CBSE Class 10 Biology How do Organisms Reproduce MCQs

Refer to CBSE Class 10 Biology How do Organisms Reproduce MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 8 How do Organisms Reproduce Class 10 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 10 Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 10 Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 10 Science Chapter 8 How do Organisms Reproduce

Class 10 Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 8 How do Organisms Reproduce in Class 10.

Chapter 8 How do Organisms Reproduce MCQ Questions Class 10 Science with Answers

Question : An animal which can reproduce by budding is
(a) Bryophyllym
(b) Yeast
(c) Hydra
(d) All of the above
Answer : C
Question : Male reproductive organ in flowering plant is
(a) Carpel
(b) Stamen
(c) Corolla
(d) Ovary
Answer : B
Question : A fertilized ovule develops into a _____ in an angiosperm plant
(a) seed
(b) fruit
(c) flower
(d) cotyledon
Answer : A
Question : Where are sperms formed in the human body?
(a) Vas deferens
(b) Prostate gland
(c) Ovary
(d) Testis
Answer : D
Question : The place where fertilization take place in the human body is
(a) Uterus
(b) Oviduct
(c) Ovary
(d) vagina
Answer : B
Question : Pre- natal sex determination has been prohibited by law due to
(a) High cost charged by doctors
(b) Possible danger of mother’s health
(c) Increasing cases of female foeticide
(d) Increasing cases of male foeticide
Answer : C
Question : Copper T and Loops are
(a) Contraceptive devices
(b) Conventional devices
(c) Conducive devices
(d) Contaminating devices
Answer : A

Question. In humans, gestation is completed in 
(a) 40 weeks
(b) 60 weeks
(c) 120 weeks
(d) 240 days.

Answer : A

Question. Which of the following diseases is transmitted sexually? 
(a) Sleeping sickness
(b) Jaundice
(c) Elephantiasis
(d) Syphilis

Answer : D

Question. Which of the following is the correct sequence regarding sexual reproduction in a flowering plant? 
(a) Pollination, fertilisation, seedling, embryo
(b) Seedling, embryo, fertilisation, pollination
(c) Pollination, fertilisation, embryo, seedling
(d) Embryo, seedling, pollination, fertilisation

Answer : C

Question. Factors responsible for the rapid spread of bread mould on slices of bread are 
(i) large number of spores
(ii) availability of moisture and nutrients in bread
(iii) presence of tubular branched hyphae
(iv) formation of round shaped sporangia.
Which of the above statements are true?
(a) (i) and (iii)
(b) (ii) and (iv)
(c) (i) and (ii)
(d) (iii) and (iv)

Answer : C

Question. Tissue culture technique is used for 
(a) growing disease free plant
(b) rapid multiplication of plant
(c) multiplication of sterile plants
(d) all of these.

Answer : D

Question. IUCD is for 
(a) vegetative propagation
(b) contraception
(c) increasing fertility
(d) avoiding miscarriage.

Answer : B

Question. Which of the following is not a vegetative propagule? 
(a) Root
(b) Stem
(c) Leaf
(d) Seed

Answer : D


Question. An animal which can reproduce by budding is
(a) Bryophyllym
(b) Yeast
(c) Hydra
(d) All of the above

Answer : C

Question. Male reproductive organ in flowering plant is
(a) Carpel
(b) Stamen
(c) Corolla
(d) Ovary

Answer : B

Question. A fertilized ovule develops into a _____ in an angiosperm plant
(a) seed
(b) fruit
(c) flower
(d) cotyledon

Answer : A

Question. Where are sperms formed in the human body?
(a) Vas deferens
(b) Prostate gland
(c) Ovary
(d) Testis

Answer : D

Question. The place where fertilization take place in the human body is
(a) Uterus
(b) Oviduct
(c) Ovary
(d) vagina

Answer : B

Question. Pre- natal sex determination has been prohibited by law due to
(a) High cost charged by doctors
(b) Possible danger of mother’s health
(c) Increasing cases of female foeticide
(d) Increasing cases of male foeticide

Answer : C

Question. Copper T and Loops are
(a) Contraceptive devices
(b) Conventional devices
(c) Conducive devices
(d) Contaminating devices

Answer : A

Question. An unisexual flower
(a) Do not have carpel
(b) Do not have stamen
(c) Has either carpel or stamen
(d) Has either petal or sepal

Answer : C

Question. _______ is a common tube for urine and sperm in human male.
(a) Urethra
(b) Uterus 
(c) Ureter
(d) None of the above

Answer : A

Question. Eggs starts developing in human female
(a) When she attains puberty
(b) Only after her birth
(c) After the first menstruation
(d) When she is in her mother’s womb

Answer : D

Question. External fertilisation takes place in 
(a) fish and frog
(b) frog and monkey
(c) dog and goat
(d) goat and fish.

