CBSE Class 6 Computer Revision Worksheet Set A

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 6 Computer Revision Worksheet Set A. Students and teachers of Class 6 Computer Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 6 Computer Science All Chapters in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 6 students should practice questions and answers given here for Computer Science in Class 6 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 6 Computer Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Computer Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 6 Computer Science All Chapters

Class 6 Computer Science students should download to the following All Chapters Class 6 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 6 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 6 Computer Science Worksheet for All Chapters

Question. How do we communicate with a computer?
Answer. We communicate with a computer through a language that can be Machine language, Assembly language or High level language .

Question. What is a Compiler ?
Answer. Compiler is a software to convert high level language programs into machine instructions .

Question. What is an assembly language ?
Answer. Assembly language simplifies the hectic process of writing machine language programs using mnemonic codes and symbolic address.

Question. Describe high level language with its advantages . Give valid examples.
Answer. With High level language it is very convenient to instruct a computer as it uses simple English language words it is not essential to know about hardware and Binary Arithmetic. The programs are not restricted to one machine only and they require less time to create. Example of high level language are BASIC , COBOL, PASCAL .

Question. Write a note on translaters. Give two examples .
Answer. Translators are softwares used to convert High Level Language programs into machine language . Eg- Compiler, Interpreter .


Question. Who invented C++ ?
Answer. Bjarne Stroustrup.

Question. What do we use to convert high level language program into machine language?
Answer. Translators.

Question. Which language is use to write program in simple English word?
Answer. High Level Language

Question. Which language was developed by John Backus?
Answer. Fortran.



(i) In a High level language, command are written in basic English language.
(ii) Assembly language uses mnemonic codes and symbolic addresses.
(iii) Machine Language contain digit 0 & 1 only.
(iv) Java was developed by Sun Microsystem.
(v) LOGO is a language that uses turtle graphics.
(vi) LOGO was developed by Seymour Papert .


[D] Write the full form of –

(i) BASIC - Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
(ii) FORTRAN – Formula Translator
(iii) COBOL - Common Business Oriented Language
(iv) LOGO – Language for Graphic Oriented.


More Question..

Q.1 Fill in the blanks.

a.) There are _________ types of software.
b.) _____________ translator is used to convert assembly language into machine code and vice versa.
c.) _____________ software is a spreadsheet package.
d.) 1 MB = _____________GB
e.) ___________ bits make a nibble.

Q.2 State True or False.

1. Integrated package takes less disk space.
2. Bit is the largest unit of information that is used by the computer.
3. 1 MB = 1024 Kilobytes.
4. The primary memory is called external memory.
5. Compact Disk is an example of secondary storage.

Q.3 What do the following abbreviations stand for?

1. CD-ROM _____________________________________________________
2. RAM ________________________________________________________
3. DVD ________________________________________________________
4. PROM _______________________________________________________
5. ROM ________________________________________________________

Q.4 Arrange the jumbled words.

a.) RPOGRMA ___________________
b.) OSTFWAER __________________
c.) BTEY ___________________
d.) CRODM ___________________
e.) CPMOUTRE ___________________

 Q:-1 Tick ( ) the correct answer:-

       1. Computer is a/an …………………… device.

            a) Electric                b) Light                c) Mechanical              d) Electronic

       2. Microphone is a/an ………………….unit.

            a) Input                    b) Output             c) Memory                    d) Processing

       3. What are the four main components of a computer system?

             a) CPU, CD-ROM, Mouse, Keyboard

             b) Memory, Video Card, Monitor, SPW

             c) Modem, Keyboard, Word Processor, Printer

             d) CPU, Memory, Input Devices, Output Devices

       4. Which of the following is an Input Device?

           a) Scanner               b) Printer             c) Speakers                    d)Monitor

       5. Which of the following are you most likely to use when playing a computer game?

           a) Touch Screen     b) Light Pen         c) Joystick                      d) Trackball

       6. A computer works on the principle of Input-Output

          a) Shortcut               b) Process          c) Calculation                  d) Addition

       7. The Scanner, Joystick, keyboard etc are

          a) Output Devices                               b) Processing Devices

          c) Input Devices                                  d) Storage Devices

       8. The processing is done with the help of

          a) CPU                    b) Monitor            c) Keyboard                       d) Mouse

Q1) Give keyboard shortcuts for the following:

1. To go to a specific cell

2. To create chart

3. To open excel formula window

4. To edit the selected cell

5. To open print dialog box

Q 2) Create following datasheet in excel and calculate strike rate for all given players and write steps of the following questions.
The formula to calculate strike rate is:- Strike rate = Run scored / Ball played X Ball played

                                    SCORE BOARD

Player NameRun scoredBall playedStrike rate
Total runs   

a) Calculate total run scored by the team by using function in Excel and place it in D12 cell.

b) Use function in Excel to find maximum and minimum runs scored and places them in D13 and

c) Change the alignment of column B,C and D to center align.

