CBSE Class 5 English Revision Worksheet Set A

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 5 English Revision Worksheet Set A. Download printable English Class 5 Worksheets in pdf format, CBSE Class 5 English All Chapters Worksheet has been prepared as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Also download free pdf English Class 5 Assignments and practice them daily to get better marks in tests and exams for Class 5. Free chapter wise worksheets with answers have been designed by Class 5 teachers as per latest examination pattern

All Chapters English Worksheet for Class 5

Class 5 English students should refer to the following printable worksheet in Pdf in Class 5. This test paper with questions and solutions for Class 5 English will be very useful for tests and exams and help you to score better marks

Class 5 English All Chapters Worksheet Pdf



Question. How much money did Reena have in her bag?
(a) 10 rupees
(b) 20 rupees
(c) 25 rupees
Answer : A

Question. ‘’All right, I’ll teach you.’’- Who is the speaker of this line ?
(a) Grandfather
(b) Magician
(c) Mother
Answer : B

Question. ‘’All right, I’ll teach you.’’- Who is ‘’you’’ referred in this line ?
(a) Reena
(b) Magician
(c) Mother
Answer : A 

Question. Who was playing with her babies when Manza met her ?
(a) Fene
(b) Turtle
(c) Zenzele
Answer : A

Question. The Land of the spirit people was deep inside the _________.
(a) well
(b) ocean
(c) pond
Answer : B

Question. ‘’I know millions! But I have more important things to do.’’ – Who said these words to Manza ?
(a) an elephant
(b) an eagle
(c) a hare
Answer : C

Question. Name the poet of the poem ‘Windy Nights’.
(a) R L Stevenson
(b) Gervase Phinn
(c) Katherine Mansfield
Answer : A

Question. What does the phrase from the poem mean ? Phrase: in the dark and wet
(a) in the river when it is dark
(b) at night, in the rain
(c) he rides slowly
Answer : B

Question. What does the phrase from the poem mean ? Phrase: the wind is high
(a) it is very windy
(b) at night, in the rain
(c) the wind is flying high
Answer : A

Question. Concrete jungle means _________
(a) a city full of animals
(b) a city full of flowers
(c) a city full of buildings
Answer : C

Question. How many species of rhinoceros are there ?
(a) six
(b) five
(c) two
Answer : B

Question. What are the rhino horns made of ?
(a) keratin
(b) bone
(c) none of these
Answer : A

Question. What does the following line from the text mean ?
Text: The exquisite strains of RaagDarbari still vibrated within the hall.
(a) Tansen was still singing
(b) RaagDarbari is difficult to sing
(c) The beautiful music seemed to remain in the hall.
Answer : C

Question. ‘’I’m afraid he will not come, Sire.’’- Who said the mentioned line ?
(a) Akbar
(b) SantHaridas
(c) Tansen
Answer : C

Question. What does the following line from the text mean ?
Text: ‘’Guruji sings for the One who is the King of kings.’’
(a) Guruji sings for the king
(b) Guruji sings for God
(c) Guruji sings for Tansen
Answer : B


Question. Reena was coming back from ____________.
Answer : school 

Question. The magician asked to cover the glass of water with a piece of __________.
Answer : red cloth 

Question. Manza lived in a village in __________.
Answer : Zululand ,Africa 

Question. The villagers wove baskets and made __________ for a living.
Answer : wooden carvings

Question. Whenever the __________ and _______ are set Whenever the wind is _____,
Answer : moon, stars, high


Question. Reena’s grandfather was angry with her. ________
Answer : false 

Question. The next morning, Reena’s grandfather was already out for a walk. _________
Answer : true

Question. The king and queen were happy with the story. ________
Answer : true

Question. The owl was happy that her sleep was disturbed. _________
Answer : false 

Question. In the poem ‘ Windy Nights’, the speaker can hear the rider when it is stormy. _______
Answer : false 


Question. Reena learnt it to make her grandfather happy --
Answer : magic trick

Question. The place where Manza went --
Answer : Land of Spirit People

Question. Who carved a beautiful picture for the spirit people ? --
Answer : Zenzele

Question. Who persuaded her husband to ensure that the rhino population is preserved and protected at Kaziranga from being extinct ? --
Answer : Mary Curzon

Question. Kaziranga has been declared as a World Heritage Site by –
Answer : UNESCO

Q.N. Choose the correct punctuated sentence.

Question. a) How tall you have grown!
b) How tall you have grow ?
Answer : How tall you have grown!

Question: a) I have bought beans, carrots and onions
b) I have bought beans and carrots and onions
Answer : I have bought beans, carrots and onions.

Question.a) Mac, what are you doing here?
b) Mac what are you doing here?
Answer : Mac, what are you doing here?

Question: a) You are joking, aren’t you?
b) You are joking, are you?
Answer : You are joking, aren’t you?

Question. a) The girl’s bag
b) the girls bag
Answer : The girl’s bag


Punctuation is very important in writing. It helps us to convey the meaning of the sentence clearly.
We use Punctuation Marks to separate one sentence from another or one part of a sentence from another part of a sentence.
Different Punctuation Marks-

1. Full stop (.)- A full stop is used to end statement.
Ex- This is a car.

2. Question Mark (?)- A question mark is used at the end of a question.
Ex- What is your name?

3. Comma (,)- A comma is a short pause. It is used to separate parts of a sentence. It is never
placed at the end of a sentence.
i) We use commas to separate words in a list.
Ex- The salad has tomatoes, onions and spinach
ii) We use commas before the names of persons or people we address in a sentence.
Ex- Come here, boys.
iii) We use commas before question tags.
Ex- It’s your birthday today, isn’t it?