Answer : A

Question. DNA copying is necessary during reproduction because 
(a) it leads to the transmission of characters from parents to offsprings
(b) it leads to variation
(c) it helps in survival of the species over time
(d) all of these.

Answer : D

Question. Which of the following plants possess unisexual flowers? 
(a) Watermelon
(b) Hibiscus
(c) Mustard
(d) Both (b) and (c)

Answer : A

Question. The given figure shows the male reproductive system in humans. Select the correct statements regarding the given figure.
CBSE Class 10 Biology How do Organisms Reproduce MCQs

(i) Part labelled as Q produces the sperms.
(ii) The hormone testosterone is produce in the part labelled as S.
(iii) Parts labelled as R and S produce secretions that regulate the production of sperms.
(iv) The part labelled as T is called vas deferens which carries the sperms from testis to the urethra.
(v) Part labelled as P serves as the common passage for both sperms and urine.
(a) (i), (ii), (iii) and (v)
(b) (iii), (iv) and (v)
(c) (i), (iv) and (v)
(d) (i), (iii) and (iv)

Answer : C

Question. Which of the following layers of uterus breaks off during menstruation? 
(a) Epimetrium
(b) Myometrium
(c) Endometrium
(d) Perimetrium

Answer : C

Question. Which of the following match is correct? 
(a) Cotyledon – Food store
(b) Plumule _ Future shoot
(c) Radicle – Future root
(d) All of these

Answer : D

Question. Match the columns and select the correct option from the given codes. 
     Column I        Column II
A. Parturition  (i) The act of expulsion of fully grown foetus from mother’s uterus
B. Menopause (ii) Release of one ovum from one of the ovaries every month
C. Gestation   (iii) Phase during which menstruation ceases
D. Ovulation   (iv) Complete development of the fetus inside the womb
(a) A - (iv), B - (ii), C - (i), D - (iii)
(b) A - (i), B - (iii), C - (iv), D - (ii)
(c) A - (iv), B - (iii), C - (i), D - (ii)
(d) A - (i), B - (ii), C - (iv), D - (iii)

Answer : B

Question. Identify the parts labeled 1 and 2 in the given figure. 
CBSE Class 10 Biology How do Organisms Reproduce MCQs

(a) 1- micropyle, 2- epicotyl
(b) 1- cotyledon, 2- embryo
(c) 1-radicle , 2-plumule
(d) 1-plumule, 2-radicle

Answer : D

Question. Which of the following is celebrated as “World AIDS Day”? 
(a) September 1
(b) October 1
(c) November 1
(d) December 1

Answer : D

Question. Which of the following statements are incorrect about puberty? 
(i) Body shows starting of sexual maturity at this stage.
(ii) The rate of general body growth begins to proceed faster as the reproductive tissues begin to mature.
(iii) Changes taking place in the body parts are different in boys and girls.
(iv) All the changes during puberty takes place very fast.
(a) (iii) and (iv)
(b) (ii) and (iv)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

Answer : B

Question. The number of chromosomes in parents and offsprings of a particular species remains constant due to 
(a) doubling of chromosomes before zygote formation
(b) halving of chromosomes during gamete formation
(c) doubling of chromosomes during gamete formation
(d) halving of chromosomes after gamete formation.

Answer : B

Question. Which of the following organisms does not depend on reproduction to exchange genetic material? 
(a) Lion
(b) Papaya
(c) Bacterium
(d) Cockroach

Answer : C

Question. Which of the following is a sexually transmitted viral disease? 
(i) Gonorrhoea
(ii) Syphilis
(iii) Warts
(a) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(b) (ii) and (iv)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (ii)