Q 3) Write the cell address of the following:

1. Last row, last column

2. 21th row, 13th column

3. 18th row, 61th column

4. 50th row, 2nd last column

5. First row, 15th column


Q 1) Give the output of the following:-

1. =Left(Mid(“You will never win if you never begin”,10,25),9)

2. =Mid(“Have a nice day@@”,8,15)

3. =Proper ( Upper(“A book is a gift you can open again and again”))

4. =Round(14.567,2)

5. =Even(0)

6. =POWER(CEILING(12,3),2)
7. =8^5

8. =power(6,0)

Q 2) Find the error and write the correct function:

1.  =Proper( Understanding is a two-way street,4)

2. = ight(victory,2)

3. -- ower(“Joy comes from using your potential”)

4. = ellng(3.14,2)

Q 3) How can you do the following , write the function name and the output:-

1. Extract purpose from the sentence - Great minds have purposes; others have wishes.

2. Get the last three digits of roll number- 10028

3. Multiply 3 five times.

4. Get the integer value of the number – 100.45


Q 1) Write the steps of the following:-

1. Give a dashed outline to a cell

2. To format a number as a currency

Q 2) State true or false:-

1. The default font style in Excel is Regular

2. Trim function inserts spaces between words.

3. Ctrl+N are the shortcut key to open format cell dialog box

4. Fill color icon Is used for adding background color to a cell

5. If cell b6 contain =30+6/4-5 then the output is zero.

6. Floor is a text function.

I. Fill in the blanks: -

1. Bug means AN ERROR in a program.

2. The set of instructions is called A PROGRAM.

3. BASIC was developed by THOMAS E. KURTZ and JOHN G. KEMENY.

4. NUMERIC and ALPHANUMERIC variable are the two types of variables in QBASIC.

5. NUMERIC and ALPHANUMERIC constant are the two types of constants in QBASIC.

6. In IMMEDIATE mode commands are executed immediately and are not stored in computer memory.

7. In PROGRAM mode commands are not executed immediately and are stored in computer’s memory.

8. CLS Command clears the contents of the screen.

9. PRINT Statement is used to print any message or results.

10. The common logical operators in QBASIC are AND, OR and NOT.

11. The extension of BASIC programs is .BAS.

12. The maximum size of filename in Basic is 8 CHARACTERS.

13. $ Sign is used at the end of a string variable.

14. The specific set of rules of the programming language according to which the statements are written is called SYNTAX.

15. Length of a string variable can be maximum up to 40 characters.

16. An CHARACTER SET is a set of symbols which are used in a programming language.

II. Answer in one word or one sentence.

1. Give any four examples of programming language. BASIC, FORTRAN, C, C++

2. Write the full form of the following:

(a) IDE Integrated Development Environment

(b) BASIC Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

(c) BEDMAS Bracket Exponentiation Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction

3. What is debugging? Debugging means finding and removing errors in a program.

4. What is the use of END statement in QBasic? It indicates END OF A PROGRAM.

5. Which statement in QBasic is not executed and ignored by the computer? REM

Worksheet for CBSE Computer Science Class 6 All Chapters

We hope students liked the above worksheet for All Chapters designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 6 Computer Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 6 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 6 Computer Science on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Computer Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 6 Computer Science to develop the Computer Science Class 6 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 6 Computer Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 6 Computer Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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You can download the CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 6 Computer Science All Chapters for latest session from

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There is no charge for the Printable worksheets for Class 6 CBSE Computer Science All Chapters you can download everything free

Are there any websites that offer free test sheets for Class 6 Computer Science All Chapters

Yes, provides all latest NCERT All Chapters Class 6 Computer Science test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 6 Computer Science All Chapters worksheets?

CBSE Class 6 Computer Science All Chapters worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 6 Computer Science scores?

Regular practice with Class 6 Computer Science worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.