4. Exclamation Mark (!)- An exclamation mark is used at the end of interjections or at the end of
an exclamatory sentence.
Ex- Hurrah! We have won the match.
What a beautiful day!

5. Apostrophe (’)- i) We use an apostrophe to show possession in Nouns.
Ex- Peter’s pen
ii) When a plural word ends with s, we put the apostrophe after s.
Ex- the boys’ room
iii) We use an apostrophe to form short forms or contractions.
Ex- wasn’t, we’re, he’s etc.

6. Inverted Commas (“ ”)- We place the exact words spoken by a person within inverted commas.
Ex- Nick said, “This is a great idea.”

7. Capital Letters- We use capital letters in the following conditions.
i) The first word of a sentence.
ii) Proper Nouns
iii) Names of books and movies
iv) The Pronoun I
v)Days of the week, Months of the year
vi) The first word within Inverted Commas
vii) The first word after Exclamation mark

Exercise- Rewrite the given sentences after using Punctuation Marks and Capital Letters- (Some are done for you)

1. the audience cheered once more
Answer- The audience cheered, “Once more.”

2. mrs. smiths cat is black and white
Answer- Mrs. Smith’s cat is black and white.

3. he is very helpful isn’t he
Answer- He is very helpful, isn’t he?

4. akbar was a great king

5. mona stand up

6. this wasnt my book

7. my mother said I am going to the market

8. hurrah we have won the match

Exercise- Rewrite the given sentences after using Punctuation Marks and Capital Letters-
1. paul sit down
2. the teacher said work hard to get good marks
3. what are you doing
4. they have built a dogs kennel
5. rahul is playing football
6. wow it is a beautiful dress
7. hindus muslims sikhs and christians live together in india
8. where do you live

I. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
An odd Spider
Most spiders live on land, but this spider is different. It spends most of its timeunder water. How does it breathe? It breathes by making a tent full of air bubbles under water.
First it spins a web in the shape of a bell. Then it fixes it to plants under the water. Next it swims up to the top of the water and traps a tiny bubble of air with its hairy back legs. It drags the bubble to its web. It does this many times until its home is full of air. Then it sits nice and snug in its web and feeds on tiny fish and other water animals.
A. Choose the correct answer
1. This passage is about 
a) bird’s nest                   
b) Spider
2. Most of the spiders 
a) live on land                 
b) live in water
3. The spider breathes 
a) through continuous swimming             
b) making a tent full of air bubbles.
B. Pick the word from the passage which means the same. 
1. very small _______________________ 
2. settle and lie comfortably _______________________ 
3. pull forcibly __________________________
C. Find out the right antonym of the words given below from the passage. 
1. bottom - ______________________ 
2. huge/enormous - ____________________ 
3. shallow - ______________________
D. State whether the statements are true or false. 
1. Spiders live on land only - _________ 
2. The odd spider eats only plants. - _______________ 
3. The spider breathes by making a tent full of air bubbles. - _______________
E. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences only. 
1. How does the odd spider breathe? 
2. Name the foods that this odd spider feeds on?
II. Write the factual description of your ‘best friend’ in about 50 words. Use the following hints to describe the person. 
Hints: Name–physical features: face shape (oval/round) - skin complexion (fair/medium/dark) -
Eyes (black/bright eyed) – hair (long/short/straight/curly) – height (tall/average/short) - clothing 
smart/casual) – nature (jolly/stubborn/caring/kind/affectionate- special features if any.
III. Rearrange the following sentences in the correct sequence to make a meaningful story. 
Do not add any sentences. Write as a single paragraph. Provide a suitable title. 
a) They soon began to think they were not becoming rich quickly. 
b) Once upon a time a man and his wife had good fortune. 
c) They imagined that if the bird is laying golden eggs its inner body must be made of gold. 
d) So the man and his wife decided to kill the goose. 
e) They had a goose that laid a golden egg every day. 
f) Because of their greed they had lost everything they had.
g) When they killed open the goose, they saw that its inner parts were like any other goose.
h) They wanted to get all the gold at once.
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All Chapters CBSE Class 5 English Worksheet

The above practice worksheet for All Chapters has been designed as per the current syllabus for Class 5 English released by CBSE. Students studying in Class 5 can easily download in Pdf format and practice the questions and answers given in the above practice worksheet for Class 5 English on a daily basis. All the latest practice worksheets with solutions have been developed for English by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their examinations. Studiestoday is the best portal for Printable Worksheets for Class 5 English students to get all the latest study material free of cost. Teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 5 English to develop the English Class 5 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the practice sheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 5 English designed by our teachers. After solving these you should also refer to Class 5 English MCQ Test for the same chapter. We have also provided a lot of other Worksheets for Class 5 English which you can use to further make yourself better in English.

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Regular revision of practice worksheets given on studiestoday for Class 5 subject English All Chapters can help you to score better marks in exams

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Yes, provides all the latest Class 5 English All Chapters test practice sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session