Answer : C

Question : An unisexual flower
(a) Do not have carpel
(b) Do not have stamen
(c) Has either carpel or stamen
(d) Has either petal or sepal
Answer : C
Question : _______ is a common tube for urine and sperm in human male.
(a) Urethra
(b) Uterus 
(c) Ureter
(d) None of the above
Answer : A
Question : Eggs starts developing in human female
(a) When she attains puberty
(b) Only after her birth
(c) After the first menstruation
(d) When she is in her mother’s womb
Answer : D
Question : Which among the following is a correct sequence of organs in the human female reproductive system?
(a) Ovary - fallopian tube - uterus - cervix - vagina
(b) Ovary - uterus - fallopian tube - cervix - vagina
(c) Uterus - ovary - fallopian tube - cervix - vagina
(d) Ovary - fallopian tube - cervix - uterus - vagina
Answer : A
Question : Which of the following are included in natural methods of birth control ?
(a) Condoms & diaphragms 
(b) Vasectomy & tubectomy
(c) Oral pills & vaginal pills 
(d) Abstinence method & rhythm method
Answer : D
Question : Which of the following accessory glands are associated with human male reproductive system ?
(a) Seminal vesicles & cowper’s glands
(b) Seminal vesicles & prostate glands
(c) Prostate & cowper’s glands
(d) Seminal vesicle, prostate glands & cowper’s glands
Answer : C
Question : In the list of organisms given below, those that reproduce by the asexual method are
(i) banana 
(ii) dog 
(iii) yeast 
(iv) Amoeba
(a) (ii) and (iv) 
(b) (i), (iii) and (iv) 
(c) (i) and (iv) 
(d) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
Answer : B
Question : Which of the following is the correct sequence of events of sexual reproduction in a flower?
(a) Pollination, fertilisation, seedling, embryo 
(b) Seedling, embryo, fertilisation, pollination
(c) Pollination, fertilisation, embryo, seedling 
(d) Embryo, seedling, pollination, fertilisation
Answer : C
Question : Characters transmitted from parents to offspring are present in
(a) cytoplasm 
(b) ribosome 
(c) golgi bodies 
(d) genes
Answer : D
Question : Characters that are transmitted from parents to offspring during reproduction show
(a) only similarities with parents 
(b) only variations with parents
(c) both similarities and variations with parents 
(d) neither similarities nor variations
Answer : C
Question : In Rhizopus, tubular thread-like structure bearing sporangia at their tips are called
(a) filaments 
(b) hyphae 
(c) rhizoids 
(d) roots
Answer : B
Question : Vegetative propagation refers to formation of new plants from
(a) stem, roots and flowers 
(b) stem, roots and leaves
(c) stem, flowers and fruits 
(d) stem, leaves and flowers
Answer : B 
Question : Length of pollen tube depends on the distance between
(a) pollen grain and upper surface of stigma
(b) pollen grain on upper surface of stigma and ovule
(c) pollen grain in anther and upper surface of stigma
(d) upper surface of stigma and lower part of style
Answer : B

Short Answer type Questions :

Question. What are sexually transmitted diseases?
Answer: Diseases spread through sex organs are called sexually transmitted disease.( STDs)

Question. Which is the site of fertilization in human body?
Answer: Fallopian tube

Question. What are the parts of a pistil?
Answer: Stigma, style and ovary

Question. How is the waste produced by an embryo eliminated?
Answer: The waste produced by an embryo eliminated through placenta to mothers body

Question. What is parturition?
Answer: Childs birth take place after rhythmic contraction and relaxation of uterus is called parturition

Question. Is reproduction a life process?
Answer: No, because reproduction is not necessary to maintain the life of an individual organism.

Question. Name the structure which cover testis.
Answer: Scrotum

Question. What are the parts of a seed?
Answer: Cotyledon, plumule and radicle

Question. Expand IUCD
Answer: Intra uterine contraceptive device

Question. What does a stamen consist of?
Answer: Filament and anther

Question. Name the hormones secreted by ovaries.
Answer: Oestrogen, progesterone

Question. What is vas deferens?
Answer: Sperm duct which carry sperms from the testis

Question. What is the dark green filamental structure present on the surface of water? How does it reproduce?
Answer: Algae, which reproduces by fragmentation

Question. Give examples of monocot and dicot seeds.
Answer: ♦ Monocot seeds - rice, wheat
 ♦ Dicot seeds - ground nut, peas

Question. Name the types of contraceptive methods.
Answer: Physical barrier, chemical method and surgical method

Question. How many ovum are found in each ovule?
Answer: One ovum is found in each ovule

Question. Why does uterus become thick and spongy?
Answer: To receive embryo and nourish it.

