CBSE Class 6 Mathematics Revision Worksheet Set I

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 6 Mathematics Revision Worksheet Set I. Students and teachers of Class 6 Mathematics can get free printable Worksheets for Class 6 Mathematics All Chapters in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 6 students should practice questions and answers given here for Mathematics in Class 6 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 6 Mathematics Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Mathematics books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 6 Mathematics All Chapters

Class 6 Mathematics students should download to the following All Chapters Class 6 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 6 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 6 Mathematics Worksheet for All Chapters


I Fill In the blanks

1. 1km = ___________ mm

2. 1 gram = ____________ milligrams

3. The roman numeral M stands for the number _________

4. 1453 when rounded off to the nearest hundreds, we get __________

5. 79 can be written in Roman numeral as ___________

II Give a rough estimate ( by rounding off to nearest hundreds ) and also a closer estimate ( by rounding off to nearest tens ).

a) 468 + 243 + 5416     b) 9471 – 596

III Write the roman numeral for

a) 95     b) 49     c)57    d) 35 e)16

IV Population of a city was 2,46,972 in the year 2010. In the year 2012, it was found to be increased by 25,650. What was the population of the city in 2012?

V To stitch a shirt 2m 25 cm cloth is needed. Out of 30m cloth, how many shirts can be stitched and how much cloth will remain?

VI Find the difference between the greatest and the least number that can be formed using the digits 9, 3, 1, 5, 6 each only once.


I Fill in the blanks

1. (3 + 4) + 6= 3 + (4+6). This statement shows that addition of whole numbers is _____________

2. __________ is the multiplicative identity for the whole numbers.

3. 425 x 36 = 36 x _______

4. 57 x 103 = (57 x ________) + (57 x ________)
5. The smallest whole number is ________
II Find the product by suitable rearrangement.
a) 3 x 125 x 9 x 8       b) 2 x 3465 x 50
c) 4 x 272 x 25           d) 25 x 125 x 40 x 8
III Find the sum by suitable re-arrangement
a) 425 + 1326 + 575 + 674
b) 685 + 840 + 315
IV Find the value using suitable property
a) 348 x 75 + 348 x 25
b) 63475 X 145 – 63475 X 45
c) 327 x 108
d) 159 x 1006
V Find using distributive property
a) 8425 x 37    b) 348 x 125    c) 742 x 102
VI The school canteen charges Rs. 25 for lunch and Rs. 8 for tea each day. How much money do you spend in 6 days on these things?
Fill in the blanks
1. The graph represents data in the form of pictures is known as _____________.
2. A graph drawn using bars of uniform width is called _______________.
3. A collection of numbers gathered to give some information is called _______________.
II The height (in cm) of 20 students of class VI are given below
125, 130, 135, 142, 125, 139, 150, 147,
142, 139, 125, 130, 125, 150, 147, 139,
152, 130, 152, 142.
Prepare a table using tally marks.
Now, answer the following :
a. Find how many students are of the height 142 cm ?
b. How many students are there of height less than or equal to 135 cm?
c. How many students are of the height more than 147 cm?
III Observe the following bar graph and answer the following questions :

CBSE Class 6 Maths Worksheet (1) 1
a. What information does the above bar graph give ?
b. How many shirts were sold on Friday?
c. On which day the minimum no. of shirts sold?
d. What is the scale chosen on the vertical line representing no. of shirts ?
e. How many more shirts sold on Wednesday than Tuesday ?
IV Following table shows the monthly expenditure of a family on various items.Draw a bar graph.
CBSE Class 6 Maths Worksheet (1) 2
V The following are the number of bulbs purchased for a house during the first months of a year. Represent the details by a pictograph using one symbol to represent 10 bulbs :
CBSE Class 6 Maths Worksheet (1) 3
I Fill in the blanks
1. ________ is neither a prime nor a composite.
2. A number for which sum of all its factors is equal to twice the number is called ________
3. The greatest prime number between 10 and 15 is _________
4. The smallest multiple of 123 is _______
5. Two prime numbers, whose difference is 2 are called _________
6. The smallest digit in the blank space of 421__4, so that the number so formed is divisible by 4.
7. The greatest factor of 144 is __________
8. The LCM of two prime numbers is ________
9. The smallest 3 digit prime number is ________
10. 180 = 2 x 2 x ___ x 3 __ is the prime factorization of 180
11. The product of any two even numbers is _______
12. The smallest odd prime number is _____
13. The number of different factors in the factorization of 21 is ________
14. The greatest two digit multiple of 9 is _____
15. _______ and _________ are the factors of every number.
16. HCF of any two consecutive numbers is _______
II Do the following
1. I am the smallest number having 3 different odd prime factors. Can you find me?
2. Express the smallest 3 digit number in the form of prime factors.
3. Write all prime numbers between 10 and 30.
4. Using divisibility test check whether the following are divisible by 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10 and 11.
a)1586     b)990     c)275     d) 6686     e) 639210
5. Find the smallest number when divided by 24 and 81 leave a remainder 5 in each case.
6. Find the greatest 3 digit number which is exactly divisible by 6,10,12 and 4.
7. Two tankers contain 850 litres and 680 litres of petrol respectively. Find the maximum capacity of the container which can measure the petrol of either tanker in exact number of times.
8. In a morning walk, three persons step off together. Their steps measure 80cm, 85cm, and 90cm respectively. What is the minimum distance each should walk so that all can cover the distance in complete steps?
1. The polygon with least number of sides is _________
2. The distance around a circle is called _____________
3. A region in the interior of a circle enclosed by a chord and an arc is called ___________
4. __________ is the longest chord.
5. The region in the interior of a circle enclosed by an arc and a pair of radii is called ____________
6. The line segment joining any two points on the circle is _____
7. _________ is the chord passing through the centre of the circle.
8. The joint of any two non adjacent vertices of a polygon is __________
II Do as directed:
1. Identify the triangles in the figure
CBSE Class 6 Maths Worksheet (1) 4
3.Draw a sketch of a quadrilateral ABCD and draw its diagonals .Name the
a) vertices        b)angles       c) diagonals      d) adjacent sides     e) adjacent angles
f) opposite sides   g) opposite angles of the quadrilateral.
5. Identify the triangles in the figure :
a) Write the name of angles
b) Write the name of line segments.
CBSE Class 6 Maths Worksheet (1) 5
6. Draw any circle and mark
a) its centre
b) two radii
c) a diameter
d) a sector
e) an arc
f) two points in its interior
g) a point in its exterior
h) a segment
i) two points on the circle


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Worksheet for CBSE Mathematics Class 6 All Chapters

We hope students liked the above worksheet for All Chapters designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 6 Mathematics released by CBSE. Students of Class 6 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 6 Mathematics on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Mathematics by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 6 Mathematics to develop the Mathematics Class 6 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 6 Mathematics designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 6 Mathematics in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 6 Mathematics All Chapters

You can download the CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 6 Mathematics All Chapters for latest session from

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There is no charge for the Printable worksheets for Class 6 CBSE Mathematics All Chapters you can download everything free

Are there any websites that offer free test sheets for Class 6 Mathematics All Chapters

Yes, provides all latest NCERT All Chapters Class 6 Mathematics test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 6 Mathematics All Chapters worksheets?

CBSE Class 6 Mathematics All Chapters worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 6 Mathematics scores?

Regular practice with Class 6 Mathematics worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.