Refer to CBSE Class 8 Science Cell Structure and Functions MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 8 Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 8 Cell Structure and Functions Class 8 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 8 Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 8 Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 8 Science Chapter 8 Cell Structure and Functions
Class 8 Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 8 Cell Structure and Functions in Class 8.
Chapter 8 Cell Structure and Functions MCQ Questions Class 8 Science with Answers
Chapter 8
Question. Hen’s egg is
a) An organ
b) A Single cell
c) A tissue
d) Is none of the above
Answer: B
Question. Projections of different lengths protruding out of the body of Amoeba is called
a) Walking legs
b) Legs
c) Pseudopodia
d) Needle
Answer: C
Question. Which of the following cells can change its shape
a) White blood cell
b) Egg cell
c) Red blood cell
d) All of the above
Answer: A
Question. One millionth of a metre is
a) Millimetre
b) Micrometre
c) Nanometre
d) Centimetre
Answer: B
Question. Which of the following combinations are present in plant cell but not in animal cell
a) Cell Wall & Plastid
b) Cell wall and Cell membrane
c) Plastid and Nucleus
d) Cell Membrane and Cytoplasm
Answer: A
Question. Nucleus is separated from cytoplasm by
a) Protoplasm
b) Cell membrane
c) Cell Wall
d) Nuclear membrane
Answer: D
Question. Robert Hooke first observed
a) Nucleus
b) Cells
c) organs
d) virus
Answer: B
Question. A cell without organized nucleus is called
a) Prokaryotic cell
b) Eukaryotic cell
c) Virus
d) None of the above
Answer: A
Question. Jelly-like substance present between the cell membrane and the nucleus is
a) Water
b) Nucleoplasm
c) Cytoplasm
d) oil
Answer: C
Question. Chromosome carry _____ which transfers characters from parents to offsprings
a) Ribosome
b) Genes
c) Plastid
d) Mitochondria
Answer: B
Question: Hens egg is a
a) Cell
b) Tissue
c) Organ
d) Organ system
Answer: A
Question: The calls capable of changing shapes are
a) Amoeba cell and wbc
b) Amoeba cell
c) Wbc
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: Cell is discovered by
a) Robert hooke
b) Robert brown
c) John mendal
d) Charse darwin
Answer: A
Question: Tissue is a
a) Group of cells
b) Group of organs
c) Group of tissues
d) Group of organisms
Answer: A
Question: Single celled organisms are called
a) Unicellular
b) Multi-cellular
c) Unicellular and multi-cellular
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: The control unit of cell is
a) Nucleus
b) Cell wall
c) Cytoplasm
d) All of these
Answer: A
Question: Chloroplast is found in
a) Plant cell only
b) Animal cell only
c) Plant cell only and animal cell only
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: The functional unit of life is called
a) Cell
b) Egg
c) Vacuoles
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: The kitchen of the cell is called
a) Plastids
b) Cell wall
c) Nucleus
d) Vacuoles
Answer: A
Question: The power house of cell is called
a) Mitochondria
b) Cell wall
c) Ribosomes
d) Nucleus
Answer: A
Question. Centriole is associated with –
(B) Mitochondria
(D) Nucleolus
(B) Lysosome
(D) Starch grain
(B) Nucleus
(D) Microtubule
(B) Mitochondria
(D) Plasma membrane
(B) Nucleolus
(D) Nucleoplasm
(B) Lamellae
(D) All of these
(B) Schleiden
(D) Robert Brown
(B) Lysosomes
(D) None of these
(B) 5 subunits
(D) 4 subunits
(B) Chloroplast
(D) Lysosome
(B) Active transport
(D) Endocytosis
(B) Nuclear membrane
(D) Tonoplast
(B) Cell wall
(D) Cell membrane.
(B) Ribosome
(D) Nucleolus
(B) Muscle fibre
(D) Bone cell
(D) Nerve cells
(B) Golgi apparatus
(D) Chloroplast.
Question. Centriole is associated with –
(B) Reproduction
(D) Respiration
(B) Mitochondria
(D) Nucleolus
(B) Lysosome
(D) Starch grain
(B) Nucleus
(D) Microtubule
(B) Mitochondria
(D) Plasma membrane
(B) Nucleolus
(D) Nucleoplasm
(B) Lamellae
(D) All of these
(B) Schleiden
(D) Robert Brown
(B) Pinocytosis
(D) Phagocytosis
(B) Lysosomes
(D) None of these
(B) 5 subunits
(D) 4 subunits
Question. Who is known as father of microbiology?
(a) Alexander Fleming
(b) Robert Hook
(c) Leeuwenhoek
(d) E. Adams
Answer : C
Question. Cheek Cells Do Not Have:
(a) Cell membrane
(b) Golgi apparatus
(c) Nucleus
(d) Plastids
Answer : D
Answer : C
Question. Which of the following is present only in plants:
(a) plasma membrane
(b) cell wall
(c) nucleo membrane
(d) cytoplasm
Answer : B
Question. A cell with a definite nucleus and nuclear membrane is called as ………….
(a) virus
(b) plant cell
(c) prokaryote
(d) eukaryote
Answer : D
Question. The kitchen of the cell is called
(a) Cell wall
(b) Nucleus
(c) Vacuoles
(d) Plastids
Answer : D
Question. Single celled organisms are called
(a) Unicellular
(b) Multi-cellular
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these
Answer : A
Question. Several small coloured bodies in the cytoplasm of the cells of Tradescantia leaf are called ___.