Question. Name the methods of contraception in which physical barrier are used.
Answer: Condom in male and copper T in female

Question. Which part of the flower turns into (i) seed (ii) Fruit?
Answer: Ovule turns into seed and ovary turns into fruit

Question. Name any two bacterial disease spread through sexual act.
Answer: Syphilis, gonorrohea

Question. What will happen to the petals, sepals, stamen, style and stigma of a flower after fertilization?
Answer: All the parts will fall off

Question. What are AIDS and Warts?
Answer: Sexually transmitted viral diseases

Question. What do you mean by corolla?
Answer: Petals are collectively called corolla


Question. Which of the following is formed during tissue culture?     
(a) Embryo
(b) Callus
(c) Cotyledon
(d) Gametes
Answer : B

Question. The method commonly used to produce new rose plants is     
(a) layering
(b) tissue culture
(c) cutting
(d) grafting
Answer : C

Question. In human females the fertilized egg gets implanted in the     
(a) uterus
(b) vagina
(c) ovary
(d) ureter
Answer : A

Question. Vegetative propagation can take place by means of     
(a) roots only
(b) stem only
(c) roots, stem and leaves
(d) none of these 
Answer : C

Question. The fusion of a male and a female gamete results in the formation of     
(a) egg
(b) sperm
(c) spore
(d) zygote
Answer : D

Question. The ovary releases an egg approximately every     
(a) 8 days
(b) 14 days
(c) 21 days
(d) 28 days
Answer : D

Question. Which of these secretes seminal fluid?     
(a) Seminal vesicle
(b) Prostate gland
(c) Neither of these
(d) Both of these
Answer : D

Question. Which of these can undergo fragmentation or regeneration?     
(a) Sponge
(b) Flatworm
(c) Spirogyra
(d) All of these
Answer : D

Question. In which part of the female human reproductive system is the ovum normally fertilized by a sperm?     
(a) Ovary
(b) Oviduct
(c) Uterus
(d) Vagina
Answer : B

Question. Which of these is not a sexually transmitted disease?     
(a) AID
(b) Syphilis
(c) Typhoid
(d) Gonorrhoea
Answer : C

Question. Which of the following is found in men?     
(a) Vas deferens
(b) Fallopian tube
(c) Ovum
(d) Placenta
Answer : A

Question. Which of the following does not happen in asexual reproduction?     
(a) Binary fission
(b) Multiple fission
(c) Fertilization
(d) Budding
Answer : C

Question. Which among the following does not reproduce by spore formation? 
(a) Penicillium fungus
(b) Yeast fungus
(c) Mucor fungus
(d) Rhizopus fungus
Answer : B

Question. Fertilisation results immediately in the formation of? 
(a) a zygote
(b) a placenta
(c) an embryo
(d) a foetus
Answer : A

Question. The development of fruit after fertilization occurs from: 
(a) androecium
(b) stigma
(c) style
(d) ovary
Answer : D

Question. The number of chromosomes in both parents and offsprings of a particular species remains constant because: 
(a) Chromosomes get doubled after zygote formation
(b) Chromosomes get doubled after gamete formation
(c) Chromosomes get halved during gamete formation
(d) Chromosomes get halved after gamete formation
Answer : C

Question. The hormone that supports endometrium during pregnancy is 
(a) Oestrogen
(b) Progesterone
(c) Luteinizing hormone
(d) None
Answer : B

Question. The ability to give rise to new individual organisms from their body parts. 
(a) Regeneration
(b) Reproduction
(c) Fragmentation
(d) Fission
Answer : A

Question. The movement of sperm is due to the ____ present in them. 
(a) glucose
(b) fructose
(c) sucrose
(d) all of these
Answer : B

Question. What is the surgical method of contraception used in human males? 
(a) Vasectomy
(b) Condoms
(c) Contraceptive pills
(d) Tubectomy
Answer : A

Question. (A) Fusion of gametes gives rise to a single cell called zygote. 
(R) Zygote is a fertilised ovum.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
Answer : B

Question. A sexual reproduction takes place through budding in: 
(a) Amoeba
(b) Yeast
(c) Plasmodium
(d) Leishmania
Answer : B

Question. Vegetative propagation refers to the formation of new plants from the following existing organs of the old plants: 
(a) stems, roots and leaves
(b) stems, roots and flowers
(c) stems, leaves and flowers
(d) stems, flowers and fruits
Answer : A

Question. Fertiization will not take place if 
(a) the vas deferens in the male is blocked
(b) the fallopian tube in the female is blocked
(c) both (A) and (B)
(d) none of the above
Answer : C

Question. The correct sequence of organs in the male reproductive system for transport of sperms is:
(A) testis → vas deferens → urethra
(B) testis → ureter → urethra
(C) testis → urethra → ureter
(D) testis → vas deferens → ureter 

