TOPIC : Electric Current and its effects
Q.1. Name the device which helps in breaking or completing a circuit?
Q.2. Who observed the magnetic effect of current for the first time?
Q.3. What is the glowing part of a bulb called?
Q.4. When is the bulb said to be fused?
Q.5. Draw the neat labelled diagram of an electric bell.
Q.6. What do you understand by the 'heating effect of current'? State 3 factors on which the amount of heat produced depend?
Q.7. What is an electric fuse? How does it work?
Q.8. What is an electromagnet? State any two factors that determine the strength of an electromagnet?
Q.9. Raj made an electric circuit & placed a magnetic compass near it.
(a) On switching on, the needle of the magnetic compass showed a deflection Why?
(b) On switching off, the needle came back to its normal north-south direction. Why?
Q.10. Draw a circuit diagram, using symbols, showing a bulb, a closed switch & a battery of four cells. Also show the direction of current flowing through the circuit.
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