dim A,B,C,D,MyCheck
A = 10: B = 8: C = 6: D = 0
MyCheck = A > B Imp B > C
Response.write(2^3 < 5 AND 8 * 5 / 2 > 21) %>
b) Convert the following coding in to
do while i<5
s(I) = 10*s(I)
response.write (s(I) & “<br>”)
loop %>
Write the ASP code that will read the text file called multi.txt , and display only the line that start with “W”.

20.Give the uses and syntax of the following In-built functions.
1) Mid ( )
2) CDbl( )

21. Rewrite the following code after removing errors with each correction underlined.
The Login Name entered by the user is :
< % pass = Response.Querystring(“Password”) %>
The password is :
If pass < > “enter” then

22.ABC Ltd. is publishing company which uses banner advertisements to fund their web site as shown below :
Create an ASP file “Greeting.asp” to display different banner advertisement on the webpage. The ads to be displayed are stored in the file myads.txt.\

23. Use the following script to answer the questions that follow: 2
Sub result()
Y = 20
(i) What is the scope of variable X and Y in the above script?
(ii) How many times will the subroutine SID be executed in the above script?

24.Observe the following script:
Do while I <= 5
C= A*B
Everytime this script is executed, the programmer receives an error as soon as the DO WHILE is reached. Identify the error and write the corrected code.

25. Find output for the following.
1. Response.write( LTRIM(LEFT(“SAARC MODEL CONFERENCE” , 7)))
2. Response.write(ucase(mid(“Park Mediclaim”,2,abs(15 mod 4))
3. Response.write(instr(“The new age has begun” , “ge”)

a) Observe the program segment given below carefully and fill the blanks marked as Line 1 and Line 2 using methods of the RecordSet object for performing the required task. 3
DIM objConn, strConn, objRS
SET objConn = Server. CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)
strConn = “DSN=exam”
objConn. Open strConn
SET objRS = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.RecordSet”)
objRS.Open “Student”, objConn, 2, 2
objRS.MoveLast ‘Move the cursor to the end of file
______________ ‘Line 1 to Add a new blank record
objRS(“AdmNo”) = Request.Form(“AdmNo”)
objRS(“Name”) = Request.Form(“Name”)
______________ ‘Line 2 to save the record in the database
SET objRS = Nothing
SET objConn = Nothing

27. Find the output of the following ASP coding
s=”mistrust or distrust”
for k =1 to m step 2
n=mid(s, k,2)
response.write (n)
response.write (“<br>”>
next %>

28. Convert the following coding in to do while ------loop 2
for I = max to 1 step -2
s(I) = 10*s(I)
response.write (s(I) & “<br>”)
next %>

29. Write ASP code to read the contents of file and print the count of the word “the” as an independent word in a text file “story.txt”.
For example , if the content of the file story.txt is
There was a monkey in the zoo. The
Monkey was very naughty.
Then the output of the program should be 2.

30. What is Client Side Scripting? Give two examples.

31. Differentiate between Client Side scripting and Server-side scripting with examples.

32. What are server variables of Request Object. Explain one of them

33. Give name of object to which the following methods/properties belong: (i) Form
(ii) Binarywrite
(e) Give output of the following statements:
1. Response.Write(UCASE (LEFT (“Times Of India”, 4)))
2. Response.write((5-3)*(4/2-3))
3. Response.Write(MONTHNAME (MONTH (CDATE (“23/08/2012”))),Yes)

34. (a) Differentiate between an Read and ReadLine methods of the TextStream .
(b) What is PWS ? What is the role of ADO on OLEDB connection?
(c) Rewrite, the following code after removing errors with each correction underlined.
dim num =25
b = 2
do num > 0 step 7
b = num mod 10
num = num - 2
next loop
document.write b
(d) Give the output for the following code segment:
Y = 15
FOR X = 1 TO 4
Document.Write (Y)
Document.Write (X)
Y = Y -6
(e) An e-Learning Company Future Learning wishes to design an ASP coded web page with the following specifications:
• The company wish to display time(without date) and the logo of the company on the landing page.
• To display a greeting message “ Welcome to Virtual Classroom “ if the user accesses the website. Write the ASP code for the above details.

Worksheet for CBSE Other Subjects Class 12 Multimedia And Web Technology

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Multimedia And Web Technology designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 12 Other Subjects released by CBSE. Students of Class 12 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 12 Other Subjects on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Other Subjects by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 12 Other Subjects to develop the Other Subjects Class 12 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 12 Other Subjects designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 12 Other Subjects in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 12 Other Subjects Multimedia And Web Technology

You can download the CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 12 Other Subjects Multimedia And Web Technology for latest session from

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There is no charge for the Printable worksheets for Class 12 CBSE Other Subjects Multimedia And Web Technology you can download everything free

Are there any websites that offer free test sheets for Class 12 Other Subjects Multimedia And Web Technology

Yes, provides all latest NCERT Multimedia And Web Technology Class 12 Other Subjects test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 12 Other Subjects Multimedia And Web Technology worksheets?

CBSE Class 12 Other Subjects Multimedia And Web Technology worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 12 Other Subjects scores?

Regular practice with Class 12 Other Subjects worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.