Answer : A

Question. The correct sequence of reproductive stages seen in flowering plants is
(A) gametes, zygote, embryo, seedling
(B) zygote, gametes, embryo, seedling
(C) seedling, embryo, zygote, gametes
(D) gametes, embryo, zygote, seedling 

Answer : A

Question. Factors responsible for the rapid spread of bread mould on slices of bread are
(i) large number of spores.
(ii) availability of moisture and nutrients in bread.
(iii) presence of tubular branched hyphae.
(iv) formation of round shaped sporangia.
(A) (i) and (iii)
(B) (ii) and (iv)
(C) (i) and (ii)
(D) (iii) and (iv) 

Answer : C

Question. A feature of reproduction that is common to Amoeba, Spirogyra and Yeast are that
(A) they reproduce asexually.
(B) they are all unicellular.
(C) they reproduce only sexually.
(D) they are all multicellular. 

Answer : A

Question. Which of the following statements are true for flowers? 
(i) Flowers are always bisexual.
(ii) They are the sexual reproductive organs.
(iii) They are produced in all groups of plants.
(iv) After fertilisation they give rise to fruits.
(A) (i) and (iv)
(B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (i) and (iii)
(D) (ii) and (iv)

Answer : D

Question. In the list of organisms given below, those that reproduce by the asexual method are
(i) Banana
(ii) Dog
(iii) Yeast
(iv) Amoeba
(A) (ii) and (iv)
(B) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(C) (i) and (iv)
(D) (ii), (iii) and (iv) 

Answer : B

Question. Asexual reproduction takes place through budding in
(A) Amoeba
(B) Yeast
(C) Plasmodium
(D) Leishmania 

Answer : B

Question. In Spirogyra, asexual reproduction takes place by
(A) breaking up of filaments into smaller bits.
(B) division of a cell into two cells.
(C) division of a cell into many cells.
(D) formation of young cells from older cells. 

Answer : A

Question. In human females, an event that reflects onset of reproductive phase is
(A) growth of body
(B) changes in hair pattern
(C) change in voice
(D) menstruation 

Answer : D

Question. Which of the following are examples of vegetative reproduction in plants? 
(A) Tomato, lady's finger, onion and cauliflower
(B) Potato, ginger, onion and sugarcane
(C) Cauliflower, onion, potato and tomato
(D) Lady's finger, onion, ginger and sugarcane

Answer : B

Question. Reproduction is essential for living organisms in order to
(A) keep the individual organism alive.
(B) fulfill their energy requirement.
(C) maintain growth.
(D) continue the species generation after generation. 

Answer : D

Question. A student while observing an embryo of a gram seed listed various parts of the embryo as listed below: Testa, Micropyle, Cotyledon, Tegmen, Plumule, Radicle.
On examining the list the teacher commented that only three parts are correct. Select these three correct parts:
(A) Cotyledon, Testa, Plumule
(B) Cotyledon, Plumule, Radicle
(C) Cotyledon, Tegmen, Radicle
(D) Cotyledon, Micropyle, Plumule 

Answer : B

Question. Offspring formed by asexual method of reproduction have greater similarity among themselves because
(i) asexual reproduction involves only one parent.
(ii) asexual reproduction does not involve gametes.
(iii) asexual reproduction occurs before sexual reproduction.
(iv) asexual reproduction occurs after sexual reproduction.
(A) (i) and (ii)
(B) (i) and (iii)
(C) (ii) and (iv)
(D) (iii) and (iv) 

Answer : A

Question. The number of chromosomes in parents and offsprings of a particular species remains constant due to 
(A) doubling of chromosomes after zygote formation
(B) halving of chromosomes during gamete formation
(C) doubling of chromosomes after gamete formation
(D) halving of chromosomes after gamete formation 

Answer : B

Question. The ability of a cell to divide into several cells during reproduction in Plasmodium is called
(A) budding
(B) reduction division
(C) binary fission
(D) multiple fission 

Answer : D

Question. Which of the following is not a part of the female reproductive system in human beings? 
(A) Ovary
(B) Uterus
(C) Vas deferens
(D) Fallopian tube

Answer : C

Question. Length of pollen tube depends on the distance between 
(A) pollen grain and upper surface of stigma
(B) pollen grain on upper surface of stigma and ovule
(C) pollen grain in anther and upper surface of stigma
(D) upper surface of stigma and lower part of style

Answer : B

Question. Vegetative propagation refers to formation of new plants from
(A) stem, roots and flowers.
(B) stem, roots and leaves.
(C) stem, flowers and fruits.
(D) stem, leaves and flowers. 

