11. A student added 2 drops of iodine solution into 4 ml of starch solution in test tube A,another student added 2 ml of starch solution into 4 ml of iodine solution in test tube B. They would then observe
(a) a change of colour to blue black in test tube A but not in test tube B.
(b) a change of colour to blue black in test tube B but not in test tube A.
(c) a change of colour to blue black in both test tubes A and B
(d) no change of colour in any test tube.
12. A student observed that the colour of pH paper changed to green when she dipped it in water. She added a few drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid to the water. The colour of pH would turn to
(a) light red.
(b) apple green.
(c) dark blue.
(d) lemon yellow.
13. 10 mL of freshly prepared iron sulphate was taken in each of four test tubes. Strips of copper, iron, zinc and aluminium were introduced, each metal in a different test tube. A black residue was obtained in two of them. The right pair of metals forming the precipitates is
(a) copper and zinc.
(b) aluminium and copper.
(c) iron and aluminium.
(d) zinc and aluminium.

15. Four student A, B, C and D carried out measurement of focal length of a concave mirror as shown in the four diagrams.

The best result will be obtained by student
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
16. In the glas slab experiment shown below, four students A, B, C and D did the following:
A: kept the eyes far from the glass slab while placing both the pins P3 and P4
B: kept the eyes close to the glas slab while placing both the pins P3 and P4
C: kept the eyes close to the glass slab while placing pin P3 and and far from the slab while placing pin P4
D: kept the eyes far from the glass slab while placing pin P3 and close to the slab while placing pin P4

18. Students observed the epidermal peel of a leaf under the high power of a microscope.
The following are the sketches made by them.
The correct sketch is
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
19. Student A, B and C were given five raisins each of equal weight. The raisins were soaked in distilled water at room temperature. A removed the raisins after 30 minutes, B after two hours and C after one hour. If PA, PB and PC denote percentage absorption of water obtained by students A, B and C respectively, then
20. Out of the following diagrams which one depicts a stage in binary fission of amoeba.
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
21. Which one of the following would be the correct set of apparatus required if you have to separate camphor and common salt?
(a) Round bottom flask, funnel, burner, condensor, wire guage, stand with clamp
(b) Conical flask, filter paper, funnel, beaker, stand with clamp, wire guage
(c) Separating funnel, beaker, conical flask tripod stand, burner wire guaze
(d) China dish, funnel, burner, cotton plug, tripod stand, stand with clamp, wire guaze.
22. A student notes down the observations in the two spring balances and the measuring cylinder shown in the figure. From the given observations, the volume of the solid is
(a) 64 cc
(b) 36 cc
(c) 30 cc
(d) 100 cc
23. Given below are pictures of two animals A and B belonging to two different phyla. Which characterstic features of their bodies are specific features of thier respective

(a) Antennae of A and segments of B
(b) Three pairs of appendages of A and clitellum of B
(c) Jointed appendages of A and segmented body without appendages
(d) Wings of A and slender body of B
24. The teacher had shown the students two specimens A and B from the plant kingdomwhose pictures are given below. Which was the correct identification and classification into its group?
(a) Cone of gymnosperm and flower of angiosperm.
(b) Cone of angrosperm and flower of gymnosperm.
(c) Cone and flower of an angiosperm,
(d) Cone and flower of a gymnosperm.
25. Student were asked to study the reaction between barium chloride and sodium sulphate.Four different reports of the experiment are given below. Choose the correct one.
26. Four students studied reactions of zinc and sodium carbonate with dilute hydrochloric acid and dilute sodium hydroxide solutions and presented their results as follows. The ‘√’ represents evolution of gas, whereas ‘X’ represents absence of any reaction.
(a) i1 > i2, ; V1 = V2
(b) i1 < i2, ; V1 = V2
(c) i1 > i2, ; V1 > V2
(d) i1 < i2, ; V1 < V2
29. A student performed the starch test on a leaf. Some steps involved are shown below :
The correct sequence of steps should be
(a) iv; iii; ii; i
(b) i; ii; iii; iv
(c) ii; iii; iv; i
(d) i; iii; iv; ii
30. After performing the experiment to show that germinating seeds give out carbon dioxide during respiration, students drew the following diagrams.
The correct labelled diagram is
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D