Refer to CUET Psychology MCQs Unit VI Attitude and Social Cognition provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for UG Psychology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CUET, NCERT and KVS. Unit VI Attitude and Social Cognition UG MCQ are an important part of exams for UG Psychology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CUET UG Psychology and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for UG Psychology Unit VI Attitude and Social Cognition
UG Psychology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Unit VI Attitude and Social Cognition in UG.
Unit VI Attitude and Social Cognition MCQ Questions UG Psychology with Answers
Question. Khushpreet always attribute failure to task difficulty he is referring to following factors:
a) Internal, unstable
b) Internal, stable
c) External, unstable
d) External, stable
Answer : C
Question. Which theory was given or published by Leon Festinger
a) Cognitive dissonancee
b) Balance
c) Attitude
d) Learning
Answer : A
Question. Learning attitudes through modelling is mostly seen when
a) Obsere others being rewarded or punished for exressing thought
b) All the above
c) An individual is praised for showing a particular attitude
d) We see the attitudes through the norms of our group or culture
Answer : A
Question. Cluster or ideas regarding the characteristics of a group known as____
a) Progressive
b) Attitude
c) Stereotype
d) Belief
Answer : B
Question. Emotional component of attitude is ____
a) Psycho-motor
b) Cognitive
c) Affective
d) None
Answer : C
Question. Swati’s behavior always improves in the presence of others is known as:
a) None
b) Social facilitation
c) Imitation
d) Interaction
Answer : B
Question. Helping behavior is also known as :
a) Pro social
b) Both
c) None
d) Prototype
Answer : A
Question. _____ alludes to that multitude of mental cycles that arrangement with the get-together and handling of data connected with social articles.
a) Social cognition
b) None
c) Social faciliation
d) Social interaction
Answer : A
Question. Schemas that function in the form of categories are called
a) Perceivers
b) Stereotype
c) None
d) Prototype
Answer : D
Question. Explaining the actions of others on the basis of internal causes___
a) Fundamental attribution error
b) Pro social
c) None of the se
d) Stereotype
Answer : A
Question. Number of attributes within a broader attitude is___
a) Centrality
b) Valence
c) None
d) Multiplexity
Answer : D
Question. By which phenomenon do we infer the causes behind an individual’s behavior ?
a) Attribution
b) Persuasion
c) Social facilitation
d) None
Answer : A
Question. Riya likes her mother. Her mother does not like pets but at the same time you like pets. The tried is:
a) Balanced
b) Balanced for your mother but imbalanced for you
c) None
d) Imbalanced
Answer : D
Question. Prejudice is a kind of
a) Instinct
b) Attitude
c) Emotion
d) Motivation
Answer : B
Question. Attitudes that includes should or ought aspect__
a) Prejudices
b) Values
c) Beliefs
d) None
Answer : B
Question. The data introduced first has a more grounded impact than the data introduced toward the end is called
a) None
b) Recency effect
c) Primary effect
d) Halo effect
Answer : C
Question. Nisha always help others whenever she finds it fair to do so, this the norm of___
a) Reciprocity
b) Expected reactions
c) Equity
d) Social responsibility
Answer : C
Question. Rahul always shows negative attitude towards people
a) Stereotype
b) Discrimination
c) Prototype
d) Prejudice
Answer : D
Question. The ___________ of an attitude tells us whether an attitude is positive or negative towards the attitude object.
a) Centrality
b) Simplicity
c) Extremeness
d) Valence
Answer : D
Question. Which theory postulates that an underlying psychological tension is created when an individual's behavior is inconsistent with his or her thoughts and beliefs?
a) None
b) Theory x and y
c) Cognitive dissonance theory
d) Balanced theory
Answer : C
Question. The feature which refers to the number of attributes within a broader attitude is
(a) valence
(b) multiplexity
(c) centrality
(d) extremeness
Answer : B
Question. Which among the following is the phenomenon by which majority group places the blame on minority out group for its social, economic and political problems?
(a) Stereotype
(b) Prejudice
(c) Social Cognition
(d) Schemas
Answer : A
Question. Tarun’s group has won the elections from his constituency. His opponents, Ramesh and his group, N are weak and too small in number. Tarun often expresses frustration and negative attitude towards Ramesh’s group. This is known as
(a) Learning
(b) Scape goating
(c) Stereotype
(d) Ingroup Bias
Answer : B
Question. The phenomenon by which we infer the causes behind an individual’s behaviour is
(a) Social facilitation
(b) Attribution
(c) Persuasion
(d) None of these
Answer : B
Question. ……… is an example of negative attitude towards people.