Answer : B

Question. Characters that are transmitted from parents to offspring during reproduction show
(A) only similarities with parents
(B) only variations with parents
(C) both similarities and variations with parents
(D) neither similarities nor variations 

Answer : C

Question. Which among the following diseases is not sexually transmitted?
(A) Syphilis
(B) Hepatitis
(D) Gonorrhoea 

Answer : B

Question. In a flower, the parts that produce male and female gametes (germ cells) are 
(A) stamen and anther
(B) filament and stigma
(C) anther and ovary
(D) stamen and style

Answer : C

Question. Which among the following is not the function of testes at puberty?
(i) Formation of germ cells
(ii) Secretion of testosterone
(iii) Development of placenta
(iv) Secretion of estrogen
(A) (i) and (ii)
(B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (iii) and (iv)
(D) (i) and (iv) 

Answer : C

Question. During adolescence, several changes occur in the human body. Mark one change associated with sexual maturation in boys.
(A) Loss of milk teeth
(B) Increase in height
(C) Cracking of voice
(D) Weight gain 

Answer : C

Question. Which of the following is the correct sequence of events of sexual reproduction in a flower? 
(A) Pollination, fertilisation, seedling, embryo
(B) Seedling, embryo, fertilisation, pollination
(C) Pollination, fertilisation, embryo, seedling
(D) Embryo, seedling, pollination, fertilisation

Answer : C

Question. In human males, the testes lie in the scrotum, because it helps in the
(A) process of mating.
(B) formation of sperm.
(C) easy transfer of gametes.
(D) all of the above. 

Answer : B

Question. Unisexual flowers contain 
(a) both stamen and carpel
(b) only stamen
(c) only carpel
(d) either stamen or carpel.
Answer : D

Question. Which of the following is not a surgical method of birth control? 
(i) Copper-T
(ii) Tubectomy
(iii) Vasectomy
(iv) Using condoms
(a) (i) and (iv)
(b) Only (iv)
(c) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i), (ii) and (iii)
Answer : A

Question. Human seminal plasma, the fluid part of semen, is produced by contributions from which of the given part? 
A. Prostate gland
B. Bulbourethral gland
C. Urethra
D. Seminal vesicles
(a) A and D only
(b) A only
(c) A, B, C and D
(d) A, B and D only
Answer : D

Question. Sexual reproduction is the mode of reproduction that 
(i) depend on the involvement of two different gametes.
(ii) incorporates a process of combining DNA from two gametes.
(iii) gives better chances of variations as compared to asexual reproduction.
(iv) gives rise to genetically identical offspring.
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(d) (i), (ii) and (iii)
Answer : D

Question. If there is no formation of egg cell during the development of ovule, then after fertilisation which of the following structure will not develop? 
(a) Embryo
(b) Endosperm
(c) Seed
(d) Fruit
Answer : A

Question. Examples of vegetatively reproducing plants are 
(a) tomato, okra, onion, cauliflower
(b) potato, ginger, onion, sugarcane
(c) cauliflower, onion, potato, tomato
(d) okra, onion, ginger, sugarcane.
Answer : B

Question. Select the correct match. 
Organism Mode of reproduction
(a) Bryophyllum – Leaf bud
(b) Hydra – Binary fission
(c) Paramecium – Multiple fission
(d) Spirogyra – Vegetative propagation
Answer : A

Question. Select the incorrect statement regarding seeds. 
(a) Seeds have tough seed coat that protects them from external environment.
(b) Cotyledons store food.
(c) Plumule develops into the root system.
(d) Seeds contain the future plant called embryo.
Answer : C

Question. ––––––– is the portion on which grafting is done and it provides the roots. 
(a) Stock
(b) Scion
(c) Bud
(d) None of these
Answer : A

Question. The type of reproduction shown in the figure is 
CBSE Class 10 Biology How do Organisms Reproduce MCQs

(a) budding
(b) agamogenesis
(c) regeneration
(d) fission.
Answer : C

Question. How many male gametes are found in pollen tube: 
(a) one
(b) two
(c) three
(d) four
Answer : B

Question. Which among the following statements are false for sexual reproduction in flowering plants? 
(a) It requires two type of gametes
(b) fertilization is compulsory
(c) it always results in formation of zygote
(d) offspring’s are clones
Answer : D

Question. Which of the following plant has unisexual flowers? 
(a) Hibiscus
(b) Mustard
(c) Papaya
(d) Pansy
Answer : C