(a) Organelle
(b) Plastids
(c) Vacuoles
(d) Mitochondria
Answer : B
Answer : C
Question. The organelle not present in an animal cell is:
(a) cell membrane
(b) nucleus
(c) mitochondria
(d) chloroplast
Answer : D
Question. The coloured organelles which are found in plants only are
(a) chlorophyll
(b) plastids
(c) vacuoles
(d) WBC
Answer : B
Question. Which Of The Following Organelle Is Not Found In The Root Cells Of A Plant?
(a) Nucleus
(b) Vacuole
(c) Mitochondria
(d) Chloroplasts
Answer : D
Answer : B
Question. The basic structural unit of living organisms is:
(a) cell
(b) tissue
(c) organ
(d) none of these
Answer : A
Question. A group of similar cells perfonning a specific function is called:
(a) organ
(b) tissue
(c) cell organalle
(d) none of these
Answer : B
Question. Cheek cells are
(B) epidermal cells
(D) guard cells
(B) Facts
(D) Cellulose
(B) Haploid
(D) Eukaryotes
(B) all eukaryotes
(D) Animal cells
(B) vacuole
(D) Golgi complex
(B) cell division
(D) respiration
(B) mitochondria
(D) ribsosomes
(B) Ribosome
(D) Lysosome
(B) imbibition
(D) plasmolysis
(B) skeletal tissue
(D) nervous tissue
(B) nonstriated
(D) smooth
(B) nervous tissue
(D) muscular tissue
Answer : A
Question. Which Of The Following Are Prokaryotes?
(a) Protozoa and blue – green algae
(b) Blue – green algae and fungi
(c) Protozoa and bacteria
(d). Blue – green algae and bacteria
Answer : D
Question. Of The Following Parts Of A Cell Listed Below, Name The Part That Is Common To Plant Cell, Animal Cell, And A Bacterial Cell:
(a) Chloroplast
(b) Cell wall
(c) Cell membrane
(d) Nucleus
Answer : C
Answer : A
Question. Cell walls is found in
(a) plant cells only
(b) animal cells only
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of them
Answer : A
A. Fill in the blanks
Question. Power house of the cell is:
(a) nucleus
(b) chloroplast
(c) cytoplasm
(d) mitochondira
Answer : D
Question. Genes are located in
(a) chrpmosomes
(b) plastids
(c) cytoplasm
(d) lysosome
Answer : A
Question. Who discovered cell in 1665?
(a) Robert Hook
(b) Robert Crook
(c) David Thomson
(d) Marie Francois
Answer : A
Question. The life giving substance in a cell is:
(a) cytoplasm
(b) protoplasm
(c) nucleoplasm
(d) none of these
Answer : B
Question. Hen’s egg is a
(a) Tissue
(b) Organ
(c) Organ system
(d) cell
Answer : D
Question. The Jelly-Like Fluid Substance Present In Cells Is Called:
(a) Protoplasm
(b) Chromosome
(c) Chloroplast
(d) Cytoplasm
Answer : C
Question. Lysosomes are the
(a) digestive centres
(b) respiratory centres
(c) excretory centres
(d) energy centres
Answer : A
Question. A suitable term for the various components of cells is
(a) Tissue
(b) Cell organelles
(c) Chromosomes
(d) Genes
Answer : B
Question. Blue-green Algae are:
(a) Prokaryotes
(b) Eukaryotes
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither a) nor (b)
Answer : A
Question. Genes are located in
(a) chromosomes
(b) plastids
(c) cytoplasm
(d) lysosome
Answer : A
Question. Tissues combine to form
(a) nucleus
(b) cells
(c) organism
(d) organs
Answer : D
Question. Chromosomes are found in
(a) nucleus
(b) nucleolus
(c) nucleoplast
(d) vacuole
Answer : A
Question. The percentage amount of integral protein of plasma membrane is
(a) 40%
(b) 50%
(c) 60%
(d) 70%
Answer : D
Answer : B
Question. The outermost layer of plant cell is:
(a) cell wall
(b) cell membrane
(c) nuclear membrane
(d) none of these
Answer : A
Question. Cells present in living organism differ in
(a) numbers
(b) shape
(c) size
(d) all of these
Answer : D
Question. Which structure makes the outer boundary of an animal cell?
(a) Cell wall
(b) Cell membrane
(c) Nuclear membrane
(d) Cytoplasm
Answer : B
Question. Cells which lack nuclear membrane are
(a) eukaryotic cells
(b) prokaryotic cells
(c) single cells
(d) multicells
Answer : B
Question. The other name of cell membrane is
(a) plasma membrane
(b) cell wall
(c) nuclear membrane
(d) none of these
Answer : A
Question. The white part of egg is called:
(a) yolk
(b) albumen
(c) cytoplasm
(d) none of these
Answer : B
Question. Which of the following is called the functional unit of life?
(a) Cell
(b) Egg
(c) Nucleus
(d) None of these
Answer : A
Question. The liquid material in the nucleus is
(a) chromosomes
(b) bacteria
(c) nucleoplasm
(d) nucleolus
Answer : B
Question. The control centre of all the activities of a cell is
(a) nucleus
(b) nucleoplasm
(c) cytoplasm
(d) organelles
Answer : A
Question. The basic structural unit of living organisms is:
(a) cell
(b) tissue
(c) organ
(d) none of these
Answer : A
Question. Yolk is:
(a) small part of cell
(b) yellow part of egg
(c) white part of egg
(d) none of these
Answer : B
Question. Largest cell visible to uniaded eye is:
(a) hen’s egg
(b) ostrich egg
(c) bactería cell
(d) nerve cell
Answer : B
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MCQs for Chapter 8 Cell Structure and Functions Science Class 8
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