(a) Prototype
(b) Stereotype
(c) Discrimination
(d) Prejudice
Answer : D
Question. Which among the following is the scientific field that seeks to understand the nature and causes of individual behaviour and thought in social situations.
(a) Social psychology
(b) Child psychology
(c) Clinical Psychology
(d) Counselling psychology
Answer : A
Question. Performance on specific tasks when influenced by the presence of other is called
(a) Attribution
(b) Attitude
(c) Social Cognition
(d) Schemas
Answer : A
Question. In 1957, Leon Festinger published his theory of
(a) Balance
(b) Cognitive dissonance
(c) Attribution
(d) None of these
Answer : B
Question. The feature which refers to the number of attributes within a broader attitude is
(a) Valence
(b) Multiplexity
(c) Centrality
(d) Extremeness
Answer : B
Question. ……… involves making summary of the ideas fast received and is restatement of what is understood.
(a) Attribute
(b) Attitude
(c) Schemas
(d) Social Cognition
Answer : B
Question. Which among the following are attitudes that contain a ‘should’ or ‘ought’ aspect?
(a) Beliefs
(b) Values
(c) Stereotypes
(d) Prejudices
Answer : B
Question. Which among the following is a group based way of expressing frustration and is often results in negative attitudes or prejudice against the weaker group?
(a) Ingroup Bias
(b) Kernel of True Concept
(c) Learning
(d) Scapegoating
Answer : D
Question. Making inferences about personal qualities of people on meeting them is called.
(a) Social cognition
(b) Pro-social behaviour
(c) Impression formation
(d) Social facilitation
Answer : C
Question. A person has a somewhat positive attitude towards empowerment of women. Reading about a successful woman made this attitude more positive. This is an example of ………… attitude change.
(a) Incongruent
(b) Congruent
(c) Dissonant
(d) Cognitive
Answer : B
Question. A mental structure that guides social cognition is
(a) Prototype
(b) Stereotype
(c) Schema
(d) None of these
Answer : C
Question. An augmentation in behaviour due to the presence of other individuals is known as
(a) Imitation
(b) Social facilitation
(c) Interaction
(d) None of these
Answer : B
Question. Cluster or ideas regarding the characteristics of a specific group is known as
(a) Progressive
(b) Stereotype
(c) Belief
(d) Attitude
Answer : B
Question. When people attribute failure to task difficulty they are referring to following factors?
(a) External, stable
(b) Internal, stable
(c) External, unstable
(d) Internal, unstable
Answer : C
Question. Cognitive units called which activates social cognition?
(a) Behaviour
(b) Valence
(c) Schema
(d) Attitude
Answer : C
Question. Making inferences about personal qualities of people on meeting them is called
(a) Social cognition
(b) Pro-social behaviour
(c) Impression formation
(d) Social facilitation
Answer : C
Question. Improvement in behaviour due to presence of other individuals is known as
(a) Imitation
(b) Social facilitation
(c) Interaction
(d) None of these
Answer : B
Question. Improvement in behaviour due to presence of other individual is known as
(a) Imitation
(b) Social facilitation
(c) Interaction
(d) None of the above
Answer : B
Question. Prejudice is a type of
(a) Attitude
(b) Instinct
(c) Emotion
(d) Motivation
Answer : A
Question. Choose the correct match for each concept and psychologist associated with it from the codes given below.
List I List II
A Concept of Balance 1 Leon Festinger
B Concept of Cognitive 2 S.M. Mohsin
C Two-Step Concept 3 Fritz Heider
(a) 2 1 3
(b) 1 3 2
(c) 1 2 3
(d) 3 1 2
Answer : A
Question. Consider the following term related with attitude and social cognition and match them with their correct definition.
List I List II
A. Perceiver 1. Category-based schemas that are related to
groups of people
B. Stereotypes 2. Better performance in the presence of others
C. Arousal 3. When a person thinks that it is not his/her
responsibility alone to give help, and that
someone else may take the responsibility
D. Diffusion of 4. The person who forms the impression
(a) 3 1 2 4
(b) 4 1 2 3
(c) 4 2 1 3
(d) 1 4 2 3
Answer : B
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MCQs for Unit VI Attitude and Social Cognition Psychology UG
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