Question. Which of the following is a contraceptive? 
(a) Coppert
(b) Condom
(c) Diaphragm
(d) All of these
Answer : D

Question. In A Flower, The Parts That Produce Male And Female Gametes (Germ Cells) Are 
(a) Stamen and anther
(b) Filament and stigma
(c) Anther and ovary
(d) Stamen and style
Answer : C

Question. Following is (are) asexual reproduction 
(a) Budding
(b) Spore formation
(c) Regeneration
(d) All of the above
Answer : D

Question. Reproduction is important as it allows: 
(a) Loss of vigour
(b) Sterility in organism
(c) Perpetuation of speciescorrect
(d) Defects in offspring
Answer : C

Question. (A) Testes are present outside the abdominal cavity of the body. 
(R) Sperm formation requires a lower temperature than the normal body temperature.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
Answer : A

Question. A feature of reproduction that is common to Amoeba, Spirogyra and Yeast is that 
(a) they reproduce asexually 
(b) they are all unicellular
(c) they reproduce only sexually
(d) they are all multicellular
Answer : A

Question. Artificial way to vegetative propagation is: 
(a) Layering
(b) Grafting
(c) Cutting
(d) All of these
Answer : D

Question. Read The Following Sentences Carefully, And Choose The Incorrect One: 
(а) Many single celled organisms like protozoa and bacteria just split into two identical halves during cell division, leading to the creation of new organisms, called fission.
(b) In multiple fission the parent organism divides to form many new organisms at the same time
(c) In binary fission the parent organism divides to form three new organisms.
(d) Paramecium and amoeba dividing or reproducing by the method of binary fission.
Answer : C

Question. Testes are present outside the body in man because: 
(a) there is less space in the abdominal cavity
(b) temperature is less outside the body
(c) copulation is easy
(d) none of the above
Answer : B

Question. Variations in offspring are mainly introduced as a result of: 
(a) Cloning
(b) Asexual reproduction
(c) Parthenogenesis
(d) Sexual reproduction
Answer : D

Question. The figure given alongside shows the human male reproductive organs. Which structures make sperms and seminal fluid? 
(a) V makes sperms and X makes seminal fluid
(b) W makes sperms and Y makes seminal fluid
(c) X makes sperms and W makes seminal fluid
(d) Y makes sperms and V makes seminal fluid
Answer : D

Question. Pollen grains are ___ in color. 
(a) Reddish
(b) Yellowish
(c) Bluish
(d) Whitish
Answer : B

Question. Eggs starts developing in human female
(a) When she is in her mothers womb
(b) When she attains puberty
(c) Only after her birth
(d) After the first menstruation
Answer : A

Question. _______ is a common tube for urine and sperm in human male.
(a) Urethra
(b) Uterus
(c) Ureter
(d) None of the above
Answer : A

Question. An unisexual flower
(a) Has either carpel or stamen
(b) Do not have carpel
(c) Do not have stamen
(d) Has either petal or sepal
Answer : A

Question. Copper T and Loops are
(a) Contraceptive devices
(b) Conventional devices
(c) Conducive devices
(d) Contaminating devices
Answer : A

Question. Pre- natal sex determination has been prohibited by law due to
(a) Increasing cases of female foeticide
(b) High cost charged by doctors
(c) Possible danger of mothers health
(d) Increasing cases of male foeticide
Answer : A

Question. The place where fertilization take place in the human body is
(a) Oviduct
(b) Uterus
(c) Ovary
(d) vagina
Answer : A

Question. Where are sperms formed in the human body?
(a) Testis
(b) Vas deferens
(c) Prostate gland
(d) Ovary
Answer : A

Question. A fertilized ovule develops into a _____ in an angiosperm plant
(a) seed
(b) fruit
(c) flower
(d) cotyledon
Answer : A

Question. An animal which can reproduce by budding is
(a) Hydra
(b) Bryophyllym
(c) Yeast
(d) All of the above
Answer : A

Question. Male reproductive organ in flowering plant is
(a) Stamen
(b) Carpel
(c) Corolla
(d) Ovary
Answer : A


Fill in The Blank

Question. Future shoot hidden in a seed is called .......... .
Answer : Plumule

Question. By the fusion of male and female gametes, is formed.
Answer : Zygote

Question. .......... bearing anthers which produce .........., are the male reproductive parts of a flower.
Answer : Stamen, pollen grains

Question. ........ bearing ovary with .........., are the female reproductive parts of a flower.
Answer : Carpel, ovules

Question. .......... contain half the amount of DNA compared to the parents.
Answer : Germ cells

Question. The process of release of eggs from ovary is called ..........
Answer : Ovulation

Question. The two parts tied together during grafting are called .......... and ..........
Answer : Stock, Scion

Question. Release of egg from ovary is called as ......... 
Answer : Ovulation

Question. A bud in Hydra develops an outgrowth to repeated division at a .......... .......... .
Answer : Specific site

Question. Organisms such as .......... can regenerate if they are broken into pieces.
Answer : Hydra

Question. .......... is common method of multiplication of Yeast and Hydra.
Answer : Budding

Question. Ovaries are also responsible for the production of hormone called ...........
Answer : Estrogen/Progesterone

Question. A technique to produce generically alike individuals from a single cell is known as .........
Answer : Cloning


Assertion & Reasoning Based MCQs 

(a) Both assertion and reason are true, and reason is correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true, but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but reason is true.

Question. Assertion : Corolla is a floral part. 
Reason : It helps in pollination.
Answer : B

Question. Assertion : Spores of Rhizopus can survive under extreme climatic conditions. 
Reason : Spores are the reproductive parts in Rhizopus.
Answer : B

Question. Assertion : Contraceptive pills can cause side effects in females. 
Reason : They prevent pregnancy by blocking the incoming sperms.
Answer : C

Question. Assertion : Male gametes are motile. 
Reason : They are free-living diploid cells.
Answer : C

Question. Assertion : Vagina acts as copulation canal and fertilisation canal both. 
Reason : Insemination occurs in vagina of female.
Answer : D

Question. Assertion : One pollen mother cell forms four microspores. 
Reason : Microspores are formed due to reduction division.
Answer : B

Question. Assertion : In human male, testes are extra abdominal and lie in scrotal sacs. 
Reason : Scrotum acts as a thermoregulator and keeps testicular temperature lower by 2°C for normal spermatogenesis.
Answer : A

Question. Assertion : The uterine line in human females becomes thick and spongy every month. 
Reason : The lining breaks and comes out through the vagina as blood and mucus if fertilisation does not occur.
Answer : B

Question. Assertion : Gametogenesis is the production of gametes through the meiosis. 
Reason : In oogenesis polar bodies are formed.
Answer : B

Question. Assertion : Regeneration cannot be regarded as reproduction. 
Reason : Most organism would not normally depend on being cut up to be able to reproduce.
Answer : A


Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).

Question. The radicle forms the shoot while the plumule forms the root.
Answer : false

Question. The period of menstruation usually lasts for nine months.
Answer : false

Question. Fertilization occurs in the Fallopian tube.
Answer : true 

Question. The stamens are collectively called gynoecium.
Answer : false

Question. Seminal vesicle secretes sperms.
Answer : false

Question. The prostate gland adds its secretion to the seminal fluid.
Answer : true 

Question. Oral pills do not disturb hormonal balance in human body.
Answer : false

Question. A fertilized ovum develops into a baby inside the uterus.
Answer : true 

Question. Gonorrhoea and syphilis are common sexually transmitted bacterial diseases.
Answer : true 


Very-Short-Answer Questions

Question. Where is zygote present in the flower after fertilization?
Answer : After fertilization zygote is present inside the ovule.

Question. What is the meaning of gestation period?
Answer : The time from fertilization to birth, i.e., the total period of embryonic development, is gestation period.

Question. What does an embryo in a plant contain?
Answer : The embryo contains plumule, radicle and cotyledons.

Question. Where are pollen grains produced?
Answer : Pollen grains are produced in anthers.

Question. Name the protective covering of testes.
Answer : Testes are protected by the scrotum.

Question. Write down the function of seminal vesicle.
Answer : Seminal vesicle stores sperms and secretes semen.

Question. What is umbilical cord?
Answer : The tube that connects the embryo and the placenta is the umbilical cord.

Question. Name themale and female reproductive organs of a flower.
Answer : Male and female reproductive organs of a flower are androecium and gynoecium, respectively.

Question. Describe the parts of a sperm.
Answer : The sperm has a head and a tail.

Question. What is the meaning of parturition?
Answer : The expulsion of baby from the uterus by the contraction of uterine muscles is parturition, or birth.

Question. Where are ova produced?
Answer : Ova are produced in the ovaries.

Chapter 01 Chemical Reactions and Equations
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Chapter 04 Carbon and its Compounds
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Chapter 05 Periodic Classification of Elements
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Chapter 07 Control and Coordination
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Chapter 08 How do Organisms Reproduce
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Chapter 16 Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
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